241 resultados para Eutrofização antropogênica
The artifi cial eutrophication is one of the biggest t h reat for the quality of aquatic ecosystems in the whole world. The expectations for the future climatic scenarios in arid and semi - arid regions are intense and frequent droughts enhancing the risk of eutrophicati on and cyanobacterial blooms. Restoration techniques of eutrophic lakes were proposed to reduce nutrient loading and improve the water quality. A successful technique used in temperate regions is the biomanipulation by benthivorous fish removal . Our hypoth esis is that the benthivorous fish removal reduces phytoplankton total biomass and change the composition of phytoplankton functional groups, improving water quality. The aim of the study was evaluate the impact of biomanipulation on phytoplankton function al groups and in the water quality. We applied the technique of biomanipulation in the artificial lake ESEC, in a semi - arid region of Brazil and analyzed the physical and chemical variables and the dynamic of phytoplankton functional groups monthly during November 2012 to August 2013. With the removal of benthivorous fish we observed a significant increase of the euphotic depth, phytoplankton richness and the recruitment of green algae (groups F and J ), indicators of good water quality. However, we did not observe significant differences on total phosphorous concentration and on phytoplankton biomass and diversity. The drought effect in the region during the study was evident , promoting a drastic reduction on water level which influenced the availability of resource and affected phytoplankton community before the biomanipulation. To evaluate the effect of severe drought on the dynamic of phytoplankton functional groups and test if the drought periods are favorable to dominance of cyanobacterial groups, we stu died two artificial neighbors lakes (ESEC and Pocinhos) in a semi - arid tropical region during May 2012 to February 2013. We observed a temporal differentiation of biotic and abiotic variables caused by drought. Both lakes presented reduction of 2 meters of water level and increase on conductivity, turbidity, nutrients concentration and a reduction on water transparency, during the severe drought. The deeper lake (Pocinhos) increased phytoplankton total biomass and presented cyanobacterial functional group d ominance (group S N ) and the shallower lake (ESEC) reduced phytoplankton total biomass and presented dominance of mixotrophic and flagellate functional groups (groups W 1 e W 2 ). Summarizing, the knowledge of the effects of benthivorous fish removal in semi - a rid tropical lakes still unknown and this study had limitations caused by the impact of drought. Thus, it is necessary a long term monitoring to investigate the real effects of biomanipulation on the functioning of the studied ecosystems. Otherwise, period s of drought could have opposite effects (increase or reduction) on total biomass and composition of phytoplankton functional groups. Drought not always leads to dominance of cyanobacterial groups.
Droughts are climatic phenomena whose frequency has increased in the last decades and also compromised drinkable water supplies in semiarid regions. The lack of rain combined with high evaporation rates promotes a significant reduction of the volume of reservoirs in these regions. Shallower conditions favors nutrients concentration and phytoplankton overgrowth, including potentially toxic cyanobacteria blooming. Therefore, there is a tendency to the intensification of eutrophication in those reservoirs during drought periods. Phytoplankton can respond quickly to environmental conditions related to light and nutrient availability by changes in algal biomass and composition, therefore it is considered a good predictor of environmental variables. Two functional approaches - Reynolds’s Functional Groups (FG) and Kruk’s Morphologically Based Functional Groups (MBFG) - were used to assess which environmental variables were responsible for phytoplankton dynamics, in addition to compare which functional approach explains environmental changes better. This study highlights that the reduction of 90% in the volume of a tropical reservoir of Brazilian semi-arid region, as well as light limitation and nutrient increase, can promote phytoplankton overgrowth. Multivariate analyses using both functional approaches indicated a clear separation between high volumes and low volumes conditions, showing that light and nutrient availability were the main variables that better explained the combination of functional groups. The composition of phytoplankton assemblage changed from species of meso-eutrophic habitats (FG: F and J; MBFG: VI), to organisms of eutrophic and turbid environments (FG: SN and M; MBFG: VIII and VII) during shallower conditions. Both ecological approaches described properly the phytoplankton dynamics according to light and trophic state alterations related to the water volume reduction, therefore they can be considered as equivalent approaches for using in similar environments.
Reservoirs are artificial ecosystems intermediate between rivers and lakes widely used in the Brazilian semiarid region as a way to provide water supply due to the said region’s water scarcity. The use of water from these supply sources for multiple uses, along with occupation and utilization of its riparian zone without proper management, directly influences the increased nutrient flow into aquatic environments, there with contributing to the acceleration of eutrophication. The semi-arid region is characterized by peculiar weather conditions, such as severe evaporation, high temperatures with little variation throughout the year and long water residence time, making it susceptible to prolonged drought occurrence, which tends to concentrate the nutrients in reservoirs, which favors the development of eutrophic conditions. Moreover, it is common soil use and occupation by carrying out activities with potential environmental impact on natural resources such as agriculture, livestock farming and lack of sanitation. The aim of this study is both to evaluate the water quality of the Cruzeta Reservoir, located in the semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte, during a prolonged drought period, and assess the quality of its riparian zone soil under different uses, by monitoring physical-chemical variables. Along the prolonged drought, high levels of turbidity, suspended solids, nutrients and chlorophyll a were verified as present, therefore featuring low water quality. In the riparian zone of Cruzeta Reservoir, the areas under use of agriculture and livestock farming appeared as one of the main diffuse sources of nutrients to the said reservoir, featuring the highest levels of phosphorus and nitrogen in the soil, originated from decomposition of animal excreta and from the use of fertilizers, creating a tendency to increased eutrophication of such water supply source. The indicators of water and soil quality are useful for monitoring and evaluating the conservation status of natural resources, allowing the control and mitigation of the reservoir eutrophication process. This study confirmed the hypothesis that the reduction of water level, resulting from prolonged drought event, aggravates the symptoms of eutrophication; and also that using the soil under severalways modifies the physic chemical properties of the soil, having livestock farming and agriculture as the usages with greatest potential towards yielding P and N to the aquatic environment.
Human activities alter soil features, causing the deterioration of its quality. Land use and occupation in drainage basins of water supply reservoirs can change the environmental soil quality and, thus, lead to the expansion of the soil potential of being a diffuse pollution source. In the Brazilian semiarid region, the soils are generally shallow with high susceptibility to erosion, favoring the sediment and nutrients input into the superficial waterbodies, contributing to the eutrophication process. Moreover, this region has high temperatures and high evapotranspiration rates, that are generally higher than the precipitation rates, causing a negative hydric balance and big volume losses by evaporation. The water volume reduction increases the nutrients’ concentration and, therefore, exacerbates the eutrophication process, deteriorating the water quality. Thereby, we hypothesized that the eutrophication process of semiarid reservoirs is intensified both by the extreme climatic events of prolonged drought, and by the diffuse pollution due to the basin land use and occupation. The study aimed to test whether the land use and occupation activities of the basin and the severe drought events intensify the eutrophication process of a semiarid tropical reservoir. To verify the influence of human activities carried out in the water supply of drainage basin on the soil quality and the eutrophication process, we conducted the mapping of the kind of use and occupation, as well the calculation of erosion for each activity and the soil quality evaluation of the riparian zone and water quality of the water supply. For the water analyses, the samplings were carried out monthly in the deeper point, near dam. For the soil, deformed composite samples were taken for the physical and chemical attributes analysis, according to the identified land use and occupation classes. The results showed that extreme droughts drastically reduces the water volume and elevates the nutrients concentration, contributing, thus, to a bigger degradation of water quality. Furthermore, we verified that human activities in the drainage basin promote the diffuse pollution, by increasing the soil susceptibility to erosion and nutrients contents. Summarizing, our results support the investigated hypothesis that activities of land use and occupation and extreme drought generate a combined effect that provide the intensification of eutrophication process of semiarid reservoirs.
Eutrophication is the most common cause of water quality degradation in the world. This process occurs by excessive nutrients inputs, nitrogen and phosphorus, to the aquatic systems resulting in algal and cyanobacterial blooms. In shallow lakes these effects are pronounced due to the higher interaction of the lake with watershed, air and sediment. There are innumerous restoration techniques of eutrophied lakes with a range of successful results but there is only one case of successful lake restoration in Brazil: Paranoá Lake in Brasília city. The Brazilian semiarid region has many artificial lakes, named açudes, which are mostly eutrophic and shallow lakes. The eutrophication in these lakes is reported and the phytoplankton community is dominated by potentially toxic cyanobacteria species, mainly Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. The aim of this thesis is to test techniques for water quality management which can be easily applied in Brazilian semiarid lakes. Results from a laboratory experiment suggest that the addition of a phosphorus sorbent clay associated with an aluminium based coagulant is an effective technique in removing soluble reactive phosphorus and reducing C. raciborskii growth rate – cyanobacteria potentially toxic dominant in reservoirs of Brazilian semiarid – but this effect is dependent on the biomass in the application moment. Results from a field experiment in mesocosm in a eutrophied lake showed that the addition of aluminium based coagulant and removal of benthivorous fish is more efficient in removing total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a from water column than the isolated application of one of the techniques. Lastly, laboratory tests showed that aluminium based coagulant exhibited good performance in removing turbidity and total phosphorus from water of six reservoirs but the efficiency was reduced by algal biomass and pH. The results of this study showed that the improvement in water quality of eutrophied reservoirs in semiarid region is possible through internal loading control by phosphorus precipitation and inactivation in sediments or inhibition of phosphorus release by benthivorous fishes, and also that these results show are additives in water quality improvement.
Eutrophication is the most common cause of water quality degradation in the world. This process occurs by excessive nutrients inputs, nitrogen and phosphorus, to the aquatic systems resulting in algal and cyanobacterial blooms. In shallow lakes these effects are pronounced due to the higher interaction of the lake with watershed, air and sediment. There are innumerous restoration techniques of eutrophied lakes with a range of successful results but there is only one case of successful lake restoration in Brazil: Paranoá Lake in Brasília city. The Brazilian semiarid region has many artificial lakes, named açudes, which are mostly eutrophic and shallow lakes. The eutrophication in these lakes is reported and the phytoplankton community is dominated by potentially toxic cyanobacteria species, mainly Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. The aim of this thesis is to test techniques for water quality management which can be easily applied in Brazilian semiarid lakes. Results from a laboratory experiment suggest that the addition of a phosphorus sorbent clay associated with an aluminium based coagulant is an effective technique in removing soluble reactive phosphorus and reducing C. raciborskii growth rate – cyanobacteria potentially toxic dominant in reservoirs of Brazilian semiarid – but this effect is dependent on the biomass in the application moment. Results from a field experiment in mesocosm in a eutrophied lake showed that the addition of aluminium based coagulant and removal of benthivorous fish is more efficient in removing total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a from water column than the isolated application of one of the techniques. Lastly, laboratory tests showed that aluminium based coagulant exhibited good performance in removing turbidity and total phosphorus from water of six reservoirs but the efficiency was reduced by algal biomass and pH. The results of this study showed that the improvement in water quality of eutrophied reservoirs in semiarid region is possible through internal loading control by phosphorus precipitation and inactivation in sediments or inhibition of phosphorus release by benthivorous fishes, and also that these results show are additives in water quality improvement.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The main consequence of eutrophication is an increase in algal biomass, mainly cyanobacterial blooms. The high evaporation and low precipitation, characteristics of semiarid regions, contribute to the nutrients availability increase in drought periods and consequent aggravation of eutrophic condition in reservoirs. Climate changes tend to intensify eutrophication symptoms, mostly in a semiarid region. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of an extended drought in algal biomass in Parelhas’s Boqueirão, a mesotrophic reservoir located in a semiarid tropical region. The low volume was associated to water quality degradation and to the high nutrients concentrations and low water transparency. The increase in nutrients availability in the water column, consequence of reduced precipitation and low reservoir’s volume, provided the necessary resources for algal growth and allowed a change in trophic state in Boqueirão reservoir. This study showed how an extended drought decreases water quality. The effect of drought in Boqueirão was late detected due to the reservoir´s low initial nutrients concentration. The reservoir´s volume reduction increased the nutrient availability along with the algal biomass increase and the reservoir´s trophic state change of mesotrophic to eutrophic.
Nos últimos anos, tem-se assistido a um crescimento no interesse do estudo da ressuspensão de pó de estrada, dado o reconhecimento da importância que esta fração representa para os níveis de partículas atmosféricas em ambiente urbano. Dada a prematuridade deste tema e, de forma a compreender e conhecer a sua contribuição e caracterização, realizou-se um estudo sobre a ressuspensão de pó de estrada urbano para as cidades do Porto e Braga. No âmbito do projeto AIRUSE e URBE, realizaram-se amostragens de PM10 no terreno com um dispositivo de amostragem móvel e em ambiente laboratorial com uma câmara de ressuspensão, sendo posteriormente analisado o seu conteúdo carbonoso por um sistema de análise termo-ótico de transmitância e, os elementos por ICP-MS e ICP-AES. Da campanha in situ resultaram cargas de PM10 compreendidas entre 0.190 e 49.5 mg.m-2 para a cidade do Porto e 0.577 mg.m-2 para o túnel rodoviário em Braga. As amostras caracterizam-se por serem dominadas pelos elementos Al, Fe, K, e Ca e conterem enriquecimentos de Sb, Fe, Cu, Sn e Zn, fruto da contaminação antropogénica da atividade rodoviária. No que respeita às amostragens em laboratório, utilizou-se uma câmara de ressuspensão e o dispositivo móvel aplicado na campanha anteriormente descrita para estudar e caracterizar a fração PM10 do pó de estrada urbano proveniente do Túnel Avenida da Liberdade (Braga). Os resultados obtidos para as duas metodologias foram de um modo geral similares, com o carbono total a representar cerca de 6% da massa total de PM10. Esta última é composta maioritariamente por Al, Fe, Ca e K, elementos característicos da crosta terrestre. Quanto ao fatores de enriquecimento calculados, denotou-se a presença de Sb, Zn, Cu e Sn, tendo-se associando ao desgaste dos travões e pneus.
As poeiras urbanas, vulgarmente designadas na literatura por street dusts ou road dusts, são misturas heterogêneas de partículas minerais do solo e partículas resultantes do tráfego, formando um material com características únicas e específicas de cada local. Estas partículas, geralmente enriquecidas com elementos potencialmente tóxicos, quando inaladas ou ingeridas poderão ser um risco para a saúde das populações. Neste trabalho foram recolhidas 21 amostras de poeiras urbanas na cidade de Estarreja assim como amostras representativas de partículas relacionados com o tráfego (poeiras resultante do desgaste dos travões e das marcações dos pavimentos e estradas) com o objetivo de investigar a contribuição relativa destas partículas no comportamento geoquímico dessas amostras e o risco associado para as populações locais. Para a concretização do objetivo proposto caracterizou-se química e mineralogicamente as amostras de poeiras urbanas e as partículas relacionadas com o tráfego e avaliou-se a disponibilidade e bioacessibilidade para três elementos considerados potencialmente tóxicos (Cu, Pb e Zn) usando uma combinação de ensaios: (a) digestão ácida; (b) extração sequencial para identificar o fracionamento do Cu, Pb e Zn nas diferentes fases-suporte dos metais, e (c) bioaccessibilidade oral in vitro. Os resultados da análise química mostram que as poeiras dos travões apresentam concentrações elevadas em Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ba, Sb, Cr e Ni sendo de referir diferenças composicionais significativas entre as amostras estudadas. A amostra de tinta contém teores elevados de Ba, Ca, Ti e Pb e também pode conter outros elementos tais como Co, Cr, Cu, Mn. Mineralogicamente constata-se que as amostras de poeiras dos travões tem uma composição mineralógica semelhante mostrando que são constituídas por uma elevada percentagem de material de baixa cristalinidade, grafite e óxidos/hidróxidos de Fe amorfos. A amostra de tinta de marcação dos pavimentos das estradas é composta por material mais cristalino do que a poeira dos travões e é essencialmente constituída por carbonatos (maioritariamente dolomite) e também por barite (em menor quantidade). Os resultados obtidos nas amostras de poeiras urbanas indicam a existência de associações de elementos que definem claramente a componente geogénica e/ou antropogénica e apontam para diferenças entre essas associações nas duas frações estudadas (250 m e 63 m). A heterogeneidade das poeiras é revelada pela existência de partículas com origem geogénica (por exemplo quartzo e aluminossilicatos), de partículas com características marcadamente antropogénicas (partículas enriquecidas em Fe, Pb, Zn e Cu) ou ainda de partículas com origem mista (óxidos de Fe e Ti). Os resultados da extração química seletiva sequencial permitiu concluir que, nas amostras em estudo, as fases de troca e ácido-solúveis são as fases suporte mais importantes para o Cu, Pb e Zn Os resultados dos ensaios de bioacessibilidade mostraram também que uma percentagem significativa de Cu, Pb e Zn total está disponível para absorção gástrica. Este estudo destaca também a necessidade de se caracterizar em detalhe as propriedades intrínsecas das partículas antrópicas presentes nas poeiras urbanas, de forma a compreender as variações da fração bioacessível nos diferentes elementos estudados assim como nas diferentes frações.
La producción global de la acuicultura está creciendo sustancialmente y aporta cada vez mayores volúmenes de alimento de origen acuático que es demandado para el consumo humano y la actual tendencia se mantendrá por mucho tiempo por su aporte proteico y fácil preparación culinaria. El crecimiento de la acuicultura tiene el potencial de satisfacer las necesidades de alimentos y contribuir a la disponibilidad, seguridad alimentaria, la reducción de la pobreza y el desarrollo sostenible y esto es ampliamente reconocido para cumplir con el Desarrollo de los Objetivos del Milenio (FAO, 2007). La acuicultura es un sector muy diverso y está caracterizada por incluir muchos y diferentes sistemas, sitios, prácticas, procesos y productos. También hay una amplia variedad de condiciones políticas, sociales, económicas y ambientales en las cuales se desarrolla. En la medida que ésta crece, adquiere especial importancia por los posibles impactos negativos que provocan sobre el ambiente, las comunidades locales y los consumidores. El entorno y la acción antropogénica en la que se realiza en otras zonas conectadas geográficamente también influyen de manera determinante con variables ambientales que tienen alta incidencia en los rendimientos de la producción.
Tese de doutoramento em Farmácia (Toxicologia), apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2009.
Florações de cianobactérias nocivas ocorrem frequentemente em reservatórios brasileiros, devido ao incremento de nutrientes pela eutrofização e pelas mudanças climáticas, como o aquecimento global. Estas florações alteram a qualidade dos corpos hídricos, produzindo compostos de gosto e odor e cianotoxinas, que representam um problema para as Estações de Tratamento de Água (ETAs). Estes compostos, quando dissolvidos na água dificultam os tratamentos convencionais. Além das cianobacérias, um dinoflagelado exótico tem ocorrido em águas doces brasileiras, incluindo reservatórios utilizados para o abastecimento público. Os reservatórios de Caxias do Sul (RS – Brasil) são gerenciados pelo Serviço Autônomo Municipal de Água e Esgoto (SAMAE) e apresentam um histórico de florações de cianobactérias nocivas, como Dolichospermum Bory de Saint-Vincent ex Bornet & Flahault e Microcystis (Kützing) ex Lemmermann, dentre outras. Além disso, desde 2012, tem ocorrido nestes reservatórios florações de Ceratium furcoides. Este organismo quando em extensas florações tem sido relacionado à perda da qualidade dos corpos hídricos. O reservatório Maestra foi construído entre os anos de 1965-1970 e abastece 22% da população de Caxias do Sul. Este reservatório fornece água para a ETA Celeste Gobatto, que utiliza o método convencional de tratamento da água. Este trabalho esta estruturado em três capítulos. O primeiro consiste de uma revisão bibliográfica de assuntos relavantes acerca do histórico do monitoramento da qualidade dos reservatórios no Brasil, da biologia de algas e cianobactérias, e as principais cianotixinas e acidentes devido à intoxicação no Brasil. Além disso, é feita uma breve revisão sobre o tratamento convencional da água, mostrando a importância de cada etapa para a remoção das impurezas, de acordo com os padrões de potabilidade da Portaria 2914. O segundo capítulo é manuscrito na forma de artigo científico intítulado “Composição de algas, cianobactérias e cianotoxinas no reservatório Maestra – Caxias do Sul, RS – Brasil”. Este estudo foi realizado entre janeiro de 2012 a abril de 2013. O terceiro capítulo consta de um manuscrito na forma de artigo científico, intitulado “Efeito do tratamento de água convencional na remoção de algas, cianobactérias e cianotoxinas em uma Estação de Tratamento de Água Convencional”. A eficiência de remoção foi avaliada em escala piloto, em uma Estação de Tratamento de Água de Caxias do Sul – RS a qual utiliza o método convencional de tratamento.
Rapid climatic changes are taking place in Arctic, subarctic and cold temperate regions, where predictions point to an increase in freeze-thaw events, changes in precipitation, evaporation and salinity patterns. Climate change may therefore result in large impacts in ecosystem functioning and dynamics, especially in the presence of contaminants due to intense anthropogenic activities. Even though multiple stress approaches have received increasing interest in the last decades, the number of such studies is limited. In particular, knowledge on the effect of freezethaw events and salinity fluctuations on ecotoxicology of soil invertebrates is lacking, especially important when considering supralittoral species. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to investigate the effects of low temperature and salinity fluctuations, singly and in combination with contaminants, in the freeze-tolerant and euryhaline enchytraeid Enchytraeus albidus. The assessment of population level endpoints (survival and reproduction), along with physiological and biochemical parameters such as levels of cryoprotectants, ice/water content, oxidative stress biomarkers, cellular energy allocation, and tissue concentration of chemicals (when applied), provided new and valuable knowledge on the effects of selected physical and chemical stressors in E. albidus, and allowed the understanding of adjustments in the primary response mechanisms that enable worms to maintain homeostasis and survival in harsh environments such as polar and temperate-cold regions. The presence of moderate levels of salinity significantly increased freeze-tolerance (mainly evaluated as survival, cryoprotection and ice fraction) and reproduction of E. albidus. Moreover, it contributed to the readjustments of cryoprotectant levels, restoration of antioxidant levels and changed singnificantly the effect and uptake of chemicals (copper cadmium, carbendazim and 4-nonylphenol). Temperature fluctuations (simulated as daily freeze-thaw cycles, between -2ºC and -4ºC) caused substancial negative effect on survival of worms previsouly exposed to non-lethal concentrations of 4-nonylphenol, as compared with constant freezing (-4ºC) and control temperature (2ºC). The decrease in cryoprotectants, increase in energy consumption and the highest concentration of 4-nonylphenol in the tissues have highlighted the high energy requirements and level of toxicity experienced by worms exposed to the combined effect of contaminants and freezing-thawing events. The findings reported on this thesis demonstrate that natural (physical) and chemical stressors, singly or in combination, may alter the dynamics of E. albidus, affecting not only their survival and reproduction (and consequent presence/distribution) but also their physiological and biochemical adaptations. These alterations may lead to severe consequences for the functioning of the ecosystems along the Arctic, subarctic and cold temperate regions, where they play an important role for decomposition of dead organic matter. This thesis provides a scientific basis for improving the setting of safety factors for natural soil ecosystems, and to underline the integration of similar investigations in ecotoxicology, and eventually in risk assessment of contaminants.