988 resultados para Computational chemistry


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Additions of one to two equivalents of Lewis acids that include magnesium salts to free-radical reduction reactions involving ester functionalized radicals and (1R,2S,5R)-menthyldiphenyltin hydride 4, bis((1R,2S,5R)-menthyl)phenyltin hydride 5, tris((1R,2S,5R)-menthyl)tin hydride 6, bis((1R,2S,5R)-menthyl)-[8-(N,N-dimethylamino)naphthyl]tin hydride 12, bis((1R,2S,5R)-menthyl)-[1-((S)-N,N-dimethylaminoethyl)phenyl]tin hydride 13 or 3α-dimethylstannyl-5α-cholestane 14 result in remarkable enantioselectivities. Examples include (S)-naproxen ethyl ester 16, produced in 74% yield and greater than 99% ee at −78°C from the bromide and 5 in the presence of MgBr2, and ethyl (R)-N-trifluoroacetyl-D-phenylglycinate 18, obtained in 78% yield and 99% ee under identical conditions. Kinetic and computational studies provide insight into the origins of these observations.


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The photolytic phenanthrene-based precursors for both β-methoxycarbene and β-ethoxycarbene were synthesized with and without a deuterium label attached to the a carbon. The incorporation of this deuterium label allowed distinction between a 1, 2-H shift and a 1, 2-O shift pathway to the respective alkyl vinyl ether, without the influence of a primary kinetic isotope effect. Photolyses of these precursors gave rearrangement products of the expected β-alkoxycarbenes. In the case of β-methoxycarbene, no methyl vinyl ether was observed due to its volatility. However, the appearance of aldehyde peaks in the NMR spectra, from an apparent further rearrangement to acetaldehyde through an enol intermediate, indicated that a 1,2-H shift had occurred. Ethyl vinyl ether was isolated following the photolysis of the β-ethoxycarbene precursor. Quantification of the two pathways showed less than 2% undergoing an ethoxy shift to the ethyl vinyl ether. Yield experiments on this photolysis demonstrated a maximum yield of β-ethoxycarbene as 43%, though this decreased as the experiment continued. Computational work on the β-ethoxycarbene system indicates that the triplet scate is more stable than the singlet. In addition, the activation energy to the 1.2-H shift pathway is remarkably low and is clearly consistent with the observed overwhelming preference for this pathway in the experiment.


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The aim of this project is to provide an explanation for recently obtained binding constants for two similar guest molecules, NDMG and N-MAP, with a p-sulfonatocalix[6]arene host in ammonium acetate buffer. This work was done primarily using pressure perturbation calorimetry, which is a technique that determines the coefficient of thermal expansion, α, which is in turn related to the solute molecule's effect on the order of the surrounding water molecules. A series of experiments were designed to test the effects of suspected confounding variables on the validity of PPC data. PPC was then used to study NDMG and N-MAP in ammonium acetate buffer. NDMG exhibited a minimum in α as function of temperature, while N-MAP did not. This difference was theorized to be due to the formation of an intramolecular hydrogen bond in monocationic NDMG that would lower the heat capacity of the molecule and better distribute the molecule's charge. Computational work and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy confirmed that monocationic, ring-closed NDMG has less concentrated charge and more constrained motion than monocationic, ring-open NDMG. This evidence supports the theory that monocationic NDMG forms an intramolecular hydrogen bond and that this may be responsible for the minimum in α. This difference may explain the differences in binding constants between NDMG and N-MAP.


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Synchrotron infrared (IR) and micro-Raman spectra of natrolites containing alkaline-earth ions (Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+) and heavy metals (Cd2+, Pb2+, and Ag+) as extra-framework cations (EFCs) were measured under ambient conditions. Complementing our previous spectroscopic investigations of natrolites with monovalent alkali metal (Li+, Na+, K+, Rb +, and Cs+) EFCs, we establish a correlation between the redshifts of the frequencies of the 4-ring and helical 8-ring units and the size of the EFCs in natrolite. Through ab initio calculations we have derived structural models of Ca2+- and Ag+-exchanged natrolites with hydrogen atoms, and found that the frequency shifts in the H - O - H bending mode and the differences in the O - H stretching vibration modes can be correlated with the orientations of the water molecules along the natrolite channel. Assuming that the members of a solid solution series behave as an ideal mixture, we will be able to use spectroscopy to probe compositions. Deviation from ideal behavior might indicate the occurrence of phase separation on various length scales. Copyright © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Consumption of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids is known to decrease the risk of major cardiovascular events. Lipases, a class of triacylglycerol hydrolases, have been extensively tested to concentrate omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils, under mild enzymatic conditions. However, no lipases with preference for omega-3 fatty acids selectivity have yet been discovered or developed. In this study we performed an exhaustive computational study of substrate-lipase interactions by docking, both covalent and non-covalent, for 38 lipases with a large number of structured triacylglycerols containing omega-3 fatty acids. We identified some lipases that have potential to preferentially hydrolyze omega-3 fatty acids from structured triacylglycerols. However omega-3 fatty acid preferences were found to be modest. Our study provides an explanation for absence of reports of lipases with omega-3 fatty acid hydrolyzing ability and suggests methods for developing these selective lipases.


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Schistosomiasis is still an endemic disease in many regions, with 250 million people infected with Schistosoma and about 500,000 deaths per year. Praziquantel (PZQ) is the drug of choice for schistosomiasis treatment, however it is classified as Class II in the Biopharmaceutics Classification System, as its low solubility hinders its performance in biological systems. The use of cyclodextrins is a useful tool to increase the solubility and bioavailability of drugs. The aim of this work was to prepare an inclusion compound of PZQ and methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MeCD), perform its physico-chemical characterization, and explore its in vitro cytotoxicity. SEM showed a change of the morphological characteristics of PZQ:MeCD crystals, and IR data supported this finding, with changes after interaction with MeCD including effects on the C-H of the aromatic ring, observed at 758 cm(-1). Differential scanning calorimetry measurements revealed that complexation occurred in a 1:1 molar ratio, as evidenced by the lack of a PZQ transition temperature after inclusion into the MeCD cavity. In solution, the PZQ UV spectrum profile in the presence of MeCD was comparable to the PZQ spectrum in a hydrophobic solvent. Phase solubility diagrams showed that there was a 5.5-fold increase in PZQ solubility, and were indicative of a type A(L) isotherm, that was used to determine an association constant (K(a)) of 140.8 M(-1). No cytotoxicity of the PZQ:MeCD inclusion compound was observed in tests using 3T3 cells. The results suggest that the association of PZQ with MeCD could be a good alternative for the treatment of schistosomiasis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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RATIONALE: Oxazolines have attracted the attention of researchers worldwide due to their versatility as carboxylic acid protecting groups, chiral auxiliaries, and ligands for asymmetric catalysis. Electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometric (ESI-MS/MS) analysis of five 2-oxazoline derivatives has been conducted, in order to understand the influence of the side chain on the gas-phase dissociation of these protonated compounds under collision-induced dissociation (CID) conditions. METHODS: Mass spectrometric analyses were conducted in a quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) spectrometer fitted with electrospray ionization source. Protonation sites have been proposed on the basis of the gas-phase basicity, proton affinity, atomic charges, and a molecular electrostatic potential map obtained on the basis of the quantum chemistry calculations at the B3LYP/6-31 + G(d, p) and G2(MP2) levels. RESULTS: Analysis of the atomic charges, gas-phase basicity and proton affinities values indicates that the nitrogen atom is a possible proton acceptor site. On the basis of these results, two main fragmentation processes have been suggested: one taking place via neutral elimination of the oxazoline moiety (99 u) and another occurring by sequential elimination of neutral fragments with 72 u and 27 u. These processes should lead to formation of R+. CONCLUSIONS: The ESI-MS/MS experiments have shown that the side chain could affect the dissociation mechanism of protonated 2-oxazoline derivatives. For the compound that exhibits a hydroxyl at the lateral chain, water loss has been suggested to happen through an E2-type elimination, in an exothermic step. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Ruthenium complexes including nitrosyl or nitrite complexes are particularly interesting because they can not only scavenge but also release nitric oxide in a controlled manner, regulating the NO-level in vivo. The judicious choice of ligands attached to the [RuNO] core has been shown to be a suitable strategy to modulate NO reactivity in these complexes. In order to understand the influence of different equatorial ligands on the electronic structure of the Ru-NO chemical bonding, and thus on the reactivity of the coordinated NO, we propose an investigation of the nature of the Ru-NO chemical bond by means of energy decomposition analysis (EDA), considering tetraamine and tetraazamacrocycles as equatorial ligands, prior to and after the reduction of the {RuNO}(6) moiety by one electron. This investigation provides a deep insight into the Ru-NO bonding situation, which is fundamental in designing new ruthenium nitrosyl complexes with potential biological applications.


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In order to understand the influence of alkyl side chains on the gas-phase reactivity of 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives, some 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives have been prepared and studied by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry in combination with computational quantum chemistry calculations. Protonation and deprotonation sites were suggested on the basis of gas-phase basicity, proton affinity, gas-phase acidity (?Gacid), atomic charges and frontier orbital analyses. The nature of the intramolecular interaction as well as of the hydrogen bond in the systems was investigated by the atoms-in-molecules theory and the natural bond orbital analysis. The results were compared with data published for lapachol (2-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-1,4-naphthoquinone). For the protonated molecules, water elimination was verified to occur at lower proportion when compared with side chain elimination, as evidenced in earlier studies on lapachol. The side chain at position C(3) was found to play important roles in the fragmentation mechanisms of these compounds. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Die Wechselwirkung zwischen Proteinen und anorganischen Oberflächen fasziniert sowohl aus angewandter als auch theoretischer Sicht. Sie ist ein wichtiger Aspekt in vielen Anwendungen, unter anderem in chirugischen Implantaten oder Biosensoren. Sie ist außerdem ein Beispiel für theoretische Fragestellungen betreffend die Grenzfläche zwischen harter und weicher Materie. Fest steht, dass Kenntnis der beteiligten Mechanismen erforderlich ist um die Wechselwirkung zwischen Proteinen und Oberflächen zu verstehen, vorherzusagen und zu optimieren. Aktuelle Fortschritte im experimentellen Forschungsbereich ermöglichen die Untersuchung der direkten Peptid-Metall-Bindung. Dadurch ist die Erforschung der theoretischen Grundlagen weiter ins Blickfeld aktueller Forschung gerückt. Eine Möglichkeit die Wechselwirkung zwischen Proteinen und anorganischen Oberflächen zu erforschen ist durch Computersimulationen. Obwohl Simulationen von Metalloberflächen oder Proteinen als Einzelsysteme schon länger verbreitet sind, bringt die Simulation einer Kombination beider Systeme neue Schwierigkeiten mit sich. Diese zu überwinden erfordert ein Mehrskalen-Verfahren: Während Proteine als biologische Systeme ausreichend mit klassischer Molekulardynamik beschrieben werden können, bedarf die Beschreibung delokalisierter Elektronen metallischer Systeme eine quantenmechanische Formulierung. Die wichtigste Voraussetzung eines Mehrskalen-Verfahrens ist eine Übereinstimmung der Simulationen auf den verschiedenen Skalen. In dieser Arbeit wird dies durch die Verknüpfung von Simulationen alternierender Skalen erreicht. Diese Arbeit beginnt mit der Untersuchung der Thermodynamik der Benzol-Hydratation mittels klassischer Molekulardynamik. Dann wird die Wechselwirkung zwischen Wasser und den [111]-Metalloberflächen von Gold und Nickel mittels eines Multiskalen-Verfahrens modelliert. In einem weiteren Schritt wird die Adsorbtion des Benzols an Metalloberflächen in wässriger Umgebung studiert. Abschließend wird die Modellierung erweitert und auch die Aminosäuren Alanin und Phenylalanin einbezogen. Dies eröffnet die Möglichkeit realistische Protein- Metall-Systeme in Computersimulationen zu betrachten und auf theoretischer Basis die Wechselwirkung zwischen Peptiden und Oberflächen für jede Art Peptide und Oberfläche vorauszusagen.


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The purpose of this thesis is to further the understanding of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of ternary inter-metallic compounds using density functional theory (DFT). Four main problems are addressed. First, a detailed analysis on the ternary Heusler compounds is made. It has long been known that many Heusler compounds ($X_2YZ$; $X$ and $Y$ transition elements, $Z$ main group element) exhibit interesting half-metallic and ferromagnetic properties. In order to understand these, the dependence of magnetic and electronic properties on the structural parameters, the type of exchange-correlation functional and electron-electron correlation was examined. It was found that almost all Co$_2YZ$ Heusler compounds exhibit half-metallic ferromagnetism. It is also observed that $X$ and $Y$ atoms mainly contribute to the total magnetic moment. The magnitude of the total magnetic moment is determined only indirectly by the nature of $Z$ atoms, and shows a trend consistent with Slater-Pauling behaviour in several classes of these compounds. In contrast to experiments, calculations give a non-integer value of the magnetic moment in certain Co$_2$-based Heusler compounds. To explain deviations of the calculated magnetic moment, the LDA+$U$ scheme was applied and it was found that the inclusion of electron-electron correlation beyond the LSDA and GGA is necessary to obtain theoretical description of some Heusler compounds that are half-metallic ferromagnets. The electronic structure and magnetic properties of substitutional series of the quaternary Heusler compound Co$_2$Mn$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$Si were investigated under LDA+$U$. The calculated band structure suggest that the most stable compound in a half-metallic state will occur at an intermediate Fe concentration. These calculated findings are qualitatively confirmed by experimental studies. Second, the effect of antisite disordering in the Co$_2$TiSn system was investigated theoretically as well as experimentally. Preservation of half-metallicity for Co$_2$TiSn was observed with moderate antisite disordering and experimental findings suggest that the Co and Ti antisites disorder amounts to approximately 10~% in the compound. Third, a systematic examination was carried out for band gaps and the nature (covalent or ionic) of bonding in semiconducting 8- and 18-electron or half-metallic ferromagnet half-Heusler compounds. It was found that the most appropriate description of these compounds from the viewpoint of electronic structures is one of a $YZ$ zinc blende lattice stuffed by the $X$ ion. Simple valence rules are obeyed for bonding in the 8- and 18-electron compounds. Fourth, hexagonal analogues of half-Heusler compounds have been searched. Three series of compounds were investigated: GdPdSb, GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP. GdPdSb is suggested as a possible half-metallic weak ferromagnet at low temperature. GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP were investigated because they exhibit interesting bonding, structural and magnetic properties. The results qualitatively confirm experimental studies on magnetic and structural behaviour in GdPdSb, GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP compounds. ~