1000 resultados para Extração fracionada


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Chlorella sp. was used to assess algal lipid production with concentrated desalination. In order to investigate the action of the flocculating agent calcium chloride and pH, a Box-Behnken Design and a Central Composite Design (CCD) were carried out. Also, Soxhlet and Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE), with and without sonication lipid extraction methods, were examined. The optimal flocculation conditions were pH 10.0 and 2.0 g/L of calcium chloride concentration. The highest lipid content of Chlorella sp. was obtained using the Soxhlet extraction method. The most abundant fatty acid extracted by Soxhlet and SFE, with and without sonication, was palmitic acid, whose proportions were 57.4%, 35.3% and 25.5%, respectively.


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Extraction/concentration is a crucial step for the analysis of organic compounds at trace level concentrations and dispersed in complex matrices. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) is one of the techniques used for this purpose. In this work, a low cost apparatus for SPE was developed that uses nitrogen under positive pressure and ensures the maintenance of the sample flow, while also allows the simultaneous extraction of different samples without cross-contamination and sample contact with plastic materials. For the system set up, easily accessible materials were used such as hypodermic needles, stainless steel tubes, rubber stoppers, and 3-way valves from serum delivery apparatus.


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The objective of this study was to optimize and validate a solid-liquid extraction method with low-temperature partitioning (SLE/LTP) for the analysis of pesticides. This method was coupled with gas chromatography (GC/ECD) and used to evaluate the degradation of bifenthrin and pirimiphos-methyl in maize grains on exposure to ozone. The optimized SLE/LTP-GC/ECD method is simple, effective and consumes low quantities of the solvent. It can be routinely used for the determination of bifenthrin and pirimiphos-methyl in maize samples. The use of this method of analysis determined that the levels of the insecticides in maize grains were reduced on exposure of the grains to the ozone gas. The observed reduction in the levels of insecticide was directly proportional to the increase in the concentration of the ozone gas.


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In this study, a method of solid-liquid extraction and purification at low temperature (SLE-PLT) to determine 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sewage sludge was optimized and validated. The analyses were performed by HPLC-UV. The extraction phase, homogenization procedure, influence of pH, ionic strength and clean-up of the extracts were optimized. Recoveries were higher than 63.4% for 11 PAHs. The correlation coefficients were greater than 0.99 and limits of detection and quantitation were less than 0.060 and 0.15 µg g-1, respectively. These values were lower than the maximum residue limits of PAHs established by European legislation. SLE-PLT proved a more practical, economical method with fewer steps compared to Soxhlet extraction (reference method) for PAHs in sewage sludge.


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The purpose of this work was to study four different solvent mixtures intended to increase the yield of the extraction stage of clavulanic acid (CA), which is one of the steps in the purification process. Four central composite rotatable designs (CCRD) were utilized to optimize the solvent mixtures. The variables selected for the factorial design were solvent mixture ratio (mL/mL) and temperature (ºC). The results showed that the yield of CA extracted from fermentation broth with the solvent mixtures of methyl-ethyl-ketone and ethyl acetate, and methyl-isobutyl-ketone and ethyl acetate (44.7 and 50.0%, respectively) was higher than that of the individual ethyl acetate alone (36.5%).


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A procedure was developed for determination of 5 sedatives and 14 β-blockers in swine kidney and subsequent analysis by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Three different procedures for extraction were tested, evaluated through recovery studies. The procedure using acetonitrile for extraction and cleanup with freezing at low temperature and dispersive solid phase extraction using 500 mg celite® 545 before the concentration step presented the better results. The dried samples were redissolved with methanol and analyzed using a LC-MS/MS system with electrospray ionization (ESI) operating in positive MRM mode. The recovery values for this procedure were in the 75-88% range. The robustness of the method was tested against small variations. The method was used to analyze carazolol, azaperone and azaperol in collaborative assay, obtaining results close to designed value.


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C18 chemically bonded sorbents have been the main materials used in solid phase extraction (SPE). However, due their high hydrophobicity some hydrophobic solutes are strongly retained leading to the consumption of larger quantities of organic solvent for efficient recoveries. This work presents a sorbent with lower hydrophobicity but similar selectivity to the C18 sorbent, prepared by thermal immobilization of poly(dimethylsiloxane-co-alkylmethylsiloxane) (PDAS) on silica. PDAS has organic chains with methyl groups alternating with octadecyl or hexadecyl groups in its monomeric unities. For the Si(PDAS) sorbent presented, the polymeric layer was physically adsorbed on the silica surface with 12% carbon load. Although the coating of silica with the polymeric layer was incomplete, the PDAS provided better protection for the silica surface groups, promoting mostly hydrophobic interactions between analytes and the sorbent. Sorption isotherm studies revealed that the retention of hydrophobic solutes on Si(PDAS) was less intense than on conventional sorbents, confirming the lower hydrophobicity of the lab-made sorbent. Additional advantages of Si(PDAS) include simplicity and low cost of preparation, making this material a potential sorbent for the analysis of highly hydrophobic solutes.


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A simple procedure for ultrasound-assisted extraction and colorimetric determination of iron in soil samples was developed. The iron concentration in the analyzed samples was determined by the colorimetric method and the results compared with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Fifteen soil samples were analyzed and the iron concentration results compared with those obtained by ICP-MS using microwave-assisted sample digestion. The proposed procedure showed good efficiency for iron extraction and the results obtained by colorimetric determination exhibited good agreement with ICP-MS. Moreover, ultrasound-assisted extraction and colorimetric determination is a simple, fast and low-cost procedure for application in routine analysis.


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AbstractA device comprising a lab-made chamber with mechanical stirring and computer-controlled solenoid valves is proposed for the mechanization of liquid-liquid extractions. The performance was demonstrated by the extraction of ethanol from biodiesel as a model of the extraction of analytes from organic immiscible samples to an aqueous medium. The volumes of the sample and extractant were precisely defined by the flow-rates and switching times of the valves, while the mechanic stirring increased interaction between the phases. Stirring was stopped for phase separation, and a precise time-control also allowed a successful phase separation (i.e., the absence of the organic phase in the aqueous extract). In the model system, a linear response between the analytical response and the number of extractions was observed, indicating the potential for analyte preconcentration in the extract. The efficiency and reproducibility of the extractions were demonstrated by recoveries of ethanol spiked to biodiesel samples within 96% and 100% with coefficients of variation lower than 3.0%.


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Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biodegradable and biocompatible polyesters intracellularly accumulated by many bacteria as an energy reserve material and carbon source. These biopolymers may be extracted from cells after their production phase, and the extraction process involves various individual operations to ensure adequate removal of the biopolymer from the cells. During this process, the following aspects should be considered: reduction of product losses during different stages of the process to obtain a highly pure product, preservation of physical and thermal characteristics, and use of low toxicity chemicals to achieve sustainable production and avoid harming the environment. The impact of the costs of PHA extraction on the total cost of the production process may account for over 50% of the end-value of the product. Within this context, several methods of PHA extraction have been reported in the literature. These methods include the use of solvents, chemical digestion, enzymatic digestion, mechanical extraction with high-pressure homogenization and ultrasound, extraction using supercritical fluids, or a combination of these methods. The present review of the literature shows strategies for extraction processes of PHAs produced by bacteria involving cell destabilization and/or breakage, recovery, and purification of the biopolymer.


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A produção de massa micelial é o primeiro passo para obter amostras de DNA de qualidade e quantidade suficiente para análises moleculares. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se analisar a quantidade e a qualidade do DNA de Crinipellis perniciosa extraído a partir de massa micelial obtida em quatro meios de cultura. Foi avaliado o peso de micélio liofilizado produzido nos seguintes meios de cultura: 1. extrato de levedura (2,5%); 2. extrato de malte (2,5%); 3. BD (batata 20% e dextrose 2%) e 4. extrato de malte + BD (50% de cada meio). O crescimento micelial foi iniciado a partir de um disco de micélio colocado no centro de placas de Petri de 90 mm contendo o meio testado e mantidas a 25 ºC e fotoperíodo de 12 h, por dez dias. Foi utilizado o DIC com dez repetições. O micélio produzido foi liofilizado e o DNA extraído utilizando-se o método do SDS com a desproteinização feita com ou sem fenol. A pureza do DNA baseada na relação A260/A280 e a integridade em gel de agarose 0,8% foram analisadas. A quantidade de micélio produzida nos meios de cultura 1 e 4 foi maior do que nos meios 2 e 3. O DNA extraído a partir de micélio produzido nos meios 2 e 3 apresentou maior integridade, obtendo-se produtos de amplificação mais nítidos. A desproteinização com fenol possibilitou a extração de DNA mais puro. Porém, DNA de ótima qualidade e em quantidade suficiente pode ser extraído a partir de micélio produzido em meios baratos como o BD, sem a necessidade da desproteinização com fenol.


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Um sistema de injeção em fluxo envolvendo complexação com dietilditiofosfato de amônio e sorção de complexos metálicos em minicolunas de sílica gel modificada por grupos octadecil C18 é proposto para determinações multielementares em espectrometria de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado. Influência da concentração de reagentes, natureza do ácido, tempo de reação, tempos de comutação, vazões e interferência de sódio foram investigadas. Água ou solução 2% v/v HNO3 podem ser utilizadas para lavar a coluna antes da eluição dos analitos com etanol. Amostras contendo 5000 mg Na L-1 e analisadas diretamente com o sistema proposto produzem uma concentração aparente de 63Cu de 0,45 µg L-1; por outro lado não foi observada interferência para As, Pb, Bi, Se, In, Tl, Cd, Hg e 65Cu. Para 0,25 % w/v NH4DTP e 3 mL de solução de amostra, curvas analíticas para Bi, Cu, Pb, As, Se, In, Tl, Cd, Hg no intervalo de 0,10 a 2,00 µg L-1 podem ser construídas com boas correlações (r2 > 0.998). A velocidade analítica e sensibilidade podem ser melhoradas pois dependem das condições de pré-concentração e eluição selecionadas. Com os parâmetros acima fixados, limites de detecção de 0.014 (Cu), 0.027 (As), 0.06 (Se), 0.02 (Cd), 0.029 (In), 0.043 (Hg), 0.02 (Tl), 0.06 (Pb) e 0.002 µg L-1 (Bi) foram obtidos.


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A amostragem de amônia no ar é feita usualmente com filtro impregnado com ácido. O ácido ascórbico, quando usado como impregnante, é facilmente oxidado em meio básico e aquoso, gerando uma solução fortemente colorida que inviabiliza a determinação por colorimetria. Este trabalho apresenta um novo procedimento para extração do íon amônio dos filtros de amostragem, transferindo o íon amônio para uma gota de solução contendo ácido sulfúrico 0,1 mol L-1. A amostra do filtro é inicialmente solubilizada com água. A solução é colocada dentro de uma câmara com posterior adição de solução de NaOH 1,5 mol L-1. Com a ajuda de com borbulhamento de nitrogênio, a amônia formada passa para a fase gasosa, sendo finalmente recolhida para uma gota de ácido sulfúrico. A esta gota é adicionado um reagente e o produto determinado colorimetricamente pela reação do indofenol. Além da eliminação de interferentes, o procedimento apresenta a vantagem de fazer uma nova pré-concentração da amônia, possibilitando melhorar o limite de detecção do método de determinação.


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O presente trabalho reporta um método para a determinação de cromo (VI) por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama (FAAS) após a extração e pré-concentração no ponto nuvem. O cromo (VI) é complexado com 1,5-difenilcarbazida (DFC) em meio ácido (pH 2,0) e é extraído para um volume de fase rica de 25 µL, com o uso do surfactante Triton X-114. As variáveis que afetam a formação do ponto nuvem, tais como a concentração de surfactante (0,1-1,0% m/v) e de complexante (0,01-0,80% m/v), o tempo de complexação (0-60 min) e o efeito da adição do eletrólito NaCl (0-20% m/v), são avaliadas. Sob condições otimizadas, são utilizados o Triton X-114 a 0,3% m/v, a DFC a 0,05% m/v e o NaCl a 10% m/v para a extração do cromo (VI). Esse método fornece limites de detecção e quantificação de 0,4 µg L-1 e 1,5 µg L-1, respectivamente, e uma faixa linear de calibração de 5 a 500 µg L-1. O fator de pré-concentração obtido é igual a 27 e a eficiência de extração varia de 87 a 99,3%.


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Muitos métodos analíticos estão sendo desenvolvidos visando à determinação de contaminantes orgânicos, especialmente alteradores endócrinos. Tais métodos baseiam-se geralmente na extração em fase sólida (SPE) seguida por determinação cromatográfica (CG ou HPLC). No presente trabalho utilizou-se ferramentas quimiométricas no processo de SPE para avaliar os principais fatores que influenciam tal processo e as interações entre os mesmos. Foram analisadas matrizes de água subterrânea fortificada com hormônios (17 b estradiol, estrona e 17 b etinilestradiol) e a determinação analítica foi feita por HPLC/Fluorescência. Um planejamento fatorial completo foi utilizado. Os fatores escolhidos incluíram: condicionamento da fase sólida, concentração dos analitos, volume da amostra e solvente de eluição. As melhores condições obtidas foram: 500 mL da amostra, condicionamento da fase sólida (C18) com acetona (4mL), metanol (6 mL) e água pH 3(10 mL), e eluição dos analitos com 4 mL de acetona.