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Individuals living in regions where malaria is endemic develop an acquired immunity to malaria which enables them to remain asymptomatic while still carrying parasites. Field studies indicate that cumulative exposure to a variety of diverse Plasmodium parasites is required for the transition from symptomatic to asymptomatic malaria. This study used a simulation model of the within-host dynamics of P. falciparum to investigate the development of acquired clinical immunity under different transmission conditions and levels of parasite diversity. Antibodies developed to P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), a clonally variant molecule, were assumed to be a key human immunological response to P. falciparum infection, along with responses to clonally conserved but polymorphic antigens. The time to the development of clinical immunity was found to be proportional to parasite diversity and inversely proportional to transmission intensity. The effect of early termination of symptomatic infections by chemotherapy was investigated and found not to inhibit the host's ability to develop acquired immunity. However, the time required to achieve this state was approximately double that compared to when no treatment was administered. This study demonstrates that an immune response primarily targeted against PfEMP1 has the ability to reduce clinical symptoms of infections irrespective of whether treatment is administered, supporting its role in the development of acquired clinical immunity. The results also illustrate a novel use for simulation models of P. falciparum infections, investigation of the influence of intervention strategies on the development of naturally acquired clinical immunity.


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Immunizing pregnant women with a malaria vaccine is one approach to protecting the mother and her offspring from malaria infection. However, specific maternal Abs generated in response to vaccination and transferred to the fetus may interfere with the infant's ability to respond to the same vaccine. Using a murine model of malaria, we examined the effect of maternal 19-kDa C-terminal region of merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP1(19)) and Plasmodium yoelii Abs on the pups' ability to respond to immunization with MSP1(19). Maternal MSPI,g-specific Abs but not A yoelii-specific Abs inhibited Ab production following MSP1(19) immunization in 2-wk-old pups. This inhibition was correlated with the amount of maternal MSP1(19) Ab present in the pup at the time of immunization and was due to fewer specific B cells. Passively acquired Ab most likely inhibited the development of an Ab response by blocking access to critical B cell epitopes. If a neonate's ability to respond to MSP1(19) vaccination depends on the level of maternal Abs present at the time of vaccination, it may be necessary to delay immunization until Abs specific for the vaccinating Ag have decreased.


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Antigenic variation in Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1, caused by a switch in transcription of the encoding var gene, is an important feature of malaria. In this study, we quantified the relative abundance of var gene transcripts present in P. falciparum parasite clones using real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and conventional RT-PCR combined with cloning and sequencing, with the aim of directly comparing the results obtained. When there was sufficient abundance of RNA for the real-time RT-PCR assay to be operating within the region of good reproducibility, RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR tended to identify the same dominant transcript, although some transcript-specific issues were identified. When there were differences in the estimated relative amounts of minor transcripts, the RT-PCR assay tended to produce higher estimates than real-time RT-PCR. These results provide valuable information comparing RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR analysis of samples with small quantities of RNA as might be expected in the analysis of field or clinical samples.


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The multicopy var gene family encoding the variant surface antigen Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 is highly diverse, with little overlap between different P. falciparum isolates. We report 5 var genes (varS1-varS5) that are shared at relatively high frequency among 63 genetically diverse P. falciparum isolates collected from 5 islands in the West Pacific region. The varS1, varS2, and varS3 genes were localized to the internal region on chromosome 4, similar to 200 kb from pfdhfr-ts, whereas varS4 and varS5 were mapped to an internal region of chromosome 7, within 100 kb of pfcrt. The presence of varS2 and varS3 were significantly correlated with the pyrimethamine-resistant pfdhfr genotype, whereas varS4 was strongly correlated with the chloroquine-resistant pfcrt genotype. Thus, the conservation of these var genes is the result of their physical linkage with drug-resistant genes in combination with the antimalarial drug pressure in the region.


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Malaria aminopeptidases are important in the generation and regulation of free amino acids that are used in protein anabolism and for maintaining osmotic stability within the infected erythrocyte. The intraerythrocytic development of malaria parasites is blocked when the activity of aminopeptidases is specifically inhibited by reagents such as bestatin. One of the major aminopeptidases of malaria parasites is a leucyl aminopeptidase of the M17 family. We reasoned that, when this enzyme was the target of bestatin inhibition, its overexpression in malaria cells would lead to a reduced sensitivity to the inhibitor. To address this supposition, transgenic Plasmodium falciparum parasites overexpressing the leucyl aminopeptidase were generated by transfection with a plasmid that housed the full-length gene. Transgenic parasites expressed a 65-kDa protein close to the predicted molecule size of 67.831 kDa for the introduced leucyl aminopeptidase, and immunofluorescence studies localized the protein to the cytosol, the location of the native enzyme. The product of the transgene was shown to be functionally active with cytosolic extracts of transgenic parasites exhibiting twice the leucyl aminopeptidase activity compared with wildtype parasites. In vitro inhibitor sensitivity assays demonstrated that the transgenic parasites were more resistant to bestatin (EC50 64 mu M) compared with the parent parasites (EC50 25 mu M). Overexpression of genes in malaria parasites would have general application in the identification and validation of targets for antimalarial drugs.


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Background: Plasmodium falciparum, the most dangerous malaria parasite species to humans remains an important public health concern in Okelele, a rural community in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. There is however little information about the genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum in Nigeria. Objective: To determine the population genomic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum in malaria patients attending Okelele Community Healthcare Centre, Okelele, Ilorin, Kwara State. Methods: In this study, 50 Plasmodium falciparum strains Merozoite Surface Protein 1, Merozoite Surface Protein 2 and Glutamate Rich Protein were analysed from Okelele Health Centre, Okelele, Ilorin, Nigeria. Genetic diversity of P. falciparum isolates were analysed from nested polymerase chain reactions (PCR) of the MSP-1 (K1, MAD 20 and RO33), MSP-2 (FC27 and 3D7) and Glutamate Rich Protein allelic families respectively. Results: Polyclonal infections were more in majority of the patients for MSP-1 allelic families while monoclonal infections were more for MSP-2 allelic families. Multiplicity of infection for MSP-1, MSP-2 and GLURP were 1.7, 1.8 and 2.05 respectively Conclusion: There is high genetic diversity in MSP – 2 and GLURP allelic families of Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Okelele Health Centre, Ilorin, Nigeria.


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La malaria est une maladie infectieuse causant plus de 500 000 morts chaque année. La maladie est causée par un protozoaire de la famille Plasmodium. L’apparition de souches résistantes aux traitements actuels et l’absence de vaccin efficace rendent la découverte de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques urgente. Le parasite possède un complexe apical, un groupement de vacuoles sécrétoires spécialisées contenant les protéines responsables de l’invasion du globule rouge. Nous nous intéressons aux mécanismes gouvernant le transport intracellulaire de ces protéines et à la biogenèse du complexe apical lors de la formation des nouveaux parasites. Plus particulièrement, nous nous intéressons au rôle des phosphoinositides dans le recrutement des protéines à la membrane de l’appareil de Golgi. Par analyse bio-informatique du génome de P. falciparum, nous avons identifié plusieurs protéines effectrices liant potentiellement les phosphoinositides. Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire concernent Mal13P1.188, une protéine possédant un domaine Pleckstrin homology. Nous proposons que Mal13P1.188 ait un rôle dans la génération du complexe apical en recrutant les protéines le constituant à la membrane du Golgi par la liaison avec les phosphoinositides. Afin de vérifier nos hypothèses, nous avons généré une lignée de parasite dont le gène de Mal13P1.188 est fusionné avec une GFP et une hémagglutinine. À l’aide de cette lignée de parasite, nous avons pu identifier Mal13P1.188 à proximité de l’appareil de Golgi lorsque les parasites étaient sous la forme schizont du cycle érythrocytaire. D’autres expériences ont permis de confirmer que le domaine Pleckstrin homology de Mal13P1.188 était capable de reconnaître les différentes formes de phosphoinositides. Finalement, d’autres travaux devront être faits sur Mal13P1.188 afin de déterminer si elle est essentielle à la survie du parasite.


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SPECT-1 y -2 y SIAP-1 y -2 son proteínas pertenecientes al esporozoíto de Plasmodium falciparum causante de la malaria más agresiva en los humanos. Estas proteínas están involucradas en el paso del parásito a través de las células del hospedero humano y en la invasión del hepatocito, haciéndolas blancos atractivos para ser estudiadas. Péptidos conservados de alta capacidad de unión (cHABPs) a células HeLa y HepG2 derivados de estas moléculas son no inmunogénicos porque son incapaces de generar una respuesta inmunitaria, pero son claves para el parásito porque cumplen una función importante durante la infección del hospedero humano. En este trabajo se encontró que algunos cHABPs pertenecientes a las proteínas SPECT-1 y -2, están posiblemente involucrados con la unión y formación de poros sobre la membrana de las células hospederas, ayudando al esporozoíto a abrirse paso través de las células del hospedero. Por otro lado, con el fin de cambiar el comportamiento inmunológico de cHABPs derivados de SPECT-1 y -2 y SIAP-1 y -2, se obtuvieron nuevos péptidos mediante el reemplazo de aminoácidos críticos por otros residuos cuya masa molecular sea similar, pero diferente en su polaridad. En este trabajo se reporta que dichas modificaciones promovieron cambios en la estructura secundaria (determinada por DC o 1H-RMN) de los péptidos modificados (mHABPs) cuando se comparó con la estructura de los cHABPs nativos; adicionalmente, estos mHABPs invirtieron su comportamiento inmunológico convirtiéndose en péptidos inmunogénicos inductores de anticuerpos. Lo que permite establecer la existencia de una relación entre la estructura que adoptan estos mHABPs con su actividad inmunológica. Además, algunos de los mHABPs estudiados aquí, pueden ser candidatos a ser incluidos en la vacuna contra la malaria químicamente sintetizada multi-epitope y multi-estadio que se está desarrollando en la Fundación Instituto de Inmunología de Colombia (FIDIC).


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El desarrollo de una vacuna contra malaria es un área de exploración activa pero con enormes retos debido especialmente a la complejidad del ciclo del parásito. Así, es necesario bloquear las diferentes etapas de la invasión que tiene el Plasmodium falciparum y extraer de ellas la mayor información posible de la artillería que utiliza para su ataque. Para esto, péptidos de las proteínas STARP, CelTOS y TRSP (del esporozoito) y SERA 5 (del merozoito) que tienen alta afinidad de unión a células HepG2 y a glóbulos rojos respectivamente (conocidos como cHABPs), han sido modificados (conocidos como mHABPs), sintetizados y evaluados a nivel de respuesta inmune en monos Aotus así como estudiados en su conformación estructural por RMN de 1H. Los resultados muestran que los péptidos nativos no son inmunogénicos, pero pueden inducir altos títulos de anticuerpos cuando sus residuos críticos o sus vecinos son reemplazados por otro con un volumen y masa similar, pero diferente polaridad. El estudio conformacional pone de manifiesto que las estructuras de los péptidos nativos son diferentes de sus péptidos modificados ya sea que muestren regiones estructuradas más cortas o más largas o que no presenten ninguna, en comparación con sus análogos modificados altamente inmunogénicos. Las características estereoquímicas particulares en las cadenas laterales de algunos residuos de aminoácidos de estos péptidos modificados así como los rasgos fisicoquímicos parecen jugar un rol importante en la respuesta inmune apropiada cuando estos fueron inmunizados en grupos de monos Aotus confiriendo un avance al diseño de una vacuna contra malaria totalmente eficaz.


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Pancreatic β-cells are highly sensitive to suboptimal or excess nutrients, as occurs in protein-malnutrition and obesity. Taurine (Tau) improves insulin secretion in response to nutrients and depolarizing agents. Here, we assessed the expression and function of Cav and KATP channels in islets from malnourished mice fed on a high-fat diet (HFD) and supplemented with Tau. Weaned mice received a normal (C) or a low-protein diet (R) for 6 weeks. Half of each group were fed a HFD for 8 weeks without (CH, RH) or with 5% Tau since weaning (CHT, RHT). Isolated islets from R mice showed lower insulin release with glucose and depolarizing stimuli. In CH islets, insulin secretion was increased and this was associated with enhanced KATP inhibition and Cav activity. RH islets secreted less insulin at high K(+) concentration and showed enhanced KATP activity. Tau supplementation normalized K(+)-induced secretion and enhanced glucose-induced Ca(2+) influx in RHT islets. R islets presented lower Ca(2+) influx in response to tolbutamide, and higher protein content and activity of the Kir6.2 subunit of the KATP. Tau increased the protein content of the α1.2 subunit of the Cav channels and the SNARE proteins SNAP-25 and Synt-1 in CHT islets, whereas in RHT, Kir6.2 and Synt-1 proteins were increased. In conclusion, impaired islet function in R islets is related to higher content and activity of the KATP channels. Tau treatment enhanced RHT islet secretory capacity by improving the protein expression and inhibition of the KATP channels and enhancing Synt-1 islet content.


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This study aimed to identify novel biomarkers for thyroid carcinoma diagnosis and prognosis. We have constructed a human single-chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody library that was selected against tumour thyroid cells using the BRASIL method (biopanning and rapid analysis of selective interactive ligands) and phage display technology. One highly reactive clone, scFv-C1, with specific binding to papillary thyroid tumour proteins was confirmed by ELISA, which was further tested against a tissue microarray that comprised of 229 thyroid tissues, including: 110 carcinomas (38 papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs), 42 follicular carcinomas, 30 follicular variants of PTC), 18 normal thyroid tissues, 49 nodular goitres (NG) and 52 follicular adenomas. The scFv-C1 was able to distinguish carcinomas from benign lesions (P=0.0001) and reacted preferentially against T1 and T2 tumour stages (P=0.0108). We have further identified an OTU domain-containing protein 1, DUBA-7 deubiquitinating enzyme as the scFv-binding antigen using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. The strategy of screening and identifying a cell-surface-binding antibody against thyroid tissues was highly effective and resulted in a useful biomarker that recognises malignancy among thyroid nodules and may help identify lower-risk cases that can benefit from less-aggressive management.


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High-throughput screening of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions brings important perspectives in the Systems Biology field, as the analysis of these interactions provides new insights into protein/gene function, cellular metabolic variations and the validation of therapeutic targets and drug design. However, such analysis depends on a pipeline connecting different tools that can automatically integrate data from diverse sources and result in a more comprehensive dataset that can be properly interpreted. We describe here the Integrated Interactome System (IIS), an integrative platform with a web-based interface for the annotation, analysis and visualization of the interaction profiles of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest. IIS works in four connected modules: (i) Submission module, which receives raw data derived from Sanger sequencing (e.g. two-hybrid system); (ii) Search module, which enables the user to search for the processed reads to be assembled into contigs/singlets, or for lists of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest, and add them to the project; (iii) Annotation module, which assigns annotations from several databases for the contigs/singlets or lists of proteins/genes, generating tables with automatic annotation that can be manually curated; and (iv) Interactome module, which maps the contigs/singlets or the uploaded lists to entries in our integrated database, building networks that gather novel identified interactions, protein and metabolite expression/concentration levels, subcellular localization and computed topological metrics, GO biological processes and KEGG pathways enrichment. This module generates a XGMML file that can be imported into Cytoscape or be visualized directly on the web. We have developed IIS by the integration of diverse databases following the need of appropriate tools for a systematic analysis of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions. IIS was validated with yeast two-hybrid, proteomics and metabolomics datasets, but it is also extendable to other datasets. IIS is freely available online at: http://www.lge.ibi.unicamp.br/lnbio/IIS/.


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Hsp90 is a molecular chaperone essential for cell viability in eukaryotes that is associated with the maturation of proteins involved in important cell functions and implicated in the stabilization of the tumor phenotype of various cancers, making this chaperone a notably interesting therapeutic target. Celastrol is a plant-derived pentacyclic triterpenoid compound with potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities; however, celastrol's action mode is still elusive. In this work, we investigated the effect of celastrol on the conformational and functional aspects of Hsp90α. Interestingly, celastrol appeared to target Hsp90α directly as the compound induced the oligomerization of the chaperone via the C-terminal domain as demonstrated by experiments using a deletion mutant. The nature of the oligomers was investigated by biophysical tools demonstrating that a two-fold excess of celastrol induced the formation of a decameric Hsp90α bound throughout the C-terminal domain. When bound, celastrol destabilized the C-terminal domain. Surprisingly, standard chaperone functional investigations demonstrated that neither the in vitro chaperone activity of protecting against aggregation nor the ability to bind a TPR co-chaperone, which binds to the C-terminus of Hsp90α, were affected by celastrol. Celastrol interferes with specific biological functions of Hsp90α. Our results suggest a model in which celastrol binds directly to the C-terminal domain of Hsp90α causing oligomerization. However, the ability to protect against protein aggregation (supported by our results) and to bind to TPR co-chaperones are not affected by celastrol. Therefore celastrol may act primarily by inducing specific oligomerization that affects some, but not all, of the functions of Hsp90α. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first work to use multiple probes to investigate the effect that celastrol has on the stability and oligomerization of Hsp90α and on the binding of this chaperone to Tom70. This work provides a novel mechanism by which celastrol binds Hsp90α.


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The present study investigated the effects of running at 0.8 or 1.2 km/h on inflammatory proteins (i.e., protein levels of TNF- α , IL-1 β , and NF- κ B) and metabolic proteins (i.e., protein levels of SIRT-1 and PGC-1 α , and AMPK phosphorylation) in quadriceps of rats. Male Wistar rats at 3 (young) and 18 months (middle-aged rats) of age were divided into nonexercised (NE) and exercised at 0.8 or 1.2 km/h. The rats were trained on treadmill, 50 min per day, 5 days per week, during 8 weeks. Forty-eight hours after the last training session, muscles were removed, homogenized, and analyzed using biochemical and western blot techniques. Our results showed that: (a) running at 0.8 km/h decreased the inflammatory proteins and increased the metabolic proteins compared with NE rats; (b) these responses were lower for the inflammatory proteins and higher for the metabolic proteins in young rats compared with middle-aged rats; (c) running at 1.2 km/h decreased the inflammatory proteins and increased the metabolic proteins compared with 0.8 km/h; (d) these responses were similar between young and middle-aged rats when trained at 1.2 km. In summary, the age-related increases in inflammatory proteins, and the age-related declines in metabolic proteins can be reversed and largely improved by treadmill training.


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Nutrient restriction during the early stages of life usually leads to alterations in glucose homeostasis, mainly insulin secretion and sensitivity, increasing the risk of metabolic disorders in adulthood. Despite growing evidence regarding the importance of insulin clearance during glucose homeostasis in health and disease, no information exists about this process in malnourished animals. Thus, in the present study, we aimed to determine the effect of a nutrient-restricted diet on insulin clearance using a model in which 30-d-old C57BL/6 mice were exposed to a protein-restricted diet for 14 weeks. After this period, we evaluated many metabolic variables and extracted pancreatic islet, liver, gastrocnemius muscle (GCK) and white adipose tissue samples from the control (normal-protein diet) and restricted (low-protein diet, LP) mice. Insulin concentrations were determined using RIA and protein expression and phosphorylation by Western blot analysis. The LP mice exhibited lower body weight, glycaemia, and insulinaemia, increased glucose tolerance and altered insulin dynamics after the glucose challenge. The improved glucose tolerance could partially be explained by an increase in insulin sensitivity through the phosphorylation of the insulin receptor/protein kinase B and AMP-activated protein kinase/acetyl-CoA carboxylase in the liver, whereas the changes in insulin dynamics could be attributed to reduced insulin secretion coupled with reduced insulin clearance and lower insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) expression in the liver and GCK. In summary, protein-restricted mice not only produce and secrete less insulin, but also remove and degrade less insulin. This phenomenon has the double benefit of sparing insulin while prolonging and potentiating its effects, probably due to the lower expression of IDE in the liver, possibly with long-term consequences.