963 resultados para Gastrointestinal biopsies


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Abstract Gastrointestinal bleeding represents a common medical emergency, with considerable morbidity and mortality rates, and a prompt diagnosis is essential for a better prognosis. In such a context, endoscopy is the main diagnostic tool; however, in cases where the gastrointestinal hemorrhage is massive, the exact bleeding site might go undetected. In addition, a trained professional is not always present to perform the procedure. In an emergency setting, optical colonoscopy presents limitations connected with the absence of bowel preparation, so most of the small bowel cannot be assessed. Scintigraphy cannot accurately demonstrate the anatomic location of the bleeding and is not available at emergency settings. The use of capsule endoscopy is inappropriate in the acute setting, particularly in the emergency department at night, and is a highly expensive method. Digital angiography, despite its high sensitivity, is invasive, presents catheterization-related risks, in addition to its low availability at emergency settings. On the other hand, computed tomography angiography is fast, widely available and minimally invasive, emerging as a promising method in the diagnostic algorithm of these patients, being capable of determining the location and cause of bleeding with high accuracy. Based on a critical literature review and on their own experience, the authors propose a computed tomography angiography protocol to assess the patient with gastrointestinal bleeding.


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Abstract Objective: To determine the rates of diagnostic underestimation at stereotactic percutaneous core needle biopsies (CNB) and vacuum-assisted biopsies (VABB) of nonpalpable breast lesions, with histopathological results of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) or ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) subsequently submitted to surgical excision. As a secondary objective, the frequency of ADH and DCIS was determined for the cases submitted to biopsy. Materials and Methods: Retrospective review of 40 cases with diagnosis of ADH or DCIS on the basis of biopsies performed between February 2011 and July 2013, subsequently submitted to surgery, whose histopathological reports were available in the internal information system. Biopsy results were compared with those observed at surgery and the underestimation rate was calculated by means of specific mathematical equations. Results: The underestimation rate at CNB was 50% for ADH and 28.57% for DCIS, and at VABB it was 25% for ADH and 14.28% for DCIS. ADH represented 10.25% of all cases undergoing biopsy, whereas DCIS accounted for 23.91%. Conclusion: The diagnostic underestimation rate at CNB is two times the rate at VABB. Certainty that the target has been achieved is not the sole determining factor for a reliable diagnosis. Removal of more than 50% of the target lesion should further reduce the risk of underestimation.


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Récemment encore, la neuro-genèse chez le primate adulte était supposée limitée aux régions précises que sont le bulbe olfactif, la zone sous-granulaire de l'hippocampe et la région sous- ventriculaire. Depuis lors, des cellules neurales progénitrices distribuées dans l'ensemble du cortex du primate adulte furent mises en évidence. Cultivées in vitro, ces cellules forment des écosystèmes cellulaires nerveux constitués de progéniteurs neuronaux, d'astrocytes et d'oligo- dendrocytes. Transplantés sur un modèle de primate parkinsonien, certains progéniteurs complètent leur différentiation en neurones matures et développent des propriétés neuro- trophiques et neuro-protectrices. Injectées aux environs d'une lésion cérébrale, ces cellules offrent un bénéfice fonctionnel et comportemental significatif. Le présent projet mesure l'activité électro-physiologique du tissu nerveux obtenu par culture de biopsies corticales humaines adultes, de sorte à déterminer son aptitude à intégrer l'information. Des biopsies corticales humaines adultes furent cultivées in vitro avec succès sur un support Micro-Electrode-Array. Cette technologie permet l'acquisition d'enregistrements électro- physiologiques à l'échelle des circuits, au sein d'un tissu maintenu en culture. En parallèle, une mesure de l'activité à l'échelle cellulaire fut obtenue par l'application du Patch Clamp à des cellules cultivées sur un support de verre. Malgré une culture prolongée et l'induction d'une différentiation neuronale, aucune activité électro-physiologique significative ne put être démontrée. Une analyse phénotypique à un stade intermédiaire de culture montra l'expression prometteuse du marqueur neuronal précoce β-Tubulin-III. Cependant, après l'induction d'une différenciation neuronale, la surprenante co-expression de marqueurs astroglial (GFAP) et neuronal (MAP2) fut constatée. Le silence électro-physiologique issu des enregistrements sur MEA peut être l'oeuvre d'un isolement des cellules électriquement actives, et d'un défaut d'organisation en réseau. Une interposition de tissu glial entre neurones et électrodes peut également absorber le signal. Par ailleurs, les cellules enregistrées par Patch Clamp furent déterminées selon le seul critère morphologique ; leur nature exacte demeure inconnue. Les analyses phénotypiques laissent supposer l'entrée dans une voie de maturation neuronale par l'expression du marqueur β- Tubulin-III. Toutefois le phénotype exprimé au terme du processus de culture reste incertain. Des facteurs de maturation ou environnementaux semblent faire défaut à la complétion d'une différentiation neuronale. La culture de neurones bien différenciés et électriquement actifs appelle de nouvelles études in vivo, ainsi qu'une analyse fine des voies intracellulaires de maturation.


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The influences of the spray-drying parameters and the type of nanoparticles (nanocapsules or nanospheres) on the characteristics of nanoparticle-coated diclofenac-loaded microparticles were investigated by using a factorial design 3². Gastrointestinal tolerance following oral administration in rats was evaluated. Formulations were selected considering the best yields, the best encapsulation efficiencies and the lowest water contents, presenting surfaces completely coated by nanostructures and a decrease in the surface areas in relation to the uncoated core. In vitro drug release demonstrated the influence of the nanoparticle-coating on the dissolution profiles of diclofenac. Nanocapsule-coated microparticles presented a protective effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.


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Primary adenocarcinoma of the duodenum is an extremely rare disease, and represents only 0.35 % of all gastrointestinal malignies. Early detection of the disease is dificult because doesn't have pathognomonic simptoms. The Whipple procedure is the optimal method of treatment. The authors relate one case of a adenocarcinoma of the duodenum in a 65- year-old white female with a history of abdominal pain for a six-month period, associated with postprandial fullness, vomiting and weight loss. Endoscopy showed a elevated tumor in the second part of the duodenum, with partial obstruction of the lumen. Histological study of endoscopic biopsies reveled a moderare differentiated adenocarcinoma of the duodenum. The treatment was surgical. The authors comment on the more important aspects of this pathology.


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Os tumores neuroendócrinos (TNE) já foram considerados raridades. Atualmente, através de novas técnicas para seu reconhecimento, tem-se identificado um número crescente destas neoplasias, sendo possível estratificá-las em subgrupos, expandindo o espectro dos neoplasmas neuroendócrinos e sua importância na prática cirúrgica atual. A imunocitoquímica, a dosagem de peptídeos e os modernos métodos de imagem proporcionam informações imprescindíveis para um diagnóstico acurado e o tratamento adequado. Este artigo tem por objetivo revisar aspectos referentes aos tumores neuroendócrinos do trato gastrointestinal relativos à história, fisiopatologia, classificação atualizada, diagnóstico e tratamento.


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A particularly rapid and fatal outcome has been noted in cases of malignant soft-tissue metastases occurring after cancer surgery. Abdominal wall metastases occurring in scars after laparotomy for cancer resection show a similar poor outcome. On the other hand, neoplasm seeding at trocar sites after laparoscopy has been reported with an increasing frequency. A case is presented of a 68-years-old woman with metastatic seeding of non-diagnosed colon cancer at the umbilical trocar site used for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The gallbladder was extracted through the umbilical incision. Pathological examination confirmed chronic cholecystitis. Eight months latter, the patient was seen with a tender umbilical mass protruded through a 4,5 cm the umbilical incision site. Biopsies of this tissue were taken and histopathological examination showed metastatic adenocarcinoma, probably of a gastrointestinal origin. A colonoscopy performed at the same time revealed a 2-cm lesion at the hepatic flexur which was shown to be a differentiated adenocarcinoma. An 8.0 x 6.0 x 6.0-cm pelvic mass without signs of liver metastases was identified by computerised tomography. Diagnostic laparoscopy showed a diffuse peritoneal carcinomatosis. The pelvis could not be approached, except for simple biopsy, and no surgical procedure was performed. It is presumed that the primary colon cancer existed prior to cholecystectomy. Laparoscopy is the procedure of choice to perform cholecystectomy and fundoplication. It has also been increasingly used to diagnose, resect and perform the staging of malignant tumours. As in any relatively new technique, questions arising about its safety and risk of complications must be extensively studied. Many questions about the specific features of laparoscopy promoting cancer growth remain unanswered.


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Stromal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract (gists) represent relatively rare lesions that arise from connective tissue elements located along the entire length of the gut. They were initially identified by immunohistochemical investigation, proving their origin from nondifferentiated mesenchymal cells. Only a minority of this lesions, mainly those confined to the esophagus and rectum, have been shown to correspond to mature, well-differentiated types of neoplasms such as leiomyoma or leiomyosarcoma. The majority of gists corresponds to a heterogeneous group of lesions that have as their common denominator an immature proliferation of epithelioid or spindle cells arising from its muscle layers, or between them, showing partial or incomplete myoide, neural, ganglionic, or mixed features of differentiation. This case report intends to show a gist of small bowel in a male, 46 years old, with a two-year of evolution.


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The authors describe a rare case of a gastric duplication cyst in a 55-year-old man. The past history revealed that the patient was treated one year before for gastroduodenal ulcer. The cyst was discovered incidentally at upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Biopsies showed inflammation without evidence of tumor. On abdominal ultrasonography and CT scan, a left upper quadrant mass was noted. At laparotomy, a mass measuring 6,0 cm in contact with the stomach was excised. Histopathology showed a gastric duplication cyst containing pancreatic mucosa.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o quadro clínico, a incidência, os fatores predisponentes e a evolução de pacientes com fitobezoar após Gastroplastia Vertical e Y de Roux. MÉTODO: No período de Novembro de 1997 à Janeiro de 2004, foram realizadas 512 operações para o tratamento da Obesidade mórbida, seguindo a técnica proposta por Fobi/Capella (Septação gástrica com reconstituição em Y de Roux Proximal). Em dez pacientes foram identificados fitobezoar. RESULTADOS: A incidência de fitobezoar, causando algum tipo de obstrução gastrointestinal, foi de 1,95% (10/512). Todos os casos de fitobezoar estavam relacionados ao fio de sutura inabsorvível do tipo prolene. Sete pacientes apresentaram quadro semioclusivo e de obstrução intestinal e foram tratados com laparotomia exploradora, ressecção da anastomose enteroenteral e confecção de nova enteroenteroanastomose. Nos três pacientes com bezoar situado na anastomose gastrojejunal, a secção do fio e a retirada do corpo estranho foram realizadas por endoscopia digestiva alta. CONCLUSÕES: A confecção de anastomose intestinal com fio inabsorvível predispõe a formação de bezoar em pós-operatório de gastroplastia.


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OBJETIVO: estudar os critérios morfológicos e imunoistoquímicos relacionados ao prognóstico dos tumores estromais gastrointestinais. MÉTODOS: o estudo foi retrospectivo de 42 casos de tumor estromal gastrointestinal (GIST). Vinte e cinco casos foram obtidos no arquivo do Serviço de Anatomia Patológica do Hospital Universitário Gaffrée e Guinle e os outros dezessete, do Serviço de Anatomia Patológica do Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho. RESULTADOS: de acordo com a análise univariada os tumores maiores que 5 cm, com número de mitoses maior que 5/50 CGA, presença de necrose, de alto risco, revelaram significância em relação a redução da sobrevida (p= 0,017, 0,010, 0,001 e 0,016, respectivamente). Os outros fatores analisados (subtipo histológico, topografia e imunofenótipo) não mostraram significância. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados confirmam a utilidade do grau de risco, do tamanho tumoral, do índice mitótico e da necrose como fatores preditores do comportamento biológico dos tumores estromais gastrointestinais.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados do tratamento de GIST no INCA. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva de todos os casos de GIST tratados no INCA no período de 1997 a 2009. RESULTADOS: Analisamos 146 pacientes, com média de idade de 44,5 anos e predomínio do sexo feminino. O principal sintoma foi dor abdominal. Tivemos ocorrência de segundo primário em 22% dos casos e na imuno-histoquímica, 92% foram positivos para CD117. A localização mais frequente foi estômago e predominou o grupo de alto risco. A cirurgia foi R0 (extenso) em 70% e os principais sítios de metástases foram fígado e peritônio. A sobrevida global foi, respectivamente, em dois e cinco anos de 86% e 59%. Houve significante diferença entre a sobrevida global (p=0,29) do grupo de alto risco versus os demais. CONCLUSÃO: Os nossos pacientes apresentam-se principalmente sob forma de doença de alto risco com repercussão óbvia na sobrevida. O uso de Imatinib melhorou a sobrevida dos pacientes com doença metastática e recidivada. Devemos estudar seu uso no cenário de adjuvância e neoadjuvancia visando melhorar os índices do grupo de alto risco. A criação de centros referenciais é uma necessidade para o estudo de doenças pouco frequentes.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the applicability of the main categories of risk and morphological factors in the prognosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. METHODS: we retrospectively studied fifty-four cases of GIST, assessing the main prognostic factors of this neoplasis: risk levels, topography, size, mitotic index, necrosis, histological subtype and immunophenotype. We also verified their association and the reduction of overall survival. RESULTS: Univariate analysis showed that tumors with mitoses number greater than 5 per 50CGA (high-power fields), the presence of necrosis and a high risk for both the systems proposed by Fletcher and Miettinen had a significant association with reduced survival (p = 0.00001, 0.0056, 0.03 and 0.009, respectively). The remaining analyzed factors (size, histological subtype, topography and immunophenotype) had no such association. Multivariate analysis (Jacard index) showed that the Miettinen degree of risk was the one that best correlated with prognosis. CONCLUSION: the risk criteria of Fletcher and Miettinen are important in assessing the prognosis of patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors, especially the latter, which adds to the mitotic index and the presence of tumor necrosis.


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The gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a rare mesenchymal tumor. One should pay special attention when the GIST comes in obese patients during surgery. The laparoscopic resections with standard techniques, such as gastric bypass, have been described with good results. However, GIST resection associated sleeve gastrectomy for the treatment of obesity is rare, but can be done safely, depending on the location of the tumor.