992 resultados para Fetal renal regulation
Modulation of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) monooxygenase system by cadmium was investigated in male, adult DBA/2J mice treated with a single dose (16 mumol/kg body weight, i.p.) of cadmium chloride (CdCl2). Total CYP content of liver and kidney microsomes decreased maximally (56% and 85%, respectively) 24 and 18 h, respectively, after CdCl2 treatment. Progressive increases of hepatic coumarin 7-hydroxylase (COH) activity; indicative of CYP2A5 activity, relative to the total CYP content were seen at 8 h (2-fold), 12 h (3-fold), 18 h (12-fold), and 24 h (15-fold). Similar changes were seen in the kidney. Liver and kidney CYP2A5 mRNA levels increased maximally 12 and 4 h after treatment and decreased to almost half 6 h later. In contrast, kidney and liver CYP2A5 protein levels increased maximally at 18 and 24 h. The CYP2A5 mRNA levels in the kidney and liver increased after Cd treatment in Nrf2 +/+ but not in Nrf2 -/- mouse. This study demonstrates that hepatic and kidney CYP2A5 is upregulated by cadmium with a somewhat faster response in the kidney than the liver. The strong upregulation of the CYP2A5 both at mRNA and enzyme activity levels, with a simultaneous decrease in the total CYP concentration suggest an unusual mode of regulation of CYP2A5 in response to cadmium exposure, amongst the CYP enzymes. The observed decrease in the mRNA but not in protein levels after maximal induction may suggest involvement of post-trancriptional mechanisms in the regulation. Upregulation of CYP2A5 by cadmium in the Nrf2 +/+ mice but not in the Nrf2 -/- mice indicates a role for this transcription factor in the regulation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Modulation of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) monooxygenase system by cadmium was investigated in male, adult DBA/2J mice treated with a single dose (16 Amol/kg body weight, i.p.) of cadmium chloride (CdCl2) at various time points. The total CYP content of kidney microsomes started to decrease 4 hours earlier than in the liver (P < 0.05), with maximal decreases at 24 hours of 56% and 85% in the liver and kidney, respectively. In contrast, both hepatic and renal coumarin 7-hydroxylase (COH) activity (indicative of CYP2A5 activity) relative to total CYP content started to progressively increase at 8 hours, with renal activity 61 times higher than the hepatic activity. Maximum increases were observed, 15-fold in the liver and 64-fold in the kidney after 24 hours. Liver and kidney CYP2A5 mRNA levels increased maximally 12 and 4 hours after treatment, respectively and decreased to almost half 6 hours later. In contrast, kidney and liver CYP2A5 protein levels increased maximally at 18 and 24 hours. This study demonstrates that hepatic and renal CYP2A5 is upregulated by cadmium with a faster response in the kidney than in the liver. This observation is concordant with the fact that kidney is the target organ for cadmium toxicity. The observed increase in the mRNA but not in protein levels after maximal induction suggests involvement of post-transcriptional mechanisms in the regulation of CYP2A5 expression by cadmium.
The end point of immune and nonimmune renal injury typically involves glomerular and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Although numerous studies have focused on the events that lead to renal fibrosis, less is known about the mechanisms that promote cellular repair and tissue remodeling. Described is a model of renal injury and repair after the reversal of unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) in male C57b1/6J mice. Male mice (20 to 25 g) underwent 10 d of UUO with or without 1, 2, 4, or 6 wk of reversal of UUO (R-UUO). UUO resulted in cortical tubular cell atrophy and tubular dilation in conjunction with an almost complete ablation of the outer medulla. This was associated with interstitial macrophage infiltration; increased hydroxyproline content; and upregulated type I, III, IV, and V collagen expression. The volume density of kidney occupied by renal tubules that exhibited a brush border was measured as an assessment of the degree of repair after R-UUO. After 6 wk of R-UUO, there was an increase in the area of kidney occupied by repaired tubules (83.7 +/- 5.9%), compared with 10 d UUO kidneys (32.6 +/- 7.3%). This coincided with reduced macrophage numbers, decreased hydroxyproline content, and reduced collagen accumulation and interstitial matrix expansion, compared with obstructed kidneys from UUO mice. GFR in the 6-wk R-UUO kidneys was restored to 43 to 88% of the GFR in the contralateral unobstructed kidneys. This study describes the regenerative potential of the kidney after the established interstitial matrix expansion and medullary ablation associated with UUO in the adult mouse.
Essential hypertension is one of the most common diseases in the Western world, affecting about 26.4% of the adult population, and it is increasing (1). Its causes are heterogeneous and include genetic and environmental factors (2), but several observations point to an important role of the kidney in its genesis (3). In addition to variations in tubular transport mechanisms that could, for example, affect salt handling, structural characteristics of the kidney might also contribute to hypertension. The burden of chronic kidney disease is also increasing worldwide, due to population growth, increasing longevity, and changing risk factors. Although single-cause models of disease are still widely promoted, multideterminant or multihit models that can accommodate multiple risk factors in an individual or in a population are probably more applicable (4,5). In such a framework, nephron endowment is one potential determinant of disease susceptibility. Some time ago, Brenner and colleagues (6,7) proposed that lower nephron numbers predispose both to essential hypertension and to renal disease. They also proposed that hypertension and progressive renal insufficiency might be initiated and accelerated by glomerular hypertrophy and intraglomerular hypertension that develops as nephron number is reduced (8). In this review, we summarize data from recent studies that shed more light on these hypotheses. The data supply a new twist to possible mechanisms of the Barker hypothesis, which proposes that intrauterine growth retardation predisposes to chronic disease in later life (9). The review describes how nephron number is estimated and its range and some determinants and morphologic correlates. It then considers possible causes of low nephron numbers. Finally, associations of hypertension and renal disease with reduced nephron numbers are considered, and some potential clinical implications are discussed.
The constitutive reuptake of albumin from the glomerular filtrate by receptor-mediated endocytosis is a key function of the renal proximal tubules. Both the Cl- channel ClC-5 and the Na+-H+ exchanger isoform 3 are critical components of the macromolecular endocytic complex that is required for albumin uptake, and therefore the cell-surface levels of these proteins may limit albumin endocytosis. This study was undertaken to investigate the potential roles of the epithelial PDZ scaffolds, Na+-H+ exchange regulatory factors, NHERF1 and NHERF2, in albumin uptake by opossum kidney ( OK) cells. We found that ClC-5 co-immunoprecipitates with NHERF2 but not NHERF1 from OK cell lysate. Experiments using fusion proteins demonstrated that this was a direct interaction between an internal binding site in the C terminus of ClC-5 and the PDZ2 module of NHERF2. In OK cells, NHERF2 is restricted to the intravillar region while NHERF1 is located in the microvilli. Silencing NHERF2 reduced both cell-surface levels of ClC-5 and albumin uptake. Conversely, silencing NHERF1 increased cell-surface levels of ClC-5 and albumin uptake, presumably by increasing the mobility of NHE3 in the membrane and its availability to the albumin uptake complex. Surface biotinylation experiments revealed that both NHERF1 and NHERF2 were associated with the plasma membrane and that NHERF2 was recruited to the membrane in the presence of albumin. The importance of the interaction between NHERF2 and the cytoskeleton was demonstrated by a significant reduction in albumin uptake in cells overexpressing an ezrin binding-deficient mutant of NHERF2. Thus NHERF1 and NHERF2 differentially regulate albumin uptake by mechanisms that ultimately alter the cell-surface levels of ClC-5.
Differential regulation of suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 in the liver and adipose tissue of the sheep fetus in late gestation. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 290: R1044 - R1051, 2006. First published November 10, 2005; doi: 10.1152/ajpregu. 00573.2005. - It is unknown whether the JAK/STAT/suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 (SOCS-3) intracellular signaling pathway plays a role in tissue growth and metabolism during fetal life. We investigated whether there is a differential profile of SOCS-3 expression in the liver and perirenal adipose tissue during the period of increased fetal growth in late gestation and the impact of fetal growth restriction on SOCS-3 expression in the fetal liver. We also determined whether basal SOCS-3 expression in the fetal liver and perirenal adipose tissue is regulated by endogenous fetal prolactin (PRL). SOCS-3 mRNA abundance was higher in the liver than in the pancreas, spleen, and kidney of the sheep fetus during late gestation. In the liver, SOCS-3 mRNA expression was increased (P < 0.05) between 125 (n < 4) and 145 days (n < 7) gestation and lower (P < 0.05) in growth-restricted compared with normally grown fetal sheep in late gestation. The relative expression of SOCS-3 mRNA in the fetal liver was directly related to the mean plasma PRL concentrations during a 48-h infusion of either a dopaminergic agonist, bromocriptine (n < 7), or saline (n < 5), such that SOCS-3 mRNA expression was lower when plasma PRL concentrations decreased below similar to 20 ng/ml [y = 0.99 - (2.47/x) + (4.96/x(2)); r(2) = 0.91, P < 0.0001, n < 12]. No relationship was shown between the abundance of phospho-STAT5 in the fetal liver and circulating PRL. SOCS-3 expression in perirenal adipose tissue decreased (P < 0001) between 90 - 91 (n < 6) and 140 - 145 days (n < 9) gestation and was not related to endogenous PRL concentrations. Thus SOCS-3 is differentially expressed and regulated in key fetal tissues and may play an important and tissue-specific role in the regulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation before birth.
Aborigines in remote areas of Australia have much higher rates of renal disease, as well as hypertension and cardiovascular disease, than non-Aboriginal Australians. We compared kidney findings in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in one remote region. Glomerular number and mean glomerular volume were estimated with the disector/fractionator combination in the right kidney of 19 Aborigines and 24 non-Aboriginal people undergoing forensic autopsy for sudden or unexpected death in the Top End of the Northern Territory. Aborigines had 30% fewer glomeruli than non-Aborigines-202000 fewer glomeruli per kidney, or an estimated 404000 fewer per person (P=0.036). Their mean glomerular volume was 27% larger (P=0.016). Glomerular number was significantly correlated with adult height, inferring a relationship with birthweight, which, on average, is much lower in Aboriginal than non-Aboriginal people. Aboriginal people with a history of hypertension had 30% fewer glomeruli than those without-250000 fewer per kidney (P=0.03), or 500000 fewer per person, and their mean glomerular volume was about 25% larger. The lower nephron number in Aboriginal people is compatible with their susceptibility to renal failure. The additional nephron deficit associated with hypertension is compatible with other reports. Lower nephron numbers are probably due in part to reduced nephron endowment, which is related to a suboptimal intrauterine environment. Compensatory glomerular hypertrophy in people with fewer nephrons, while minimizing loss of total filtering surface area, might be exacerbating nephron loss. Optimization of fetal growth should ultimately reduce the florid epidemic of renal disease, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.
Cells and organisms respond to nutrient deprivation by decreasing global rates of transcription, translation and DNA replication. To what extent such changes can be reversed is largely unknown. We examined the effect of maternal dietary restriction on RNA synthesis in the offspring. Low protein diet fed either throughout gestation or for the preimplantation period alone reduced cellular RNA content across fetal somatic tissues during challenge and increased it beyond controls in fetal and adult tissues after challenge release. Changes in transcription of ribosomal RNA, the major component of cellular RNA, were responsible for this phenotype as evidenced by matching alterations in RNA polymerase I density and DNA methylation at ribosomal DNA loci. Cellular levels of the ribosomal transcription factor Rrn3 mirrored the rRNA expression pattern. In cell culture experiments, Rrn3 overexpression reduced rDNA methylation and increased rRNA expression; the converse occurred after inhibition of Rrn3 activity. These observations define novel mechanism where poor nutrition before implantation irreversibly alters basal rates of rRNA transcription thereafter in a process mediated by rDNA methylation and Rrn3 factor.
The mechanisms governing fetal development follow a tightly regulated pattern of progression such that interference at any one particular stage is likely to have consequences for all other stages of development in the physiological system that has been affected thereafter. These disturbances can take the form of many different events but two of the most common and widely implicated in causing detrimental effects to the developing fetus are maternal immune activation (MIA) and maternal stress. MIA has been shown to cause an increase in circulating proinflammatory cytokines in both the maternal and fetal circulation. This increase in proinflammatory mediators in the fetus is thought to occur by fetal production rather than through exchange between the maternal-fetal interface. In the case of maternal stress it is increased levels of stress related hormones such as cortisol/corticosterone which is thought to elicit the detrimental effects on fetal development. In the case of both maternal infection and stress the timing and nature of the insult generally dictates the severity and type of effects seen in affected offspring. We investigated the effect of a proinflammatory environment on neural precursor cells of which exposure resulted in a significant decrease in the normal rate of proliferation of NPCs in culture but did not have any effect on cell survival. These effects were seen to be age dependent. Using a restraint stress model we investigated the effects of prenatal stress on the development of a number of different physiological systems in the same cohort of animals. PNS animals exhibited a number of aberrant changes in cardiovascular function with altered responses to stress and hypertension, modifications in respiratory responses to hypercapnic and hypoxic challenges and discrepancies in gastrointestinal innervation. Taken together these findings suggest that both maternal infection and maternal stress are detrimental to the normal development of the fetus.
In the present study, the effects of Polybia paulista venom (PPV) on renal and vascular tissues were investigated. Isolated kidneys perfused with PPV (1 and 3 mu g/mL) had increased perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance, urinary flow, and glomerular filtration rate; and reduced sodium tubular transport. Histological evaluation demonstrated deposits of proteins in Bowman's space and tubular lumen, and focal areas of necrosis. The venom promoted a cytotoxic effect on Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. A significant increase in lactic dehydrogenase levels was observed in response to venom exposure. In isolated mesenteric vascular beds, pressure and vascular resistance augmented in a dose-dependent manner. PPV increased the contractility of aortic rings maintained under basal tension. This contractile response was inhibited when preparations were maintained in Ca2+-free medium. Likewise, verapamil, a voltage-gated calcium channel blocker, also inhibited the contractile response. In this study, phentolamine, a blocker of a-adrenergic receptor blocker, significantly reduced the contractile effect of PPV in the aortic ring. In conclusion, PPV produced nephrotoxicity, which suggests a direct effect on necrotic cellular death in renal tubule cells. The vascular contractile effect of PPV appears to involve calcium influx through voltage-gated calcium channels via adrenergic regulation.
This study aimed at evaluating the functional activation and activating receptors expression on resting, short- and long-term NK and NK-like T cells from blood of ovarian neoplasia patients. Blood from patients with adnexal benign alterations (n = 10) and ovarian cancer (grade I-IV n = 14) were collected after signed consent. Effector cells activation was evaluated by the expression of the CD107a molecule. Short-term culture was conducted overnight with IL-2 and long-term culture for 21 days, by a method designed to expand CD56(+) lymphocytes. Short-term culture significantly increased NK cells activation compared to resting NK cells (p<0.05), however, the long-term procedure supported an even higher increase (p<0.001). Resting NK-like T cells showed poor activation, which was not altered by the culture procedures. The long-term culture effectively increased the expression of the activating receptors on NK and NK-like T cells, either by increasing the number of cells expressing a given receptor and/or by up-regulating their expression intensity. As a conclusion, the long-term culture system employed, resulted in a high number of functional NK cells. The culture system was particularly efficient on the up-regulation of NKp30 and DNAM-1 receptors on NK cells.
The aim of this study is to test the feasibility and reproducibility of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) evaluations of the fetal brains in cases of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). From May 2011 to June 2012, 24 patients with severe TTTS underwent MRI scans for evaluation of the fetal brains. Datasets were analyzed offline on axial DW images and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps by two radiologists. The subjective evaluation was described as the absence or presence of water diffusion restriction. The objective evaluation was performed by the placement of 20-mm(2) circular regions of interest on the DW image and ADC maps. Subjective interobserver agreement was assessed by the kappa correlation coefficient. Objective intraobserver and interobserver agreements were assessed by proportionate Bland-Altman tests. Seventy-four DW-MRI scans were performed. Sixty of them (81.1%) were considered to be of good quality. Agreement between the radiologists was 100% for the absence or presence of diffusion restriction of water. For both intraobserver and interobserver agreement of ADC measurements, proportionate Bland-Altman tests showed average percentage differences of less than 1.5% and 95% CI of less than 18% for all sites evaluated. Our data demonstrate that DW-MRI evaluation of the fetal brain in TTTS is feasible and reproducible.
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common infection posttransplant. However, the risk factors for and the impact of UTIs remain controversial. The aim of this study was to identify the incidence of posttransplant UTIs in a series of renal transplant recipients from deceased donors. Secondary objectives were to identify: (1) the most frequent infectious agents; (2) risk factors related to donor; (3) risk factors related to recipients; and (4) impact of UTI on graft function. This was a retrospective analysis of medical records from renal transplant patients from January to December 2010. Local ethics committee approved the protocol. The incidence of UTI in this series was 34.2%. Risk factors for UTI were older age, (independent of gender), biopsy-proven acute rejection episodes, and kidneys from deceased donors (United Network for Organ Sharing criteria). For female patients, the number of pretransplant pregnancies was an additional risk factor. Recurrent UTI was observed in 44% of patients from the UTI group. The most common infectious agents were Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, for both isolated and recurrent UTI. No difference in renal graft function or immunosuppressive therapy was observed between groups after the 1-year follow-up. In this series, older age, previous pregnancy, kidneys from expanded criteria donors, and biopsy-proven acute rejection episodes were risk factors for posttransplant UTI. Recurrence of UTI was observed in 44%, with no negative impact on graft function or survival.
Ki-1/57 (HABP4) and CGI-55 (SERBP1) are regulatory proteins and paralogs with 40.7% amino acid sequence identity and 67.4% similarity. Functionally, they have been implicated in the regulation of gene expression on both the transcriptional and mRNA metabolism levels. A link with tumorigenesis is suggested, since both paralogs show altered expression levels in tumor cells and the Ki-1/57 gene is found in a region of chromosome 9q that represents a haplotype for familiar colon cancer. However, the target genes regulated by Ki-1/57 and CGI-55 are unknown. Here, we analyzed the alterations of the global transcriptome profile after Ki-1/57 or CGI-55 overexpression in HEK293T cells by DNA microchip technology. We were able to identify 363 or 190 down-regulated and 50 or 27 up-regulated genes for Ki-1/57 and CGI-55, respectively, of which 20 were shared between both proteins. Expression levels of selected genes were confirmed by qRT-PCR both after protein overexpression and siRNA knockdown. The majority of the genes with altered expression were associated to proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle control processes, prompting us to further explore these contexts experimentally. We observed that overexpression of Ki-1/57 or CGI-55 results in reduced cell proliferation, mainly due to a G1 phase arrest, whereas siRNA knockdown of CGI-55 caused an increase in proliferation. In the case of Ki-1/57 overexpression, we found protection from apoptosis after treatment with the ER-stress inducer thapsigargin. Together, our data give important new insights that may help to explain these proteins putative involvement in tumorigenic events.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) pathogenesis leads to recurrent vaso-occlusive and hemolytic processes, causing numerous clinical complications including renal damage. As vasoconstrictive mechanisms may be enhanced in SCD, due to endothelial dysfunction and vasoactive protein production, we aimed to determine whether the expression of proteins of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) may be altered in an animal model of SCD. Plasma angiotensin II (Ang II) was measured in C57BL/6 (WT) mice and mice with SCD by ELISA, while quantitative PCR was used to compare the expressions of the genes encoding the angiotensin-II-receptors 1 and 2 (AT1R and AT2R) and the angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACE1 and ACE2) in the kidneys, hearts, livers and brains of mice. The effects of hydroxyurea (HU; 50-75mg/kg/day, 4weeks) treatment on these parameters were also determined. Plasma Ang II was significantly diminished in SCD mice, compared with WT mice, in association with decreased AT1R and ACE1 expressions in SCD mice kidneys. Treatment of SCD mice with HU reduced leukocyte and platelet counts and increased plasma Ang II to levels similar to those of WT mice. HU also increased AT1R and ACE2 gene expression in the kidney and heart. Results indicate an imbalanced RAS in an SCD mouse model; HU therapy may be able to restore some RAS parameters in these mice. Further investigations regarding Ang II production and the RAS in human SCD may be warranted, as such changes may reflect or contribute to renal damage and alterations in blood pressure.