1000 resultados para Escala Salarial
This paper reviews some of the most usual definitions of stress and trauma including the notion of accumulative trauma. Then, the Spanish version of the Cumulative Trauma Scale by Kira et al (2008) is presented. It has been developed by following a process of translation and by applying it to two small groups of subjects to test it for comprehension (pilot test).
The satisfaction of consumers and users with the products and services is an issue that in recent years has been taking more and more importance and now it even reaches psychotherapy. This paper presents the Spanish adaptation of the Consumer Reports Effectiveness Scale (CRES-4)consisting of four items designed to evaluate whether patients are satisfied with the therapy they have received and if it has been perceived as effective or not. Its global score is intended to reflect treatment effectiveness as percived by the patient. Existing studies suggest that the CRES-4 is a good complementary tool to judge, in particular, satisfaction with treatment received.
Water treatment uses chlorine for disinfection causing formation of trihalomethanes. In this work, an electrolytic water pre-treatment was studied and applied to the water from a fountainhead. The action against microorganisms was evaluated using cast-iron and aluminum electrodes. Assays were made in laboratory using the electrolytic treatment. After 5 min of electrolysis the heterotrophic bacteria count was below 500 cfu/mL and complete elimination of total and fecal coliforms was observed. Using electrolytic treatment as a pretreatment of conventional tap water treatment is proposed.
Psychometric analysis of the AF5 multidimensional scale of self-concept in a sample of adolescents and adults in Catalonia. The aim of this study is to carry out a psychometric study of the AF5 scale in a sample of 4.825 Catalan subjects from 11 to 63 years-old. They are students from secondary compulsory education (ESO), from high school, middle-level vocational training (CFGM) and from the university. Using a principal component analysis (PCA) the theoretical validity of the components is established and the reliability of the instrument is also analyzed. Differential analyses are performed by gender and normative group using a 2 6 factorial design. The normative group variable includes the different levels classifi ed into 6 sub-groups: university, post-compulsory secondary education (high school and CFGM), 4th of ESO, 3rd of ESO, 2nd of ESO and 1st of ESO. The results indicate that the reliability of the Catalan version of the scale is similar to the original scale. The factorial structure also fi ts with the original model established beforehand. Signifi cant differences by normative group in the four components of self-concept explored (social, family, academic/occupational and physical) are observed. By gender, signifi cant differences appear in the component of physical self-concept, academic and social but not in the family component
Geographical scale is not merely a technical question. The learning of geographical scale goes beyond geometricunderstanding; it implies the etymological comprehension of the concept, the recognition of the importance of scale in theelaboration of the geographical discourse. It implies placing oneself in the centre of the teaching and learning of Geographyand asking oneself, what scale? Why this scale? What progression of scales? The answer to these questions puts in doubtthe scientific discourse that is presently taught in schools especially on the scale of analysis, the sequencing of studiedspaces and the false dichotomy local and global
The technological advances and new organisation of the economy together with a change in ideas in consumer habits andlifestyle that have happened in the last 25 years have placed us in a new state of capitalism. The spatial translation of thisnew state has been immediate and implies among other changes the overcoming of the concept of scale. Commercialspaces and those of leisure and tourism offer us an unbeatable opportunity of exemplifying these changes because they arethe most effected by the new postmodern tendencies
In this work the separation of the chiral anesthetic compounds ketamine and bupivacaine was development using two chiral stationary phases (CSP). Ketamine enantiomers were well separate in the polysaccharide-based CSP (microcrystalline cellulose triacetate - MCTA) while bupivacaine in the tartardiamide-based CSP (Kromasil CHI-TBB). In both cases, the effect of temperature was investigated under analytical conditions. An improvement in the separation performance with temperature was observed. Thermodynamic parameters were evaluated by the van't Hoff plot. We concluded that enthalpic effects controlled the retention in these chiral columns. The enantiomers of ketamine and bupivacaine were separated under overloaded conditions with a good performance.
Advanced oxidative processes (AOPs) are based on chemical processes that can generate free radicals, such as hydroxyl radicals (.OH) which are strong, non-selective oxidant species that react with the vast majority of organic compounds. Nanostructured semiconductors, especially titanium dioxide (TiO2) in the anatase phase, are well-established photocatalysts for this process, which have proved to be useful in the degradation of dyes, pesticides and other contaminants. Research in different strategies for the synthesis of nanostructured semiconductors, with particular characteristic is currently a topic of interest in many studies. Thus, this paper presents a review about various synthesis strategies of nanostructured photocatalysts.
Physico-chemical and microbiological parameters were evaluated before and after applying an electrolytic process to effluents of a stabilization lagoon, in the presence or absence of "salt". Chlorine generation and bactericidal properties of the treatments were studied following two experiments. Effluent pH increased with electrolysis time. In the absence of "salt", 20 min electrolysis resulted in a COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) reduction of 44%, along with ca. 99.9% (3 log10 cfu/mL) reduction in total coliforms, heterotrophic bacteria and Escherichia coli. These results indicated that the electrolytic process is a promising complementary technology to improve effluent quality for stabilization lagoons.
High-throughput screening (HTS) and virtual screening (VS) are useful methods employed in drug discovery, allowing the identification of promising hits for lead optimization. The efficiency of these approaches depends on a number of factors, such as the organization of high quality databases of compounds and the parameterization of essential components of the screen process. This brief review presents the basic principles of the HTS and VS methods, as well as a perspective of the utility and integration of these drug design approaches, highlighting current opportunities and future challenges in medicinal chemistry.
In this work, the efficiency of clarification treatment (coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation) with polyaluminum chloride (PAC) and aluminum sulfate (SA) as coagulants was evaluated in the removal of 7 microcontaminants (diclofenac - DCF, sulfamethoxazole - SMX, ethinylestradiol - EE2, bisphenol-A - BPA, estradiol - E2, estrone - E1 and estriol - E3) in water of low and high turbidity. The clarification treatment led to poor removal rates (40% at most) for all microcontaminants except SMX which exhibited intermediate removal efficiency (67 to 70%). Overall, PAC application yielded better performance compared to SA.
Chlorine, one of the most frequent elements on earth and most important key chemicals, is indispensable in the syllabi of school and university courses in Inorganic Chemistry. However, its toxicity and high volatility preclude experimental demonstration of its properties in secondary and high schools and most university labs. This paper summarises the industrial role of chlorine and presents miniaturised experiments demonstrating some of the processes used in Industrial Inorganic Chemistry. Furthermore, experiments illustrating important concepts of Inorganic Chemistry such as Ion Bonding and Molecular Orbital Theory are describe.
Utilizando tamanho de pústulas e número de soros como critérios para avaliar a severidade, estabeleceu-se a seguinte escala de notas para quantificação da ferrugem causada por Puccinia psidii em mudas inoculadas de Eucalyptus sp.: S0 = imunidade ou reação de hipersensibilidade, com necrose ou "fleck"; S1 = pústulas puntiformes, < 0,8 mm de diâmetro; S2 = pústulas medianas, de 0,8 a 1,6 mm de diâmetro; e S3 = pústulas grandes, > 1,6 mm de diâmetro. Aferiu-se essa escala mediante o uso do marcador RAPD AT9/917, geneticamente ligado a um gene de resistência à ferrugem, em uma progênie de E. grandis. Apenas as plantas das classes S0 e S1 apresentaram o referido marcador e foram consideradas resistentes. A inconsistência na classificação de plantas resistentes e suscetíveis foi baixa (8%). O uso dessa escala permitiu a seleção de grande número de plantas resistentes à ferrugem com relativa rapidez, facilidade e precisão.
Uma escala diagramática, abrangendo os dois tipos prevalentes de sintomas de mancha preta em frutos cítricos (Citrus spp.), os de mancha dura e de falsa melanose, foi desenvolvida para padronizar a avaliação da severidade da doença. A escala foi elaborada considerando os limites máximos e mínimos de severidade da doença observados no campo. Os valores intermediários seguiram incrementos logarítmicos para os sintomas do tipo mancha dura (0,5; 1,7; 5,0; 11,5; 22,5 e 49,0%) e do tipo falsa melanose (1,1; 4,5; 15,0; 31,0; 53,0 e 68,0%). Para a validação da escala, seis avaliadores quantificaram a severidade da doença a partir das imagens digitalizadas de 50 frutos com diferentes níveis de doença. Inicialmente, a estimativa da severidade foi feita sem auxílio da escala. Em seguida, os mesmos avaliadores, utilizando a escala diagramática proposta, estimaram a severidade nos mesmos frutos avaliados anteriormente. As avaliações com a escala diagramática foram mais precisas e acuradas nas estimativas de todos os avaliadores e proporcionaram maior reprodutibilidade entre avaliações de diferentes avaliadores. A escala diagramática proposta foi considerada adequada para estimar a severidade da mancha preta nos frutos e será usada em estudos epidemiológicos e de avaliação de estratégias de controle desta doença.
A ocorrência das doenças foliares de final de ciclo em soja (Glycine max) causadas pelos fungos Septoria glycines e Cercospora kikuchii é facilmente observada no campo. Entretanto, são necessárias informações precisas sobre a quantificação de danos e perdas na produtividade. A falta de um método padrão de quantificação visual para essas doenças pode levar a estimativas imprecisas da severidade das mesmas, induzindo a conclusões erradas. Com o objetivo de elaborar uma escala diagramática para quantificar a severidade dessas doenças, foram coletadas em campo, folhas apresentando diferentes níveis de severidade. A área de cada folha e sua correspondente severidade foram determinadas e, obedecendo-se a "Lei do estímulo de Weber-Fechner", foi elaborada uma escala com os níveis de severidade de doença: 2,4; 15,2; 25,9; 40,5 e 66,6%. A validação foi realizada por nove avaliadores, sem experiência na avaliação das doenças de final de ciclo, os quais estimaram a severidade de 30 folhas de soja com sintomas destas doenças. A precisão das avaliações variou de acordo com o avaliador (0,84