879 resultados para Corruption, Social interaction, China


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Among adolescents, overweight, obesity and metabolic syndrome are rapidly increasing in recent years as a consequence of unhealthy palatable diets. Animal models of diet-induced obesity have been developed, but little is known about the behavioural patterns produced by the consumption of such diets. The aim of the present study was to determine the behavioural and biochemical effects of a cafeteria diet fed to juvenile male and female rats, as well as to evaluate the possible recovery from these effects by administering standard feeding during the last week of the study. Two groups of male and female rats were fed with either a standard chow diet (ST) or a cafeteria (CAF) diet from weaning and for 8 weeks. A third group of males (CAF withdrawal) was fed with the CAF diet for 7 weeks and the ST in the 8th week. Both males and females developed metabolic syndrome as a consequence of the CAF feeding, showing overweight, higher adiposity and liver weight, increased plasma levels of glucose, insulin and triglycerides, as well as insulin resistance, in comparison with their respective controls. The CAF diet reduced motor activity in all behavioural tests, enhanced exploration, reduced anxiety-like behaviour and increased social interaction; this last effect was more pronounced in females than in males. When compared to animals only fed with a CAF diet, CAF withdrawal increased anxiety in the open field, slightly decreased body weight, and completely recovered the liver weight, insulin sensitivity and the standard levels of glucose, insulin and triglycerides in plasma. In conclusion, a CAF diet fed to young animals for 8 weeks induced obesity and metabolic syndrome, and produced robust behavioural changes in young adult rats, whereas CAF withdrawal in the last week modestly increased anxiety, reversed the metabolic alterations and partially reduced overweight.


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The use of body percussion through BAPNE method in neurorehabilitation offers the possibility of studying the development of motor skills, attention, coordination, memory and social interaction of patients with neurological diseases. The experimental protocol was carried out on 52 patients with severe acquired brain injury. Patients were selected for the cut - off scores in the standard neuropsychologic al tests of sustained attention , divided and alert ; at least one emisoma intact, cut -off scores in the standard for procedural and semantic memory ; eye sight , hearing and speech intact. The first group of patients has supported the protocol BAPNE tougher with the traditional rehabilitation activities . The control group continued to perform exclusively the cognitive and neuromotor rehabilitation according to traditional protocols. At 6 months after administration of the protocol is expected to re-test to assess if present , the maintenance of the effects of rehabilitation obtained. Experimentation is carried out for 10 weeks following the protocol of BAPNE method in the Roboris Foundation of Rome.


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This contribution (presented in the first International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) in Grenoble in June 2013) explores the phenomena of innovation in action ("innovative implementation"). To do so, we operationalize "innovative implementation" as a strategy by which (coalitions of) non-state actors seek to develop ad hoc solutions to address a given environmental issue, going beyond what is provided for in formal policy designs. Following an inductive research strategy, we elaborate a conceptual framework whose main advantage is to bring the actors and their coalition (in all their diversity) back in the analysis. More concretely, we state that perceiving implementation as broader 'social interaction processes' (De Boer & Bressers 2011) within which actors play strategic 'games' (Bardach 1977, Scharpf 1997) opens interesting lines of research to better account for their innovative and strategic behaviours. In a second step, we apply this framework to three strategies of innovative implementation in different contexts, and identify on this basis empirical regularities in the individual pathways related to the emergence and success (or failure) of these strategies.


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Based on the analysis of qualitative interviews in western Germany, we argue that personal relationships have a strong impact on individuals' family formation processes and fertility intentions. We identify persons who influence individuals' fertility choices. Strong ties, such as those among core family members (i.e., parents and siblings), are an important contributing factor, but we are also able to show that weak ties, such as those among colleagues, and acquaintances need to be considered when examining social influence on family formation processes. Apart from single network partners, we have identified influential groups of persons. Such groups serve as a comparative standard regarding the timing of having one's first child and subsequent children.


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Durante los últimos años, diversas instituciones y universidades han comenzado a experimentar con el m-learning y Facebook a través de diferentes proyectos como parte de sus metodologías de aprendizaje y como una oportunidad para trabajar con los jóvenes. Sin embargo, poco se sabe de las percepciones y experiencias que pueden obtener estudiantes de diseño sobre este tema. En este estudio 24 estudian - tes han completado sus actividades de aprendizaje durante dos meses, utilizando un smarthphone y la popular red social Facebook. Al final del plazo, los estudiantes participaron además en un grupo de discusión para expresar sus experiencias. Los resultados indicaron que los estudiantes utilizaron Facebook como parte de su rutina diaria y que fueron creadores de contenido proporcionando estos a otros. Además los resultados indican que durante el primer mes perdieron mucho tiempo observando contenidos propuestos en Facebook, que después comentaron. El grupo en Facebook fue utilizado para la interacción social principalmente con otros estudiantes y el profesor, como un complemento a las sesiones presenciales. Los resultados obtenidos y el empleo de estrategias, puede ayudar a la concep - tualización del m-learning y mostrar como Facebook puede funcionar como un entorno de aprendizaje para apoyar la enseñanza y aprendizaje en el área del diseño.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on perehdyttämisen kehittäminen sosialisaation näkökulmasta. Työn kohdeorganisaationa on Oy Veikkaus Ab ja tutkimusta varten haastatellaan 17 uutta tai uudehkoa Veikkauksen työntekijää. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään kvalitatiivisia teema-haastatteluja, joiden avulla pyritään hankkimaan tulokkaiden näkemyksiä ja mielipiteitä omasta perehdytyksestään ja sopeutumisprosessistaan. Sosialisaation näkökulma laajentaa perehdyttämisen käsitettä ja muuttaa sen merkitystä organisaatiolle. Monet haastatelluista tulokkaista kokevat muut ihmiset ja sosiaalisen vuorovaikutuksen tärkeiksi sopeutumiselleen. Lisäksi sosialisaatioprosessissa tulokkaan tulee sopeutua uuteen työhön, ryhmään sekä organisaatioon ja nämä tasot tulee huomioida myös perehdyttämisessä. Haastateltujen kertomusten perusteella Veikkauksen perehdyttämisen toteuttaminen näyttää tällä hetkellä vaihtelevan melko paljon. Tulevaisuuden tärkeimpiä kehittämiskohteita ovat sosialisaatiota tukevien toimenpiteiden kehittäminen ja tulokkaiden erilaisuuden sekä organisatoristen erikoistilanteiden koordinoiminen.


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L'article exposa la primera part d'una investigació de dos anys i mig de durada, subvencionada per l'Institut de la Dona (Ministeri de Treball i Afers Socials), sobre la migració femenina a l'estat espanyol, centrada en les comunitats marroquines i dominicanes. L'objectiu que es pretenia era conèixer els processos migratoris d'aquestes dones, comprendre'ls, identificar canvis i pèrdues i aixecar barreres, formulant propostes realistes que contribuïssin a suavitzar els futurs processos migratoris d'altres dones. La metodologia seguida, de caràcter qualitatiu, combina la consulta d'informació amb un treball d'enquesta en el qual es va entrevistar a sis dones d'aquestes dues comunitats, considerades com «informants clau o expertes», atès el seu temps de permanència a la societat d'acollida, la reflexió realitzada sobre la seva pròpia experiència vital i la seva labor i participació en associacions, centres o organitzacions de la societat d'acollida que treballen per facilitar l'experiència de la migració. Els límits i les oportunitats dins de la societat d'acollida, el canvi en els espais de relació i les pràctiques solidàries que estableixen, juntament amb les propostes que realitzen les mateixes protagonistes, són alguns dels principals resultats d'aquesta investigació.


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El estudio del deporte en sus diferentes facetas ha sido motivo de muchos trabajos con perspectivas tanto cualitativas como cuantitativas. Este trabajo presenta un estudio sobre el fútbol desde una visión descriptiva sobre la relación entre los contextos de interacción y las zonas, marcadas por la posición del balón. El diseño observacional es nomotético, continuo y multidimensional. Como instrumento de observación se ha utilizado SOF-5 y como instrumento de registro el Match Visio Studio. Finalmente, como técnica de análisis se planteó un modelo log-lineal para estudiar con precisión el tipo de relaciones que se establecen entre los Contextos de Interacción y las zonas. Para la interpretación del modelo se ha optado por una representación gráfica obtenida a través de un Análisis de Correspondencias. Se ha observado que existe una relación significativa entre las zonas y los contextos de interacción a lo largo de todo el partido, aportando una información relevante para conocer las estructuras de juego que se establecen de forma dinámica. Palabras clave: fútbol, contextos de interacción, observación directa, Log-lineal, Análisis de Correspondencias


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Actualment la tasca que desenvolupa l’escola és procurar que tots els infants es desenvolupin integralment, independentment de les característiques. En aquest marc sorgeix l’escola inclusiva, la qual ha d’estar preparada per atendre a tots i fer que aprenguin alumnes diferents al màxim de les seves possibilitats. Perquè això sigui real, l’escola ha de buscar noves maneres per a què els alumnes puguin aprendre no tan sols contingut sinó també valors, habilitats socials, cognitives, lingüístiques, entre moltes altres. Es per aquest motiu que la recerca vol portar a la pràctica i comprovar si mitjançant una eina lúdica, com són els jocs cooperatius, es milloren algunes habilitats socials i la cohesió d’un grup classe, en el qual també es té en compte la integració social d’una nena diagnosticada amb Trastorns Generalitzats del Desenvolupament (TGD) i, concretament, presenta trets autistes. Aquesta activitat educativa proporciona contextos nous on interactuar i desenvolupar bones pautes de relació per a tots així com també afavoreix la cohesió de grup, les relacions interpersonals i la integració d’infants amb dificultats en la interacció social.


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Des de la inclusió es pretén aconseguir una societat més justa per tothom, on els infants per molt diferents que siguin puguin estar i participar en una escola ordinària, gaudint de les mateixes oportunitats i els mateixos drets. Amb la diversitat ens enriquim els uns amb els altres i aquest fet dóna sentit a l’educació. Amb aquest marc referencial, el present treball d’investigació tracta sobre la millora de la inclusió d’un infant amb TEA (Trastorn de l’Espectre Autista) a través de la pràctica psicomotriu educativa i vivencial, és a dir, una educació més lliure, donant lloc a l’experiència i a uns espais relacionals per dur a terme una activitat espontània psicomotriu. De fet, tracta de demostrar, de manera més específica, que la pràctica psicomotriu millora la capacitat d’interacció social de l’infant amb TEA, és a dir, la relació amb els altres, així com assegurar que aquesta pràctica vivencial aporta més beneficis en la implicació del joc dels infants amb TEA, que una intervenció psicomotriu més funcional.


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The 16p11.2 600 kb BP4-BP5 deletion and duplication syndromes have been associated with developmental delay; autism spectrum disorders; and reciprocal effects on the body mass index, head circumference and brain volumes. Here, we explored these relationships using novel engineered mouse models carrying a deletion (Del/+) or a duplication (Dup/+) of the Sult1a1-Spn region homologous to the human 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 locus. On a C57BL/6N inbred genetic background, Del/+ mice exhibited reduced weight and impaired adipogenesis, hyperactivity, repetitive behaviors, and recognition memory deficits. In contrast, Dup/+ mice showed largely opposite phenotypes. On a F1 C57BL/6N × C3B hybrid genetic background, we also observed alterations in social interaction in the Del/+ and the Dup/+ animals, with other robust phenotypes affecting recognition memory and weight. To explore the dosage effect of the 16p11.2 genes on metabolism, Del/+ and Dup/+ models were challenged with high fat and high sugar diet, which revealed opposite energy imbalance. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that the majority of the genes located in the Sult1a1-Spn region were sensitive to dosage with a major effect on several pathways associated with neurocognitive and metabolic phenotypes. Whereas the behavioral consequence of the 16p11 region genetic dosage was similar in mice and humans with activity and memory alterations, the metabolic defects were opposite: adult Del/+ mice are lean in comparison to the human obese phenotype and the Dup/+ mice are overweight in comparison to the human underweight phenotype. Together, these data indicate that the dosage imbalance at the 16p11.2 locus perturbs the expression of modifiers outside the CNV that can modulate the penetrance, expressivity and direction of effects in both humans and mice.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää verkostojen merkitystä uusien ideoiden tuojana kuntajohtamisessa kuntajohtajan näkökulmasta katsottuna ja osallistua liiketaloudelliseen keskusteluun kuntajohtamisen kehittämiseksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata ja ymmärtää kuntajohtajan verkostoja ja niiden merkitystä kuntien kehittämisessä. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen tutkimus, jonka aineisto on kerätty haastattelemalla neljää kuntajohtajaa. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että kuntajohtajat toimivat aktiivisesti kunnan ulkopuolisissa verkostoissa pyrkien löytämään ideoita ja ratkaisuja kuntien uudistamiseen. Kuntien sisäisten verkostojen, henkilöstön ja poliittisten päättäjien, hyödyntämistä voidaan parantaa yhteisellä strategiatyöllä ja sosiaalista vuorovaikutusta sekä johtamisjärjestelmiä kehittämällä. Myös asiakkaiden osallistumista uusien sosiaalisten innovaatioiden kehittämiseen tulisi lisätä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin viitekehyksenä Todorova ja Durisinin (2008) absorptiivisen kapasiteetin mallia, johon mallin soveltamisen pohjalta esitetään kehittämisajatuksia.


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The Internet has transformed the scope, boundaries and dynamics of social and economic interactions. It is argued to have broadened the notion of the community from physical, colocated groups towards collectives that are able to transcend time and space, i.e. virtual communities. Even if virtual communities have been on the academic agenda for a couple of decades, there is still surprisingly little research on knowledge sharing within them. In addition, prior research has largely neglected the complex dynamics between Internet-based communication channels and the surrounding communities in which they are embedded. This thesis aims at building a better understanding of knowledge sharing supported by conversational technologies in intra-organisational virtual communities and external virtual communities supporting relationships with customers. The focus is thus on knowledge sharing in types of virtual communities that seem to be of relevance to business organisations. The study consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses the overall results. The second part comprises seven research publications. Qualitative research methods are used throughout the study. The results of the study indicate that investigation of the processes of knowledge sharing in virtual communities requires a socio-technical perspective, combining the individual, social and technological levels, and understanding the interplay between them. It is claimed that collective knowledge in virtual communities creates the enabling structure for knowledge sharing, and forms the invisible structure of the community on the basis of which it operates. It consists of a shared context, social capital and a unique community culture. The Internet does not inevitably erode social interaction: it seems that supporting social relationships by means of communication technology is a matter of quantity rather than quality. In order to provide access to external knowledge and expertise, firms need to open themselves up to an array of Internet-based conversations, and to consider the relevance of virtual communities to their businesses.


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En este artículo exploro la utilización discursiva del espacio público, entendido como un recurso retórico para la acción social localizada. A partir de extractos de documentos escritos y de entrevistas en profundidad, el análisis se centra en el uso retórico de formulaciones espaciales y construcciones de relaciones persona-lugar por parte de diversos agentes sociales e institucionales confrontados por la definición urbanística de un espacio en conflicto. La labor discursiva detectada incluye el manejo retórico de construcciones cultural e ideológicamente organizadas de la territorialidad urbana, usos argumentativos de categorías sociales localizadas y de guiones comportamentales para la elaboración de modos normativos de convivencia en el espacio público, y el empleo retórico de procesos simbólicos espacialmente arraigados. El propósito es contribuir a un examen crítico de los fenómenos socioespaciales conflictivos desde un enfoque discursivo, buscando visibilizar las tensiones sociales implicadas en el intento deliberado de controlar y ordenar el espacio urbano.


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BACKGROUND: Over the last 20 years, a number of instruments developed for the assessment of health-related quality of life (HRQL) in dementia have been introduced. The aim of this review is to synthesize evidence from published reviews on HRQL measures in dementia and any new literature in order to identify dementia specific HRQL instruments, the domains they measure, and their operationalization. METHODS: An electronic search of PsycINFO and PubMed was conducted, from inception to December 2011 using a combination of key words that included quality of life and dementia. RESULTS: Fifteen dementia-specific HRQL instruments were identified. Instruments varied depending on their country of development/validation, dementia severity, data collection method, operationalization of HRQL in dementia, psychometric properties, and the scoring. The most common domains assessed include mood, self-esteem, social interaction, and enjoyment of activities. CONCLUSIONS: A number of HRQL instruments for dementia are available. The suitability of the scales for different contexts is discussed. Many studies do not specifically set out to measure dementia-specific HRQL but do include related items. Determining how best to operationalize the many HRQL domains will be helpful for mapping measures of HRQL in such studies maximizing the value of existing resources.