939 resultados para Folk riddles books
This article presents data-rich findings of a comprehensive follow-up study on the patron-driven/demand-driven ebook acquisitions (DDA) plan chronicled in two prior articles from the DDA ebook plan's October 2011 inception. Into the third fiscal year, print vs. ebook usage preferences have begun to emerge, and the results broken out by discipline are presented.
This article explores libraries’ technical workflow design and strategic considerations as various e-books business models and mobile devices and their management become a growing part of the information landscape.
It is shown that, for almost every two-player game with imperfect monitoring, the conclusions of the classical folk theorem are false. So, even though these games admit a well-known approximate folk theorem, an exact folk theorem may only be obtained for a measure zero set of games. A complete characterization of the efficient equilibria of almost every such game is also given, along with an inefficiency result on the imperfect monitoring prisoner s dilemma.
O problema de pesquisa da presente dissertação reside no questionamento sobre quais são os fatores de adoção e resistência ao consumo de e-books em plataformas digitais. Para analisá-lo foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória. Durante a coleta de dados, além da pesquisa bibliográfica realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo para obtenção de dados empíricos, com 12 entrevistas em profundidade, utilizando-se um roteiro semiestruturado. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por meio do método de análise de conteúdo. Ademais, este trabalho foi estruturado da seguinte forma: no capítulo 1 o problema de pesquisa é apresentando e contextualizado, bem como os objetivos e pressupostos desta dissertação; no capítulo 2 é abordado o referencial teórico pertinente, consistente no mercado de e-books, hábitos, atitudes e a relação entre hábitos e atitudes; no capítulo 3 é apresentada a metodologia de pesquisa utilizada; no capítulo 4 são apresentados e analisados os resultados da pesquisa de campo; no capítulo 5 apresentam-se as observações finais acerca deste trabalho. Assim, procurou-se por intermédio deste estudo articular a adoção do consumo de e-books com a teoria dos hábitos de consumo e das atitudes perante a tecnologia.
This work was carried out in five counties of Amazon State, Brazil, along the Solimoes/Amazonas and Negro Rivers. The objective was to identify the several forms of natural and induced propagation with medicinal plants, natives and exotics. The peoples were interviewed, with visit and recollection of botanical materials to herborization and reproduction. The greatest parts of plants propagate by seeds (65,8 per cent) and cutting (23,5 per cent). It was showed several species that reproduce by other strategies, like bulbs, rhizomes or brotations. The Amazonian species, in general, propagate by seeds, with some exceptions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The isolation of three new triterpene saponins 3beta-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->3)-alpha-L-2-O-acetylara-binopyranosylolean-12-en-28-oic acid 28-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl ester (2), 3beta-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->2)-alpha-L-O-arabinopyranosylurs-12-en-28-oic acid (3), and 3beta-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->2)-beta-D-O-galactopyranosylurs-12-en-28-oic acid (4) together with five known saponins and one flavonoid glycoside from the aqueous infusion of flex amara (Vellozo) Loes. leaves is reported. All structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods, including the concerted application of one-dimensional (H-1, TOCSY, C-13, and C-13 DEPT NMR) and two-dimensional NMR techniques (DQF-COSY, HSQC, and HMBC).
The objective if this work was a survey of medicinal plants plus commonly cultivated in quintais in Amazon State, Brazil. The work was carried out in five counties at the Solimões/Amazonas and Negro Rivers, by questionnaires, interviews and collections of botanical materials, using the literature to define the geographic origins. It was showed 105 species of medicinal plants, with average of 13 per house. The Amazonian plants, in general wood plants, meaning 10,9 percent of the total of species that was survey, with predominance of the American continent plants out of Amazonian (38,2 per cent). The major group was herbaceous or shrubs exotic plants, aromatics. In general, the peoples unknown the origin of the species of medicinal plants that use day after day.
The family Piperaceae contains nearly 2000 species, most of them distributed in two genera, Piper and Peperomia. In Brazil circa 170 Piper species are found, mainly in tropical areas Their use ranges from flavoring and culinary to raw material for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. One of these species, Piper callosum, is used in folk medicine in the Amazon area. The objective of this study was to evaluate the production of biomass (aerial parts) as well as yield and composition of the essential oil from the leaves, according to different spacing between cultivated plants at Embrapa Western Amazon, in Manaus, State of Amazonas, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four treatments and seven replicates with six plants. Biomass production was inversely proportional to the spatial arrangements, with the greatest biomass production (1034.93 kg/ha) in the shortest spacing (E1), although no statistical difference was verified between E3 and E4. The same response was observed for the production of essential oil. The chemical composition of the oil was not affected by spacing, and major compounds found were safrole (59.1%), beta-pinene (8.3%), alpha-pinene (6.5%), methyl eugenol (6.3%) and 1,8-cineole (4.1).
A presente dissertação analisa a atuação da editora Guajarina na divulgação da literatura de cordel no Pará a partir de uma história do livro e da leitura, tendo como recorte o período de 1922 a 1949. Nesse sentido, procuramos explorar algumas questões relacionadas ao cordel que não se reduzem aos textos, tais como: a problematização da associação entre cordel, cultura popular e folclore; a produção e circulação dos folhetos; e as representações e estratégias dos poetas nas histórias de crimes. Desse modo, a análise da Guajarina e de seus folhetos nos permite entender alguns significados das múltiplas práticas de leitura da sociedade no contexto da primeira metade do século XX. Além dos folhetos, também são utilizadas fontes como jornais, revistas e coleções encadernadas de modinhas.
Sob a influência de seu predecessor mais forte, John Milton, o poeta, pintor e gravurista William Blake reage a essa influência incorporando-a dinamicamente à sua poesia. Porém, a reação à influência poética é mais abrangente que a incorporação do Paradise Lost, de John Milton, ao seu poema Milton: a Poem in Two Books e conduz o autor a criar uma linguagem poética na qual as referências extratextuais verbais e visuais são transferidas, por meio de metalinguagem, para o interior do próprio poema. Sem referências claras para ajudá-lo, o leitor é induzido a criar suas referências subjetivas e dar sentido ao texto, transformando-se, assim, de leitor passivo, em leitor/criador ativo. Palavras-chave: William Blake; iluminuras; John Milton; influência; reação; sistema verbal/visual.
Ethnopharmacological relevance: In Brazil, a phytotherapeutic preparation produced from a standardized tincture of Cinchona calisaya Weddel such that each mL of product contains 400 mu g of quinine, known in Portuguese as Agua Inglesa (R) (English water), is indicated by the manufacturer as a tonic, appetite stimulant, and digestive. However, this preparation has long been used in folk medicine as a female fertility stimulant. Despite its widespread use in folk medicine to stimulate female fertility, no study has been undertaken to assess the potential teratogenic and genotoxic effects of this phytotherapeutic preparation. The aim of the present study was to investigate possible toxic reproductive effects in mice caused by exposure to Agua Inglesa (R), either before mating or during the pre- and post-embryo implantation periods. The genotoxic potential was evaluated using the micronucleus assay.Material, Methods, and Results: Virgin female mice, with at least one estrous cycle evidenced by vaginal cytology, were divided into five groups of 15 individuals each (Group I - control, Group II - treated with ethanol solution at 16%, Groups III, IV and V treated with phytotherapeutic preparation at 1.5 mL/kg/day, 3.0 mL/kg/day and 4.5 mL/kg/day, respectively). After the first 28 days of treatment, females were caged individually with adult fertile males. Pregnant females continued to receive treatment for seven days (preimplantation period). Body weight was recorded weekly during treatment. Signs of toxicity (weight loss, food intake, piloerection, apathy, prostration, diarrhea, seizures, behavioral changes, and locomotion) were also observed. The females were sacrificed on the 15th day of pregnancy, uterine horns were evaluated for implantation, and the placental index was recorded. In the micronucleus test, 2000 polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE) per animal, obtained from bone marrow, were scored. Results The results showed that exposure of the females during the pre- and post-implantation periods did not significantly alter the reproductive capacity (p < 0.05); however, in higher dose (three times human dose)reduction of fetal weight was observed. There was no difference between the control and phytotherapeutic preparation (p > 0.05) in terms of the average number of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes.Conclusions: Although folk medicine suggests that the Agua Inglesa (R) preparation is useful as a female fertility stimulant, no such effect was confirmed in mice. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS