955 resultados para Hahn–Banach–Lagrange theorem
We discuss functions f : X × Y → Z such that sets of the form f (A × B) have non-empty interiors provided that A and B are non-empty sets of second category and have the Baire property.
It is proved that a Banach space X has the Lyapunov property if its subspace Y and the quotient space X/Y have it.
We prove that if f is a real valued lower semicontinuous function on a Banach space X and if there exists a C^1, real valued Lipschitz continuous function on X with bounded support and which is not identically equal to zero, then f is Lipschitz continuous of constant K provided all lower subgradients of f are bounded by K. As an application, we give a regularity result of viscosity supersolutions (or subsolutions) of Hamilton-Jacobi equations in infinite dimensions which satisfy a coercive condition. This last result slightly improves some earlier work by G. Barles and H. Ishii.
Deformation Lemma, Ljusternik-Schnirellmann Theory and Mountain Pass Theorem on C1-Finsler Manifolds
∗Partially supported by Grant MM409/94 Of the Ministy of Science and Education, Bulgaria. ∗∗Partially supported by Grant MM442/94 of the Ministy of Science and Education, Bulgaria.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 44A05, 46F12, 28A78
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42B10, 43A32.
Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 35R10, Secondary 44A15
Let p(z) be an algebraic polynomial of degree n ¸ 2 with real coefficients and p(i) = p(¡i). According to Grace-Heawood Theorem, at least one zero of the derivative p0(z) is on the disk with center in the origin and radius cot(¼=n). In this paper is found the smallest domain containing at leas one zero of the derivative p0(z).
Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 26A33, 33E12.
Марусия Н. Славчова-Божкова - В настоящата работа се обобщава една гранична теорема за докритичен многомерен разклоняващ се процес, зависещ от възрастта на частиците с два типа имиграция. Целта е да се обобщи аналогичен резултат в едномерния случай като се прилагат “coupling” метода, теория на възстановяването и регенериращи процеси.
AMS subject classification: 65J15, 47H04, 90C30.
In 1952 Y. Tagamlitzki gave an elegant proof of the classical Bochner’s theorem on the positively definite functions. Unfortunately, he never published his proof. In this paper we consider a related but simpler problem, the trigonometric moment problem, by using Tagamlitzki’s approach.