860 resultados para Data management and analyses


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Purpose - The idea that knowledge needs to be codified is central to many claims that knowledge can be managed. However, there appear to be no empirical studies in the knowledge management context that examine the process of knowledge codification. This paper therefore seeks to explore codification as a knowledge management process. Design/methodology/approach - The paper draws on findings from research conducted around a knowledge management project in a section of the UK Post Office, using a methodology of participant-observation. Data were collected through observations of project meetings, correspondence between project participants, and individual interviews. Findings - The principal findings about the nature of knowledge codification are first, that the process of knowledge codification also involves the process of defining the codes needed to codify knowledge, and second, that people who participate in the construction of these codes are able to interpret and use the codes more similarly. From this it can be seen that the ability of people to decodify codes similarly places restrictions on the transferability of knowledge between them. Research limitations/implications - The paper therefore argues that a new conceptual approach is needed for the role of knowledge codification in knowledge management that emphasizes the importance of knowledge decodification. Such an approach would start with one's ability to decodify rather than codify knowledge as a prerequisite for knowledge management. Originality/value - The paper provides a conceptual basis for explaining limitations to the management and transferability of knowledge. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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This research examines the role of the information management process within a process-oriented enterprise, Xerox Ltd. The research approach is based on a post-positive paradigm and has resulted in thirty-five idiographic statements. The three major outcomes are: 1. The process-oriented holistic enterprise is an organisation that requires a long-term management commitment to its development. It depends on the careful management of people, tasks, information and technology. A complex integration of business processes is required and this can be managed through the use of consistent documentation techniques, clarity in the definition of process responsibilities and management attention to the global metrics and the centralisation of the management of the process model are critical to its success. 2. The role of the information management process within the context of a process-oriented enterprise is to provide flexible and cost-effective applications, technological, and process support to the business. This is best achieved through a centralisation of the management of information management and of the process model. A business-led approach combined with the consolidation of applications, information, process, and data architectures is central to providing effective business and process-focused support. 3. In a process oriented holistic enterprise, process and information management are inextricably linked. The model of process management depends heavily on information management, whilst the model of information management is totally focused around supporting and creating the process model. The two models are mutually creating - one cannot exist without the other. There is a duality concept of process and information management.


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This paper contributes to the debate on the role of real options theory in business strategy and organizational decision-making. It analyses and critiques the decision-making and performance implications of real options within the management theories of the (multinational) firm, reviews and categorizes the organizational, strategic and operational facets of real options management in large business settings. It also presents the views of scholars and practitioners regarding the incorporation and validity of real options in strategy, international management and business processes. The focus is particularly on the decision-making and performance attributes of the real options logic concerning strategic investments, governance modes and multinational operations management. These attributes are examined from both strategic and operating perspectives of decision-making in organizations, also with an overview of the empirical evidence on real options decision-making and performance.


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We present some recent trends in the field of digital cultural heritage management and applications including digital cultural data curation, interoperability, open linked data publishing, crowd sourcing, visualization, platforms for digital cultural heritage, and applications. We present some examples from research and development projects of MUSIC/TUC in those areas.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015


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Purpose: The focus of this paper is the evolution of supply chain management (SCM) and logistics, as well as of the relationship between them. Its purpose is to generate deep insights into practice, particularly in relation to the fundamental issue of how practitioners define these key terms and phrases. Research approach: A largely qualitative study which involved in depth interviews with managers from two third party logistics providers (3PLs)/distributors, two retailers and two manufacturers from the United Kingdom. This interview protocol is based on the template used in a previous study published over a decade ago. Findings and originality: The data collected during the focussed interviews in the United Kingdom is contrasted with results from the earlier study. The findings suggest that there is variation between practitioners particularly in relation to what SCM is specifically concerned with. This variation mirrors to a large extent the differing orientations and emphases evident in the many theoretical definitions of SCM that have been proposed in recent decades. Research impact: The authors introduced the concept of refined replication in SCM research. This allows previous research to be built upon in order to test understanding of SCM theory and its practical implementation among SCM professionals in the United Kingdom. Practical impact: A profile of SCM understanding and adoption by firms in the United Kingdom is presented .


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A cikkben a szerzők megvizsgálják a tudásmenedzsment komplex rendszerfejlesztési projektekben és az informatikai auditban játszott szerepét. Fő céljuk, hogy a tudásmenedzsment-rendszerek fejlesztéséhez kapcsolódó audit támogatására értékelési modellt készítsenek. Cikkükben megvizsgálják a tudásmenedzsmentnek az IT-auditban játszott általános szerepét, az auditban érintett tudásvagyon védelmének kérdését, a tudásmenedzsment-folyamatok szerepét a rendszerfejlesztésben (auditszempontból), a kontrollok implementálását, valamint a tudásmenedzsment és az IT-audittal kapcsolatos szabványok, módszertanok kapcsolatát. Az eredmények illusztrálására egy az Európai Unió 7. keretprogramjából finanszírozott nemzetközi projekt (GUIDE, IST–2003–507498) szolgál. ________________ Authors investigate the role of knowledge management in complex system development projects and IT audit. The primary goal is to provide an evaluation framework for an assessment of the development of special knowledge management solutions. On the other hand IT audit itself is a knowledge-dependent activity. The paper analyses the role of knowledge management in IT audit in general, the protection of knowledge assets during an audit, the role of knowledge management processes during system development (from audit point of view) and in the implementation of controls, the relationship of knowledge management with audit standards. Authors investigate the specialities of KM developments from audit point of view (particularly important aspects of audit, specific control objectives) A case study, based on experiences gained from GUIDE project (IST-2003-507498 funded by the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme) illustrates the findings.


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A szerzők kutatásának célja, hogy az innovációmenedzsment és az innovációs stratégiák összefüggéseiben rávilágítsanak a magyarországi vállalatokat jellemző stratégiai irányokra és azonosítsák a vállalati tudás szerepét az innovációs folyamatokban. Az induktív logikán alapuló, kvalitatív interjúkra építkező módszertan segítségével történt az adatok gyűjtése és elemzése. Kutatási eredményeik alapján megállapítható, hogy a magyar vállalatok többsége tisztában van az innováció stratégiai jelentőségével és a tudás innovációfokozó erejével. Azonban a bizonytalan szabályozási környezet, a negatív piaci hangulat, a finanszírozási forrásokhoz való hozzáférés és a globális verseny megnehezítik a hazai KKV-k innovációs törekvéseit. Ugyanakkor a multinacionális vállalatok élen járnak mind a technológiai, mind pedig a nem technológiai innovációk terén is. A nem technológiai innováció területén komoly fejlődési lehetőségek körvonalazódhatnak a magyar KKV-k számára is, hiszen ezek kevésbé költségesek és időigényesek, és a belső erőforrásokat felhasználva a szervezeti tudásbázisra is épülhetnek. ____ The aim of the authors’ research is to highlight the characteristic strategic directions of Hungarian companies and identify the role of corporate knowledge in the innovative processes in the context of innovation management and innovative strategies. The collection and analysis of data were helped by a methodology which is based on inductive logic and qualitative interviews. The diagnosis, based on there search results,was that the majority of Hungarian companies are aware of the strategic importance of innovation and the innovation enhancing power of knowledge.


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In recent years, urban vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are gaining importance for inter-vehicle communication, because they allow for the local communication between vehicles without any infrastructure, configuration effort, and without expensive cellular networks. But such architecture may increase the complexity of routing since there is no central control system in urban VANETs. Therefore, a challenging research task is to improve urban VANETs' routing efficiency. ^ Hence, in this dissertation we propose two location-based routing protocols and a location management protocol to facilitate location-based routing in urban VANETs. The Multi-hop Routing Protocol (MURU) is proposed to make use of predicted mobility and geometry map in urban VANETs to estimate a path's life time and set up robust end-to-end routing paths. The Light-weight Routing Protocol (LIRU) is proposed to take advantage of the node diversity under dynamic channel condition to exploit opportunistic forwarding to achieve efficient data delivery. A scalable location management protocol (MALM) is also proposed to support location-based routing protocols in urban VANETs. MALM uses high mobility in VANETs to help disseminate vehicles' historical location information, and a vehicle is able to implement Kalman-filter based predicted to predict another vehicle's current location based on its historical location information. ^


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With the recent explosion in the complexity and amount of digital multimedia data, there has been a huge impact on the operations of various organizations in distinct areas, such as government services, education, medical care, business, entertainment, etc. To satisfy the growing demand of multimedia data management systems, an integrated framework called DIMUSE is proposed and deployed for distributed multimedia applications to offer a full scope of multimedia related tools and provide appealing experiences for the users. This research mainly focuses on video database modeling and retrieval by addressing a set of core challenges. First, a comprehensive multimedia database modeling mechanism called Hierarchical Markov Model Mediator (HMMM) is proposed to model high dimensional media data including video objects, low-level visual/audio features, as well as historical access patterns and frequencies. The associated retrieval and ranking algorithms are designed to support not only the general queries, but also the complicated temporal event pattern queries. Second, system training and learning methodologies are incorporated such that user interests are mined efficiently to improve the retrieval performance. Third, video clustering techniques are proposed to continuously increase the searching speed and accuracy by architecting a more efficient multimedia database structure. A distributed video management and retrieval system is designed and implemented to demonstrate the overall performance. The proposed approach is further customized for a mobile-based video retrieval system to solve the perception subjectivity issue by considering individual user's profile. Moreover, to deal with security and privacy issues and concerns in distributed multimedia applications, DIMUSE also incorporates a practical framework called SMARXO, which supports multilevel multimedia security control. SMARXO efficiently combines role-based access control (RBAC), XML and object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) to achieve the target of proficient security control. A distributed multimedia management system named DMMManager (Distributed MultiMedia Manager) is developed with the proposed framework DEMUR; to support multimedia capturing, analysis, retrieval, authoring and presentation in one single framework.


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long-term research on freshwater ecosystems provides insights that can be difficult to obtain from other approaches. Widespread monitoring of ecologically relevant water-quality parameters spanning decades can facilitate important tests of ecological principles. Unique long-term data sets and analytical tools are increasingly available, allowing for powerful and synthetic analyses across sites. long-term measurements or experiments in aquatic systems can catch rare events, changes in highly variable systems, time-lagged responses, cumulative effects of stressors, and biotic responses that encompass multiple generations. Data are available from formal networks, local to international agencies, private organizations, various institutions, and paleontological and historic records; brief literature surveys suggest much existing data are not synthesized. Ecological sciences will benefit from careful maintenance and analyses of existing long-term programs, and subsequent insights can aid in the design of effective future long-term experimental and observational efforts. long-term research on freshwaters is particularly important because of their value to humanity.


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Urban inequality has emerged as one of the dominant themes of modern life and globalization. More than three million people experienced homelessness in the United States last year; in Miami-Dade, more than 15,000 individuals were homeless. Surviving extreme poverty, and exiting or avoiding homelessness, involves negotiating a complex mix of public and private assistance. However, a range of factors influence what types of help are available and how they can be accessed. Frequently, larger social structures determine which resource are available, leaving many choices entirely out of the individual's control. For single men, who are ineligible for many benefits, homelessness can be difficult to avoid and even harder to exit. My study seeks to better understand how adult, minority men living in extreme poverty in Miami-Dade negotiate their daily survival. Specific research questions address: Do black and Hispanic men who are homeless or at risk of homelessness have different personal characteristics and different experiences in avoiding or exiting homelessness? How does Miami's response to extreme poverty/homelessness, including availability of public benefits and public and private service organizations, either maximize or constrain the choices available to this population? And, what is the actual experience of single, adult men who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, in negotiating their daily survival? A mixed methods approach combines quantitative survey data from 7,605 homeless men, with qualitative data from 54 semi-structured interviews incorporating the visual ethnography techniques of Photo Elicitation Interviewing. Results show the differences experienced by black and Hispanic men who are poor and homeless in Miami. Findings also highlight how the community's official and unofficial responses to homelessness intersect with the actual experiences of the persons targeted by the policies and programs, challenging preconceived notions regarding the lives of persons living in extreme poverty. It adds to the existing body of literature by focusing on the urban Miami context, emphasizing disparities amongst racial and ethnic groups. Findings are intended to provide an empirically grounded thesis that humanizes the subjects and illuminates their personal experiences, helping to inform public policy around the needs of extremely poor populations.


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Large read-only or read-write transactions with a large read set and a small write set constitute an important class of transactions used in such applications as data mining, data warehousing, statistical applications, and report generators. Such transactions are best supported with optimistic concurrency, because locking of large amounts of data for extended periods of time is not an acceptable solution. The abort rate in regular optimistic concurrency algorithms increases exponentially with the size of the transaction. The algorithm proposed in this dissertation solves this problem by using a new transaction scheduling technique that allows a large transaction to commit safely with significantly greater probability that can exceed several orders of magnitude versus regular optimistic concurrency algorithms. A performance simulation study and a formal proof of serializability and external consistency of the proposed algorithm are also presented.^ This dissertation also proposes a new query optimization technique (lazy queries). Lazy Queries is an adaptive query execution scheme which optimizes itself as the query runs. Lazy queries can be used to find an intersection of sub-queries in a very efficient way, which does not require full execution of large sub-queries nor does it require any statistical knowledge about the data.^ An efficient optimistic concurrency control algorithm used in a massively parallel B-tree with variable-length keys is introduced. B-trees with variable-length keys can be effectively used in a variety of database types. In particular, we show how such a B-tree was used in our implementation of a semantic object-oriented DBMS. The concurrency control algorithm uses semantically safe optimistic virtual "locks" that achieve very fine granularity in conflict detection. This algorithm ensures serializability and external consistency by using logical clocks and backward validation of transactional queries. A formal proof of correctness of the proposed algorithm is also presented. ^


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Marine Areas for Responsible Artisanal Fishing (AMPR) have emerged as a new model for co-managing small-scale fisheries in Costa Rica, one that involves collaboration between fishers, government agencies and NGOs. This thesis aims to examine the context for collective action and co-management by small-scale fishers; evaluate the design, implementation, and enforcement of AMPRs; and conduct a linguistic analysis of fisheries legislation. The present work relies on the analysis of several types of qualitative data, including interviews with 23 key informants, rapid rural assessments, and legal documents. Findings demonstrate the strong influence of economic factors for sustaining collective action, as well as the importance of certain types of external organizations for community development and co-management. Additionally, significant enforcement gaps and institutional deficiencies were identified in the work of regulating agencies. Legal analysis suggests that mechanisms for government accountability are unavailable and that legal discourse reflects some of the most salient problems in management.


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To reconstruct the cycling of reactive phosphorus (P) in the Bering Sea, a P speciation record covering the last ~ 4 Ma was generated from sediments recovered during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 323 at Site U1341 (Bowers Ridge). A chemical extraction procedure distinguishing between different operationally defined P fractions provides new insight into reactive P input, burial and diagenetic transformations. Reactive P mass accumulation rates (MARs) are ~ 20-110 µmol/cm2/ka, which is comparable to other open ocean locations but orders of magnitude lower than most upwelling settings. We find that authigenic carbonate fluorapatite (CFA) and opal-bound P are the dominant P fractions at Site U1341. An overall increasing contribution of CFA to total P with sediment depth is consistent with a gradual "sink switching" from more labile P fractions (fish remains, Fe oxides, organic matter) to stable authigenic CFA. However, the positive correlation of CFA with Al content implies that a significant portion of the supposedly reactive CFA is non-reactive "detrital contamination" by eolian and/or riverine CFA. In contrast to CFA, opal-bound P has rarely been studied in marine sediments. We find for the first time that opal-bound P directly correlates with excess silica contents. This P fraction was apparently available to biosiliceous phytoplankton at the time of sediment deposition and is a long-term sink for reactive P in the ocean, despite the likelihood for diagenetic re-mobilisation of this P at depth (indicated by increasing ratios of excess silica to opal-bound P). Average reactive P MARs at Site U1341 increase by ~ 25% if opal-bound P is accounted for, but decrease by ~ 25% if 50% of the extracted CFA fraction (based on the lowest CFA value at Site U1341) is assumed to be detrital. Combining our results with literature data, we present a qualitative perspective of terrestrial CFA and opal-bound P deposition in the modern ocean. Riverine CFA input has mostly been reported from continental shelves and margins draining P-rich lithologies, while eolian CFA input is found across wide ocean regions underlying the Northern Hemispheric "dust belt". Opal-bound P burial is important in the Southern Ocean, North Pacific, and likely in upwelling areas. Shifts in detrital CFA and opal-bound P deposition across ocean basins likely occurred over time, responding to changing weathering patterns, sea level, and biogenic opal deposition.