895 resultados para Government agencies.
This ranks private, public and foreign-affiliated companies by the number of employees on their South Carolina payrolls as of July 1, 2008, and then compares the progress of participating companies from year to year. The South Carolina Big 50 includes financial institutions, insurance companies, retailers, retail establishments, hospitals and healthcare organizations. The South Carolina Big 50, however, does exclude government agencies and organizations. The top company remained the same as in the 2007 issue, with Wal-Mart Stores Inc. continuing to be ranked No. 1. BI-LO LLC and Palmetto Health moved from No. 3 and No. 4 to No. 2 and No. 3 respectively.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2015
Over the last few decades, China has seen a steep rise in diverse eco city and low carbon city policies. Recently, attention has begun to focus on the perceived shortcomings in the practical delivery of related initiatives, with several publications suggesting a gap between ambitious policy goals and the emerging realities of the newly built environment. To probe this further, in this article we examine – based on the policy network approach – how the gap between high-level national policies and local practice implementation can be explained in the current Chinese context. We develop a four-pronged typology of eco city projects based on differential involvement of key (policy) actor groups, followed by a mapping of what are salient policy network relations among these actors in each type. Our analysis suggests that, within the overall framework of national policy, a core axis in the network relations is that between local government and land developers. In some cases, central government agencies– often with buy-in from international architecture, engineering and consulting firms – seek to influence local government planning through various incentives aimed at rendering sustainability a serious consideration. However, this is mostly done in a top-down manner, which overemphasizes a rational, technocratic planning mode while underemphasizing interrelationships among actors. This makes the emergence of a substantial implementation gap in eco city practice an almost predictable outcome. Consequently, we argue that special attention be paid in particular to the close interdependency between the interests of local government actors and those of land and real estate developers. Factoring in this aspect of the policy network is essential if eco city implementation is to gain proper traction on the ground.
According to a recent Eurobarometer survey (2014), 68% of Europeans tend not to trust national governments. As the increasing alienation of citizens from politics endangers democracy and welfare, governments, practitioners and researchers look for innovative means to engage citizens in policy matters. One of the measures intended to overcome the so-called democratic deficit is the promotion of civic participation. Digital media proliferation offers a set of novel characteristics related to interactivity, ubiquitous connectivity, social networking and inclusiveness that enable new forms of societal-wide collaboration with a potential impact on leveraging participative democracy. Following this trend, e-Participation is an emerging research area that consists in the use of Information and Communication Technologies to mediate and transform the relations among citizens and governments towards increasing citizens’ participation in public decision-making. However, despite the widespread efforts to implement e-Participation through research programs, new technologies and projects, exhaustive studies on the achieved outcomes reveal that it has not yet been successfully incorporated in institutional politics. Given the problems underlying e-Participation implementation, the present research suggested that, rather than project-oriented efforts, the cornerstone for successfully implementing e-Participation in public institutions as a sustainable added-value activity is a systematic organisational planning, embodying the principles of open-governance and open-engagement. It further suggested that BPM, as a management discipline, can act as a catalyst to enable the desired transformations towards value creation throughout the policy-making cycle, including political, organisational and, ultimately, citizen value. Following these findings, the primary objective of this research was to provide an instrumental model to foster e-Participation sustainability across Government and Public Administration towards a participatory, inclusive, collaborative and deliberative democracy. The developed artefact, consisting in an e-Participation Organisational Semantic Model (ePOSM) underpinned by a BPM-steered approach, introduces this vision. This approach to e-Participation was modelled through a semi-formal lightweight ontology stack structured in four sub-ontologies, namely e-Participation Strategy, Organisational Units, Functions and Roles. The ePOSM facilitates e-Participation sustainability by: (1) Promoting a common and cross-functional understanding of the concepts underlying e-Participation implementation and of their articulation that bridges the gap between technical and non-technical users; (2) Providing an organisational model which allows a centralised and consistent roll-out of strategy-driven e-Participation initiatives, supported by operational units dedicated to the execution of transformation projects and participatory processes; (3) Providing a standardised organisational structure, goals, functions and roles related to e-Participation processes that enhances process-level interoperability among government agencies; (4) Providing a representation usable in software development for business processes’ automation, which allows advanced querying using a reasoner or inference engine to retrieve concrete and specific information about the e-Participation processes in place. An evaluation of the achieved outcomes, as well a comparative analysis with existent models, suggested that this innovative approach tackling the organisational planning dimension can constitute a stepping stone to harness e-Participation value.
Efforts to reform the public sector reflect the social, political and economic environment within which government must function. The recent demands by the public for more consensual decision-making, as well as more efficient, effective and responsive public service, have resulted in a number of reform initiatives, including an emphasis on partnership development. The purpose of this thesis is to examine partnership arrangements within the public sector. Specifically, the thesis will assess the value of partnerships and their impact on government by examining six partnership arrangements involving the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). The OMNR, having recently been awarded the 1992 Institute of Public Administration of Canada Award for Innovative Management, on the theme of partnership development, is being lauded as an example for other government agencies considering similar alliances. The thesis begins by introducing the concept and practice of partnership within the public sector in general and the OMNR specifically. Descriptive analysis of six OMNR partnerships is provided and a number of criteria are used to determine the success of each of these arrangements. Special attention is paid to the political implications of partnerships and to those attributes which appear to contribute to the successful establishment and iii maintenance of partnership arrangements. The conclusion is drawn that partnerships provide the government with an opportunity to address public demands for greater involvement in decision-making while accommodating government's limited financial resources. However, few truly collaborative partnerships exist within the public sector. There are also significant political implications associated with partnerships which must be dealt with both at the political and bureaucratic levels of government. Lastly, it is argued that while partnerships within the OMNR are experiencing some difficulties, they constitute a genuine attempt to broaden the base of decision-making and to incorporate the concerns of stakeholders into resource management.
The St. Catharines and District Labour Council was founded in May 1957 by unionized workers from St. Catharines, Thorold, Merritton, Port Dalhousie and Grimsby. They sought to improve the social and economic welfare of workers; promote the organization of workers into unions for their mutual benefit, regardless of race, creed, colour, or national origin; encourage the sale of union-made goods and services; promote worker education; provide workers with a voice in politics; and safeguard the democratic nature of the labour movement. The Council, affiliated with both the Canadian Labour Congress and the Ontario Federation of Labour, was instrumental in assisting local workers with their labour disputes, including Canadian Pulp and Paper workers at Abitibi Provincial Paper in Thorold [1975-76], and Gallaher Paper [1999], workers at the St. Catharines Eaton’s store [1985], as well as smaller disputes such as that between the part-time secretarial staff and the Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board [1972] and workers of the Skyway Lumber Company [1972]. The Council also assisted the community at large by offering a Community Counseling Service [1971-1976] to help citizens with issues concerning various government agencies, social services and Acts, such as the Vacation Pay Act, Landlord and Tenant Act, Employment Standards Act, unemployment insurance claims and workman’s compensation claims. Other projects that the Council organized included an annual Education Institute [1958-1965] and the annual publication of Labour Review, a summary of the Council’s past year. The Labour Council continued to operate until 2010, when several local Labour Councils merged to form the Niagara Regional Labour Council.
The Niagara River Remedial Action Plan was part of an initiative to restore the integrity of the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem. In 1972, the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement was signed by both Canada and the United States to demonstrate their commitment to protecting this valuable resource. An amendment in 1987 stipulated that Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) be implemented in 43 ecologically compromised areas known as Areas of Concern. The Niagara River was designated as one of these areas by federal and provincial governments and the International Joint Commission, an independent and binational organization that deals with issues concerning the use and quality of boundary waters between Canada and the United States. Although the affected area included parts of both the Canadian and American side of the river, Remedial Action Plans were developed separately in both Canada and the United States. The Niagara River (Ontario) RAP is a three-stage process requiring collaboration between numerous government agencies and the public. Environment Canada, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, and the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority are the agencies guiding the development and implementation of the Niagara River (Ontario) RAP. The first stage is to determine the severity and causes of the environmental degradation that resulted in the location being designated an Area of Concern; the second stage is to identify and implement actions that will restore and protect the health of the ecosystem; and the third stage is to monitor the area to ensure that the ecosystem’s health has been restored. Stage one of the RAP commenced in January 1989 when a Public Advisory Committee (PAC) was established. This committee was comprised of concerned citizens and representatives from various community groups, associations, industries and municipalities. After several years of consultation, the Niagara River (Ontario) Remedial Action Plan Stage 2 Report was released in 1995. It contained 16 goals and 37 recommendations. Among them was the need for Canadians and Americans to work more collaboratively in order to successfully restore the water quality in the Niagara River. Stage three of the Niagara River (Ontario) RAP is currently ongoing, but it is estimated that it will be completed by 2015. At that point, the Niagara River Area of Concern will be delisted, although monitoring of the area will continue to ensure it remains healthy.
Dans le contexte d’urbanisation fulgurante de l’Asie du sud-est, les zones périurbaines agricoles vietnamiennes subissent des pressions environnementales croissantes et sont loin d’être équipées en infrastructures. L’assainissement présente un important manque d’investissement. La thèse s’est intéressée aux stratégies et aux mécanismes de financement qui aideront à réduire l’écart entre l’offre et la demande d’assainissement. Deux hypothèses principales ont été posées. D’abord, des fonds supplémentaires doivent provenir des ressources nationales, locales et celles des utilisateurs. La seconde hypothèse pose qu’il faudra investir avantage dans des activités qui augmenteront la durabilité des services d’assainissement, comme l’éducation et la promotion, qui en plus favorisent les contributions locales. La thèse a tenté de répondre à la question suivante : Dans le contexte périurbain d’Hanoi, comment mettre à contribution les ressources locales pour améliorer l’accès et la durabilité de l’assainissement? L’étude de cas est un projet communautaire pilote de gestion des eaux usées en banlieue d’Hanoi. Les facteurs de demande pour de l’assainissement et leurs effets sur la durabilité du projet ont été analysés auprès des ménages, des acteurs du village et des acteurs nationaux liés à l’assainissement. La thèse a d’abord permis d’actualiser les connaissances sur deux aspects importants : le cadre institutionnel qui encadre le financement de l’assainissement et les coûts et bénéfices de l’assainissement alternatif au Vietnam. Ces deux sujets présentaient une lacune sérieuse au niveau de la documentation. Puis, malgré de faibles capacités au niveau local, la demande réelle pour de l’assainissement était beaucoup plus importante que celle relevée dans la littérature. La recherche a permis de conclure que les institutions gouvernementales pourraient compter sur une plus grande contribution du milieu local si la planification ciblait ces facteurs : l’éducation et promotion, une grande part de décision et de gestion au niveau local et des technologies plus simples.
Le Brésil figure parmi les plus grands marchés consommateurs de médicaments. Cependant, le droit à l'accès aux médicaments, prévu dans sa Constitution Fédérale, ne fait pas partie de sa réalité. Cette situation est attribuable à plusieurs facteurs: le Brésil n'est pas capable de répondre à ses besoins internes et la consommation de médicaments n'est pas équilibrée. En réaction à cette constatation, nous analyserons la situation juridique actuelle du Brésil, afin d'indiquer les lacunes et barrières au plein accès aux médicaments et, surtout, de trouver une solution qui pourrait améliorer cette situation. Les organismes gouvernementaux brésiliens jouant un rôle important dans le développement des nouveaux médicaments sont présentés et, ensuite, l'encadrement juridique applicable à la recherche clinique et à l'autorisation de mise en marché des nouveaux médicaments est analysé; un bref survol de la législation applicable aux médicaments génériques est fait. Dans un deuxième moment de l'étude, la question d'accès aux nouveaux médicaments est mise en lumière: la législation brésilienne relative aux brevets, ainsi que le régime de licence obligatoire sont abordés; de plus, nous évaluons la compatibilité de ce régime avec l'Accord sur les ADPIC et nous évoquons les conflits internationaux qu'il a suscités. En vue de trouver des solutions aux difficultés brésiliennes identifiées, nous concluons notre étude avec l'examen de l'initiative canadienne pour favoriser l'accès aux médicaments aux pays du Sud (RCAN). Nous constatons que l'utilisation du RCAM pourrait, à court terme, favoriser l'accès aux médicaments au Brésil et, à moyen terme, aider à réduire les conflits internationaux. Finalement, à long terme, nous croyons que le Brésil pourrait jouer un rôle de leader international en adoptant une loi semblable à celle du Canada et, ainsi, il serait capable d'aider d'autres pays dans le besoin, qui n'ont aucune capacité de production locale, comme par exemple, plusieurs pays en Afrique.
Ce texte traite de l’évolution des modes alternatifs de résolution de conflit (MARC) en ligne. L’auteur dresse un historique des différents projets de médiation en ligne en passant par ses « débuts » en 1999 lorsque l’Online Ombuds Office (OOO) fut approché pour l’élaboration d’un système de médiation pour les clients d’eBay, par SquareTrade.com, par les règles de l’ICANN, par Cybersettle et Clicknsettle, etc. Il expose ensuite le courrant que prendra la cybermédiation et le cyberarbitrage dans les années à venir. Ainsi, le médium informatique devient lentement une « quatrième partie » aux discussions et peut venir en aide aux arbitres et aux médiateurs dans la gestion et la communication d’informations. De plus les fonctions d’affichages propres aux ordinateurs, c’est-à -dire la possibilité d’incorporer images, graphiques, plans, etc., devront être mis à l’œuvre par les systèmes de MARC en ligne si ceux-ci sont destinés à prendre de l’expansion dans d’autres domaines que ceux leur étant présentement réservés.
Travail créatif: pièce de théatre / Creative Work: Play
There is a body of literature that suggests that student self-assessment is a main goal in higher education (Boud et al., 1995; Tan, 2008); moreover new forms of work organization require a high level of skills and competences. The efforts to deal with competence gaps could be developed at many levels, such as employers, educational institutions, individuals and public agents. Employers could put into practice competence development programs to moderate these gaps. Educational institutions can restructure the curriculum to support students in attaining the competences that are essential in the labour market. Individuals themselves may deploy their resources (time and money) in general or specific competence training. Further, government agencies could fund competence promotion programs. Such challenges for education drive change in learning curricula and method, to properly include the competences required for developing global workers who can move beyond basic competence, to enhanced flexibility and adaptability. In performance assessment methods, there is a shift from the traditional exam-based assessments to more innovative task assessment, which considers performance in multiple different tasks carry out by students. ICTs make it technologically feasible to carry out a complete and complex selfassessment of competences, which provides immediate results to students or other recipients. In the case of students, the evaluation of competences is relevant as developing competences is part - if not all - of the objectives of education. Therefore, it is an important element of the quality of educational organizations (e.g., universities), and of their organizational success. Further, educational organizations may put special emphasis on some differentiating competences, which can be a means of positioning and differentiation from competitors. Competence assessment is an instrument to make students conscious of their strengths and weaknesses, leading to higher motivation to develop their own learning career
El presente trabajo de investigación es el resultado de un ejercicio analÃtico sobre la atención a refugiados colombianos en Ecuador durante 1998 a 2007. A continuación se presenta la información analizada y obtenida por la autora para responder a la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cuáles son los obstáculos alrededor de la cooperación internacional para la buena atención a los refugiados colombianos en Ecuador? La dificultad para garantizar la protección internacional al refugiado radicarÃa en las rutas comunes que utiliza con el migrante económico. Sin embargo, esta investigación parte del supuesto de que la débil cooperación intergubernamental (entendida como actos de colaboración entre Estados y/o organismos gubernamentales) colombo ecuatoriana y la descoordinación entre las instituciones ecuatorianas y los organismos internacionales de ayuda humanitaria son los obstáculos para la buena atención a los refugiados colombianos en Ecuador. El trabajo de campo realizado en Ecuador constituye la fuente principal de información y análisis de la investigación, y produce un giro en las conclusiones del documento
La seguridad del paciente constituye una prioridad y un reto para los organismos Gubernamentales y para las instituciones de salud tanto a nivel nacional como internacional (Sescam, 2007), quienes han emprendido una búsqueda de soluciones por medio de diferentes metodologÃas y estrategias que permitan reducir al máximo los riesgos de la atención de salud para el paciente (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, 2002). Aunque se cuenta con mejores sistemas o metodologÃa de análisis y sistemas de notificación la persistencia del fenómeno es constante. ( Requena, Aranaz, Gea, Limón, Miralles, & Vitaller , 2010). En esta tesis se plantea una nueva alternativa de gestión en la seguridad del paciente a través de la TeorÃa de Restricciones (TOC) para emprender acciones que permitan analizar el sistema bajo esta nueva metodologÃa, intervenir de manera oportuna, impactar y estimular al personal de salud a trabajar en la búsqueda del mejoramiento continuo para el establecimiento de un sistema efectivo de gestión de la seguridad del paciente y una cultura de seguridad de los trabajadores de la institución de salud.
Basados en estadÃsticas publicadas por entidades oficiales como el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, el DANE y la AlcaldÃa de Bogotá donde se refleja un aumento significativo en las cifras de visitantes extranjeros y en la participación de la ciudad de Bogotá como principal destino turÃstico del paÃs. Se comprende que la variación positiva en las cifras publicadas sobre el número de visitantes de todo tipo y eventos internacionales por parte de las entidades oficiales nombradas anteriormente, son el resultado de una gestión y enfoque claro que estos organismos han logrado desarrollar en su intento por hacer más competitivo y sostenible el turismo de la ciudad de Bogotá, dentro del sector turismo en Colombia. Ese enfoque de hacer más competitivo el turismo en Bogotá hace que actualmente la gestión de los programas de desarrollo nacional y distrital brinde oportunidades de acceso, apoyo y tendencia de crecimiento en la oferta turÃstica que hace muy atractiva la inversión en el sector, razón por la cual este documento pretende generar una propuesta para adaptar un modelo de acreditación a extranjeros que actualmente funciona en diferentes capitales del mundo como España o Nueva York, ajustado de acuerdo a un previo análisis del entorno y las caracterÃsticas del sector turÃstico en Bogotá y en Colombia. La propuesta desarrollada estructura todas las caracterÃsticas del servicio, su funcionamiento y las polÃticas de mercadeo. Esta definición permitirá medir la viabilidad a nivel de mercado y los resultados a nivel financiero aterrizando la propuesta a una posible implementación en el corto plazo.