987 resultados para Decentralized Sewage Treatment


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This work aims to find the maximum tension in a group of blades in a Sewage Treatment Stations in a company located in Vale do Paraíba. First, the calculations of the strength requested by the effluents on the structure are done, and the optimum torque of the frame screws is researched. From these data, static simulations using appropriate software and the finite elements method are performed. Based on the results, a possible solution to reduce the strength in this structure is proposed. This study will be provided as a consultation material to the company


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This work aims to find the maximum tension in a group of blades in a Sewage Treatment Stations in a company located in Vale do Paraíba. First, the calculations of the strength requested by the effluents on the structure are done, and the optimum torque of the frame screws is researched. From these data, static simulations using appropriate software and the finite elements method are performed. Based on the results, a possible solution to reduce the strength in this structure is proposed. This study will be provided as a consultation material to the company


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Admiralty Bay on the King George Island hosts the Brazilian, Polish and Peruvian research stations as well as the American and Ecuadorian field stations. Human activities in this region require the use of fossil fuels as an energy source, thereby placing the region at risk of hydrocarbon contamination. Hydrocarbon monitoring was conducted on water and sediment samples from the bay over 15 years. Fluorescence spectroscopy was used for the analysis of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in seawater samples and gas chromatography with flame ionization and/or mass spectrometric detection was used to analyse individual n-alkanes and PAHs in sediment samples. The results revealed that most sites contaminated by these Compounds are around the Brazilian and Polish research stations due to the intense human activities, mainly during the summer. Moreover, the sediments revealed the presence of hydrocarbons from different sources, suggesting a mixture of the direct input of oil or derivatives and derived from hydrocarbon combustion. A decrease in PAH concentrations occurred following improvement of the sewage treatment facilities at the Brazilian research station, indicating that the contribution from human waste may be significant.


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The cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa strain NPCD-1, isolated from sewage treatment plant and characterized as a non-microcystin producer by mass spectrometry and molecular analysis, was found to be a source of lipid when cultivated in ASM-1 medium at 25 degrees C under constant white fluorescent illumination (109 mu mol photon m(-2) s(-1)). In these conditions, biomass productivity of 46.92 +/- 3.84 mg L-1 day(-1) and lipid content of 28.10 +/- 1.47% were obtained. Quantitative analysis of fatty acid methyl esters demonstrated high concentration of saturated fatty acids (50%), palmitic (24.34%) and lauric (13.21%) acids being the major components. The remaining 50% constituting unsaturated fatty acids showed higher concentrations of oleic (26.88%) and linoleic (12.53%) acids. The feasibility to produce biodiesel from this cyanobacterial lipid was demonstrated by running enzymatic transesterification reactions catalyzed by Novozym (R) 435 and using palm oil as feedstock control. Batch experiments were carried out using tert-butanol and iso-octane as solvent. Results showed similarity on the main ethyl esters formed for both feedstocks. The highest ethyl ester concentration was related to palmitate and oleate esters followed by laurate and linoleate esters. However, both reaction rates and ester yields were dependent on the solvent tested. Total ethyl ester concentrations varied in the range of 44.24-67.84 wt%, corresponding to ester yields from 80 to 100%. Iso-octane provided better solubility and miscibility, with ester yield of 98.10% obtained at 48 h for reaction using the cyanobacterium lipid, while full conversion was achieved in 12 h for reaction carried out with palm oil. These results demonstrated that cyanobacterial lipids from M. aeruginosa NPCD-1 have interesting properties for biofuel production. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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PHYSICO-CHEMICAL EVALUATION OF AN EFFLUENT TREATED IN ANAEROBIC BIODIGESTER REGARDING ITS EFFICIENCE AND APPLICATION AS FERTILIZER. The use of biodigester for basic and environmental sanitation has large demand in Brazil. A biodigester was built to treat conjunctly the human and pig feces and urine, regarding to its future application in rural small towns. The results show that the biodigester can reduce 90% of COD and BOD and, up to 99.99% of thermotolerant coliforms. The treated effluent has variable quantities of macro- and micro-nutrients; and organic matter. However, the concentration variability of the nutrients makes difficult a dosed application into soil. The soluble salts (mainly as Na+ form) make necessary a controlled use to avoid environmental degradation.


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The sludge generated by sewage treatment which meets regulatory standards can be used in agriculture. With this understanding, the focus of this study is the evaluation of the agricultural characteristics and inorganic substances in excess activated sludge, which was subjected to drying in a greenhouse. The variables (factor) evaluated during the drying process were: type of sludge (digested or not digested), addition of lime to the sludge, and the physical layout and rotation of sludge in the greenhouse. The parameters monitored for this assessment were moisture, volatile solids and pH. The greenhouse cover and sides were made of translucent plastic to allow the penetration of solar radiation and prevent water from entering. A impermeable floor was used. The sludge was generated in sewage treatment plants located in the metropolitan region of Grande Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil. The solar drying of wastewater sludge in a greenhouse presented satisfactory results.


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O processo MBBR/IFAS, Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor/Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge, é uma tecnologia recente para o tratamento de esgoto que incorpora tanto biomassa em suspensão como aderida. Seus parâmetros de controle são os mesmos aplicados ao processo de lodo ativado, observadas algumas especificidades. Como objetivo principal deste trabalho, apresenta-se uma análise comparativa entre os custos de implantação de uma unidade IFAS e de lodo ativado operando sob alta taxa, na faixa convencional e com aeração prolongada, para populações de 50.000 e 500.000 habitantes. Os resultados mostraram que, sob as hipóteses assumidas para a implantação dos reatores, o custo do processo de lodo ativado foi de 36% até 100% do custo do processo IFAS, dependendo da carga orgânica aplicada, do preço do terreno ou do custo do meio suporte.


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Industrial and domestic sewage effluents have been found to cause reproductive disorders in wild fish, often as a result of the interference of compounds in the effluents with the endocrine system. This thesis describes laboratory-based exposure experiments and a field survey that were conducted with juveniles of the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. This small teleost is a common fish in Swedish coastal waters and was chosen as an alternative to non-native test species commonly used in endocrine disruption studies, which allows the comparison of field data with results from laboratory experiments. The aim of this thesis was to elucidate 1) if genetic sex determination and differentiation can be disturbed by natural and synthetic steroid hormones and 2) whether this provides an endpoint for the detection of endocrine disruption, 3) to evaluate the applicability of specific estrogen- and androgen-inducible marker proteins in juvenile three-spined sticklebacks, 4) to investigate whether estrogenic and/or androgenic endocrine disrupting activity can be detected in effluents from Swedish pulp mills and domestic sewage treatment plants and 5) whether such activity can be detected in coastal waters receiving these effluents. Laboratory exposure experiments found juvenile three-spined sticklebacks to be sensitive to water-borne estrogenic and androgenic steroid substances. Intersex – the co-occurrence of ovarian and testicular tissue in gonads – was induced by 17β-estradiol (E2), 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The first two weeks after hatching was the phase of highest sensitivity. MT was ambivalent by simultaneously eliciting masculinizing and feminizing effects. When applying a DNA-based method for genetic sex identification, it was found that application of MT only during the first two weeks after hatching caused total and apparently irreversible development of testis in genetic females. E2 caused gonad type reversal from male to female. E2 and EE2 induced vitellogenin - the estrogen-responsive yolk precursor protein, while DHT and MT induced spiggin – the androgen-responsive glue protein of the stickleback. None of the effluents from two pulp mills and two domestic sewage treatment plants had any estrogenic or androgenic activity. Juvenile three-spined sticklebacks were collected during four subsequent summers at the Swedish Baltic Sea coast in recipients of effluents from pulp mills and a domestic sewage treatment plant as well as remote reference sites. No sings of endocrine disruption were observed at any site, when studying gonad development or marker proteins, except for a deviation of sex ratios at a reference site. The three-spined stickleback – with focus on the juvenile stage – was found to be a sensitive species suitable for the study of estrogenic and androgenic endocrine disruption.


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La tecnica di ozonolisi viene applicata ai fanghi biologici derivanti da impianti di depurazione acque reflue urbane, e consiste nell'ottenere, grazie all'ozono, una minor massa fangosa da smaltire e una miglior trattabilità del fango residue. In questo elaborato si prendono in esame le sperimentazioni effettuate a Marina di Ravenna e si estraggono le prime conclusioni gestionali, economiche e ambientali sull'applicabilità del metodo a questo tipo di fango.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde erstmalig eine in vivo Methylierung von Quecksilber in Insekten nachgewiesen. Des Weiteren wurde die Kinetik der Quecksilbermethylierung im Faulschlamm untersucht und eine Identifizierung der für die Methylierung verantwortlichen Bakteriengruppe durchgeführt. Die Methylquecksilberbestimmung erfolgte mittels Purge&Trap Gaschromatographie-Atomfluoreszenzspektrometrie nach einer sauren Phasenextraktion. Zur Untersuchung einer in vivo Methylquecksilberbildung in Insekten wurde die australischen Termite Mastotermes darwiniensis als Modellorganismus verwandt. Den Tieren wurde über einen Zeitraum von vierzehn Tagen Quecksilber(II)chlorid in unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen mit der Nahrung zugeführt und anschließend die Methylquecksilberkonzentration in den Termiten bestimmt. Mit zunehmender Quecksilberkonzentration in der Nahrung (0 µg bis 150 µg Hg2+/g) stieg die Methylquecksilberkonzentration von ca. 5 ng auf 53,8 ng pro g Termite Trockengewicht. Bei höheren Quecksilberkonzentrationen in der Nahrung wurde kein weiterer Anstieg in der Methylquecksilberkonzentration in den Termiten festgestellt. Die Untersuchung der Methylquecksilberbildung im Faulschlamm des Klärwerks Mainz-Mombach zeigte, dass die Methylquecksilberkonzentration zu Beginn der Inkubationsphase rasch anstieg und mit zunehmender Inkubationsdauer eine Sätti-gung erreichte. Nach 164 Stunden waren insgesamt 2,6 % des eingesetzten Quecksilbers zu Methylquecksilber umgesetzt. Anhand von Hemmstoffversuchen wurden Sulfat-reduzierende Bakterien als hauptverantwortliche Organismengruppe für die Quecksilbermethylierung identifiziert.


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Die Gesundheitseffekte von Aerosolpartikeln werden stark von ihren chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften und somit den jeweiligen Bildungsprozessen und Quellencharakteristika beeinflusst. Während die Hauptquellen der anthropogenen Partikelemissionen gut untersucht sind, stellen die spezifischen Emissionsmuster zahlreicher kleiner Aerosolquellen, welche lokal und temporär zu einer signifikanten Verschlechterung der Luftqualität beitragen können, ein Forschungsdesiderat dar.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit werden in kombinierten Labor- und Feldmessungen durch ein integratives Analysekonzept mittels online (HR-ToF-AMS ) und filterbasierter offline (ATR-FTIR-Spektroskopie ) Messverfahren die weitgehend unbekannten physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Emissionen besonderer anthropogener Aerosolquellen untersucht. Neben einem Fußballstadion als komplexe Mischung verschiedener Aerosolquellen wie Frittieren und Grillen, Zigarettenrauchen und Pyrotechnik werden die Emissionen durch Feuerwerkskörper, landwirtschaftliche Intensivtierhaltung (Legehennen), Tief- und Straßenbauarbeiten sowie abwasserbürtige Aerosolpartikel in die Studie mit eingebunden. Die primären Partikelemissionen der untersuchten Quellen sind vorrangig durch kleine Partikelgrößen (dp < 1 µm) und somit eine hohe Lungengängigkeit gekennzeichnet. Dagegen zeigen die Aerosolpartikel im Stall der landwirtschaftlichen Intensivtierhaltung sowie die Emissionen durch die Tiefbauarbeiten einen hohen Masseanteil von Partikeln dp > 1 µm. Der Fokus der Untersuchung liegt auf der chemischen Charakterisierung der organischen Partikelbestandteile, welche für viele Quellen die NR-PM1-Emissionen dominieren. Dabei zeigen sich wichtige quellenspezifische Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung der organischen Aerosolfraktion. Die beim Abbrand von pyrotechnischen Gegenständen freigesetzten sowie die abwasserbürtigen Aerosolpartikel enthalten dagegen hohe relative Gehalte anorganischer Substanzen. Auch können in einigen spezifischen Emissionen Metallverbindungen in den AMS-Massenspektren nachgewiesen werden. Über die Charakterisierung der Emissionsmuster und -dynamiken hinaus werden für einige verschiedenfarbige Rauchpatronen sowie die Emissionen im Stall der Intensivtierhaltung Emissionsfaktoren bestimmt, die zur quantitativen Bilanzierung herangezogen werden können. In einem weiteren Schritt werden anhand der empirischen Daten die analytischen Limitierungen der Aerosolmassenspektrometrie wie die Interferenz organischer Fragmentionen durch (Hydrogen-)Carbonate und mögliche Auswertestrategien zur Überwindung dieser Grenzen vorgestellt und diskutiert.rnEine umfangreiche Methodenentwicklung zur Verbesserung der analytischen Aussagekraft von organischen AMS-Massenspektren zeigt, dass für bestimmte Partikeltypen einzelne Fragmentionen in den AMS-Massenspektren signifikant mit ausgewählten funktionellen Molekülgruppen der FTIR-Absorptionsspektren korrelieren. Bedingt durch ihre fehlende Spezifität ist eine allgemeingültige Interpretation von AMS-Fragmentionen als Marker für verschiedene funktionelle Gruppen nicht zulässig und häufig nur durch die Ergebnisse der komplementären FTIR-Spektroskopie möglich. Des Weiteren wurde die Verdampfung und Ionisation ausgewählter Metallverbindungen im AMS analysiert. Die Arbeit verdeutlicht, dass eine qualitative und quantitative Auswertung dieser Substanzen nicht ohne Weiteres möglich ist. Die Gründe hierfür liegen in einer fehlenden Reproduzierbarkeit des Verdampfungs- und Ionisationsprozesses aufgrund von Matrixeffekten sowie der in Abhängigkeit vorangegangener Analysen (Verdampferhistorie) in der Ionisationskammer und auf dem Verdampfer statt-findenden chemischen Reaktionen.rnDie Erkenntnisse der Arbeit erlauben eine Priorisierung der untersuchten anthropogenen Quellen nach bestimmten Messparametern und stellen für deren Partikelemissionen den Ausgangpunkt einer Risikobewertung von atmosphärischen Folgeprozessen sowie potentiell negativen Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit dar. rn


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To check the effectiveness of campaigns preventing drug abuse or indicating local effects of efforts against drug trafficking, it is beneficial to know consumed amounts of substances in a high spatial and temporal resolution. The analysis of drugs of abuse in wastewater (WW) has the potential to provide this information. In this study, the reliability of WW drug consumption estimates is assessed and a novel method presented to calculate the total uncertainty in observed WW cocaine (COC) and benzoylecgonine (BE) loads. Specifically, uncertainties resulting from discharge measurements, chemical analysis and the applied sampling scheme were addressed and three approaches presented. These consist of (i) a generic model-based procedure to investigate the influence of the sampling scheme on the uncertainty of observed or expected drug loads, (ii) a comparative analysis of two analytical methods (high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry), including an extended cross-validation by influent profiling over several days, and (iii) monitoring COC and BE concentrations in WW of the largest Swiss sewage treatment plants. In addition, the COC and BE loads observed in the sewage treatment plant of the city of Berne were used to back-calculate the COC consumption. The estimated mean daily consumed amount was 107 ± 21 g of pure COC, corresponding to 321 g of street-grade COC.


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This field study examined the vitellogenin (VTG) biomarker response under conditions of low and fluctuating activities of environmental estrogenicity. The present study was performed on immature brown trout (Salmo trutta) exposed to the small river Luetzelmurg, which is located in the prealpine Swiss midland region and receives effluents from a single sewage treatment plant (STP). To understand better factors influencing the relationship between estrogenic exposure and VTG induction, we compared VTG levels in caged (stationary) and feral (free-ranging) fish, VTG levels in fish from up- and downstream of the STP, and two different methods for quantifying VTG (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay vs real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction), and we used passive samplers (polar organic chemical integrative sampler [POCIS]) to integrate the variable, bioaccumulative estrogenic load in the river water over time. The POCIS from the downstream site contained approximately 20-fold higher levels of bioassay-derived estrogen equivalents than the POCIS from the upstream site. In feral fish, this site difference in estrogenic exposure was reflected in VTG protein levels but not in VTG mRNA. In contrast, in caged fish, the site difference was evident only for VTG mRNA but not for VTG protein. Thus, the outcome of VTG biomarker measurements varied with the analytical detection method (protein vs mRNA) and with the exposure modus (caged vs feral). Our findings suggest that for environmental situations with low and variable estrogenic contamination, a multiple-assessment approach may be necessary for the assessment of estrogenic exposure in fish.


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Boston Harbor has had a history of poor water quality, including contamination by enteric pathogens. We conduct a statistical analysis of data collected by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) between 1996 and 2002 to evaluate the effects of court-mandated improvements in sewage treatment. Motivated by the ineffectiveness of standard Poisson mixture models and their zero-inflated counterparts, we propose a new negative binomial model for time series of Enterococcus counts in Boston Harbor, where nonstationarity and autocorrelation are modeled using a nonparametric smooth function of time in the predictor. Without further restrictions, this function is not identifiable in the presence of time-dependent covariates; consequently we use a basis orthogonal to the space spanned by the covariates and use penalized quasi-likelihood (PQL) for estimation. We conclude that Enterococcus counts were greatly reduced near the Nut Island Treatment Plant (NITP) outfalls following the transfer of wastewaters from NITP to the Deer Island Treatment Plant (DITP) and that the transfer of wastewaters from Boston Harbor to the offshore diffusers in Massachusetts Bay reduced the Enterococcus counts near the DITP outfalls.


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