1000 resultados para Gramática comprada y general
Esta investigación se centra en el análisis de los verbos medievales que manifiestan alternancia en lo referente al prefijo a-. Aunque este tema se ha tratado en distintos estudios de carácter diacrónico —Malkiel (1941), García Medall (1988), Sánchez González de Herrero (1992), Sánchez-Prieto (1992)— los resultados alcanzados ponen de relieve la necesidad de profundizar en la descripción de las características de este tipo de formaciones cuyas implicaciones van más allá de la propia morfología
The sociocultural changes that led to the genesis of Romance languages widened the gap between oral and written patterns, which display different discoursive and linguistic devices. In early documents, discoursive implicatures connecting propositions were not generally codified, so that the reader should furnish the correctinterpretation according to his own perception of real facts; which can still be attested in current oral utterances. Once Romance languages had undergone several levelling processes which concluded in the first standardizations, implicatures became explicatures and were syntactically codified by means of univocal new complexconjunctions. As a consequence of the emergence of these new subordination strategies, a freer distribution of the information conveyed by the utterances is allowed. The success of complex structural patterns ran alongside of the genesis of new narrative genres and the generalization of a learned rhetoric. Both facts are a spontaneous effect of new approaches to the act of reading. Ancient texts were written to be read to a wide audience, whereas those printed by the end of the XV th century were conceived to be read quietly, in a low voice, by a private reader. The goal of this paper is twofold, since we will show that: a) The development of new complex conjunctions through the history of Romance languages accommodates to four structural patterns that range from parataxis tohypotaxis. b) This development is a reflex of the well known grammaticalization path from discourse to syntax that implies the codification of discoursive strategies (Givón 2 1979, Sperber and Wilson 1986, Carston 1988, Grice 1989, Bach 1994, Blackemore 2002, among others]
En aquest estudi s’examina la llengua d’alguns textos de Francesc Eiximenis (concretament, el ‘Dotzè del Crestià’ i les cartes autògrafes publicades per Martí 2002) per tal d’aprofundir en la distribució de l’estructura informativa i el consegüent ordre de mots que utilitza l’autor. L’objectiu d’aquesta comunicació és aprofundir en els casos d’ avantposició del català antic que correspon a una estructura de focalització feble (no contrastiva)
(INFINITIVE + CLITIC + AUX) is an evidential configuration in Old Spanish and Old Catalan, whereas (PARTICIPLE + CLITIC + AUX) is an instance of weak or unmarked focus fronting. The evidentiality of mesoclitic structures can be put forward on the bases of three main arguments: a) mesoclisis is not compulsory (i.e., whenever you have a clitic, you can either have mesoclisis or proclisis/enclisis); b) mesoclitic futures and conditionals areattested in interrogative sentences (with wh- elements); and c) they are not found in derived adverbial clauses (which is what you expect if they have an evidential value, since they bring about intervention effects corresponding to the derivational account of conditional and temporal sentences, for example - see Haegeman 2007 and ff.), and are related to high modal expressions (thus interfering with MoodPIrrealis)
Not much has been said about the grammar of Iraqi Arabic. This research is an attempt to shed light on the nature of IA relative clauses. The research focuses on the behavior of the resumptive strategy as opposed to the gap strategy. We consider islandhood, Weak and Strong CrossOver, reconstruction and scope binding, in order to further understand the behavior of resumption. The final conclusion reached is that in Iraqi Arabic the resumptive strategy is actually related to the gap strategy in several respects; and in those where it differs we propose that gaps (traces) are replaced by trace+pronoun complex
This paper offers an analysis of some emphatic polarity constructions in Spanish and Catalan from a diachronic and comparative perspective. We focus on the syntactic processes involved in the verbalization of this polarity, in both its positive and negative expression. Our main proposal is that the markers used in Spanish and Catalan (as well as other Romance languages) to reinforce polarity have acquired their status as the consequence of a focalization process. It will be argued that these elements have undergone leftward movement from their base-generated hierarchically low position to a prominent position in the left periphery of the sentence (see Rizzi 1997) and subsequently experienced a progressive bleaching of their original value (which is related to a verbal denotation) to end up being reanalyzed / grammaticalized as polarity markers
Estudi sobre la negació en el castellà antic des d'un punt de vista sincrònic i dins el marc de la gramàtica generativa
El sintagma determinant en el castellà antic medieval
This paper aims at defending the necessity of creating applicationsfrom studies on discourse, so that applied linguistics becomes auseful tool for the society. This work explains briefly what reformulation connectors are and it shows the electronic prototype (than can be consulted by internet) of a tool designed to make the work of lexicographerseasy concerning the entrance of connectors in the dictionaries (ALCOR), by making emphasis on the theoretical base on which it is sustained and on the decisions of application that have been taken into account.
Els pronoms clítics representen una de les idiosincràsies més singulars de la llengua catalana, tant pel seu polimorfisme com per les funcions sintàctiques i discursives que poden exercir en una oració. L’interès principal del nostre estudi és que, tot i les semblances dels sistemes pronominals inherents a les llengües romàniques, unes diferències fonamentals les separen tenint en compte els pronoms clítics: és el cas del català i del portuguès. Per aquest motiu, ens hem proposat d’observar l’adquisició dels pronoms clítics catalans per part d’alumnes que tenen com a primera llengua el portuguès i el català com a segona. Els pronoms objecte d’estudi han estat, d’una banda, els d’acusatiu i de datiu: tot i que són semblants en català i en portuguès pel que fa a la forma, ocupen posicions respecte del verb oposades. D’altra banda, els pronoms catalans en i hi no tenen equivalents en portuguès i, per tant, és rellevant observar-ne l’ús en lusoparlants, sobretot en contextos en què apareixen com a pronom de represa d’un element dislocat.
This paper attempts to give an account of the syntax of quotation from an LFG perspective. I claim that quotes are inserted at N’ positions by making use of a special phrase structure rule that makes the quote’s f-structure the PRED value of the mother f-structure. However, in order to reach to this conclusion, the concept of quotation has to be restricted to only include metalinguistic and direct reported speech quotes, by making use of the property of grammatical opacity, i.e. only subsegments whose ungrammaticality does not affect the grammaticality of the whole sentence are quotes. The main advantage of this is this distinguishes the syntax of direct quotes from the one of other citational but not quotational structures like Davidson’s (1979) and Cappelen and Lepore’s (2007) mixed quotation.
Aquest treball és un petit estudi sobre la variació en la parla dels individus que provenen de les Illes Balears i que viuen fora de la seva comunitat, en el nostre cas, a Barcelona. Més concretament, es tracta d’un estudi sobre alguns trets de la fonètica i d’altres de la morfologia.
Aquest treball analitza els errors de concordança de nombre (singular,plural en subjectes alemanys, d’entre 18 i 20 anys, que tenen com a llengua materna (L1) l’alemany i/o el turc o polonès i es caracteritzen per haver rebut una formació prèvia d’altres llengües estrangeres (L2, L3, L4) com ara l’anglès i/o el francès.
A crucial step for understanding how lexical knowledge is represented is to describe the relative similarity of lexical items, and how it influences language processing. Previous studies of the effects of form similarity on word production have reported conflicting results, notably within and across languages. The aim of the present study was to clarify this empirical issue to provide specific constraints for theoretical models of language production. We investigated the role of phonological neighborhood density in a large-scale picture naming experiment using fine-grained statistical models. The results showed that increasing phonological neighborhood density has a detrimental effect on naming latencies, and re-analyses of independently obtained data sets provide supplementary evidence for this effect. Finally, we reviewed a large body of evidence concerning phonological neighborhood density effects in word production, and discussed the occurrence of facilitatory and inhibitory effects in accuracy measures. The overall pattern shows that phonological neighborhood generates two opposite forces, one facilitatory and one inhibitory. In cases where speech production is disrupted (e.g. certain aphasic symptoms), the facilitatory component may emerge, but inhibitory processes dominate in efficient naming by healthy speakers. These findings are difficult to accommodate in terms of monitoring processes, but can be explained within interactive activation accounts combining phonological facilitation and lexical competition.
En aquest article es defi neix la classe dels verbs d'actitud, tant intensionalment, a partir de criteris sint àctics i sem àntics, com extensionalment. Quant a la sintaxi, s'observa que els verbs que pertanyen a aquest grup presenten almenys una estructura distintiva compartida; pel que fa a la sem àntica, a m és d'identifi car-hi els mateixos components de signifi cat, s'ha observat que presenten també el mateix tipus general d'estructura esdevenimental. La hipòtesi de treball és la de Levin [6] -els verbs que tenen el mateix signifi cat comparteixen el mateix comportament sintàctic-, encara que amb alguns matisos. El punt de partida és tamb é la classifi cació d'aquesta autora, sobre la qual es proposa una reagrupaci ó en funci ó dels criteris esmentats.