997 resultados para Estudos da mídia. Práticas sociais. Mídia e política. Redes sociais


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Falar hoje da Baixada Fluminense é falar de miséria e violência, duas representações arraigadamente presentes no dia a dia dos sujeitos moradores da região. A Baixada é miserável e violenta porque assim o seriam seus moradores. Estas imagens, que se foram colando à realidade, dando-lhe afeição de verdadeira e absoluta, conformam o imaginário que a historiografia oficial utiliza para apresentar o quadro da região. E neste cenário que uma face oculta revela-se, mostrando outras imagens, experiências e ações, especialmente a partir dos anos 70. Também na Praça da Bandeira, localizada em São João de Meriti, um dos municípios da Baixada Fluminense, surge no cenário público, através de práticas sociais e políticas, sujeitos coletivos com idéias, opiniões, vontades e propostas de soluções para os seus diversos problemas. Práticas moleculares, agora transformadas em práticas coletivas maiores, dando origem a outro imaginário sobre sua realidade e sua hist6ria. Ao longo das duas últimas décadas foram sendo desenvolvidas experiências exemplares, como a organização dos Clubes de Mães, a luta pelo transporte e saneamento básico e a implantação de um jardim de infância. Passo a passo o movimento organizado foi alterando-se, multiplicando-se e transformando seus protagonistas em sujeitos coletivos, construtores de um novo campo da política, de um novo "fazer-se" enquanto sujeito de uma classe social. Ao se forjarem como sujeitos coletivos, os moradores vivenciaram práticas de solidariedade e resistências, sedimentadas em espaços múltiplos, configurados pela sua continua e permanente organização.


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O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar os elementos da cultura organizacional do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado da Bahia (TJBA) à luz das contribuições de autores do pensamento social brasileiro - representados neste estudo por Sergio Buarque de Holanda, Raymundo Faoro, Darcy Ribeiro e Celso Furtado. O tema cultura tem recebido, nas últimas décadas, relativa atenção na área de estudos organizacionais. Apesar da atenção recebida, é possível perceber lacunas na produção acadêmica sobre o tema quanto à atenção dispensada ao contexto nacional e às instituições do setor público, especialmente no que se refere ao Poder Judiciário. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho analisou a produção acadêmica nacional sobre cultura organizacional brasileira nos últimos vinte anos e buscou identificar possibilidades de utilização dos autores do pensamento social brasileiro numa abordagem de cultura organizacional que considerasse o contexto nacional. Na etapa de coleta de dados, foram realizadas trinta e sete entrevistas semiestruturadas com servidores do TJBA, no período de fevereiro a julho de 2013. A análise do corpus de dados foi feita pelo método de análise de conteúdo, com auxilio do software ATLAS.ti. A análise dos dados apontou para possibilidades de utilização das ideias dos autores do pensamento social brasileiro no estudo da cultura organizacional, principalmente na identificação da influência dos traços culturais nos valores e práticas sociais dos servidores. A análise apontou também para uma ausência de elementos baseados em valores gerencialistas na cultura organizacional desta instituição, buscando provocar uma reflexão sobre o alcance e a adequação do modelo de reforma adotado no Judiciário. Como contribuição, esta tese buscou realizar um mapeamento da cultura organizacional do TJBA, gerando uma contribuição empírica para um aprofundamento do conhecimento do Poder Judiciário sob o aspecto de universo organizacional e para os estudos que utilizam o pensamento social brasileiro, que em sua maioria têm se tratado de ensaios teóricos.


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Se a internet já era uma dor de cabeça para mídias de agências e anunciantes descobrirem onde e quando colocar suas campanhas para atingir o público exato, imagine agora, em que as redes sociais contam com veículos fortes que caminham a passos largos para estar entre as líderes do mercado de mísia brasileiro.


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The objective of this dissertation is understand the relationships built between subjects who occupy buildings in a state of abandonment to revitalize them - called okupas, noting which individuals construct such meanings on the practice of occupation and how to organize the construction and maintenance of a collective life project. Having the Okupa Squat Torém, located in the neighborhood of Fatima in the southern city of Fortaleza-CE, as locus and observed through the ethnographic method, followed the social practices of urban segment. I invested in a data collection revealed that the custom of okupas and their domestic habits, inside and outside of okupa, emphasizing the interaction situations, like most appropriate occasions to observe the constant negotiation and refinement of his cunning to intervene in the city . Among the objectives of this research, the main thing is to observe which senses are assigned to the practice of the occupation by okupas. For this, reflecting from the specifics of this urban phenomenon and talking mostly with the tradition of research in the field of anthropology, I tried to address some issues regarding the practice of okupação and organization of the group, which the principles and movements that make these contacts with city etc. The appropriation made by the subjects on the urban space here means understanding them as a cultural expression of a number of collective values, resulting from experience and perception of okupas like themselves. The intention is to show how this practice intervention and collective action has appeared in contemporary times and how my ethnography can contribute to a dialogue on the practices of mobilization and update of the city, considering the Theory of Recognition Axel Honneth (2003) as an analytical category useful to describe the forms of reciprocity experienced by okupas


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Tendo como base os conceitos de espaço, lugar, ambiente e imagem, sob as vertentes da Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Geografia e Psicologia Ambiental, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo averiguar a percepção de estudantes da Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí (EAJ UFRN) a fim de identificar aspectos das interrelações pessoa-ambiente que diferenciam tal escola de outras instituições. A coleta de dados utilizou multimétodos e investigou um grupo de alunos residentes na Escola que cursavam o ensino médio e técnico em agropecuária em 2006, analisando seus discursos, comportamentos e atitudes de modo a identificar os principais elementos da imagem sócio-ambiental da EAJ. Os resultados apontaram locais, práticas sociais e símbolos representativos da instituição, indicando espaços (construídos e naturais) adequados/inadequados às necessidades/expectativas dos estudantes incluindo a ampliação da interdisciplinaridade no conjunto de suas atividades. Além disso, a fim de incrementar a análise sócio-ambiental em instituições que promovem experiências exitosas, recomenda-se que os aspectos cotidiano e tempo sejam mais profundamente investigados em estudos futuros na área


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This masters dissertation constitutes in a mapping with base in a field research carried in the streets of commercial center and adjacencies of the Aracaju city, capital of Sergipe state, located in Brazilian‟s Northeast. This is a study about the jingle and others social practices found in the day-by-day of streets by the streets sellers. There is a clear intention of consider the pregão singed by sellers of the street how a jingle that is produced, transmitted and accepted in a means social, characterized how cultural manifestation study. Thus, this ethnography aims to observe the use of the jingle and other cultural practices carried out by street vendors, showing how they are produced, disseminated and consumed in everyday life, as a way to do it. These practices that occur in cities since ancient times continue to occur in all Brazilian cities, including the capital cities, although in some cases, some of them such as the jingle, they get more scarce. Specifically aimed at rescuing the memory of these cultural practices, considering them as "tactics" of practitioners, a resistance of street vendors, individuals, "ordinary" real "anonymous wanderers" in the face of pressure from a dominant force and uneven. In this perspective, the present study is based on the theories of Certeau (1990, 1996) and Coradini (1995) on daily life in the cities, seeking to demonstrate how street vendors engage in a "diverted", subversive, selling its products, creating and using the jingle and other similar relationships that are part of common culture, introducing itself as "ways of doing" that are appropriate or re-appropriated, consumed or accepted in joints over time and within the "anthropological urban spatiality


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This research proposed to question the development of what was defined as historical practices (commercial, social and political institutions), of the economic activity of the real estate brokerage in the Rio Grande do Norte from the progressive institutionalization of economic agents - individuals (realtors) and legal (real estate) - based on two main approaches: a) the development of economic activity as an integral segment of a fraction of capital (POULANTZAs, 1985; LESSA, 1981). This work set out from a socio-historical approach of the historical practices development the of real estate brokerage in Brazil started in the Southeast, especially in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo as a result of the "expansion of capitalist relations by the housing sector" (RIBEIRO , 1996). especially the real estate capital ; b) the historical development of relations between labor and capital within the activity, in other words, the development of the relationship between realtors and Real Estate in relation to "group of interests" and their "collective actions" (OFFE, 1984). These historical practices are defined in this research as: 1) mercantile practices, times when there was no distinction between the activity of real estate brokerage and other forms of mercantile capital; 2) social practices, which began in the 1930s, when agents of real estate are to be distinguished from each other within the activity through Taylorist division of labor between workers realtors and developers of real estate; 3) political and institutional practices, initiated in 1962, characterized by State action, in the individualization and distinction of the agents of real estate brokerage as socioprofessional category regulated throughout Brazil by Law 4.116/62 and 6.530/78. The results achieved by the present study showed that in Rio Grande do Norte, due to the specifics as to the peripheral processes of urbanization of the constitution of the land market, as well as the process of conservative modernization of the oligarchic State from the 1960s (CLEMENTINE, 1995; FERREIRA, 1996, 2010, TRINDADE, 2004), the State was led to the development of a late manifestation of the historical practices of real estate brokerage. In other words, it was a process in which historical practices, in particular social practices, not fully developed, mitigating, thus the perception of realtors from his position in the process of exploitation of labor by the Real Estate. And, as a result, of their collective interests front of them.


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Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte


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In this research we described the path of thirty one teachers involved with elementary school, amog which we included ourselves, looking for professional formation that allowed us to understand the function of educating childen. In this sense, this group of teachers begins a process of intentional, systematic and voluntary reflection, in an attempt to give new meanings to daily concepts of life and work, and linking them to their socialpractices. Having as reference the theoretical and methodological principles of socio-historical approach and collaborative research, the Group of Studies: The Dialogue Reflection as Re-meaning of Pedagogical Practice: a continuous education proposal, motivated by the willing and the necessity of re- elaborate knowledge about collaboration, reflection, infant education, playing and development which meets the new and goes the inverse way revisiting concepts and conception already consolidated, confronting and re-meaning them enlightened by one s own effort and the collaboration of pairs, mediated by Cycles of Reflexive Studies and Inter/intrapersonal Sessions. We can affirm that these tools helped the process of reflexivity put into practice by participants, which most important consequence was the theoretical re-meaning and practice in the ambit of infant education. During this investigation, we could see some theoretical and practice presuppositions which permitted to attribute to the exercise of reflexivity in collaboration the means into which the involved people could rescue the actions taken, justified their choices, confronted their theoretical options with their peers and with the systematized knowledge would question their certainties and rebuild in intra-psychological level, the knowledge elaborated socially. To this group which main activity is the docent profession, the personal and professional development constitutes the objective in which actions were articulated and operations which made learning possible as well as professional development


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To the we assume the disciplines of the area of Literacy of the course of Pedagogy, our intention has been the one of working the literacy, the reading and the writing as alive processes, as social practices inserted in the history, continuators of the subjectivity, done in the culture and producing of culture. The importance of the course of Pedagogy in the teachers' formation is unquestionable; however our goal is to highlight, in this work, the paper of that course in the formation of the teacher alphabetized, while mediator of the literacy process with an inclusive vision. In that to walk, it appeared us the following subject: which the contributions and the gaps theoretical-practices - of degree courses in Pedagogy - experienced for the exits of that course, in the specific pedagogic work of alphabetizing children, young adult and/or our study aims at to investigate, under the perspective of teachers alphabetizer licensed in courses of Pedagogy, the contributions and the theoretical-practical gaps of those courses, in the formation of the educator alphabetizer. In this sense, our work if it bases on the presuppositions of the qualitative investigation that leaves of the foundation that there is a dynamic relationship among the real and subjective world, an alive interdependence between subject and object, an entail indissoluble between the objective world and the subjective (CHIZZOTTI, 1998, p.79). The research is characterized as a descriptive and interpretative study and for the collection of data; the questionnaire, the semi-structured interview and the documental analysis were used. We took the following providences for the choice of Locus and of the subject of the research: it visits to the schools; compatibility of the criteria previously defined for choice of Locus and of the Subjects. For the choice of those schools, we defined the following criteria: that, in your individuality / totality, they were located in integral neighborhoods of, at least three of the four administrative areas of the city of Natal; that, in your individuality / totality, they contemplated the public spheres and private of attendance; that, in the year of accomplishment of the research - 2004 - they were offering infantile education and/or fundamental teaching; this last one gone back to the children of the initial years and/or for the youth and adult of the first levels of the modality of EJA; and that made possible the researcher's access. Front to the particularities of our study object and considering the criteria of choice of the locus, four public schools and three private schools were selected. Like this being, in those schools, we would look for the subject of our work that they would owe: 1) to be working, in 2004, with children's literacy, youths or adults: they as teacher (the), it as coordinator (the) that guides teachers alphabetizer, in public schools or peculiar of the city of the Natal-RN; 2) to be exit (the) of the degree course in Pedagogy, supplied by institutions of superior level (public or matters) of the city of the Natal-RN; 3) to have concluded your course of Pedagogy in the period of 1990-2004; 4) to have, at least, 01(one) year of experience in literacy rooms (TARDIF, 2002). The subjects interviewees concluded your courses of Pedagogy, in the period from 1990 to 2004, in institutions different from the city of Natal/RN, being five to the whole: two public IES and three deprived IES. Of the analysis of the data, the theme emerged, ' teacher's Alphabetizer Educational Formation in Courses of Pedagogy', with the following categories: contributions of the courses of Pedagogy; More important disciplines in the educational formation; Areas / Aspects lacunars of the courses of Pedagogy. The pedagogic practice of the teacher alphabetizer demands a formation from him found in you know educational, requested in the children's literacy, youths and adults. In that work, we defended the thesis that the course of Pedagogy is the locus, par excellence, for that formation, in spite of possible structural limitations and curricular of the referred course. In spite of the countless contributions of the pedagogy course for the formation of the teacher alphabetizer, our data appear for the need of a revision of the proposals curricular of that course, getting the attention for the importance of a proposal formation curricular more gone back to the literacy process / literate and for the social inclusion. We thought that, although insufficient, the teacher's formation in that perspective is a fundamental condition for a practice pedagogic alphabetizer to be promoted, in fact, inclusive and promoter of the school success


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The inconclusive policies regarding the teaching background, specifically the Pedagogy Course, whose National Curricular Directives DCN were ratified by the Ministry of Education on April 4th 2006, have been causing protest from the various forces within the scope of the university, specifically in the Pedagogy Departments in which, through their professionals, express the several stands about the pedagogue profile, his/her professional acting field and a curriculum that meets the background needs of this professional. This paper tried to assess, from the viewpoint of the student who graduated from the Pedagogy Course and who acts in classroom in the first years of the Elementary School, to what extent this course meets the background needs of the professional who works as teacher. In specific terms it was this paper's objective to identify the most important background needs of teachers who graduated in Pedagogy, who act in the first years of the Elementary School; To list the contributions and limitations of the Pedagogy Course of CAJIM/UERN in the teachers' background, outlined by the graduates of the course; to raise suggestions for the improvement of the teachers' background in the Pedagogy Course of the CAJIM/UERN. In order to turn these objectives viable we opted for the qualitative approach in research, more precisely for the case study methodology, from which we used as instruments for the execution of the field work the observation in classrooms, semi-structured interviews which became the main instrument used for the data construction and analysis. The data analysis process took place through the content analysis technique based in Bardin (2000). The theoretical line is based on the studies from Schön (2000), Nóvoa (1997), Perrenoud (1993), Alarcão (2003), Ramalho (2003) we also used the National Curricular Directives which serve as current Parameter for the Pedagogy courses. The study indicated that the Pedagogy Course contributed for the personal and professional enrichment, however, difficulties in the theory-practice articulation are still present in the everyday life. The theoretical knowledge assimilated, though represent increments to the professional practice, are not enough to enable a pedagogical practice with excellence. There is a need to consider a curriculum in a dialectic perspective, configurator of social and cultural practices sustained by the reasoning as praxis, thus it must not be seen solely in a theoretical plan, mas as a process that builds itself between the acting and the reasoning.


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This dissertation aims to contribute on teaching of mathematics for enabling learning connected to the relationship among science, society, culture and cognition. To this end, we propose the involvement of our students with social practices found in history, since. Our intention is to create opportunities for school practices that these mathematical arising from professional practice historical, provide strategies for mathematical thinking and reasoning in the search for solutions to problematizations found today. We believe that the propose of producing Basic Problematization Units, or simply UBPs, in math teacher formation, points to an alternative that allows better utilization of the teaching and learning process of mathematics. The proposal has the aim of primary education to be, really forming the citizen, making it critical and society transformative agent. In this sense, we present some recommendations for exploration and use of these units for teachers to use the material investigated by us, in order to complement their teaching work in mathematics lessons. Our teaching recommendations materialized as a product of exploration on the book, Instrumentos nuevos de geometria muy necessários para medir distancia y alturas sem que interuengan numeros como se demuestra em la practica , written by Andrés de Cespedes, published in Madrid, Spain, in 1606. From these problematizations and the mathematics involved in their solutions, some guidelines for didactic use of the book are presented, so that the teacher can rework such problematizations supported on current issues, and thus use them in the classroom


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In this work we present the results of a research that aims to study the chronicle gender produced in a class of native language. The texts were written by students of a high-school class, under the orientation of the teacher who conducted a didactic sequence in order to explore this gender. In our analysis we observed aspect such as the structure of the general structure of the texts, types of speech and linguistic sequences, some mechanisms of textualization and the characteristics of the gender. In order to attain that, we adopted the theoretical presuppositions of Textual Linguistics and of the Socio-discursive Interactionism, grounding the study of texts and gender in Bronckart (2003; 2006) and Koch (2002; 2004). As a background of the Chronicle Gender we used the studies of Coutinho (1987); Moisés (2003); Sá (2005); Bender; Laurito (1993); Melo (1994); Cândido et al. (1992) among others. The corpus, made up of 15 texts, showed that the narrative is the most used linguistic sequence in the producing of the texts, the discursive world prevailing in the narrative and some instances of the world of exposing. As for the gender characteristics, the daily life was used in order to amuse the reader and make him to reflect upon the daily life. Humor, irony, social criticism and colloquial language were also observed in the texts produced by the students. Although some texts presented the characteristics of the gender, explored in the classroom, some were typically school narratives. That make us believe that a work with textual production under the approach of a text gender is viable, but it is not consolidated yet in many schools as the main object of the central teaching of the Portuguese language. This make us defend a better systematization of the teaching contents having as the main point the reading practice and text production in order to contribute for the growing of the students´ discursive potentialities and, therefore, their effective participation in the language social practices


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This work aims to understand the teaching of English at the Federal Institute of considering the recommendations of official and technical documents for the integrated secondary school and the perspective of the English teachers settled in one of the campuses of the Institute. It is also an objective of this research to infer as to what extent the perspective of teachers is articulated to the documental recommendations. For this purpose, several official and technical documents (LÜDKE; ANDRÉ, 1986), such as the PCNEMs (BRAZIL, 2000), the OCNEMs (BRAZIL, 2006) and the Political-Pedagogical Project of the Institute (IFRN, in press) were gathered, and a questionnaire was submitted to six teachers of English from one of the campuses of the institution. The theoretical references of the research include, among others, Bakhtin (1997; 1999), Widdowson (1991), Almeida Filho (2011; 2004), Celani (1988; 2009), Hutchinson and Waters (1987) and Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998). The results show that the teaching of English according to the documents predicts the instrumental use of the foreign language, but suggests the development of competences and skills as contextualized social practices, aimed at the education of the student as a professional-citizen. The perspective of teachers, in turn, points to a concern that the teaching of English serves as a tool for improving student life through the instrumental use of language as a means of accessing information and professional training. This finding reveals that the articulation between the documental recommendations and perspective of teachers does not go beyond what refers to the instrumental language teaching, since teachers do not show, when reporting their practices, the teaching of language as social practice, as mentioned in the legal texts


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Atualmente, os conceitos de mundos de letramentos e agência social nos permitem observar o desenvolvimento de competências relacionadas às práticas sociais e às ações transformadoras que influenciam, de forma decisiva, a vida de jovens seminaristas e a vida das comunidades das quais fazem parte. Com este trabalho objetivamos contextualizar social e culturalmente os letramentos na esfera do lar e a influência da família na formação do seminarista bem como evidenciar o papel do grupo de jovens na formação pessoal e o fortalecimento do sentimento de autoestima produzido pela relação de confiança e pela delegação de responsabilidades. Procuramos, por fim, descrever os principais pilares formadores do Seminário, como agência de letramento, e sua importância na formação identitária do seminarista. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa de cunho etnográfico cuja metodologia baseia-se em análise de narrativas semiestruturadas e questionários sócio avaliativos. Os fundamentos teóricos que sustentam nossa pesquisa estão ancorados nos estudos de letramento (BARTON, HAMILTON, IVANI, 2000; STREET, 2003; OLIVEIRA, 2010), na Análise do Discurso (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001), no Realismo Crítico (ARCHER, 2000; AHEARN, 2001), na Sociologia (GIDDENS, 2003, 2005); (SZTOMPKA, 2005), no Interacionismo Simbólico (BERGER, P. L., LUCKMANN, 2009). A análise dos dados nos permitiu: 1) (re)afirmar o papel da instituição família como a principal guardiã do conjunto de ideias e valores, os quais fortalecem as representações sociais associadas a essa instituição, sendo responsáveis pela formação identitária de nossos colaboradores; 2) reconhecer o importante papel social desempenhado por instituições sociais informais que, com o objetivo de promover ações evangelizadoras e solidárias, proporcionam aos seus catequizados o desenvolvimento de múltiplas competências direcionadas à agência pessoal e social, dentre as quais destacamos as Pastorais como fortes aliadas nesse processo formador de identidades sociais positivas, porque os indivíduos que delas participam adquirem competências agentivas que são responsáveis por transformações de ordem pessoal e social; 3) descrever os processos formadores que permitem a manutenção da tradição dentro de uma instituição religiosa. Nossos achados apontam para a necessidade de compreendermos a sociedade como constituída e constituinte de muitos e diversos mundos de letramento, os quais estão a serviço de todo aquele que consegue se perceber como ser atuante no mundo