988 resultados para Control perception
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between malocclusion and self-perception of oral appearance/function, in 12/15-year-old Brazilian adolescents. The cluster sample consisted of 717 teenagers attending 24 urban public (n=611) and 5 rural public (n=107) schools in Maringá/PR. Malocclusion was measured using the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI), in accordance with WHO recommendations. A parental questionnaire was applied to collect information on esthetic perception level and oral variables related to oral health. Univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed. Multiple logistic regression confirmed that for 12-year-old, missing teeth (OR=2.865) and presence of openbite (open occlusal relationship) (OR=2.865) were risk indicators for speech capability. With regard to 15-year-old, presence of mandibular overjet (horizontal overlap) (OR=4.016) was a risk indicator for speech capability and molar relationship (OR=1.661) was a risk indicator for chewing capability. The impact of malocclusion on adolescents' life was confirmed in this study. Speech and chewing capability were associated with orthodontic deviations, which should be taken into consideration in oral health planning, to identify risk groups and improve community health services.
Dental erosion is a type of wear caused by non bacterial acids or chelation. There is evidence of a significant increase in the prevalence of dental wear in the deciduous and permanent teeth as a consequence of the frequent intake of acidic foods and drinks, or due to gastric acid which may reach the oral cavity following reflux or vomiting episodes. The presence of acids is a prerequisite for dental erosion, but the erosive wear is complex and depends on the interaction of biological, chemical and behavioral factors. Even though erosion may be defined or described as an isolated process, in clinical situations other wear phenomena are expected to occur concomitantly, such as abrasive wear (which occurs, e.g, due to tooth brushing or mastication). In order to control dental loss due to erosive wear it is crucial to take into account its multifactorial nature, which predisposes some individuals to the condition.
The mechanical control of supragingival biofilm is accepted as one of the most important measures to treat and prevent dental caries and periodontal diseases. Nevertheless, maintaining dental surfaces biofilm-free is not an easy task. In this regard, chemical agents, mainly in the form of mouthwashes, have been studied to help overcome the difficulties involved in the mechanical control of biofilm. The aim of this paper was to discuss proposals for the teaching of supragingival chemical control (SCC) in order to improve dentists' knowledge regarding this clinical issue. Firstly, the literature regarding the efficacy of antiseptics is presented, clearly showing that chemical agents are clinically effective in the reduction of biofilm and gingival inflammation when used as adjuvant agents to mechanical control. Thus, it is suggested that the content related to SCC be included in the curricular grid of dental schools. Secondly, some essential topics are recommended to be included in the teaching of SCC as follows: skills and competencies expected of a graduate dentist regarding SCC; how to include this content in the curricular grid; teaching-learning tools and techniques to be employed; and program content.
This study evaluated the relationship among malocclusion, number of occlusal pairs, masticatory performance, masticatory time and masticatory ability in completely dentate subjects. Eighty healthy subjects (mean age = 19.40 ± 4.14 years) were grouped according to malocclusion diagnosis (n = 16): Class I, Class Class II-2, Class III and Normocclusion (control). Number of occlusal pairs was determined clinically. Masticatory performance was evaluated by the sieving method, and the time used for the comminute test food was registered as the masticatory time. Masticatory ability was measured by a dichotomic self-perception questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done by one-way ANOVA, ANOVA on ranks, Chi-Square and Spearman tests. Class II-1 and III malocclusion groups presented a smaller number of occlusal pairs than Normocclusion (p < 0.0001), Class I (p < 0.001) and II-2 (p < 0.0001) malocclusion groups. Class I, and III malocclusion groups showed lower masticatory performance values compared to Normocclusion (p < 0.05) and Class II-2 (p < 0.05) malocclusion groups. There were no differences in masticatory time (p = 0.156) and ability (χ2 = 3.58/p= 0.465) among groups. Occlusal pairs were associated with malocclusion (rho = 0.444/p < 0.0001) and masticatory performance (rho = 0.393/p < 0.0001), but malocclusion was not correlated with masticatory performance (rho = 0.116/p= 0.306). In conclusion, masticatory performance and ability were not related to malocclusion, and subjects with Class I, II-1 and III malocclusions presented lower masticatory performance because of their smaller number of occlusal pairs.
INTRODUÇÃO: A Prótese Implantável de Condução Óssea (BAHA) consiste em uma excelente opção na reabilitação auditiva de pacientes com perda auditiva condutiva e mista uni ou bilateral, e sensorioneural unilateral. Tem sido uma alternativa vantajosa sobre os aparelhos de condução óssea convencionais e os aparelhos de amplificação sonora individuais (AASI) quando o uso dos mesmos fica impossibilitado pela presença de otite externa crônica de difícil controle clínico. OBJETIVO: Apresentar o primeiro caso de BAHA realizado no Brasil, após a autorização da ANVISA, para a reabilitação da perda auditiva mista com episódios de otite externa crônica. MÉTODO: Paciente do sexo feminino, 50 anos, com perda auditiva de grau moderado à direita e severo à esquerda, zumbido bilateral, decorrente de otosclerose, submetida a quatro cirurgias de estapedotomia e com impossibilidade de uso de AASI devido a otorreia e otalgia bilateral. A avaliação médica e audiológica indicaram o benefício do BAHA. Realizada a cirurgia e implantação do sistema BAHA, a paciente apresentou melhora significativa nos limiares audiométricos, na percepção e discriminação da fala, além de relatar extrema satisfação relacionada ao fator estético. COMENTÁRIOS FINAIS: O processo cirúrgico do BAHA é seguro, simples e rápido, proporcionando excelentes resultados audiológicos e alto grau de satisfação por parte dos pacientes.
The arterial partial pressure (P CO2) of carbon dioxide is virtually constant because of the close match between the metabolic production of this gas and its excretion via breathing. Blood gas homeostasis does not rely solely on changes in lung ventilation, but also to a considerable extent on circulatory adjustments that regulate the transport of CO2 from its sites of production to the lungs. The neural mechanisms that coordinate circulatory and ventilatory changes to achieve blood gas homeostasis are the subject of this review. Emphasis will be placed on the control of sympathetic outflow by central chemoreceptors. High levels of CO2 exert an excitatory effect on sympathetic outflow that is mediated by specialized chemoreceptors such as the neurons located in the retrotrapezoid region. In addition, high CO2 causes an aversive awareness in conscious animals, activating wake-promoting pathways such as the noradrenergic neurons. These neuronal groups, which may also be directly activated by brain acidification, have projections that contribute to the CO2-induced rise in breathing and sympathetic outflow. However, since the level of activity of the retrotrapezoid nucleus is regulated by converging inputs from wake-promoting systems, behavior-specific inputs from higher centers and by chemical drive, the main focus of the present manuscript is to review the contribution of central chemoreceptors to the control of autonomic and respiratory mechanisms.
OBJECTIVE: Despite the relevance of irritability emotions to the treatment, prognosis and classification of psychiatric disorders, the neurobiological basis of this emotional state has been rarely investigated to date. We assessed the brain circuitry underlying personal script-driven irritability in healthy subjects (n = 11) using functional magnetic resonance imaging. METHOD: Blood oxygen level-dependent signal changes were recorded during auditory presentation of personal scripts of irritability in contrast to scripts of happiness or neutral emotional content. Self-rated emotional measurements and skin conductance recordings were also obtained. Images were acquired using a 1,5T magnetic resonance scanner. Brain activation maps were constructed from individual images, and between-condition differences in the mean power of experimental response were identified by using cluster-wise nonparametric tests. RESULTS: Compared to neutral scripts, increased blood oxygen level-dependent signal during irritability scripts was detected in the left subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, and in the left medial, anterolateral and posterolateral dorsal prefrontal cortex (cluster-wise p-value < 0.05). While the involvement of the subgenual cingulate and dorsal anterolateral prefrontal cortices was unique to the irritability state, increased blood oxygen level-dependent signal in dorsomedial and dorsal posterolateral prefrontal regions were also present during happiness induction. CONCLUSION: Irritability induction is associated with functional changes in a limited set of brain regions previously implicated in the mediation of emotional states. Changes in prefrontal and cingulate areas may be related to effortful cognitive control aspects that gain salience during the emergence of irritability.
OBJECTIVE: Because autonomic dysfunction has been found to lead to cardiometabolic disorders and because studies have reported that simvastatin treatment has neuroprotective effects, the objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of simvastatin treatment on cardiovascular and autonomic changes in fructose-fed female rats. METHODS: Female Wistar rats were divided into three groups: controls (n=8), fructose (n=8), and fructose+ simvastatin (n=8). Fructose overload was induced by supplementing the drinking water with fructose (100 mg/L, 18 wks). Simvastatin treatment (5 mg/kg/day for 2 wks) was performed by gavage. The arterial pressure was recorded using a data acquisition system. Autonomic control was evaluated by pharmacological blockade. RESULTS: Fructose overload induced an increase in the fasting blood glucose and triglyceride levels and insulin resistance. The constant rate of glucose disappearance during the insulin intolerance test was reduced in the fructose group (3.4+ 0.32%/min) relative to that in the control group (4.4+ 0.29%/min). Fructose+simvastatin rats exhibited increased insulin sensitivity (5.4+0.66%/min). The fructose and fructose+simvastatin groups demonstrated an increase in the mean arterial pressure compared with controls rats (fructose: 124+2 mmHg and fructose+simvastatin: 126 + 3 mmHg vs. controls: 112 + 2 mmHg). The sympathetic effect was enhanced in the fructose group (73 + 7 bpm) compared with that in the control (48 + 7 bpm) and fructose+simvastatin groups (31+8 bpm). The vagal effect was increased in fructose+simvastatin animals (84 + 7 bpm) compared with that in control (49 + 9 bpm) and fructose animals (46+5 bpm). CONCLUSION: Simvastatin treatment improved insulin sensitivity and cardiac autonomic control in an experimental model of metabolic syndrome in female rats. These effects were independent of the improvements in the classical plasma lipid profile and of reductions in arterial pressure. These results support the hypothesis that statins reduce the cardiometabolic risk in females with metabolic syndrome.
A proposta deste estudo foi analisar o efeito do envelhecimento nos aspectos perceptivos e motores envolvidos com as ações de sentar e levantar de uma cadeira. Indivíduos jovens e idosos foram filmados enquanto sentavam/levantavam de uma cadeira em sete alturas diferentes do assento. Eles julgaram a dificuldade/facilidade encontrada para sentar e levantar em cada altura do assento. Os idosos exibiram mudanças na estratégia de controle usada para sentar na altura mais baixa do assento e superestimaram o nível de dificuldade/facilidade para realizar as tarefas de sentar e levantar. Em síntese, a percepção de execução fácil da tarefa de sentar pelos idosos não concorda com o grau de dificuldade exibido no desempenho motor na altura mais baixa do assento.