970 resultados para Developmental biology
Influence of nitric oxide during maturation on bovine oocyte meiosis and embryo development in vitro
The effect of s-nitroso-N-acetyl-1,1-penicillamine (SNAP, a nitric oxide donor) during in vitro maturation (IVM) on nuclear maturation and embryo development was investigated. The effect of increasing nitric oxide (NO) during prematuration or maturation, or both, on embryo development was also assessed. 10(-3) M SNAP nearly blocked oocytes reaching metaphase II (MII) (7%, P < 0.05) while 10(-5) M SNAP showed intermediate proportions (55%). For 10(-7) M SNAP and controls (without SNAP), MII percentages were similar (72% for both, P > 0.05), but superior to the other treatment groups (P < 0.05). Blastocyst development, however, was not affected (38% for all treatments, P < 0.05). TUNEL-positive cells in hatched blastocysts (Day 9) increased when IVM included 10(-5) M SNAP (8 v. 3 to 4 cells in the other treatments, P > 0.05), without affecting total cell numbers (240 to 291 cells, P > 0.05). When oocytes were prematured followed by IVM with or without 10(-7) M SNAP, during either culture period or both, blastocyst development was similar (26 to 40%, P > 0.05). When SNAP was included during both prematuration and IVM, the proportion of Day 9 hatched embryos increased (28% v. 14 to 19% in the other treatments, P < 0.05). Apoptotic cells, however, increased when SNAP was included (6 to 10 cells) in comparison to prematuration and maturation without SNAP (3 cells, P < 0.05). NO may be involved in meiotic progression and apoptosis during embryo development.
This work examined how the conceptus modulates endometrial tissue remodeling and vascular development prior to implantation in mares. A macroscopic uterine examination was completed at day 21 of pregnancy. In situ morphology revealed that the endometrium involved in encroachment is restricted to the dorsal endometrium immediately overlying the yolk sac. The amount of stromal area occupied by blood vessels and the number of endometrial glands were increased during early pregnancy. Endometrial histomorphometry as well as the endometrial mRNA abundance and immunolocalization of VEGF, VEGFR1, VEGFR2, and Ki-67 was completed at days 14 and 21 of pregnancy, at day 10 of the estrous cycle, and during estrus. No obvious differences in VEGF and VEGFR1 protein localization were detected between pregnant and cycling mares but differential staining pattern for VEGFR2 and Ki-67 was observed. VEGFR2 localized to luminal and glandular epithelium of pregnant mares, while luminal epithelium was negative in cycling mares. Ki-67 staining was weak during the luteal phase but exhibited prominent luminal epithelium staining during estrus. In pregnant mares, all endometrial layers were Ki-67 positive. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed a greater abundance of VEGF mRNA during pregnancy. VEGFR2 transcript abundance was greatest in pregnant mares on day 21. This study supports the concept that the conceptus plays an active role in directing vasculogenesis within the uterus and thereby establishing hemotrophic nutrition that supports pregnancy after implantation. Reproduction (2011) 142 593-603
The production of a healthy cloned calf is dependent on a multitude of successful steps, including reprogramming mediated by the oocyte, the development of a functional placenta, adequate maternal-fetal interaction, the establishment of a physiological metabolic setting and the formation of a complete set of well-differentiated cells that will eventually result in well-characterised and fully competent tissues and organs. Although the efficiency of nuclear transfer has improved significantly since the first report of a somatic cell nuclear transfer-derived animal, there are many descriptions of anomalies concerning cloned calves leading to high perinatal morbidity and mortality. The present article discusses some our experience regarding perinatal and neonatal procedures for cloned Zebu cattle (B. indicus) that has led to improved survival rates in Nellore cloned calves following the application of such `labour-intensive technology`.
The extensive replication of mitochondria during oogenesis and the wide variability in mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA) copy numbers present in fully grown oocytes indicate that mtDNA amount may play an important role during early embryogenesis. Using bovine oocytes derived from follicles of different sizes to study the influence of mtDNA content on development, we showed that oocytes obtained from small follicles, known to be less competent in developing into blastocysts, contain less mtDNA than those originating from larger follicles. However, because of the high variability in copy number, a more accurate approach was examined in which parthenogenetic one-cell embryos were biopsied to measure their mtDNA content and then cultured to assess development capacity. Contrasting with previous findings, mtDNA copy number in biopsies was not different between competent and incompetent embryos, indicating that mtDNA content is not related to early developmental competence. To further examine the importance of mtDNA on development, one-cell embryos were partially depleted of their mtDNA (64% +/- 4.1% less) by centrifugation followed by the removal of the mitochondrial-enriched cytoplasmic fraction. Surprisingly, depleted embryos developed normally into blastocysts, which contained mtDNA copy numbers similar to nonmanipulated controls. Development in depleted embryos was accompanied by an increase in the expression of genes (TFAM and NRF1) controlling mtDNA replication and transcription, indicating an intrinsic ability to restore the content of mtDNA at the blastocyst stage. Therefore, we concluded that competent bovine embryos are able to regulate their mtDNA content at the blastocyst stage regardless of the copy numbers accumulated during oogenesis.
In general, plant material grown in vitro has low photosynthetic ability to achieve positive carbon balances. Therefore, a continuous supply of carbohydrates from the culture medium is required, and sucrose has been the most commonly used carbon source. In this paper, we investigate the effects of different sucrose concentrations and the presence and absence of light on the endogenous levels of soluble carbohydrates and starch as well as on the proliferation and growth of Dendrobium Second Love (Orchidaceae) in vitro. The possibility of using etiolated stem segments as a means for micropropagating this hybrid was also verified. The results obtained indicated that the presence and absence of light and the sucrose concentrations used influenced the amounts of soluble carbohydrates and starch and the proliferation of D. Second Love shoots and roots. An increase in sucrose concentration caused a progressive increase in the amounts of total carbohydrates and starch. Under both light conditions, sucrose was the main sugar found in the shoots followed by glucose and fructose. The addition of sucrose to the culture medium up to 2% and 4% was advantageous to the number of shoots produced per explant and the root longitudinal growth in the presence and absence of light, respectively. Shoot and root dry matter and the number of roots formed per explant increased as sucrose concentration was raised up to 6% in both light treatments. The use of dark-grown shoot segments proved to be a useful and reliable alternative for the micropropagation of this hybrid.
During the process of lateral organ development after plant decapitation, cell division and differentiation occur in a balanced manner initiated by specific signaling, which triggers the reentrance into the cell cycle. Here, we investigated short-term variations in the content of some endogenous signals, such as auxin, cytokinins (Cks), and other mitogenic stimuli (sucrose and glutamate), which are likely correlated with the cell cycle reactivation in the axillary bud primordium of pineapple nodal segments. Transcript levels of cell cycle-associated genes, CycD2;1, and histone H2A were analyzed. Nodal segments containing the quiescent axillary meristem cells were cultivated in vitro during 24 h after the apex removal and de-rooting. From the moment of stem apex and root removal, decapitated nodal segment (DNS) explants showed a lower indol-3-acetic acid (IAA) concentration than control explants, and soon after, an increase of endogenous sucrose and iP-type Cks were detected. The decrease of IAA may be the primary signal for cell cycle control early in G1 phase, leading to the upregulation of CycD2;1 gene in the first h. Later, the iP-type Cks and sucrose could have triggered the progression to S-phase since there was an increase in H2A expression at the eighth h. DNS explants revealed substantial increase in Z-type Cks and glutamate from the 12th h, suggesting that these mitogens could also operate in promoting pineapple cell cycle progression. We emphasize that the use of non-synchronized tissue rather than synchronous cell suspension culture makes it more difficult to interpret the results of a dynamic cell division process. However, pineapple nodal segments cultivated in vitro may serve as an interesting model to shed light on apical dominance release and the reentrance of quiescent axillary meristem cells into the cell cycle.
Cambial variants represent a form of secondary growth that creates great stem anatomical diversity in lianas. Despite the importance of cambial variants, nothing is known about the developmental mechanisms that may have led to the current diversity seen in these stems. Here, a thorough anatomical analysis of all genera along the phylogeny of Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae) was carried out in order to detect when in their ontogeny and phylogeny there were shifts leading to different stem anatomical patterns. We found that all species depart from a common developmental basis, with a continuous, regularly growing cambium. Initial development is then followed by the modification of four equidistant portions of the cambium that reduce the production of xylem and increase the production of phloem, the former with much larger sieve tubes and an extended lifespan. In most species, the formerly continuous cambium becomes disjunct, with cambial portions within phloem wedges and cambial portions between them. Other anatomical modifications such as the formation of multiples of four phloem wedges, multiple-dissected phloem wedges, and included phloem wedges take place thereafter. The fact that each novel trait raised on the ontogenetic trajectory appeared in subsequently more recent ancestors on the phylogeny suggests a recapitulatory history. This recapitulation is, however, caused by the terminal addition of evolutionary novelties rather than a truly heterochronic process. Truly heterochronic processes were only found in shrubby species, which resemble juveniles of their ancestors, as a result of a decelerated phloem formation by the variant cambia. In addition, the modular evolution of phloem and xylem in Bignonieae seems to indicate that stem anatomical modifications in this group occurred at the level of cambial initials.
Comparative analysis of zygotic and somatic embryogenesis of Acca sellowiana showed higher amounts of sucrose, fructose, raffinose, and myo-inositol in zygotic embryos at different developmental stages than in corresponding somatic ones. These differences were mostly constant. In general, glucose levels were significantly lower than the other soluble carbohydrates analyzed, showing minor variation in each embryo stage. Despite the presence of sucrose in the culture medium, its levels conspicuously diminished in somatic embryos compared with the zygotic ones. Raffinose enhanced parallel to embryo development, regardless of its zygotic or somatic origin. Analysis of the soluble carbohydrate composition of mature zygotic cotyledon used as explant pointed out fructose, glucose, myo-inositol, sucrose, and raffinose as the most important. Similar composition was also found in the corresponding somatic cotyledon. Total soluble carbohydrates varied inversely, decreasing in zygotic embryos and increasing in somatic embryos until the 24th d, at which time they increased rapidly about sixfold in zygotic embryos until the 27th d, a period coinciding with the zygotic proembryos formation. Such condition seems to reflect directly the variation of endogenous sucrose level, mainly because glucose and fructose diminished continuously during this time period. This means that, in terms of soluble sugars, zygotic embryo formation occurred under a situation represented by high sucrose amounts, simultaneously with low fructose and glucose levels, while in contrast, somatic embryo formation took place under an endogenous sugar status characterized by a substantial fructose enhancement. Starch levels increased continuously in zygotic embryos and decreased in somatic ones, the reverse to what was found in fructose variation. Starch accumulation was significantly higher in somatic torpedo and cotyledonary embryos than in the corresponding zygotic ones.
We have previously shown that melatonin influences the development of alpha 8 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) by measurement of the acetylcholine-induced increase in the extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) in chick retinal cell cultures. Cellular differentiation that takes place between DIV (days in vitro) 4 and DIV 5 yields cells expressing alpha 8 nAChR and results in a significant increase in the ECAR acetylcholine-induced. Blocking melatonin receptors with luzindole for 48 h suppresses the development of functional alpha 8 nAChR. Here we investigated the time window for the effect of melatonin on retinal cell development in culture, and whether this effect was dependent on an increase in the expression of alpha 8 nAChR. First, we confirmed that luzindole was inhibiting the effects of endogenous melatonin, since it increases 2-[(125)I] iodomelatonin (23 pM) binding sites density in a time-dependent manner. Then we observed that acute (15, 60 min, or 12 h) luzindole treatment did not impair acetylcholine-induced increase in the ECAR mediated by activation of alpha 8 nAChR at DIV 5, while chronic treatment (from DIV 3 or DIV 4 till DIV 5, or DIV 3.5 till DIV 4.5) led to a time-dependent reduction of the increase in the acetylcholine-induced ECAR. The binding parameters for [(125)I]-alpha-bungarotoxin (10 nM) sites in membrane were unaffected by melatonin suppression that started at DIV 3. Thus, melatonin surges in the time window that occurs at the final stages of chick retinal cell differentiation in culture is essential for development of the cells expressing alpha 8 nAChR subtype in full functional form. (C) 2010 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The gills contain essential cells for respiration and osmoregulation, whereas the hepatopancreas is the site of digestion, absorption, and nutrients storage. The aim of this work was to separate and characterize gill and hepatopancreatic cells of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus. For gills, the methodology consisted of an enzymatic cellular dissociation using Trypsin at 0.5%, observation of cellular viability with Tripan Blue, and separation of cells using discontinuous sucrose gradient at concentrations of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%. The hepatopancreatic cells were dissociated by magnetic stirring, with posterior separation by sucrose gradient at the same concentrations above. For gills, a high cellular viability was observed (92.5 +/- 2.1%), with hemocyte cells in 10% sucrose layer (57.99 +/- 0.17%, *P < 0.05), principal cells in the 20% sucrose layer (57.33 +/- 0.18, *P < 0.05), and thick cells and pillar cells in the 30% and 40% sucrose layers, respectively (39.54 +/- 0.05%, *P < 0.05; and 41.81 +/- 0.04%, *P < 0.05). The hepatopancreatic cells also showed good viability (79.22 +/- 0.02%), with the observation of embryonic (E) cells in the 10% sucrose layer (67.87 +/- 0.06%, **P < 0.001), resorptive (R) and fibrillar (F) cells in the 20% and 30% sucrose layers (44.71 +/- 0.06%, **P < 0.001, and 43.25 +/- 0.01%, *P < 0.05; respectively), and blister (B) cells in the 40% sucrose layer (63.09 +/- 0.03%, **P < 0.001). The results are a starting point for in vitro studies of heavy metal transport in isolated cells of the mangrove crab U. cordatus, subjected to contamination by metals in the mangrove habitat where they are found.
In the developing cerebellum, proliferation of granular neuroprogenitor (GNP) cells lasts until the early postnatal stages when terminal maturation of the cerebellar cortex occurs. GNPs are considered cell targets for neoplastic transformation, and disturbances in cerebellar GNP cell proliferation may contribute to the development of pediatric medulloblastoma. At the molecular level, proliferation of GNPs is regulated through an orchestrated action of the SHH, NOTCH, and WNT pathways, but the underlying mechanisms still need to be dissected. Here, we report that expression of the E2F1 transcription factor in rat GNPs is inversely correlated with cell proliferation rate during postnatal development, as opposed to its traditional SHH-dependent induction of cell cycle. Proliferation of GNPs peaked at postnatal day 3 (P3), with a subsequent continuing decrease in proliferation rates occurring until P12. Such gradual decline in proliferating neuroprogenitors paralleled the extent of cerebellum maturation confirmed by histological analysis with cresyl violet staining and temporal expression profiling of SHH, NOTCH2, and WNT4 genes. A time course analysis of E2F1 expression in GNPs revealed significantly increased levels at P12, correlating with decreased cell proliferation. Expression of the cell cycle inhibitor p18 (Ink4c) , a target of E2F1, was also significantly higher at P12. Conversely, increased E2F1 expression did not correlate with either SMAC/DIABLO and BCL2 expression profiles or apoptosis of cerebellar cells. Altogether, these results suggest that E2F1 may also be involved in the inhibition of GNP proliferation during rat postnatal development despite its conventional mitogenic effects.
An organism is built through a series of contingent factors, yet it is determined by historical, physical, and developmental constraints. A constraint should not be understood as an absolute obstacle to evolution, as it may also generate new possibilities for evolutionary change. Modularity is, in this context, an important way of organizing biological information and has been recognized as a central concept in evolutionary biology bridging on developmental, genetics, morphological, biochemical, and physiological studies. In this article, we explore how modularity affects the evolution of a complex system in two mammalian lineages by analyzing correlation, variance/covariance, and residual matrices (without size variation). We use the multivariate response to selection equation to simulate the behavior of Eutheria and Metharia skulls in terms of their evolutionary flexibility and constraints. We relate these results to classical approaches based on morphological integration tests based on functional/developmental hypotheses. Eutherians (Neotropical primates) showed smaller magnitudes of integration compared with Metatheria (didelphids) and also skull modules more clearly delimited. Didelphids showed higher magnitudes of integration and their modularity is strongly influenced by within-groups size variation to a degree that evolutionary responses are basically aligned with size variation. Primates still have a good portion of the total variation based on size; however, their enhanced modularization allows a broader spectrum of responses, more similar to the selection gradients applied (enhanced flexibility). Without size variation, both groups become much more similar in terms of modularity patterns and magnitudes and, consequently, in their evolutionary flexibility. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 314B:663-683, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Type XVIII collagen is a component of basement membranes, and expressed prominently in the eye, blood vessels, liver, and the central nervous system. Homozygous mutations in COL18A1 lead to Knobloch Syndrome, characterized by ocular defects and occipital encephalocele. However, relatively little has been described on the role of type XVIII collagen in development, and nothing is known about the regulation of its tissue-specific expression pattern. We have used zebrafish transgenesis to identify and characterize cis-regulatory sequences controlling expression of the human gene. Candidate enhancers were selected from non-coding sequence associated with COL18A1 based on sequence conservation among mammals. Although these displayed no overt conservation with orthologous zebrafish sequences, four regions nonetheless acted as tissue-specific transcriptional enhancers in the zebrafish embryo, and together recapitulated the major aspects of col18a1 expression. Additional post-hoc computational analysis on positive enhancer sequences revealed alignments between mammalian and teleost sequences, which we hypothesize predict the corresponding zebrafish enhancers; for one of these, we demonstrate functional overlap with the orthologous human enhancer sequence. Our results provide important insight into the biological function and regulation of COL18A1, and point to additional sequences that may contribute to complex diseases involving COL18A1. More generally, we show that combining functional data with targeted analyses for phylogenetic conservation can reveal conserved cis-regulatory elements in the large number of cases where computational alignment alone falls short. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The first studies concerning the embryonic development of harvestmen started in the late 19th century, and focused mostly on holarctic species, and only three species of the suborder Laniatores (the largest, among the four suborders considered presently) were studied. Moreover, the last studies on embryology of harvestmen were made during the late 1970s. This study focused on the embryonic development of Ampheres leucopheus (Gonyleptidae, Caelopyginae) and Iporangaia pustulosa (Gonyleptidae, Progonyleptoidellinae). The embryonic development was followed in the field, by taking daily photographs of different eggs during about 2 months. When laid, eggs of A. leucopheus and I pustulosa have approximately 1.13 and 1.30 mm in diameter, respectively, and the second is embedded in a large amount of mucus. The eggs grow, mainly due to water absorption at the beginning of the process, and they reach a diameter of about 1.35 and 1.59 mm, respectively, close to hatching. It took, respectively, 29-56 days and 35-66 days from egg laying to hatching. For the description of the embryonic development, we use photographs from the field, SEM micrographs, and histological analysis. This allowed us, for instance, to document the progression of structures and pigmentation directly from live embryos in the field, and to record microstructures, such as the presence of perforations in the cuticle of the embryo in the place where eyes are developing. Yet, contrary to what was expected in the literature, we record an egg tooth in one of the studied laniatoreans. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol) 314B:489-502, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Robinow syndrome is a skeletal dysplasia with both autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive inheritance patterns. It is characterized by short stature, limb shortening, genital hypoplasia, and craniofacial abnormalities. The etiology of dominant Robinow syndrome is unknown; however, the phenotypically more severe autosomal recessive form of Robinow syndrome has been associated with mutations in the orphan tyrosine kinase receptor, ROR2, which has recently been identified as a putative WNT5A receptor. Here, we show that two different missense mutations in WNT5A, which result in amino acid substitutions of highly conserved cysteines, are associated with autosomal dominant Robinow syndrome. One mutation has been found in all living affected members of the original family described by Meinhard Robinow and another in a second unrelated patient. These missense mutations result in decreased WNT5A activity in functional assays of zebrafish and Xenopus development. This work suggests that a WNT5A/ROR2 signal transduction pathway is important in human craniofacial and skeletal development and that proper formation and growth of these structures is sensitive to variations in WNT5A function. Developmental Dynamics 239:327-337, 2010. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.