942 resultados para Food habits.


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The family is primarily responsible for shaping behavior in oral hygiene and nutrition of children, and cultural and psychosocial factors can influence this process. Thus, we carried out this study with the aim of presenting evidence from the literature on the subject. We reviewed the databases Bireme, Pubmed and Medline without restriction of year of publication. Used as descriptors "education," "care," "behavior," "oral health" and "food habits". We emphasize the responsibility of the family practices, values and beliefs of oral health and nutrition as well as the importance of shared care between family and professionals.


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Patterns of geographic variation of the canid Cerdocyon thous have historically been obscured by its remarkable intraspecific morphological variability. The observed distribution is highly associated with phytophysiognomy, a feature considered highly dynamic along geological time. In the present study, we tested whether vegetation distribution during the Holocene Glacial Maximum of South America (HGM) explains the patterns of morphological variation within Cerdocyon thous. The species was divided in groups according to paleohabitats that could support their presence during the HGM, and then tested for differences in skull morphometrics. The results obtained demonstrate that the climatic changes during the HGM influenced the population structure of this species, resulting in the establishment of geographical groups with different degrees of morphological cohesion. Higher morphological cohesion found in the Northern group might be explained by the marked discontinuity between its geographical range and the rest of the species`distribution. The Eastern and Southern morphological divergence is less striking and, although this could be related to past vegetation distribution, the disappearance of those barriers leads to a population structure that could be slowly breaking down. (C) 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98, 77-84.


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A 30-year quantitative comparison of the bird community of a semideciduous forest remnant in the state of Sao Paulo. Few studies have evaluated long-term changes in avian abundance in forest remnants. To compare both species richness and abundance of the bird community in a forest fragment located in the municipality of Galia, state of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil, we surveyed forest birds using transect counts. We compared our results with a survey conducted 30 years earlier at the same locality and further classified bird species according to their food habits to eventually predict fluctuations of specific abundance. Although species with population declines predominated in the community, all trophic categories had species which increased their abundances. Most species prone to move around remnants decreased in abundance. We suggest that, regarding specific abundances, trophic categories may be equally affected as a result of fragmentation processes and that the forest regeneration of this remnant may have led to the loss of edge species. Species that suffered from abundance loss during this time period may become locally extinct in the near future.


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Background: Inadequate life habits are known to favor hypertension, and Adventists recommend healthy life habits. Objective: To assess the prevalence of hypertension among Seventh-Day Adventists from the inner Sao Paulo state and Sao Paulo state capital. Methods: This study assessed 264 Adventists (mean age, 41.17 +/- 15.27 years; women, 59.8%) with a high religiosity level assessed by use of the Duke University Religion Index. Blood pressure was measured with a validated automatic device. The significance level adopted was p < 0.05. Results: The total prevalence of hypertension was 22.7% (27.4% in the inner state and 15% in the capital). The Adventists from the capital differed from those of inner state as follows (p < 0.05), respectively: higher education (62% vs 36.6%); employed by a third party (44%) vs self-employed (40.9%); family income (8.39 +/- 6.20 vs 4.59 +/- 4.75 minimum wages); individual income (4.54 +/- 5.34 vs 6.35 +/- 48; couple responsible for family income (35% vs 39.6%); vegetarianism (11% vs 3%); blood pressure (115.38 +/- 16.52/68.74 +/- 8.94 vs 123.66 +/- 19.62/74.88 +/- 11.85 mmHg); white ethnicity (65% vs 81.1%); married (53% vs 68.9%); lower tangible support in the social aspect (15.7 +/- 5.41 vs 16.9 +/- 4.32); and recalling the last time one's blood pressure was measured (65% vs 48.8%). On multivariate analysis, hypertension associated with the following: 1) vegetarianism (OR 0.051; 95% CI: 0.004-0.681); 2) educational level (OR 5.317; 95% CI: 1.674-16.893); 3) recalling the last time one's blood pressure was measured (OR 2.725; 95% CI: 1.275-5.821); 4) being retired (OR 8.846; 95% CI: 1.406-55.668); and 5) being responsible for family income (OR 0.422; 95% CI: 0.189-0.942). Conclusion: The prevalence of hypertension among Adventists was lower as compared with that reported in Brazilian studies, and it was lower in the Sao Paulo state capital as compared with that in the inner Sao Paulo state, possibly because of the better socioeconomic conditions and life habits of the former. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012; 98(4): 329-337)


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The objective of this descriptive-exploratory study was to identify the health beliefs of black individuals with hypertension regarding the barriers and benefits of diet for controlling the disease, including the sociodemographic factors associated with the health beliefs surrounding diet control. One hundred and six black adults with hypertension were interviewed using a specific instrument. The data were analyzed considering the percentages, frequency of the cases, scores and prevalence ratio. The global analysis of beliefs showed a preponderance of beliefs regarding the benefits of diet control. It was observed that men, younger individuals, lack of a partner and low educational level and income were related to the beliefs regarding the benefits of adopting a healthy diet. In conclusion, health promotion among the black population requires an interdisciplinary approach and specific health policies addressing this populations' needs, aimed at preventive and curative aspects.


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Coexistence of sympatric species is mediated by resource partitioning. Pumas occur sympatrically with jaguars throughout most of the jaguar's range but few studies have investigated space partitioning between both species. Here, camera trapping and occupancy models accounting for imperfect detection were employed in a Bayesian framework to investigate space partitioning between the jaguar and puma in Emas National Park (ENP), central Brazil. Jaguars were estimated to occupy 54.1% and pumas 39.3% of the sample sites. Jaguar occupancy was negatively correlated with distance to water and positively correlated with the amount of dense habitat surrounding the camera trap. Puma occupancy only showed a weak negative correlation with distance to water and with jaguar presence. Both species were less often present at the same site than expected under independent distributions. Jaguars had a significantly higher detection probability at cameras on roads than at off-road locations. For pumas, detection was similar on and off-road. Results indicate that both differences in habitat use and active avoidance shape space partitioning between jaguars and pumas in ENP. Considering its size, the jaguar is likely the competitively dominant of the two species. Owing to its habitat preferences, suitable jaguar habitat outside the park is probably sparse. Consequently, the jaguar population is likely largely confined to the park, while the puma population is known to extend into ENP's surroundings. (C) 2011 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Saugetierkunde. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The hydroponic cultivation of vegetables has increased markedly in recent years, however, little is known about its chemical composition, which is of extreme importance in view of changing food habits of a considerable fraction of the population seeking food quality. For this reason, cultivation of watercress, chicory, rocket and lettuce American (Lucy Brown) and smooth (cv. Regina) were grown in hydroponics, NFT system, aiming to evaluate the yield, nitrate content and chemical composition. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis city in the Santa Catarina State (Brazil), from may to july 2004 under a completely randomized design with four replications. The spacing used was 25 x 25 cm for the crops of watercress, chicory and lettuce (cv. Lucy Brown and cv. Regina) and 5 x 5 cm to the rocket. The traits were: number of leaves, nitrate content and chemical composition of vegetables. The lettuce cv. Regina and chicory had higher number of leaves per plant. The watercress had lower water content and higher dry mass of shoots. The largest increase in fresh weight was obtained in chicory, lettuce, cv. Regina. Higher levels of lipids, protein, ash, carbohydrates, calories, fiber and nitrate were obtained from the watercress. The rocket had lower values for the variables fresh and dries the whole plant, shoot and root and leaf number per plant. All cultures showed good visual appearance, low calorie and nitrate levels suitable for human consumption.


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Predation of Caiman yacare (Spix, 1825) (Crocodilia, Alligatoridae) by Busarellus nigricollis (Latham, 1790) (Accipitriformes, Accipitridae) in the Taiama Ecological Station, Alto Pantanal, State of Mato Grosso. The Black-collared Hawk Busarellus nigricollis is an Accipitridae commonly seen on river banks, lagoon shores, and marshy areas. It feeds mainly on fishes and aquatic insects. It hunts from dead tree branches at forest edges or emergent trunks in flooded areas. Detailed information about the Black-collared Hawk food habits is scarce. In this study, we describe the predation of Caiman yacare (Pantanal alligator) by an individual of B. nigricollis. The event was observed on 20 August 2010 at 10: 14 am, in the Taiama Ecological Station, municipality of Caceres, Alto Pantanal, state of Mato Grosso. The B. nigricollis individual was seen leaving the Paraguay River carrying a juvenile C. yacare around 40 cm long. The prey was torn apart and given to a Black-collared Hawk nestling sitting atop a nest in flooded forest, ca. 15 m way from the river bank. This is the first published record of Pantanal alligator predation by the Black-collared Hawk.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar e quantificar a influência dos fatores socioeconômicos sobre os padrões alimentares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com amostra de 1.136 crianças e adolescentes de 7 a 14 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, matriculados na rede pública de Salvador (BA), Brasil. O consumo alimentar foi medido por meio do questionário qualitativo de frequência alimentar. Os padrões de consumo foram identificados por meio de análise de componentes principais. Para o estudo da influência dos indicadores socioeconômicos na conformação dos padrões alimentares, foram utilizados modelos de regressão quantílica. RESULTADOS: Os padrões alimentares extraídos foram classificados em padrão obesogênico e padrão tradicional. Nos modelos de regressão quantílica, ajustados por faixa etária e por sexo, o menor grau de instrução materna esteve associado negativamente, em níveis significantes, na maioria dos percentis, ao consumo de alimentos que integram o padrão obesogênico. A baixa renda associou-se negativamente aos maiores percentis (p>95). Os dados indicam não haver influência dos indicadores socioeconômicos sobre o consumo de alimentos que integram o padrão tradicional. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que há influência dos fatores socioeconômicos na adesão ao padrão obesogênico de consumo. Esse conjunto de resultados requer a atenção dos gestores públicos para a identificação de um padrão de consumo ocidental, visualizado amplamente nos estudos em que se avaliam padrões de consumo adotados na atualidade pela população brasileira - sobretudo por crianças e adolescentes -, caracterizados por englobar componentes alimentares de risco para as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis.


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We performed a macroscopic and microscopic study of the tongues of common opossums, Didelphis marsupialis, from South America. We studied two males and two females. We collected morphometric data on the tongue with precision calipers. For the light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy analyses, we fixed tissue fragments in 10% formaldehyde and 2.5% glutaraldehyde, respectively. The opossum tongues averaged 5.87 +/- 0.20 cm in length, 3.27 +/- 0.15 cm in width at the lingual body, and 3.82 +/- 0.15 cm in width at the root. The mean thickness of the lingual body was 1.8 +/- 0.1 cm, and the thickness of the root was 3.82 +/- 0.15 cm. Sharp filiform papillae were scattered across the entire tongue; conical filiform papillae occurred on the lingual body and tongue tip; fungiform papillae were scattered among the filiform papillae on the lingual body and tongue tip; and there were three vallate papillae at the root of the tongue. We found two strands of papillary projections in the tongue root. Despite the low variability observed in the lingual papillae, the morphological data obtained in this study may be related to the opossum's diverse food habits and the extensive geographic distribution of the species throughout America. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a densidade energética da dieta de adultos do município de São Paulo e fatores associados. SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: Participantes do estudo ISA-Capital, com amostragem probabilística (n = 710 adultos). O consumo alimentar foi avaliado pelo R24h. As correlações foram investigadas pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. As associações com dados demográficos, socioeconômicos e de estilo de vida foram investigadas por modelos de regressão multivariados. RESULTADOS: A densidade energética média foi 1,98 kcal/g (IC95% [1,94; 2,01]) e correlacionou-se positivamente com a ingestão de energia, gordura, carboidrato, colesterol, gordura saturada, sacarose, gordura trans e açúcar adicionado e negativamente com fibras. Apenas idade e hábito de fumar apresentaram associação com a densidade energética. CONCLUSÕES: Os valores elevados da densidade energética da dieta e a relação demonstrada com outros constituintes nutricionais denotam má qualidade da dieta nessa população, o que pode estar contribuindo para crescentes taxas de excesso de peso. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(9):638-45


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FUNDAMENTO: Sabe-se que hábitos de vida inadequados favorecem a hipertensão, e os adventistas preconizam hábitos saudáveis. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência da hipertensão nos adventistas do sétimo dia na capital e no interior paulistas. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 264 adventistas (41,17 ± 15,27 anos, 59,8% mulheres, com alto nível de religiosidade avaliada pela escala Duke-DUREL). A medida da pressão arterial foi realizada com aparelho automático validado. Nível de significância adotado foi p < 0,05. Resultados: A prevalência total de hipertensão foi 22,7%, (27,4% no interior e 15% na capital). Os adventistas da capital diferiram dos do interior (p < 0,05), respectivamente, quanto: escolaridade superior (62% vs 36,6%); ter vínculo empregatício (44%) vs autônomos (40,9%); renda familiar (8,39 ± 6,20 vs 4,59 ± 4,75 salários mínimos) e renda individual (4,54 ± 5,34 vs 6,35 ± 48 salários mínimos); casal responsável pela renda familiar (35% vs 39,6%); vegetarianismo (11% vs 3%); pressão arterial (115,38 ± 16,52/68,74 ± 8,94 vs 123,66 ± 19,62/74,88 ± 11,85 mmHg); etnia branca (65% vs 81,1%); casados (53% vs 68,9%); menor apoio social no domínio material (15,7 ± 5,41 vs 16,9 ± 4,32) e lembrar da última vez que mediu a pressão arterial (65% vs 48,8%). A análise multivariada associou hipertensão com: 1) vegetarianismo (OR 0,051, IC95% 0,004-0,681), 2) escolaridade (OR 5,317, IC95% 1,674-16,893), 3) lembrar quando mediu a pressão (OR 2,725, IC95% 1,275-5,821), 4) aposentado (OR 8,846, IC95% 1,406-55,668), 5) responsável pela renda familiar (OR 0,422, IC95% 0,189-0,942). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de hipertensão dos adventistas foi menor se comparada com estudos nacionais, sendo menor na capital em relação ao interior possivelmente por melhores condições socioeconômicas e hábitos de vida.


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Few studies have evaluated long-term changes in avian abundance in forest remnants. To compare both species richness and abundance of the bird community in a forest fragment located in the municipality of Gália, state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, we surveyed forest birds using transect counts. We compared our results with a survey conducted 30 years earlier at the same locality and further classified bird species according to their food habits to eventually predict fluctuations of specific abundance. Although species with population declines predominated in the community, all trophic categories had species which increased their abundances. Most species prone to move around remnants decreased in abundance. We suggest that, regarding specific abundances, trophic categories may be equally affected as a result of fragmentation processes and that the forest regeneration of this remnant may have led to the loss of edge species. Species that suffered from abundance loss during this time period may become locally extinct in the near future.


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Revisão integrativa da literatura com objetivo de investigar os construtos da imagem corporal e hábitos alimentares na anorexia nervosa (AN). As bases consultadas foram MedLine, LILACS e PsycINFO, no período de 2005 a 2009. A maioria dos artigos encontrados é constituída de estudos não-experimentais e descritivos, provenientes de fontes internacionais. Os resultados evidenciaram que a personalidade de mulheres com AN é permeada por baixa autoestima, sentimentos de inferioridade, inadequação, insegurança, perfeccionismo e obsessividade, fatores que acarretam acentuada inibição e retraimento social, e que exercem influência na distorção da imagem corporal e na aquisição de hábitos alimentares disfuncionais. Como conclusão ressalta-se a necessidade de tratamento interdisciplinar, e de novos estudos experimentais e nacionais, que busquem compreender a relação entre os construtos.