961 resultados para Early 20th century
L’anarchisme vit un renouveau un peu partout sur le globe depuis les années 1990 et la montée du mouvement contre la mondialisation. Cependant pour les chercheurs contemporains, le lien est bien mince entre l’anarchisme du 21e siècle et le mouvement anarchiste du début du 20e siècle. Selon ces chercheurs, l’anarchisme contemporain serait davantage caractérisé par la nature expérimentale de ses stratégies et par son focus sur le moment présent. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de démontrer qu’il est possible de tracer des liens clairs entre les auteurs anarchistes classiques et l’anarchisme contemporain. En effet, certains auteurs classiques de ce courant vivent leur anarchisme dans le moment présent contrairement à ce que laissent entendre implicitement les chercheurs qui se sont penchés sur l’anarchisme contemporain. Nous analysons les cas d’auteurs anarchistes de la première moitié du 20e siècle comme Alexander Berkman, Emma Goldman, Joseph J. Cohen, Albert Libertad, Émile Armand et Rirette Maîtrejean. Une analyse de la colonie libertaire d’Aiglemont complète le tableau. Notre approche centrée sur l’étude des pratiques militantes repose sur trois conceptions idéal-typiques. Nous considérons trois types de pratiques anarchistes : l’action anarchiste de type insurrectionnel, de type syndicaliste et de type éducationnisteréalisateur. Nous concluons que les pratiques du mouvement anarchiste contemporain s’apparentent aux pratiques de certains anarchistes classiques, c’est-à-dire les pratiques de type éducationniste-réalisateur.
La recherche sur le développement du panasiatisme en dehors du Japon a été longtemps négligée par les historiens. Ce mémoire est une tentative de décloisonnement du panasiatisme afin de mieux comprendre son émergence en Asie et son rôle dans la construction de l'identité asiatique entre 1900 et 1924 en examinant le discours de cinq acteurs de l’« idéologie ». Utilisant comme perspectivel'histoire globale, il démontre comment le panasiatisme en Asie s'inscrit dans un réseau de contacts et de circulation d'idées intra-asiatique au début du 20e siècle, réseau influencé principalement par deux concepts dans sa définition de l'Asie: la race jaune et la civilisation asiatique. Tentant de mieux comprendre la relation entre la pensée en Asie et au Japon, le mémoire explore aussi les similarités et différences entre eux, notamment la création d'une identité et de la perception du Japon comme modèle de modernisation et chef du continent qui se propagent en Asie à travers la rhétorique panasiatique.
Ce texte présente une analyse de quatre de mes compositions réalisées pendant la maîtrise. Les pièces choisies abordent la musique de chambre, la musique orchestrale, et la musique vocale. La mise en pratique des connaissances assimilées pendant la formation est mise en avant à travers une étude sur la forme, le développement thématique, l'harmonie, et l'orchestration de chaque pièce. De plus, j'ai souhaité par l'analyse de mes compositions, partager mon approche du processus créatif et donner une meilleure compréhension de ma musique à l'auditeur. Ainsi, exposer les références multiples aux musiques des Ballets russes du début du XXe siècle dans L'Odyssée d'un songe, ou montrer par exemple les nombreux figuralismes réalisés dans Nuit de neige permettra je l'espère à l'auditeur de mieux cerner mon travail et d'approfondir l'écoute de ces pièces. Aussi, j'espère faire ressortir dans ce texte la présence de certaines constantes dans mes compositions, de manière à mettre en avant le développement de mon langage personnel.
La construcción del proyecto moderno en Colombia a principios del siglo XX fue un proceso basado en los ideales de industrialización y civilización. De igual forma estuvo atravesado por una serie de planteamientos de carácter científico que legitimaron un pensamiento racista que a su vez ayudó a configurar unas prácticas de carácter político y social encaminadas al “mejoramiento de la raza” en Colombia. En este trabajo se analizan algunas de estas prácticas a través de los discursos médicos sobre la higiene y la educación física realizados en Bogotá entre 1913 y 1940. En particular, se quiere explorar la forma como la educación física se configuró como una tecnología de poder que buscaba la construcción de cuerpos sanos al servicio de los procesos de modernización capitalista. Para esto, tomo como base teórica la propuesta de Michel Foucault con el fin de establecer la relación entre saber/poder como un constructo cultural que articula una serie de discursos productores de verdad propios de la modernidad.
The Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis) disappeared from the forests of southeastern North America in the early 20th Century and for more than 50 years has been widely considered extinct. On 21 May 2005, we detected a bird that we identified as an Ivory-billed Woodpecker in the mature swamp forest along the Choctawhatchee River in the panhandle of Florida. During a subsequent year of research, members of our small search team observed birds that we identified as Ivory-billed Woodpeckers on 14 occasions. We heard sounds that matched descriptions of Ivory-billed Woodpecker acoustic signals on 41 occasions. We recorded 99 putative double knocks and 210 putative kent calls. We located cavities in the size range reported for Ivory-billed Woodpeckers and larger than those of Pileated Woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus) that have been reported in the literature or that we measured in Alabama. We documented unique foraging signs consistent with the feeding behavior of Ivory-billed Woodpeckers. Our evidence suggests that Ivory-billed Woodpeckers may be present in the forests along the Choctawhatchee River and warrants an expanded search of this bottomland forest habitat.
In the ‘Object as Subject’ exhibition held at the Stephen Lawrence Gallery, Greenwich University, myself and two other artists showed work which explores the use of the ‘found object’ in their respective practices. My work was selected by the gallery curator David Waterworth. The work exhibited by me, two multi-media pieces and two films, continues my (practice as research) investigation into using everyday objects as starting points for creating work in a variety of mediums including: sculpture, films, installations and multiples. In this work I address a range of subject matters – philosophical, social and cultural. The history of the use of found object in art began in early 20th century European art when Marcel Duchamp and Pablo Picasso independently introduced everyday objects into their practice. My work continues this research.
The following work is to interpret and analyze the problem of induction under a vision founded on set theory and probability theory as a basis for solution of its negative philosophical implications related to the systems of inductive logic in general. Due to the importance of the problem and the relatively recent developments in these fields of knowledge (early 20th century), as well as the visible relations between them and the process of inductive inference, it has been opened a field of relatively unexplored and promising possibilities. The key point of the study consists in modeling the information acquisition process using concepts of set theory, followed by a treatment using probability theory. Throughout the study it was identified as a major obstacle to the probabilistic justification, both: the problem of defining the concept of probability and that of rationality, as well as the subtle connection between the two. This finding called for a greater care in choosing the criterion of rationality to be considered in order to facilitate the treatment of the problem through such specific situations, but without losing their original characteristics so that the conclusions can be extended to classic cases such as the question about the continuity of the sunrise
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Tem aumentado muito o emprego da anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças, principalmente neonatos com risco de desenvolver apnéia neonatal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi rever as diferenças anatômicas, fisiológicas e farmacológicas desta técnica em crianças. CONTEÚDO: A anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças, apesar de ter sido técnica empregada desde o início do século XX, teve sua popularidade diminuída com o advento dos anestésicos inalatórios e bloqueadores neuromusculares, para ser novamente resgatada em 1979. As características favoráveis desta técnica em pediatria são relativas à estabilidade cardiovascular, em crianças de até 8 anos de idade, à analgesia satisfatória e ao relaxamento muscular. Os anestésicos mais utilizados em crianças são a tetracaína e a bupivacaína, cujas doses são ajustadas tomando-se por base o peso corporal. Esta técnica é limitada pela duração relativamente curta, devendo ser utilizada para procedimentos cirúrgicos que não ultrapassem 90 minutos e também pela analgesia não abranger o pós-operatório. As complicações são as mesmas encontradas no paciente adulto, incluindo cefaléia por punção dural e irritação radicular transitória. As indicações são várias: cirurgias de abdômen inferior, genitália, membros inferiores, região perineal e, em alguns casos, até em cirurgias torácicas. Seu emprego tem particular interesse nos recém-nascidos prematuros, pelo risco de apresentarem a apnéia da prematuridade. CONCLUSÕES: A anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças é técnica relativamente segura, com poucas complicações e pode ser considerada como opção para anestesia geral, principalmente nos recém-nascidos prematuros com risco de apresentarem complicações respiratórias no pós-operatório.
The region known as the pioneer north of Paraná State can be considered one of the most severely modified in southern Brazil, due to the colonization that started at the end of 19th century. In this little known region, seldom visited by traveler naturalists of the past, the collector Adolph Hempel obtained an important series of bird specimens that constitute, in many cases, the only - and last - information concerning the avifauna of this region. For several reasons, Fazenda Cayoá has been associated with the State of São Paulo, although it was an important center for coffee in the early 20th. century and is near the left bank of Rio Paranapanema, thus in the State of Paraná.
This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the likely effects of climate change on the tourism sector in Montserrat. Clayton (2009) identifies three reasons why the Caribbean should be concerned about the potential effects of climate change on tourism: (a) the relatively high dependence on tourism as a source of foreign exchange and employment; (b) the intrinsic vulnerability of small islands and their infrastructure (e.g. hotels and resorts) to sea level rise and extreme climatic events (e.g. hurricanes and floods); and, (c) the high dependence of the regional tourist industry on carbon-based fuels (both to bring tourist to the region as well as to provide support services in the region). The effects of climate change are already being felt on the island. Between 1970 and 2009, there was a rise in the number of relatively hot days experienced on the island. Added to this, there was also a decline in mean precipitation over the period. Besides temperature, there is also the threat of wind speeds. Since the early 20th century, the number of hurricanes passing through the Caribbean has risen from about 5-6 per year to more than 25 in some years of the twenty-first century. In Montserrat, the estimated damage from four windstorms (including hurricanes) affecting the island was US$260 million or almost five times 2009 gross domestic product (GDP). Climate change is also likely to significantly affect coral reefs. Hoegh-Guldberg (2007) estimates that should current concentrations of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere rise from 380ppm to 560ppm, decreases in coral calcification and growth by 40% are likely. The report attempted to quantify the likely effects of the changes in the climatic factors mentioned above. As it relates to temperature and other climatic variables, a tourism climatic index that captures the elements of climate that impact on a destination’s experience was constructed. The index was calculated using historical observations as well as those under two likely climate scenarios: A2 and B2. The results suggest that under both scenarios, the island’s key tourism climatic features will likely decline and therefore negatively impact on the destination experience of visitors. Including this tourism climatic index in a tourism demand model suggests that this would translate into losses of around 145% of GDP. As it relates to coral reefs, the value of the damage due to the loss of coral reefs was estimated at 7.6 times GDP, while the damage due to land loss for the tourism industry was 45% of GDP. The total cost of climate change for the tourism industry was therefore projected to be 9.6 times 2009 GDP over a 40-year horizon. Given the potential for significant damage to the industry, a large number of potential adaptation measures were considered. Out of these, a short-list of 9 potential options was selected using 10 evaluation criteria. These included: (a) Increasing recommended design wind speeds for new tourism-related structures; (b) Construction of water storage tanks; (c) Irrigation network that allows for the recycling of waste water; (d) Enhanced reef monitoring systems to provide early warning alerts of bleaching events; (e) Deployment of artificial reefs and fish-aggregating devices; (f) Developing national evacuation and rescue plans; (g) Introduction of alternative attractions; (h) Providing re-training for displaced tourism workers, and; (i) Revised policies related to financing national tourism offices to accommodate the new climatic realities Using cost-benefit analysis, three options were put forward as being financially viable and ready for immediate implementation: (a) Increase recommended design speeds for new tourism-related structures; (b) Enhance reef monitoring systems to provide early warning alerts of bleaching events, and; (c) Deploy artificial reefs or fish-aggregating devices. While these options had positive benefit cost ratios, other options were also recommended based on their non-tangible benefits: an irrigation network that allows for the recycling of waste water, development of national evacuation and rescue plans, providing retraining for displaced tourism workers and the revision of policies related to financing national tourism offices to accommodate the new climatic realities.
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
By the early 20th century, the blood vessels could only be seen by anatomical studies. Shortly after the discovery of X-rays by Conrad Roentgen in 1895, the first experiments with radiographic imaging were performed with blood vessels. In 1905, the first experiment involving catheterization of arterial and venous system in dogs was performed and only in 1914 performed on living human patients. Parallel to these landmarks, there were advances in diagnostic imaging devices and the evolution of contrast substances was of utmost importance to the current angiography occupy a prominent role not only in terms of diagnosis, but also in the treatment of various disorders. The main objective of this review is to weave historical considerations and comparisons between the different methodologies used in angiography, because its importance; that may be in future, a veterinary diagnostic decisive test
Anísio Teixeira: notes on democratization and quality of education. The work of Anísio Teixeira is the support of this study in a discussion of the democratization process in Brazilian education. We raised elements to contrast the idea of access democratization as a trigger to the process of decrease in quality of the public education offered in the country. The discussion initially presented the journey of this renowned Brazilian educator. Subsequently, we presented data on the early 20th century public education, period when he leads important positions in public education. We conclude the study by presenting the “School-park” proposed as he idealized the organization of elementary school.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (CNPq)