962 resultados para Formativos gregos: vulgarização lexical
This study contributes to ongoing discussions on how measures of lexical diversity (LD) can help discriminate between essays from second language learners of English, whose work has been assessed as belonging to levels B1 to C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The focus is in particular on how different operationalisations of what constitutes a “different word” (type) impact on the LD measures themselves and on their ability to discriminate between CEFR levels. The results show that basic measures of LD, such as the number of different words, the TTR (Templin 1957) and the Index of Guiraud (Guiraud 1954) explain more variance in the CEFR levels than sophisticated measures, such as D (Malvern et al. 2004), HD-D (McCarthy and Jarvis 2007) and MTLD (McCarthy 2005) provided text length is kept constant across texts. A simple count of different words (defined as lemma’s and not as word families) was the best predictor of CEFR levels and explained 22 percent of the variance in overall scores on the Pearson Test of English Academic in essays written by 176 test takers.
The incorporation of new representations into the mental lexicon has raised numerous questions about the organisational principles that govern the process. A number of studies have argued that similarity between the new L3 items and existing representations in the L1 and L2 is the main incorporating force (Hall & Ecke, 2003; Herwig, 2001). Experimental evidence obtained through a primed picture-naming task with L1 Polish-L2 English learners of L3 Russian supports Hall and Ecke’s Parasitic Model of L3 vocabulary acquisition, displaying a significant main effect for both priming and proficiency. These results complement current models of vocabulary acquisition and lexical access in multilingual speakers.
This paper presents an approach for assisting low-literacy readers in accessing Web online information. The oEducational FACILITAo tool is a Web content adaptation tool that provides innovative features and follows more intuitive interaction models regarding accessibility concerns. Especially, we propose an interaction model and a Web application that explore the natural language processing tasks of lexical elaboration and named entity labeling for improving Web accessibility. We report on the results obtained from a pilot study on usability analysis carried out with low-literacy users. The preliminary results show that oEducational FACILITAo improves the comprehension of text elements, although the assistance mechanisms might also confuse users when word sense ambiguity is introduced, by gathering, for a complex word, a list of synonyms with multiple meanings. This fact evokes a future solution in which the correct sense for a complex word in a sentence is identified, solving this pervasive characteristic of natural languages. The pilot study also identified that experienced computer users find the tool to be more useful than novice computer users do.
This paper analyzes some forms of linguistic manipulation in Japanese in newspapers when reporting on North Korea and its nuclear tests. The focus lies on lexical ambiguity in headlines and journalist’s voices in the body of the articles, that results in manipulation of the minds of the readers. The study is based on a corpus of nine articles from two of Japan’s largest newspapers Yomiuri Online and Asahi Shimbun Digital. The linguistic phenomenon that contribute to create manipulation are divided into Short Term Memory impact or Long Term Memory impact and examples will be discussed under each of the categories.The main results of the study are that headlines in Japanese newspapers do not make use of an ambiguous, double grounded structure. However, the articles are filled with explicit and implied attitudes as well as attributed material from people of a high social status, which suggests that manipulation of the long term memory is a tool used in Japanese media.
Nesta dissertação, assumimos os pressupostos formais do modelo não-linear da Fonologia Lexical (FL). Adotamos, como hipótese de trabalho - nos termos de Labov (1981), Labov (1994) e Kiparsky (1988)- a resolução da controvérsia neogramática a partir deste modelo. Para tanto, apresentamos a análise de dois fenômenos do Português Brasileiro (PB), com base em dados empíricos extraídos da cidade de Porto Alegre, os quais confrontamos com as predições que emanam do modelo teórico. Num primeiro momento, discutimos o status lexical e pós-lexical das regras de vocalização de /l/ e monotongação de /ow/. Num segundo momento, apresentamos a caracterização desses dois tipos de mudança. Essas discussões fundamentam-se em resultados estatísticos, obtidos a partir da utilização do pacote VARBRUL. Partindo dessas discussões, propomos o ordenamento dessas regras nos componentes do modelo da Fonologia Lexical (FL), rastreando esses processos nos módulos do léxico e do pós-léxico. A escolha destes dois fenômenos não é aleatória: da análise destas regras nos termos da FL emergem questões não devidamente tratadas no PB, como a opacidade e a presença de regras variáveis no léxico. Também destacamos a controvérsia sobre a representação dos segmentos envolvidos nestes processos: dedicamos um capítulo para a discussão sobre a representação da lateral e do processo de vocalização; e outro para a discussão sobre a representação subjacente do ditongo /ow/. Conforme a análise dos resultados, concluímos que a regra de monotongação de /ow/ comporta-se como regra lexical e implementa um tipo de mudança que se difunde lexicalmente. Já a regra de vocalização de /l/ caracteriza-se como regra pós-lexical e encaixa-se no molde de mudança neogramática.
Dois arquivos, um no formato PNG e outro em formato SVG. Dimensão de 1607x1074px.
Dois arquivos, um no formato PNG e outro em formato SVG. Dimensão de 1608x415px.
Universidade da Madeira - Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia da Madeira - Fundo Social Europeu e Propragama Operacional Plurifundos da Região Autónoma da Madeira
Under the aegis of the third diocese bishop of Caicó, Dom Manuel Tavares de Araújo, the Broadcasting Station of Rural Education of that city was founded, in May 1 s" 1963 with the ideal of being then an educational city, preferentially for youths and adults, rural meu and women of the arca of Seridó in Rio Grande do Norte state. In the year of its 40th birthday (2003), we began the investigation of that radio station choosing as study object its educational and formative programming, in the inc1usion of the first fifteen years of its existence (1963-1978), period that reaches the official inauguration of the Radio Station and the end of the bishopric of its fOllllder as Bishop of Caicó. Elucidating and showing Man's formative ideaIs longed by that Catholic educational broadcasting station, underlying to its radiophonic programming, such as the idealization for it reached, is the objective of this Doctorate work. It was considered pertinent to discover the guidelines that historically have permeated the Social Doçtrine of the Catholic Church addressing its aggiornamento, especially in what concerns to the employment of the modern ways of communication for the distance with the aim of evangelizing and educating. In arder to understand the ideaIs of the investigated educational Radio, we have delimited the research to the thematic Catholic Church, means of social communication and base education. In face of the study object and the aim to be reached it was appealed, methodologically, to the notion of cultural action present in Certeau (1995), and to the understanding of educational formation backgrounded fIam the modern thinkers that discuss it. Such frame references have allowed us to analyze in a wider spectrum tl)e programming broadcasted on the air by the sound wavys of that educ(itional Çatholic Radio, as well as, the very acts of cultural idealizations that has orientated it in its foundations. The thesis here defended is that. the Radio, at procJaiming itself as a broadcasting station of rural education directed preferably to the rural sertanejo countrymen, without neglecting its admitted ends, has surpassed them in its overall range. It was identified an articulate approach of its programmatic modules with the guid,elines emanateq from the Catholic Teaching about the use of the. means of social communication. At conceiving, establishin,g and executing an ec1ectic programmatic and div,ersified grating, the Rural Radio of Caicó has transcended to a strict human-Christian formation to request the development of the human, spiritual and cQrporaldimensions, jointly. With suchprogramming, it addressed to the seridoenses as real meu and women inserted in the "sertanej.o" environment with effective structural and existential problems of alI types, induding the hunger, the thirst, the syndical organization, the cQoperativism, the colIective modero work and the absence of universalizing school education. Its radiophonic transmissions, I}lled by the demands of an enlarged, open, dialogic and responsible communication, wheneIllbracing dedicated modules to religious and catechetical emissions, to the entertainment, to the radiojoumalism, to the country root culture, and to the school education of b se for the modality of the School and of the radiophonic classes, subsumed to ideaIs that longed for the formation of a multifaceted and pluridimensional sertanejo Man; of men and women that, without abjuring the Catholicism, were able to understand, to dialogued and to live together with the general demands of a society in progressive mutation, whose economical, social, cultural and educational demands it IDade themselves to be felt through the sertão potiguar of the Serido region, equal way of the intemationalized world
This article refers to a research which tries to historically (re)construct the conceptual development of the Integral and Differential calculus, taking into account its constructing model feature, since the Greeks to Newton. These models were created by the problems that have been proposed by the history and were being modified by the time the new problems were put and the mathematics known advanced. In this perspective, I also show how a number of nature philosophers and mathematicians got involved by this process. Starting with the speculations over scientific and philosophical natures done by the ancient Greeks, it culminates with Newton s work in the 17th century. Moreover, I present and analyze the problems proposed (open questions), models generated (questions answered) as well as the religious, political, economic and social conditions involved. This work is divided into 6 chapters plus the final considerations. Chapter 1 shows how the research came about, given my motivation and experience. I outline the ways I have gone trough to refine the main question and present the subject of and the objectives of the research, ending the chapter showing the theoretical bases by which the research was carried out, naming such bases as Investigation Theoretical Fields (ITF). Chapter 2 presents each one of the theoretical bases, which was introduced in the chapter 1 s end. In this discuss, I try to connect the ITF to the research. The Chapter 3 discusses the methodological choices done considering the theoretical fields considered. So, the Chapters 4, 5 and 6 present the main corpus of the research, i.e., they reconstruct the calculus history under a perspective of model building (questions answered) from the problems given (open questions), analyzing since the ancient Greeks contribution (Chapter 4), pos- Greek, especially, the Romans contribution, Hindus, Arabian, and the contribution on the Medium Age (Chapter 5). I relate the European reborn and the contribution of the philosophers and scientists until culminate with the Newton s work (Chapter 6). In the final considerations, it finally gives an account on my impressions about the development of the research as well as the results reached here. By the end, I plan out a propose of curse of Differential and Integral Calculus, having by basis the last three chapters of the article
The object of study of this thesis is the use of (self)training workshops as a fundamental process for the constitution of the teaching subject in mathematics education. The central purposes of the study were to describe and analyze a learning process of mathematics teachers supported by the training-research methodology, which procedures have been affected with the practice of (self)training workshops as a way of collaborating to the constitution of the teaching subject in Mathematics Education. The survey was conducted with a group of teachers in the city of Nova Cruz, Rio Grande do Norte through a process of continued education realized in the training workshops having as main goal the realization of the group s (self)training sessions in order to lead participants to the extent of their autonomy in their personal and professional transformations. The results obtained in the formative processes have shown the need to develop activities of mathematics teaching as a contribution to overcome the conceptual difficulties of the teachers, apart from their (self)reflections about themselves and the educational processes in which they belong. The results raised some propositions about (self)training workshops that may be incurred in practices to be included in the curriculum frameworks or materialize as a strategy of pedagogical work in training courses for teachers of mathematics. Also, they can constitute an administrative and educational activity to be instituted in the public schools of Basic Education
Este artigo responde afirmativamente à questão, vez por outra retomada, da efetiva contribuição que o estudo do pensamento político dos antigos gregos pode trazer ao debate dos problemas com que se defrontam as modernas sociedades democráticas.
Enfoca-se aqui a vinculação íntima entre a exaustiva busca empreendida pelo espírito grego para edificar em terreno sólido as colossais fundações de uma ciência dos primeiros princípios, e o que supõe-se ser sua motivação secreta e última, a aspiração pela eternidade, o mais universal e genuíno desejo presente em todo ser humano, não ser obliterado pelo tempo.