908 resultados para ERROR-CORRECTION MODEL
This paper examines the hysteresis hypothesis in the Brazilian industrialized exports using a time series analysis. This hypothesis finds an empirical representation into the nonlinear adjustments of the exported quantity to relative price changes. Thus, the threshold cointegration analysis proposed by Balke and Fomby [Balke, N.S. and Fomby, T.B. Threshold Cointegration. International Economic Review, 1997; 38; 627-645.] was used for estimating models with asymmetric adjustment of the error correction term. Amongst sixteen industrial sectors selected, there was evidence of nonlinearities in the residuals of long-run relationships of supply or demand for exports in nine of them. These nonlinearities represent asymmetric and/or discontinuous responses of exports to different representative measures of real exchange rates, in addition to other components of long-run demand or supply equations. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We propose two quantum error-correction schemes which increase the maximum storage time for qubits in a system of cold-trapped ions, using a minimal number of ancillary qubits. Both schemes consider only the errors introduced by the decoherence due to spontaneous emission from the upper levels of the ions. Continuous monitoring of the ion fluorescence is used in conjunction with selective coherent feedback to eliminate these errors immediately following spontaneous emission events.
We examine constraints on quantum operations imposed by relativistic causality. A bipartite superoperator is said to be localizable if it can be implemented by two parties (Alice and Bob) who share entanglement but do not communicate, it is causal if the superoperator does not convey information from Alice to Bob or from Bob to Alice. We characterize the general structure of causal complete-measurement superoperators, and exhibit examples that are causal but not localizable. We construct another class of causal bipartite superoperators that are not localizable by invoking bounds on the strength of correlations among the parts of a quantum system. A bipartite superoperator is said to be semilocalizable if it can be implemented with one-way quantum communication from Alice to Bob, and it is semicausal if it conveys no information from Bob to Alice. We show that all semicausal complete-measurement superoperators are semi localizable, and we establish a general criterion for semicausality. In the multipartite case, we observe that a measurement superoperator that projects onto the eigenspaces of a stabilizer code is localizable.
Wootters [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2245 (1998)] has given an explicit formula for the entanglement of formation of two qubits in terms of what he calls the concurrence of the joint density operator. Wootters's concurrence is defined with the help of the superoperator that flips the spin of a qubit. We generalize the spin-flip superoperator to a universal inverter, which acts on quantum systems of arbitrary dimension, and we introduce the corresponding generalized concurrence for joint pure states of D-1 X D-2 bipartite quantum systems. We call this generalized concurrence the I concurrence to emphasize its relation to the universal inverter. The universal inverter, which is a positive, but not completely positive superoperator, is closely related to the completely positive universal-NOT superoperator, the quantum analogue of a classical NOT gate. We present a physical realization of the universal-NOT Superoperator.
Hoje em dia, há cada vez mais informação audiovisual e as transmissões ou ficheiros multimédia podem ser partilhadas com facilidade e eficiência. No entanto, a adulteração de conteúdos vídeo, como informação financeira, notícias ou sessões de videoconferência utilizadas num tribunal, pode ter graves consequências devido à importância desse tipo de informação. Surge então, a necessidade de assegurar a autenticidade e a integridade da informação audiovisual. Nesta dissertação é proposto um sistema de autenticação de vídeo H.264/Advanced Video Coding (AVC), denominado Autenticação de Fluxos utilizando Projecções Aleatórias (AFPA), cujos procedimentos de autenticação, são realizados ao nível de cada imagem do vídeo. Este esquema permite um tipo de autenticação mais flexível, pois permite definir um limite máximo de modificações entre duas imagens. Para efectuar autenticação é utilizada uma nova técnica de autenticação de imagens, que combina a utilização de projecções aleatórias com um mecanismo de correcção de erros nos dados. Assim é possível autenticar cada imagem do vídeo, com um conjunto reduzido de bits de paridade da respectiva projecção aleatória. Como a informação de vídeo é tipicamente, transportada por protocolos não fiáveis pode sofrer perdas de pacotes. De forma a reduzir o efeito das perdas de pacotes, na qualidade do vídeo e na taxa de autenticação, é utilizada Unequal Error Protection (UEP). Para validação e comparação dos resultados implementou-se um sistema clássico que autentica fluxos de vídeo de forma típica, ou seja, recorrendo a assinaturas digitais e códigos de hash. Ambos os esquemas foram avaliados, relativamente ao overhead introduzido e da taxa de autenticação. Os resultados mostram que o sistema AFPA, utilizando um vídeo com qualidade elevada, reduz o overhead de autenticação em quatro vezes relativamente ao esquema que utiliza assinaturas digitais e códigos de hash.
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino do Inglês
Implementação de sistemas de encriptação AES advanced encryption standard em hardware para segurança
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Electrónica Industrial e Computadores
Doctoral Programme in Telecommunication - MAP-tele
Una de les opcions que es contemplen per transmetre continguts multimèdia i proporcionar accés a Internet a grups de usuaris mòbils és fer servir satèl·lits. Les condiciones de propagació del canal mòbil impliquen que d'una manera o altra haurem de garantir la qualitat de servei. Això té fins i tot més importància si tenim en compte que, en el cas d'accés a Internet, no es té la capacitat d'assumir cert percentatge de pèrdua de dades que tenim, per exemple, en la transmissió de so o vídeo (rebaixant la qualitat). Entre les principals alternatives per a aquesta classe d’entorns es troba la inclusió de codificacions a nivell de paquet. El funcionament d'aquesta tècnica es basa en incloure a la transmissió paquets redundants, obtinguts mitjançant un determinat algoritme. El receptor podrà recuperar la informació original que es volia enviar, sempre que hagi rebut una certa quantitat de paquets, similar a la quantitat de paquets originals. A aquest mecanisme se'l coneix com Forward Error Correction (FEC) a nivell de paquet. En aquesta memòria es valoren breument les alternatives existents i s'expliquen algunes de les codificacions per a FEC més importants. A continuació es realitza un estudi compartiu d’algunes d'elles: les variants de LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) conegudes com LDGM (Low Density Generator Matrix), i la codificació Raptor
The so-called German Dominance Hypothesis (GDH) claimed that Bundesbank policies were transmitted into other European Monetary System (EMS) interest rates during the pre-euro era. We reformulate this hypothesis for the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries that are on the verge of accessing the eurozone. We test this \Euro Dominance Hypothesis (EDH)" in a novel way using a global vector autoregressive (GVAR) approach that combines country-speci c error correction models in a global system. We nd that euro area monetary policies are transmitted into CEE interest rates which provides evidence for monetary integration between the eurozone and CEE countries. Our framework also allows for introducing global monetary shocks to provide empirical evidence regarding the e ects of the recent nancial crisis on monetary integration in Europe.
Este trabajo presenta un sistema para detectar y clasificar objetos binarios según la forma de éstos. En el primer paso del procedimiento, se aplica un filtrado para extraer el contorno del objeto. Con la información de los puntos de forma se obtiene un descriptor BSM con características altamente descriptivas, universales e invariantes. En la segunda fase del sistema se aprende y se clasifica la información del descriptor mediante Adaboost y Códigos Correctores de Errores. Se han usado bases de datos públicas, tanto en escala de grises como en color, para validar la implementación del sistema diseñado. Además, el sistema emplea una interfaz interactiva en la que diferentes métodos de procesamiento de imágenes pueden ser aplicados.
1. Species distribution modelling is used increasingly in both applied and theoretical research to predict how species are distributed and to understand attributes of species' environmental requirements. In species distribution modelling, various statistical methods are used that combine species occurrence data with environmental spatial data layers to predict the suitability of any site for that species. While the number of data sharing initiatives involving species' occurrences in the scientific community has increased dramatically over the past few years, various data quality and methodological concerns related to using these data for species distribution modelling have not been addressed adequately. 2. We evaluated how uncertainty in georeferences and associated locational error in occurrences influence species distribution modelling using two treatments: (1) a control treatment where models were calibrated with original, accurate data and (2) an error treatment where data were first degraded spatially to simulate locational error. To incorporate error into the coordinates, we moved each coordinate with a random number drawn from the normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 5 km. We evaluated the influence of error on the performance of 10 commonly used distributional modelling techniques applied to 40 species in four distinct geographical regions. 3. Locational error in occurrences reduced model performance in three of these regions; relatively accurate predictions of species distributions were possible for most species, even with degraded occurrences. Two species distribution modelling techniques, boosted regression trees and maximum entropy, were the best performing models in the face of locational errors. The results obtained with boosted regression trees were only slightly degraded by errors in location, and the results obtained with the maximum entropy approach were not affected by such errors. 4. Synthesis and applications. To use the vast array of occurrence data that exists currently for research and management relating to the geographical ranges of species, modellers need to know the influence of locational error on model quality and whether some modelling techniques are particularly robust to error. We show that certain modelling techniques are particularly robust to a moderate level of locational error and that useful predictions of species distributions can be made even when occurrence data include some error.
En aquest projecte s’ha analitzat i optimitzat l’enllaç satèl·lit amb avió per a un sistema aeronàutic global. Aquest nou sistema anomenat ANTARES està dissenyat per a comunicar avions amb estacions base mitjançant un satèl·lit. Aquesta és una iniciativa on hi participen institucions oficials en l’aviació com ara l’ECAC i que és desenvolupat en una col·laboració europea d’universitats i empreses. El treball dut a terme en el projecte compren bàsicament tres aspectes. El disseny i anàlisi de la gestió de recursos. La idoneïtat d’utilitzar correcció d’errors en la capa d’enllaç i en cas que sigui necessària dissenyar una opció de codificació preliminar. Finalment, estudiar i analitzar l’efecte de la interferència co-canal en sistemes multifeix. Tots aquests temes són considerats només per al “forward link”. L’estructura que segueix el projecte és primer presentar les característiques globals del sistema, després centrar-se i analitzar els temes mencionats per a poder donar resultats i extreure conclusions.
Error-correcting codes and matroids have been widely used in the study of ordinary secret sharing schemes. In this paper, the connections between codes, matroids, and a special class of secret sharing schemes, namely, multiplicative linear secret sharing schemes (LSSSs), are studied. Such schemes are known to enable multiparty computation protocols secure against general (nonthreshold) adversaries.Two open problems related to the complexity of multiplicative LSSSs are considered in this paper. The first one deals with strongly multiplicative LSSSs. As opposed to the case of multiplicative LSSSs, it is not known whether there is an efficient method to transform an LSSS into a strongly multiplicative LSSS for the same access structure with a polynomial increase of the complexity. A property of strongly multiplicative LSSSs that could be useful in solving this problem is proved. Namely, using a suitable generalization of the well-known Berlekamp–Welch decoder, it is shown that all strongly multiplicative LSSSs enable efficient reconstruction of a shared secret in the presence of malicious faults. The second one is to characterize the access structures of ideal multiplicative LSSSs. Specifically, the considered open problem is to determine whether all self-dual vector space access structures are in this situation. By the aforementioned connection, this in fact constitutes an open problem about matroid theory, since it can be restated in terms of representability of identically self-dual matroids by self-dual codes. A new concept is introduced, the flat-partition, that provides a useful classification of identically self-dual matroids. Uniform identically self-dual matroids, which are known to be representable by self-dual codes, form one of the classes. It is proved that this property also holds for the family of matroids that, in a natural way, is the next class in the above classification: the identically self-dual bipartite matroids.
This study examines how MPEG-2 Transport Stream, used in DVB-T video transmission, can be reliably and efficiently transferred to remote locations over an MPLS network. All the relevant technologies used in this scenario are also discussed in the study. This study was done for Digita Oy, which is a major radio and television content distributor in Finland. The theoretical part of the study begins with the introduction to MPLS technology and continues with explanation of IP Multicast and its components. The fourth section discusses MPEG-2 and the formation and content of MPEG-2 Transport Stream. These technologies were studied in relevant literature and RFC documentation. After the theoretical part of the study, the test setup and the test cases are presented. The results of the test cases, and the conclusions that can be drawn based on them, are discussed in the last section of the study. The tests showed that it is possible to transfer digital video quite reliably over an MPLS network using IP Multicast. By configuring the equipment correctly, the recovery time of the network in case of a failure can be shortened remarkably. Also, the unwanted effect of other traffic on the critical video traffic can be eliminated by defining the Quality of Service parameters correctly. There are, however, some issues that need to be tested further before this setup can be used in broadcast networks. Reliable operation of IP Multicast and proper error correction are the main subjects for future testing.