598 resultados para Entrenament (Esport)


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This text was presented at the Symposium Olympic Arts and Culture Festivals: Recent Experiences and Future Design, held in Chicago on the 23-24 June 2008. It provides with an analysis of good and bad points of the Cultural Olympiad of Barcelona92 in order to discover, from that past experience, any lessons for future Cultural Olympiads and Olympic Movement cultural policy in general, as well as to rethink, in a critical way, Catalan cultural policies.


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Este texto fue presentado en el Simposio Olympic Arts and Culture Festivals: Recent Experiences and Future Design, celebrado en Chicago del 23 al 24 de junio de 2008. Proporciona un anlisis de las luces y sombras de la Olimpiada Cultural de Barcelona92 con el fin de descubrir, a partir de esa experiencia previa, cualquier leccin para las Olimpadas Culturales futuras y la poltica cultural del movimiento olmpico en general, as como repensar, de una manera crtica, las polticas culturales catalanas.


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Aquest treball es va realitzar per a lassignatura Campus Olimpisme, Esport i Societat durant el curs 1996-97. En ell es proporcionen els principis de la instituci Special Olympics, i es descriu lorganitzaci de la cinquena edici dels Jocs Special Olympics de Catalunya que van tenir lloc a Reus, el 1996.


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This text was presented at the 16th International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students that was organised by the International Olympic Academy in Ancient Olympia, from 1st to 30th July 2008. First here are reported, fundamental concepts on Olympics such as the Olympic values and the educational mandate of Pierre de Coubertin, the Olympic brand and symbols, the sponsorship and the Olympic partner programme. Then there is a chapter regarding the Top sponsors educational initiatives on Olympic values, and specially, describing the Olympic sponsors involvement in education and Top sponsors educational activities. And finally, the author analyses the sponsorship role in the promotion of Olympic Values Education, providing conclusions, comments on future and perspectives and some recommendations.


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This paper was presented in the International Symposium on Toward the Creation of New-Sport Cultures, undertaken in Osaka, Japan, in January 28, 1996. The main purpose is to make an interpretation of the cultural values of sport and Olympism in contemporary society, considering the enormous influence that the media have on them.


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Aquesta comunicaci es va presentar al &i&Simpsium internacional sobre la creaci de cultures del nou esport&/i&, portat a terme a Osaka, Jap, el 28 de gener, de 1996. El seu propsit principal s fer una interpretaci dels valors culturals de l'esport i de l'olimpisme a la societat contempornia, tot tenint en compte la gran influncia que reben aquests per part dels mitjans de comunicaci.


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In the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, besides the country-versus-country typical showdown in the backdrop of Olympics, and the economic and political impulses for the host city, there was a third factor complicating the celebration: rivalry between the Catalan hosts and the Spanish state. By guiding the development of and eventual Olympic projection of national identity, Catalan and Spanish politicians hoped to create a resounding rallying point around which they could unite disparate individuals. The text is made up of: an introduction, five paragraphs on the different political perspective, conclusions, a commentary on the tallying of score and a note section with bibliographical references.


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Paper given at the Institut de Cincies Poltiques i Socials, Barcelona in 1995 analysing the relationship between politics, the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement and their influences.


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Documento publicado en 1992 por el CEO-UAB como parte de la coleccin &i&Working Papers&/i& que incluye la historia de los pictogramas de los distintos Juegos Olmpicos, de Invierno y de Verano, desde Tokio '64, cuando se inicia su diseo sistemtico, hasta Barcelona '92, cuando los recursos grficos se integran en un proceso nico de informacin y de representacin de la identidad olmpica y de la cultura de la ciudad sede.


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Working paper analysing the Cultural Olympiad of Barcelona in 1992. This was published as a chapter of the book entitled "Olympic Games, media and cultural exchanges: the experience of the last four summer Olympic Games" and edited by M. Ladrn de Guevara and M. Bardaj.


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Aquest treball analitza el concepte desponsoritzaci en l'esport actual, i ms concretament en el bsquet catal. Es pretn crear un model d'actuaci per a poder fer front a les despeses que comporta tenir un equip de bsquet en la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU de Barcelona, en la categoria Primera Catalana. Per a obtenir aquesta quantitat, es realitzar un pla desponsoritzaci real, analitzant les diferents fases i caracterstiques de cadascuna d'elles. L'objectiu del present treball s desenvolupar un projecte on s'estudien i expliquen totes les premisses que cal complir per dur a terme amb xit aquest pla d'actuaci.


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This paper was presented at the International Sport Business Symposium, held by the Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing, in 2008. The speakers, Ferran Brunet, as a professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Zuo Xinwen, as a member of Beijing Development and Reform Commission, both set out to analyze changes in the economic and social development of the city which were undertaken with the aim to celebrate the 2008 Olympic Games. They discuss aspects as a transformation in the mode of economic growth, resources of the Organizing Committee, investments related to the Games, transport and communications, industries, the balance of urban and rural development, urban construction and management service and operations into a well-off society.


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En els darrers anys Espanya, i concretament Catalunya, s'ha convertit en el pas amb major nombre d'adopcions per habitant del mn. Aquest fet ens duu a plantejar-nos quines sn les motivacions que impulsen als sollicitants a voler adoptar. En aquest estudi fem una categoritzaci de les principals motivacions inicials de l'adopci internacional manifestades en els processos de valoraci per a l'obtenci del Certificat d'Idonetat en una mostra catalana de 331 persones. Els resultats obtinguts ens indiquen que la majoria de sollicitants adopta pensant en les seves necessitats i en les seves dificultats per a procrear i no tant en el menor que volen adoptar.


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Essay elaborated by Shaelyne Johnson, undergraduate student of Global Studies at the University of California-Santa Barbara, during her internship at CEO-UAB for the academic course 2008/2009. She compares the organisational structure, goals and objectives of the institutions in the Olympic Movement and the European Integration, in order to find connections between both movements which were caused by globalization. The paper begins with an introduction of the changing world nowadays, followed by an overview on the structural similarities in the historical unfolding between these two parallel movements and, before concluding, new means for international relations are considered. This document is available in English through the digital library at the CEO-UAB Portal of Olympic Studies and the digital repository RECERCAT.


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En aquest projecte presentem un mtode per generar bases de imatges de vianants, requerides per a l'entrenament o validaci de sistemes d'aprenentatge basats en exemples, en un entorn virtual. S'ha desenvolupat una plataforma que permet simular una navegaci d'una cmara en una escena virtual i recuperar el fluxe de vdeo amb el seu groundtruth. Amb l's d'aquesta plataforma es suprimeix el procs d'anotaci, necesari per obtenir el groundtruth en entorns reals, i es redueixen els costos al treballar en un entorn virtual.