914 resultados para Diffusion times


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An immunoprecipitation technique, ELIEDA (enzyme-linked-immuno-electro-diffusion assay), was evaluated for the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection with low worm burden. One hundred of serum samples from patients excreting less than 600 eggs per gram of feces (epg), with unrelated diseases and clinically healthy subjects were studied. In patients with egg counts higher than 200 epg, the sensitivities of IgM and IgG ELIEDA were 1.000 and 0.923, respectively, not differing from other Serologic techniques, such as indirect hemaglutination (IHAT), immunofluorescence (IFT) tests and immuno-electrodiffusion assay (IEDA). However in patients with low egg counts (< 100 epg), the IgG ELIEDA provided better results (0.821) than IgM ELIEDA (0.679), showing sensitivity that did not differ from that of IgG IFT (0.929), but lower than that of IgM IFT (0.964). However, its sensivity was higher than that found with IHAT (0.607) and IEDA (0.536). The specificity of IgG ELIEDA was comparable to that of other techniques. The data indicate that IgG ELIEDA might be useful for the diagnosis of slight S. mansoni infections, and the cellulose acetate membrane strips can be stored for further retrospective studies.


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A velocidade de difusão de conteúdos numa plataforma web, assume uma elevada relevância em serviços onde a informação se pretende atualizada e em tempo real. Este projeto de Mestrado, apresenta uma abordagem de um sistema distribuído de recolher e difundir resultados em tempo real entre várias plataformas, nomeadamente sistemas móveis. Neste contexto, tempo real entende-se como uma diferença de tempo nula entre a recolha e difusão, ignorando fatores que não podem ser controlados pelo sistema, como latência de comunicação e tempo de processamento. Este projeto tem como base uma arquitetura existente de processamento e publicação de resultados desportivos, que apresentava alguns problemas relacionados com escalabilidade, segurança, tempos de entrega de resultados longos e sem integração com outras plataformas. Ao longo deste trabalho procurou-se investigar fatores que condicionassem a escalabilidade de uma aplicação web dando ênfase à implementação de uma solução baseada em replicação e escalabilidade horizontal. Procurou-se também apresentar uma solução de interoperabilidade entre sistemas e plataformas heterogêneas, mantendo sempre elevados níveis de performance e promovendo a introdução de plataformas móveis no sistema. De várias abordagens existentes para comunicação em tempo real sobre uma plataforma web, adotou-se um implementação baseada em WebSocket que elimina o tempo desperdiçado entre a recolha de informação e sua difusão. Neste projeto é descrito o processo de implementação da API de recolha de dados (Collector), da biblioteca de comunicação com o Collector, da aplicação web (Publisher) e sua API, da biblioteca de comunicação com o Publisher e por fim a implementação da aplicação móvel multi-plataforma. Com os componentes criados, avaliaram-se os resultados obtidos com a nova arquitetura de forma a aferir a escalabilidade e performance da solução criada e sua adaptação ao sistema existente.


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The study of agent diffusion in biological tissues is very important to understand and characterize the optical clearing effects and mechanisms involved: tissue dehydration and refractive index matching. From measurements made to study the optical clearing, it is obvious that light scattering is reduced and that the optical properties of the tissue are controlled in the process. On the other hand, optical measurements do not allow direct determination of the diffusion properties of the agent in the tissue and some calculations are necessary to estimate those properties. This fact is imposed by the occurrence of two fluxes at optical clearing: water typically directed out of and agent directed into the tissue. When the water content in the immersion solution is approximately the same as the free water content of the tissue, a balance is established for water and the agent flux dominates. To prove this concept experimentally, we have measured the collimated transmittance of skeletal muscle samples under treatment with aqueous solutions containing different concentrations of glucose. After estimating the mean diffusion time values for each of the treatments we have represented those values as a function of glucose concentration in solution. Such a representation presents a maximum diffusion time for a water content in solution equal to the tissue free water content. Such a maximum represents the real diffusion time of glucose in the muscle and with this value we could calculate the corresponding diffusion coefficient.


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The study of chemical diffusion in biological tissues is a research field of high importance and with application in many clinical, research and industrial areas. The evaluation of diffusion and viscosity properties of chemicals in tissues is necessary to characterize treatments or inclusion of preservatives in tissues or organs for low temperature conservation. Recently, we have demonstrated experimentally that the diffusion properties and dynamic viscosity of sugars and alcohols can be evaluated from optical measurements. Our studies were performed in skeletal muscle, but our results have revealed that the same methodology can be used with other tissues and different chemicals. Considering the significant number of studies that can be made with this method, it becomes necessary to turn data processing and calculation easier. With this objective, we have developed a software application that integrates all processing and calculations, turning the researcher work easier and faster. Using the same experimental data that previously was used to estimate the diffusion and viscosity of glucose in skeletal muscle, we have repeated the calculations with the new application. Comparing between the results obtained with the new application and with previous independent routines we have demonstrated great similarity and consequently validated the application. This new tool is now available to be used in similar research to obtain the diffusion properties of other chemicals in different tissues or organs.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Tese apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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In August/1999, a group of 14 adults from the staff of a private hospital in Contagem -- Minas Gerais State, Brazil, received unintentionally a 25 times concentrated dose of the 17-DD yellow fever vaccine (Bio-Manguinhos), due to a mistake at the reconstitution step. All patients were clinically and laboratorially evaluated at days 5, 13 and 35 post vaccination. Frequency of side effects and clinical observations of this group of individuals were not different from the observed in recipients immunized with normal doses of the vaccine. At the second and third evaluation none of the subjects reported symptoms. None of the patients presented abnormalities at the physical examination at none of the time points and in all cases the blood examination was normal, except for a reduced number of platelets that was detected in one subject at the first and second evaluation and reverted to normal at third evaluation. At the first evaluation point, 8 subjects were serum negative and 6 serum positive for yellow fever at the plaque reduction neutralization test. In 5 subjects the observed titre was 10 times higher as the baseline of 2.36 Log10 mUI/ml. The samples collected at second and third evaluation (13th and 35th days) demonstrated that all subjects responded to the vaccination with the exception of one that did not present a positive result in any of the samples collected. This evaluation confirms the safety of the 17-DD yellow fever vaccine.


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Zero valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) are considered very promising for the remediation of contaminated soils and groundwaters. However, an important issue related to their limited mobility remains unsolved. Direct current can be used to enhance the nanoparticles transport, based on the same principles of electrokinetic remediation. In this work, a generalized physicochemical model was developed and solved numerically to describe the nZVI transport through porous media under electric field, and with different electrolytes (with different ionic strengths). The model consists of the Nernst–Planck coupled system of equations, which accounts for the mass balance of ionic species in a fluid medium, when both the diffusion and electromigration of the ions are considered. The diffusion and electrophoretic transport of the negatively charged nZVI particles were also considered in the system. The contribution of electroosmotic flow to the overall mass transport was included in the model for all cases. The nZVI effective mobility values in the porous medium are very low (10−7–10−4 cm2 V−1 s−1), due to the counterbalance between the positive electroosmotic flow and the electrophoretic transport of the negatively charged nanoparticles. The higher the nZVI concentration is in the matrix, the higher the aggregation; therefore, low concentration of nZVI suspensions must be used for successful field application.


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The prolonged wait times may arguably put into question the Canadian Health Act of 1984. Statistics show throughput wait times are 5.5 hours and output wait times for admitted patients are 32.4 hours. After probing and analyzing best practices through a qualitative/quantitative Value Stream Mapping and a qualitative SWOT Analysis; Team Triage and an Overcapacity Protocol is suggested to improve non-admitted patients wait times by 1.89 hours and admitted patients wait times by 16 hours by eliminating wasteful steps in the patient process and upon overcapacity, effectively sharing already stabilized and admitted patients with all wards in the hospital.