1000 resultados para Haüy, René-Just (1743-1822) -- Portraits
[Excerpt] A large number of constitutive equations were developed for viscoelastic fluids, some empirical and other with strong physical foundations. The currently available macroscopic constitutive equations can be divided in two main types: differential and integral. Some of the constitutive equations, e.g. Maxwell are available both in differential and integral types. However, relevant in tegral models, like K - BKZ, just possesses the integral form. (...)
The usual high cost of commercial codes, and some technical limitations, clearly limits the employment of numerical modelling tools in both industry and academia. Consequently, the number of companies that use numerical code is limited and there a lot of effort put on the development and maintenance of in-house academic based codes . Having in mind the potential of using numerical modelling tools as a design aid, of both products and processes, different research teams have been contributing to the development of open source codes/libraries. In this framework, any individual can take advantage of the available code capabilities and/or implement additional features based on his specific needs. These type of codes are usually developed by large communities, which provide improvements and new features in their specific fields of research, thus increasing significantly the code development process. Among others, OpenFOAM® multi-physics computational library, developed by a very large and dynamic community, nowadays comprises several features usually only available in their commercial counterparts; e.g. dynamic meshes, large diversity of complex physical models, parallelization, multiphase models, to name just a few. This computational library is developed in C++ and makes use of most of all language capabilities to facilitate the implementation of new functionalities. Concerning the field of computational rheology, OpenFOAM® solvers were recently developed to deal with the most relevant differential viscoelastic rheological models, and stabilization techniques are currently being verified. This work describes the implementation of a new solver in OpenFOAM® library, able to cope with integral viscoelastic models based on the deformation field method. The implemented solver is verified through the comparison of the predicted results with analytical solutions, results published in the literature and by using the Method of Manufactured Solutions
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Jurídicas (área de especialização em Ciências Jurídicas - Públicas)
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Administrativo
Polyimide co-polymers have been prepared based on different diamines as co-monomers: a diamine without CN groups and a novel synthesized diamine with two CN groups prepared by polycondensation reaction followed by thermal cyclodehydration. Dielectric spectroscopy measurements were performed and the dielectric complex function, ac conductivity and electric modulus of the co-polymers were investigated as a function of CN group content in the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 107 Hz at temperatures from 25 to 260 °C. For all samples and temperatures above 150ºC, the dielectric constant increases with increasing temperature due to increaseing conductivity. The α-relaxation is just detected for the sample without CN groups, being this relaxation overlapped by the electrical conductivity contributions in the remaining samples. For the copolymer samples and the polymer with CN groups an important Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars contribution is detected. The mechanisms responsible for the dielectric relaxation, conduction process and electric modulus response have been discussed as a function of the CN groups content present in the samples.
The interesting properties of thermoplastics elastomers can be combined with carbon nanotubes (CNT) for the development of large strain piezoresistive composites for sensor applications. Piezoresistive properties of the composites depend on CNT content, with the gauge factor increasing for concentrations around the percolation threshold, mechanical and electrical hysteresis. The SBS copolymer composition (butadiene/styrene ratio) influences the mechanical and electrical hysteresis of composites and, therefore, the piezoresistive response. This work reports on the electrical and mechanical response of CNT/SBS composites with 4%wt nanofiller content, due to the larger electromechanical response. C401 and C540 SBS copolymers with 80% and 60% butadiene content, respectively have been selected. The copolymer with larger amount of soft phase (C401) shows a rubber-like mechanical behavior, with mechanical hysteresis increasing linearly with strain until 100% strain. The copolymer with the larger amount of hard phase (C540) just shows rubber-like behavior for low strains. The piezoresistive sensibility is similar for both composites for low strains, with a GF≈ 5 for 5% strain. The electrical hysteresis shows opposite behavior than the mechanical hysteresis, increasing with strain for both composites, but with higher increase for softer copolymer, C401. The GF increases with increasing strain, but this increase is larger for composites with lower amounts of soft phase due to the distinct initial modulus and deformation of the soft and hard phases of the copolymer. The soft phase shows larger strain under a given stress than the harder phase and the conductive pathway rearrangements in the composites are different for both phases, the harder copolymer (C540) showing higher piezoresistive sensibility, GF≈ 18, for 20% strain.
Polymeric scaffolds used in regenerative therapies are implanted in the damaged tissue and subjected to repeated loading cycles. In the case of articular cartilage engineering, an implanted scaffold is typically subjected to long term dynamic compression. The evolution of the mechanical properties of the scaffold during bioresorption has been deeply studied in the past, but the possibility of failure due to mechanical fatigue has not been properly addressed. Nevertheless, the macroporous scaffold is susceptible to failure after repeated loading-unloading cycles. In this work fatigue studies of polycaprolactone scaffolds were carried by subjecting the scaffold to repeated compression cycles in conditions simulating the scaffold implanted in the articular cartilage. The behaviour of the polycaprolactone sponge with the pores filled with a poly(vinyl alcohol) gel simulating the new formed tissue within the pores was compared with that of the material immersed in water. Results were analyzed with Morrow’s criteria for failure and accurate fittings are obtained just up to 200 loading cycles. It is also shown that the presence of poly(vinyl alcohol) increases the elastic modulus of the scaffolds, the effect being more pronounced with increasing the number of freeze/thawing cycles.
Thermodynamic stability of black holes, described by the Rényi formula as equilibrium compatible entropy function, is investigated. It is shown that within this approach, asymptotically flat, Schwarzschild black holes can be in stable equilibrium with thermal radiation at a fixed temperature. This implies that the canonical ensemble exists just like in anti-de Sitter space, and nonextensive effects can stabilize the black holes in a very similar way as it is done by the gravitational potential of an anti-de Sitter space. Furthermore, it is also shown that a Hawking–Page-like black hole phase transition occurs at a critical temperature which depends on the q-parameter of the Rényi formula.
Mucho se ha investigado sobre la educación en medios, su importancia y objetivos. Más allá de las Directivas, resoluciones o recomendaciones, la investigación en esta área ha permitido profundizar y solidificar sus fundamentos, al tiempo que ha facilitado el reconocimiento de sus puntos más débiles u omisiones. Uno de los puntos críticos destacados por la formación y por el trabajo de investigación que se ha desarrollado en la Universidad de Miño (Portugal) durante los últimos 20 años, es la inexistencia de recursos y materiales que puedan utilizarse para la promoción de la educación en los medios de comunicación en diferentes contextos. De esta forma, independientemente de los recursos y materiales, se genera la importancia de la transferencia de conocimientos a la práctica, la trascendencia de la mediación del conocimiento producido a su público. Esta preocupación fue la base principal del proyecto titulado «Recursos para la alfabetización mediática» llevado a cabo en el Centro de Estudios de Comunicación y Sociedad y financiado por Evens Foundation (Bélgica). Este trabajo presenta sucintamente los procesos de creación y los resultados generados por estos recursos, centrados en tres medios: televisión, videojuegos e Internet y redes sociales.
[Excerpt] Cancer is the second most common cause of death in developed countries appearing just after cardiovascular diseases. The treatment of cancer remains a major medical challenge and the development of new anticancer drugs is an emerging topic for the scientific community. During the past three decades several chemical classes of anticancer drugs have been identified. In particular, 2,6-diamino purines proved to be important candidates as new anti-cancer agents.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar a reprodução e o perfil hormonal dos esteróides sexuais do pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, além de validar um aspecto do dimorfismo sexual secundário. O experimento foi realizado na Fazenda Santo Antônio II, em Presidente Figueredo-AM, no período de fevereiro de 2004 a fevereiro de 2005. Foram selecionados 24 exemplares e divididos em três grupos de oito peixes (grupo "A", "B" e "C" com pirarucus de mais de quatro anos de idade, com três anos e dois anos, respectivamente). Os pirarucus foram estocados em três tanques de 400m², um para cada grupo. Aspectos comportamentais, como o interesse por alimento, brigas, formação de casais e presença de ninhos, foram observados ao longo de todo o experimento. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas mensalmente, de todos os peixes, observou-se a presença de uma mancha alaranjada no macho como uma característica sexual secundária. Foram mensurados os níveis de testosterona (T), 17beta-estradiol (E2) e 17alfa-hidroxi-progesterona (17aOHP) através de radioimunoensaio (RIA) de fase sólida. Todos os machos dos grupos "A" e "B" puderam ser identificados pela mancha alaranjada na região inferior da cabeça, corroborada pela concentração de testosterona, comprovando o conhecimento empírico dos ribeirinhos. Os níveis de T e E2 nos peixes do grupo "A" e "B" tiveram maiores picos no início do período de chuva, enquanto que o 17aOHP teve oscilações constantes e pequenos picos no final do período chuvoso, os peixes do grupo "C" acompanharam essa tendência em concentrações menores.
O presente estudo comparou os níveis plasmáticos de glicose, proteínas totais, uréia, triglicerídeos e colesterol, a contagem de eritrócitos, leucócitos e trombócitos entre alevinos e juvenis de Arapaima gigas (Osteoglociformes, Arapaimidae) de uma piscicultura semi-intensiva de Manaus, estado do Amazonas, Brasil. Os alevinos de A. gigas apresentaram níveis significativamente (p<0,05) menores de proteínas totais, triglicerídeos, uréia e Volume Corpuscular Médio (VCM) e maior concentração de glicose, colesterol e hemoglobina, contagem de eritrócitos, hematócrito e Concentração da Hemoglobina Corpuscular Média (CHCM) quando comparados aos juvenis. Porém, não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05) no número de trombócitos e leucócitos totais entre alevinos e juvenis. Os juvenis de A. gigas apresentaram menor quantidade de linfócitos e maior quantidade de monócitos, neutrófilos e eosinófilos, quando comparados aos alevinos. Em estudos futuros, espécimes de A. gigas com outras idades também deverão ser comparados para melhor entendimento dos efeitos da idade neste peixe amazônico, pois estas informações, além de possibilitarem uma melhor compreensão da fisiologia desta espécie, poderão auxiliar no estabelecimento de estratégias para seu manejo.
Dissertação de mestrado em Design e Marketing
This paper tries to remove what seems to be the remaining stumbling blocks in the way to a full understanding of the Curry-Howard isomorphism for sequent calculus, namely the questions: What do variables in proof terms stand for? What is co-control and a co-continuation? How to define the dual of Parigot's mu-operator so that it is a co-control operator? Answering these questions leads to the interpretation that sequent calculus is a formal vector notation with first-class co-control. But this is just the "internal" interpretation, which has to be developed simultaneously with, and is justified by, an "external" one, offered by natural deduction: the sequent calculus corresponds to a bi-directional, agnostic (w.r.t. the call strategy), computational lambda-calculus. Next, the duality between control and co-control is studied and proved in the context of classical logic, where one discovers that the classical sequent calculus has a distortion towards control, and that sequent calculus is the de Morgan dual of natural deduction.
Buruli Ulcer (BU) is a neglected infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans that is responsible for severe necrotizing cutaneous lesions that may be associated with bone involvement. Clinical presentations of BU lesions are classically classified as papules, nodules, plaques and edematous infiltration, ulcer or osteomyelitis. Within these different clinical forms, lesions can be further classified as severe forms based on focality (multiple lesions), lesions' size (>15 cm diameter) or WHO Category (WHO Category 3 lesions). There are studies reporting an association between delay in seeking medical care and the development of ulcerative forms of BU or osteomyelitis, but the effect of time-delay on the emergence of lesions classified as severe has not been addressed. To address both issues, and in a cohort of laboratory-confirmed BU cases, 476 patients from a medical center in Allada, Benin, were studied. In this laboratory-confirmed cohort, we validated previous observations, demonstrating that time-delay is statistically related to the clinical form of BU. Indeed, for non-ulcerated forms (nodule, edema, and plaque) the median time-delay was 32.5 days (IQR 30.0-67.5), while for ulcerated forms it was 60 days (IQR 20.0-120.0) (p = 0.009), and for bone lesions, 365 days (IQR 228.0-548.0). On the other hand, we show here that time-delay is not associated with the more severe phenotypes of BU, such as multi-focal lesions (median 90 days; IQR 56-217.5; p = 0.09), larger lesions (diameter >15 cm) (median 60 days; IQR 30-120; p = 0.92) or category 3 WHO classification (median 60 days; IQR 30-150; p = 0.20), when compared with unifocal (median 60 days; IQR 30-90), small lesions (diameter =15 cm) (median 60 days; IQR 30-90), or WHO category 1+2 lesions (median 60 days; IQR 30-90), respectively. Our results demonstrate that after an initial period of progression towards ulceration or bone involvement, BU lesions become stable regarding size and focal/multi-focal progression. Therefore, in future studies on BU epidemiology, severe clinical forms should be systematically considered as distinct phenotypes of the same disease and thus subjected to specific risk factor investigation.