276 resultados para Haig-Streit Lenstar
Franz Zorell
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY As the best management of subclinical hypothyroidism is controversial, we aimed to assess variations in treatment strategies depending on different Swiss regions, physician and patient characteristics. METHODS We performed a case-based survey among general practitioners (GPs) in different Swiss regions, which consisted of eight hypothetical cases presenting a female patient with subclinical hypothyroidism and nonspecific complaints differing by age, vitality status and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration. RESULTS A total of 262 GPs participated in the survey. There was considerable variation in the levothyroxine starting dose chosen by GPs, ranging from 25 µg to 100 µg. Across the Swiss regions, GPs in the Bern region were significantly more inclined to treat, with a higher probability of initiating treatment (60%, p = 0.01) and higher mean starting doses (45 µg, p <0.01) compared with the French-speaking region (44%, 36 µg); the Zurich region had intermediate values (52%, 39 µg). We found no association between treatment rate and other physician characteristics. GPs were more reluctant to initiate treatment in 85-year-old than in 70-year-old women (odds ratio [OR] 0.77, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.63-0.94), and more likely to treat women with a TSH of 15 mU/l than those with a TSH of 6mU/l (OR 8.71, 95% CI 6.21-12.20). CONCLUSIONS There are strong variations in treatment strategies for elderly patients with subclinical hypothyroidism across different Swiss regions, including use of higher starting doses than the recommended 25 µg in the Swiss guidelines, which recommend a starting dose of 25 µg. These variations likely reflect the current uncertainty about the benefits of treatment, which arise from the current lack of evidence from adequately powered clinical trials.
Boberach: Der Kirche kann es nicht nützen, daß sich ihre Theologen im Streit untereinander verzehren, während der Antichrist vordringt. Die neue politische Entwicklung birgt Gefahren für die Kirche. - Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Das vorliegende Werk des Freiburger Moraltheologen wurde von der Katholischen Kirche indiziert. Hirscher suchte in den theologischen Auseinandersetzungen des 19. Jahrhunderts den überlieferten christlichen Glauben "ins Wissen zu erheben"; sein Ziel war eine Reform der Kirche "von innen heraus", was ihm mancherlei Verfolgungen seitens der ultramontanen Partei eintrug (LThK, 3. Aufl.)
Die Demenz betrifft viele, belastet Angehörige und führt zu hohen Kosten, weshalb die Schweiz eine Sensibilisierungskampagne lancierte, um u.a. die Früherkennung der Demenz zu fördern. Dank der Früherkennung erleben Patienten und Angehörige Vorteile, wie weniger Notfallzuweisungen oder spätere Heimeintritte. Die Früherkennung ist aber schwierig, wenn Patienten zwar Gedächtnisprobleme beklagen, die Screening-Tests aber normal ausfallen. Möglicherweise helfen Geruchstests und weitere klinische Zeichen bei der Entscheidung, welche Patienten weiter abgeklärt werden. Die Zeit für funktionelle Bildgebungen und Biomarker ist noch nicht reif. Zentral bleibt bei kognitiven Beschwerden und normalem Screening das Gespräch mit Patient und Angehörigen, um nächste Schritte gemeinsam zu beschliessen. Der Hausarzt nimmt dabei eine zentrale, koordinierende und beratende Funktion ein, um Menschen mit Gedächtnisstörungen kompetent und effizient zu betreuen.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Deutung des Revolutionsverlaufs in Preußen vom März bis Dezember 1848 aus konservativer Sicht: Unter dem Einfluß eines aus Paris zurückgekehrten Nachbarssohnes geraten die Söhne eines rechtschaffenen Schuhmachers (Friedrich Wilhelm IV.) in Streit mit ihrem Vater, der daraufhin die Werkstatt verläßt. Da die Anfertigung von Schuhen nach dem neuesten Schnitt (der Verfassung) den Söhnen auch nach sechs Tagen (Monaten) nicht gelingt, verlegt der Schuhmachermeister die Werkstatt (das Parlament) an einen anderen Ort und schenkt ihnen großmütig ein selbst angefertigtes Paar Stiefel nach dem neuesten Schnitt (die oktroyierte Verfassung vom 5. Dezember 1848)
In addition to a previously described histone (H)-encoding H4 gene [Meier et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 17 (1989) 795], the mouse genomic DNA clone 53 contains two H3 genes, one functional and one partially deleted H2A gene, and one H2B gene. Clone 53 overlaps for 3 kb with MH143, another previously isolated mouse H-encoding clone [Yang et al., J. Biol. Chem. 262 (1987) 17118-17125], thus defining a 32-kb region of mouse chromosome 13 with a total of seven H-encoding genes. We have determined the nucleotide sequences and transcription start points of two genes coding for the H2A.1 and H3.2 proteins.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Die Märzrevolution ist weit über ihr Ziel hinausgegangen und die Oktroyierung einer Verfassung war notwendig, um die wirtschaftliche Zerrüttung des Landes zum Stillstand zu bringen. Allein Berlin hat der Streit um eine Verfassung 40 - 50 Millionen Taler gekostet. Die bevorstehenden Wahlen bieten die Chance, die erhebliche Unterrepräsentation der Vertreter gewerblicher Interessen, wie sie in der Nationalversammlung bestand, zu beenden. Aufruf an die Freunde der konstitutionellen Monarchie, nicht den 'Wühlern' und 'Anarchisten' das Feld zu überlassen
OBJECTIVE Cochlear implants (CIs) have become the gold standard treatment for deafness. These neuroprosthetic devices feature a linear electrode array, surgically inserted into the cochlea, and function by directly stimulating the auditory neurons located within the spiral ganglion, bypassing lost or not-functioning hair cells. Despite their success, some limitations still remain, including poor frequency resolution and high-energy consumption. In both cases, the anatomical gap between the electrode array and the spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) is believed to be an important limiting factor. The final goal of the study is to characterize response profiles of SGNs growing in intimate contact with an electrode array, in view of designing novel CI devices and stimulation protocols, featuring a gapless interface with auditory neurons. APPROACH We have characterized SGN responses to extracellular stimulation using multi-electrode arrays (MEAs). This setup allows, in our view, to optimize in vitro many of the limiting interface aspects between CIs and SGNs. MAIN RESULTS Early postnatal mouse SGN explants were analyzed after 6-18 days in culture. Different stimulation protocols were compared with the aim to lower the stimulation threshold and the energy needed to elicit a response. In the best case, a four-fold reduction of the energy was obtained by lengthening the biphasic stimulus from 40 μs to 160 μs. Similarly, quasi monophasic pulses were more effective than biphasic pulses and the insertion of an interphase gap moderately improved efficiency. Finally, the stimulation with an external electrode mounted on a micromanipulator showed that the energy needed to elicit a response could be reduced by a factor of five with decreasing its distance from 40 μm to 0 μm from the auditory neurons. SIGNIFICANCE This study is the first to show electrical activity of SGNs on MEAs. Our findings may help to improve stimulation by and to reduce energy consumption of CIs and thereby contribute to the development of fully implantable devices with better auditory resolution in the future.
We have analysed the extent of base-pairing interactions between spacer sequences of histone pre-mRNA and U7 snRNA present in the trans-acting U7 snRNP and their importance for histone RNA 3' end processing in vitro. For the efficiently processed mouse H4-12 gene, a computer analysis revealed that additional base pairs could be formed with U7 RNA outside of the previously recognised spacer element (stem II). One complementarity (stem III) is located more 3' and involves nucleotides from the very 5' end of U7 RNA. The other, more 5' located complementarity (stem I) involves nucleotides of the Sm binding site of U7 RNA, a part known to interact with snRNP structural proteins. These potential stem structures are separated from each other by short internal loops of unpaired nucleotides. Mutational analyses of the pre-mRNA indicate that stems II and III are equally important for interaction with the U7 snRNP and for processing, whereas mutations in stem I have moderate effects on processing efficiency, but do not impair complex formation with the U7 snRNP. Thus nucleotides near the processing site may be important for processing, but do not contribute to the assembly of an active complex by forming a stem I structure. The importance of stem III was confirmed by the ability of a complementary mutation in U7 RNA to suppress a stem III mutation in a complementation assay using Xenopus laevis oocytes. The main role of the factor(s) binding to the upstream hairpin loop is to stabilise the U7-pre-mRNA complex. This was shown by either stabilising (by mutation) or destabilising (by increased temperature) the U7-pre-mRNA base-pairing under conditions where hairpin factor binding was either allowed or prevented (by mutation or competition). The hairpin dependence of processing was found to be inversely related to the strength of the U7-pre-mRNA interaction.
We have studied the requirements for efficient histone-specific RNA 3' processing in nuclear extract from mammalian tissue culture cells. Processing is strongly impaired by mutations in the pre-mRNA spacer element that reduce the base-pairing potential with U7 RNA. Moreover, by exchanging the hairpin and spacer elements of two differently processed H4 genes, we find that this difference is exclusively due to the spacer element. Finally, processing is inhibited by the addition of competitor RNAs, if these contain a wild-type spacer sequence, but not if their spacer element is mutated. Conversely, the importance of the hairpin for histone RNA 3' processing is highly variable: A hairpin mutant of the H4-12 gene is processed with almost wild-type efficiency in extract from K21 mouse mastocytoma cells but is strongly affected in HeLa cell extract, whereas an identical hairpin mutant of the H4-1 gene is affected in both extracts. The hairpin defect of H4-12-specific RNA in HeLa cells can be overcome by a compensatory mutation that increases the base complementarity to U7 snRNA. Very similar results were also obtained in RNA competition experiments: processing of H4-12-specific RNA can be competed by RNA carrying a wild-type hairpin element in extract from HeLa, but not K21 cells, whereas processing of H4-1-specific RNA can be competed in both extracts. With two additional histone genes we obtained results that were in one case intermediate and in the other similar to those obtained with H4-1. These results suggest that hairpin binding factor(s) can cooperatively support the ability of U7 snRNPs to form an active processing complex, but is(are) not directly involved in the processing mechanism.
Histone RNA 3' end formation occurs through a specific cleavage reaction that requires, among other things, base-pairing interactions between a conserved spacer element in the pre-mRNA and the minor U7 snRNA present as U7 snRNP. An oligonucleotide complementary to the first 16 nucleotides of U7 RNA can be used to characterize U7 snRNPs from nuclear extracts by native gel electrophoresis. Using similar native gel techniques, we present direct biochemical evidence for a stable association between histone pre-mRNA and U7 snRNPs. Other complexes formed in the nuclear extract are dependent on the 5' cap structure and on the conserved hairpin element of histone pre-mRNA, respectively. However, in contrast to the U7-specific complex, their formation is not required for processing. Comparison of several authentic and mutant histone pre-mRNAs with different spacer sequences demonstrates that the formation and stability of the U7-specific complex closely follows the predicted stability of the potential RNA-RNA hybrid. However, this does not exclude a stabilization of the complex by U7 snRNP structural proteins.
Eine transiente ischämische Attacke (TIA) kann Vorbote eines drohenden Hirnschlags sein und sollte rasch abgeklärt werden. In einer Studie hat das BIHAM untersucht, ob das Risiko eines Hirnschlags nach TIA unter Haus- und Spitalärzten richtig eingeschätzt wird und wie bezüglich weiterer Abklärungen vorgegangen wird. Eine Studie von Hausärzten über Hausärzte – Was lief dabei gut, was weniger?