971 resultados para Han Dynasty (China)
En la última década, el comercio mundial de alimentos ha experimentado un auge importante, principalmente fruto de la creciente demanda de China que incrementó los precios internacionales de los alimentos. En este escenario, los países de América Latina, como exportadores netos de alimentos, se han beneficiado al incrementar sus ingresos por divisas y han ganado un nuevo y creciente socio tanto a nivel comercial como en cooperación. Sin embargo, a largo plazo es necesario formular estrategias conjuntas en la región para la negociación frente a China como bloque y la canalización de la inversión china en sectores con mayor valor agregado y tecnología. Ecuador, como país andino y exportador de alimentos, ha incrementado las relaciones comerciales con China. Sin embargo presenta falencias a nivel estructural y productivo en su industria local por lo que el gigante asiático ha logrado incursionar fácilmente, generando dependencia tanto a nivel comercial como financiero. El presente trabajo analiza la dinámica del comercio de alimentos entre China y los países de América Latina en el siglo XXI, describe las características y actores principales de dicho comercio y se fundamenta en el análisis del sector agrícola chino y sus políticas de desarrollo interno. Detalla las relaciones comerciales existentes entre China y los países andinos tanto a nivel de exportación como de importación de alimentos, analizando el caso de Ecuador y los efectos del flujo de comercio actual sobre su sector agrícola. El contexto implica una coyuntura internacional donde las economías de la región deben plantearse estrategias conjuntas para lograr beneficios mutuos de la creciente relación comercial con China.
Los cambios en la geopolítica internacional influencia en la realidad de los actores que forman parte de este escenario. A la vez, para comprender en conjunto de este cambio geopolítico se han creado nuevos conceptos que explican las relaciones de poder y entre actores, dando como resultado el entendimiento de políticas exteriores de los países considerados como potencias. La definición de poder blando dada por Joseph Nye en 1990 se convierte en un término popular entre los políticos de diferentes países. Esta definición se vuelve popular debido al cambio de poder y la nueva era que se crea a partir del cuestionamiento al modelo económico actual. La posibilidad de vincular la cultura, valores y diplomacia a esta nueva era de poder ha hecho que surjan nuevas potencias, como los países pertenecientes al BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China). Las relaciones de China con los países en desarrollo lo han hecho un actor fundamental en este contexto internacional. La cultura de este país, así como la historia del mismo, han hecho que se genere una nueva teoría de poder blando, basado en términos propios de la cultura china. Sin embargo, la poca concordancia entre lo manifestado a nivel exterior y las políticas internas, también han generado teorías a favor del desarrollo de la misma.
A rare monophialidic fungus, Taifanglania hechuanensis gen. & sp. nov., was isolated from soil oil the banks of Jialin River, Hechuan, Chongqing City during a survey of soil-borne filamentous fungi from different phytogeographical areas in China. It is described and illustrated in this paper. A further eight monophialidic species of Paecilomyces are transferred to the genus. Diagnosis features of the new genus are white, grey, straw yellow or brown to black colonies on Czapek agar. Conidiophores are always absent or simple. Phialides are solitary, consisting of a cylindrical or ellipsoidal swollen basal portion, tapering into a thin neck, directly arising on vegetative hyphae or prophialides, sometimes consisting of a whorl of 2 to 3 phialides oil simple conidiophores. Conidia arc one-celled, hyaline, smooth-walled, subglobose, ellipsoidal or fusiform, having or no the connective between conidia and being thermotolerant. The new species is characterized by pale yellow to grey-yellow colonies, solitary phialides with ail ellipsoidal or fusiform basal portion that arise directly from the vegetative hyphae, big conidia (3.1-)3.9-8.7 x ( 1.7-)2.1-4.7(-5.1) mu m with the connective, and thermotolerant growth. A molecular study based oil the nucleotidic sequences of the SSU rDNA and ITS regions support the status of T. hechuanensis as a new species and Taifanglania as a new genus.
Pollen data from China for 6000 and 18,000 14C yr bp were compiled and used to reconstruct palaeovegetation patterns, using complete taxon lists where possible and a biomization procedure that entailed the assignment of 645 pollen taxa to plant functional types. A set of 658 modern pollen samples spanning all biomes and regions provided a comprehensive test for this procedure and showed convincing agreement between reconstructed biomes and present natural vegetation types, both geographically and in terms of the elevation gradients in mountain regions of north-eastern and south-western China. The 6000 14C yr bp map confirms earlier studies in showing that the forest biomes in eastern China were systematically shifted northwards and extended westwards during the mid-Holocene. Tropical rain forest occurred on mainland China at sites characterized today by either tropical seasonal or broadleaved evergreen/warm mixed forest. Broadleaved evergreen/warm mixed forest occurred further north than today, and at higher elevation sites within the modern latitudinal range of this biome. The northern limit of temperate deciduous forest was shifted c. 800 km north relative to today. The 18,000 14C yr bp map shows that steppe and even desert vegetation extended to the modern coast of eastern China at the last glacial maximum, replacing today’s temperate deciduous forest. Tropical forests were excluded from China and broadleaved evergreen/warm mixed forest had retreated to tropical latitudes, while taiga extended southwards to c. 43°N.
Observations of atmospheric conditions and processes in citiesare fundamental to understanding the interactions between the urban surface and weather/climate, improving the performance of urban weather, air quality and climate models, and providing key information for city end-users (e.g. decision-makers, stakeholders, public). In this paper, Shanghai's urban integrated meteorological observation network (SUIMON) and some examples of intended applications are introduced. Its characteristics include being: multi- purpose (e.g. forecast, research, service), multi-function (high impact weather, city climate, special end-users), multi-scale (e.g. macro/meso-, urban-, neighborhood, street canyon), multi-variable (e.g. thermal, dynamic, chemical, bio-meteorological, ecological), and multi- platform (e.g. radar, wind profiler, ground-based, satellite based, in-situ observation/ sampling). Underlying SUIMON is a data management system to facilitate exchange of data and information. The overall aim of the network is to improve coordination strategies and instruments; to identify data gaps based on science and user driven requirements; and to intelligently combine observations from a variety of platforms by using a data assimilation system that is tuned to produce the best estimate of the current state of the urban atmosphere.
Purpose – This paper aims to make a comparison, different from existing literature solely focusing on voluntary earnings forecasts and ex post earnings surprise, between the effects of mandatory earnings surprise warnings and voluntary information disclosure issued by management teams on financial analysts in terms of the number of followings and the accuracy of earnings forecasts. Design/methodology/approach – This paper uses panel data analysis with fixed effects on data collected from Chinese public firms between 2006 and 2010. It uses an exogenous regulation enforcement to minimise the endogeneity problem. Findings – This paper finds that financial analysts are less likely to follow firms which mandatorily issue earnings surprise warnings ex ante than those voluntarily issue earnings forecasts. Moreover, ex post, they issue less accurate and more dispersed forecasts on former firms. The results support Brown et al.’s (2009) finding in the USA and suggest that the earnings surprise warnings affect information asymmetries. Practical implications – This paper justifies the mandatory earnings surprise warnings policy issued by Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission in 2006. Originality/value – Mandatory earnings surprise is a unique practical regulation for publicly listed firms in China. This paper, for the first time, provides empirical evaluation on the effectiveness of a mandatory information disclosure policy in China. Consistent with existing literature on information disclosure by public firms in other countries, this paper finds that, in China, voluntary information disclosure captures more private information than mandatory information disclosure on corporate earnings ability.
In this paper, we study the influence of the National Telecom Business Volume by the data in 2008 that have been published in China Statistical Yearbook of Statistics. We illustrate the procedure of modeling “National Telecom Business Volume” on the following eight variables, GDP, Consumption Levels, Retail Sales of Social Consumer Goods Total Renovation Investment, the Local Telephone Exchange Capacity, Mobile Telephone Exchange Capacity, Mobile Phone End Users, and the Local Telephone End Users. The testing of heteroscedasticity and multicollinearity for model evaluation is included. We also consider AIC and BIC criterion to select independent variables, and conclude the result of the factors which are the optimal regression model for the amount of telecommunications business and the relation between independent variables and dependent variable. Based on the final results, we propose several recommendations about how to improve telecommunication services and promote the economic development.
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Atualmente a China é um ator essencial do cenário econômico mundial, sendo também um grande demandante de matérias primas para manter seu acelerado crescimento, resultando assim em importante e estratégico para a região latinoamericana, sobretudo, por ser um grande comprador. Por sua importância econômica, estratégica e demográfica a China se destaca em relação à maioria dos países do mundo sendo não apenas um ator chave, responsável por grandes mudanças ocorridas no nível e estrutura da demanda mundial, mas também importante fonte de recursos financeiros para manter os equilíbrios internacionais. Através da discussão das relações de comércio entre Brasil e China buscamos analisar os principais resultados em termos econômicos e sociais, principalmente a atuação do Brasil enquanto ator global dado sua importância crescente na dinâmica mundial. A intenção desta pesquisa é entender as dimensões da relação com o país asiático, a partir do posicionamento do Brasil como um dos principais parceiros comerciais de China, sobretudo como exportador de produtos primários. Em termos de exportações realizadas por setores desde o Brasil para a China existe uma grande concentração nos recursos naturais de matérias primas, particularmente os minérios, alimentos, e combustíveis; trata-se de um pequeno hall de produtos com baixo nível de processamento