961 resultados para Compliance behaviour
Sandwich structures with soft cores are widely used in applications where a high bending stiffness is required without compromising the global weight of the structure, as well as in situations where good thermal and damping properties are important parameters to observe. As equivalent single layer approaches are not the more adequate to describe realistically the kinematics and the stresses distributions as well as the dynamic behaviour of this type of sandwiches, where shear deformations and the extensibility of the core can be very significant, layerwise models may provide better solutions. Additionally and in connection with this multilayer approach, the selection of different shear deformation theories according to the nature of the material that constitutes the core and the outer skins can predict more accurately the sandwich behaviour. In the present work the authors consider the use of different shear deformation theories to formulate different layerwise models, implemented through kriging-based finite elements. The viscoelastic material behaviour, associated to the sandwich core, is modelled using the complex approach and the dynamic problem is solved in the frequency domain. The outer elastic layers considered in this work may also be made from different nanocomposites. The performance of the models developed is illustrated through a set of test cases. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The surface of human syncytiotrophoblast does not induce maternal blood platelet aggregation even though it is not an endothelium. It can be surmised that as occurs in endothelial injury the subcellular components of the syncytiotrophoblast may have pro-or antiaggregatory activity. During congenital Chagas' disease which is associated to trophoblast lesions, platelets may play a role in the development of T. cruzi-induced placentitis. In the present work the aggregatory behaviour of normal human blood platelets was recorded after their challenging with subcellular fractions of syncytiotrophoblast isolated from normal and chagasic women. Nuclear, Mitochondrial, Microsomal and Supernatant fractions isolated from normal and chagasic syncytiotrophoblast failed to induce per se any aggregatory reaction on platelets. When samples of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) were preincubated with normal and chagasic nuclear fractions and then stimulated with collagen at threshold level (CT-PRP) an inhibition of the aggregatory response was observed. Treatment of CT-PRP with normal and chagasic mitochondrial fractions induced inhibition of platelet aggregation whereas only chagasic fraction reduced latency time. Microsornal fraction from normal placentas showed no significant effects on platelet aggregation. It is concluded that subcellular fractions of normal human syncytiotrophoblast do not exhibit any effect on platelet aggregation, whereas those subcellular fractions enriched in intracellular membrane components isolated from chagasic placentas inhibit platelet aggregation.
RESUMO: Na parte inicial incluem-se algumas notas sucintas com base no panorama científico,histórico e cultural da visão considerada segundo três abordagens - o olho (o olho humano na especificidade da sua posição filogenética, elemento anátomo-funcional básico do sistema visual ao qual o cérebro pertence), os olhos (unidades gémeas essenciais do rosto na sua actividade consensual e conjugada da binocularidade), o olhar (carregado de expressão psicológica e o seu efeito sobre o observador, sinal para o comportamento e criador de sentimentos, sedimentado em obras de arte e em formas de superstição dos povos). Segue-se a apresentação de um estudo descritivo transversal, como contribuição para o conhecimento do estado de saúde visual da população infantil da região de Lisboa e determinar factores que o influenciam. Entre Outubro de 2005 e Agosto de 2006 examinaram-se 649 crianças com idade inferior a 10 anos da Consulta de Oftalmologia Pediátrica dos Serviços de Assistência Médico-Social do Sindicato dos Bancários do Sul e Ilhas (SAMS). Colheram-se dados respeitantes a mais de 250 variáveis primárias que cobriram a maior parte dos itens do exame oftalmológico habitual. Na análise dos dados teve-se especialmente em conta a idade, com um papel decisivo nas principais fases de desenvolvimento do sistema visual. No caso das crianças de 6 a 7 anos de idade põem-se lado a lado resultados dos SAMS e das Escolas. A profusão de dados numéricos ditou a necessidade da determinação frequente da significância estatística dos resultados de subgrupos. Alguns resultados do estudo, na sua maioria do grupo SAMS: Crianças de 6-7 anos, 71,1% (SAMS) e 91,5% (Escolas) não tinham sido examinadas com menos de 4 anos. Frequência global de alterações miópicas 9,4%, de alterações hipermetrópicas 25,3%, umas e outras com variações acentuadas com a idade. Estrabismo convergente 3,9%. Ambliopia 2,6% (13/491 crianças >=4 anos de idade), mais frequente no sexo feminino, naquelas que tiveram a sua 1ª observação depois dos 4 anos e em que os pais não aderiam à terapêutica prescrita. Objectivos específicos ocuparam-se da acuidade visual e da refracção ocular. O estudo comparativo da refractometria automática sem e com cicloplegia permitiu evidenciar que o teste da acuidade visual é insuficiente, por si só, para fazer o diagnóstico correcto. A análise dos antecedentes familiares oftalmológicos demonstrou a importância do seu conhecimento e pôs em evidência, entre outras, as seguintes relações: 10 pag1.qxp 27-11-2001 18:28 Page 10 Índice Geral 11 Crianças com antecedentes de alterações miópicas têm maior frequência de diagnóstico de alterações miópicas e de refracção negativa, uma taxa mais elevada de correspondência quantitativa diagnóstico/refracção nas alterações miópicas. Estas crianças também têm, em geral, características inversas no que diz respeito a alterações hipermetrópicas. Crianças com antecedentes de alterações hipermetrópicas têm maior frequência de diagnóstico de alterações hipermetrópicas. Crianças com antecedentes de estrabismo têm maior frequência de diagnóstico de estrabismo convergente manifesto e de esodesvios no seu todo. Crianças com antecedentes familiares de astigmatismo têm maior frequência de diagnóstico de astigmatismo. Traçam-se alguns perfis oftalmológicos infantis que permitem apreciar de forma sinóptica um conjunto de parâmetros da saúde da visão. Os dados colhidos sobre a aderência dos pais à terapêutica prescrita e sobre a atitude em relação ao uso de óculos assim como os dados sobre o comportamento da criança na sala de aula e dificuldades de aprendizagem foram em geral escassos para permitirem tirar conclusões, embora mostrem indícios a investigar futuramente. Paralelamente ortoptistas e enfermeiras efectuaram um rastreio escolar da acuidade visual <0,8 e de alterações da motilidade ocular extrínseca que abrangeu 520 alunos do 1º ano do 1º ciclo do ensino básico (2005/2006) das escolas públicas da cidade de Lisboa. 101 destas crianças foram observadas no consultório da autora, umas referidas a partir do rastreio, outras como controlo deste. Quanto à acuidade visual o valor preditivo do teste negativo foi de 91% mas o do teste positivo de apenas 67% (33% de falsos positivos, consequentemente uma alta taxa de sobrerreferenciação). A qualidade do rastreio efectuado por ortoptistas foi inferior à do efectuado por enfermeiras. O rastreio não teve qualidade aceitável. Foi feito um inquérito a médicos e enfermeiros de centros de saúde sobre conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas em relação com os cuidados de oftalmologia pediátrica. Discutem-se os resultados, tiram-se conclusões e fazem-se recomendações susceptíveis de contribuir para uma melhor saúde visual das crianças. ABSTRACT: Firstly some brief remarks are made based on the scientific, historical and cultural panorama of the human vision with regard to three approaches: the eye (the human eye in its specific filogenetic place, fundamental anatomofunctional element of the visual system in interaction with the brain), the eyes (essential twin units of the face with their consensual and conjugated binocular activity), the gaze (psychologicaly overloaded, a means to express oneself and to influence the observer, a guide to other persons' behaviour, consolidated in works of art and in people's traditional superstitious believes and ways of thinking). A report is made on a cross-sectional descriptive study whose goal is to contribute to the knowledge of the level of visual health of children in the Lisbon Region and to identify factors which determine it. Between October 2005 and August 2006 649 children under 10 years were observed at the pediatric ophthalmologic consultation in the SAMS (Serviços de Assistência Médico-Social do Sindicato dos Bancários do Sul e Ilhas). Data were collected concerning more than 250 primary variables covering most itens of the usual ophthalmological examination. Special attention was paid to children's age since it plays a crucial role in main stages of visual system development. In the case of children age 6 to 7 SAMS and school results are often put side by side. On account of the great number of numerical data it was often necessary to look at the degree of statistical significancy of differencies between subgroups. Some of the study's results (mostly SAMS): Children age 6 to 7 - 71,1% (SAMS) and 91,5% (Schools) had not an ophthalmologic examination before 4 years old. Total frequency of myopic disorders 9,4%, of hypermetropic disorders 25,3%, both showing great differences between age groups; convergent strabismus 3,9%; amblyopia 2,6% (13/491 children over 3 years old), more frequent among little girls, in those with 1st examination after 4 years old and in those whose parents didn´t complied to the therapy ordered for the child. Specific objectives dealt with visual acuity and ocular refraction. The comparison of automatic refractometry without and with cycloplegy showed that visual acuity testing is often not enough for a correct diagnosis. Eye disorders in the family history proved to be a very important information. Analysis of corresponding data disclosed a lot of relationships among others: 12 pag1.qxp 27-11-2001 18:28 Page 12 Índice Geral 13 Children with a family history of myopic disorders have more frequently a diagnosis of myopic disorders and a negative refraction, a higher rate of quantitative diagnosis/refraction matching concerning myopic disorders. Those children have in general inverse characteristics regarding hypermetropic disorders. Children with a family history of hypermetropic disorders have more frequently a diagnosis of hypermetropic disorders. Children with a family history of strabismus have more frequently a diagnosis of manifest convergent strabismus and all forms of esodeviations. Children with a family history of astigmatism have more frequently a diagnosis of astigmatism. Ophthalmologic profiles are drawn allowing to take into account in a synoptic way a set of visual health parameters. Data on parents' compliance with therapy ordered for the child, and attitudes regarding child's glass wearing, as well as data on child's behaviour in the classroom and learning difficulties were as a rule too few to allow conclusions but still need more studies in the future. Orthoptists and nurses performed in the same study period a screening of visual acuity <0,8 and of ocular motility disorders addressed to children of 1srt degree of public schools (term 2005/2006) in the town of Lisbon. 520 of such children were screened. 101 of them were examined by the author in her medical office; some were refered, the others taken as a control. Regarding visual acuity the predictive value of a negative test was 91% but the predictive value of a positive test was only 67% (33% of false positive results, consequently a too high rate of overreferal). Performed by orthoptists screening quality was inferior in comparison with screening done by nurses. On the whole this screening had not the required quality. A survey on physicians' and nurses' knowledge, attitudes and practices related to pediatric ophthalmologic care was carried out in health centers. Results are discussed, conclusions drawn. Some suggestions are made aiming at a better children's visual health.
The concerns on metals in urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are mainly related to its contents in discharges to environment, namely in the final effluent and in the sludge produced. In the near future, more restrictive limits will be imposed to final effluents, due to the recent guidelines of the European Water Framework Directive (EUWFD). Concerning the sludge, at least seven metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn) have been regulated in different countries, four of which were classified by EUWFD as priority substances and two of which were also classified as hazardous substances. Although WWTPs are not designed to remove metals, the study of metals behaviour in these systems is a crucial issue to develop predictive models that can help more effectively the regulation of pre-treatment requirements and contribute to optimize the systems to get more acceptable metal concentrations in its discharges. Relevant data have been published in the literature in recent decades concerning the occurrence/fate/behaviour of metals in WWTPs. However, the information is dispersed and not standardized in terms of parameters for comparing results. This work provides a critical review on this issue through a careful systematization, in tables and graphs, of the results reported in the literature, which allows its comparison and so its analysis, in order to conclude about the state of the art in this field. A summary of the main consensus, divergences and constraints found, as well as some recommendations, is presented as conclusions, aiming to contribute to a more concerted action of future research. © 2015, Islamic Azad University (IAU).
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
The aims of the this prospective study were to analyze physical activity (PA) engagement during the first and second trimesters, considering the different guidelines published on PA, to document the individual characteristics associated with the accomplishment of these guidelines and to examine pregnant women’s perceived barriers to leisure PA, using a socioecological framework. A sample of 133 pregnant women in two stages – at 10–12 weeks’ gestation (T1) and 20– 22 weeks’ gestation (T2) – were evaluated. PA was assessed by accelerometry during the T1 and T2 evaluation stages. Socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle factors and barriers to leisure PA were assessed via questionnaire. A large proportion of women (ranging from 32% to 96%) did not reach the levels of PA recommended by the guidelines. There were no significant differences between T1 and T2 with regard to compliance with PA recommendations. A decrease in PA levels from T1 to T2 was noted for all recommendations. No associations were found between participants’ characteristics and adherence to the recommendations in T1 and T2. No significant differences were found in barriers to leisure PA between T1 and T2. The most commonly reported barriers to leisure PA were intrapersonal, not health related. Our results indicate that there were no differences between trimesters regarding compliance of PA recommendations, and perceived barriers were similar in both trimesters.
As alterações climáticas são atualmente reconhecidas como uma das mais relevantes ameaças ambientais, sociais e económicas. A resposta a este problema tem-se traduzido na aplicação de um conjunto de legislação e práticas, com o objetivo de promover uma redução significativa das emissões de gases com efeito de estufa. Entre outros, os gases fluorados são dos mais relevantes gases com efeito de estufa, conforme identificados no Protocolo de Quioto. No enquadramento legal em vigor a certificação de técnicos e empresas, assim como certificação de ferramentas para o manuseamento de gases fluorados, sofreu, desde 2011, uma profunda alteração, com impacto nos procedimentos de manutenção existentes até essa data, na atividade de empresas prestadoras de serviços de manutenção e na atuação dos proprietários de edifícios civis e industriais com equipamentos que contêm gases fluorados. Esta tese tem como objetivo evidenciar as ações que as empresas prestadores de serviços necessitam executar para a sua certificação, assim como informar os proprietários de edifícios civis ou industriais, sobre as diferentes vertentes que têm à sua disposição, em termos de gestão da manutenção, de forma a garantir o cumprimento da legislação em vigor nas suas instalações e a gestão de ativos físicos que contêm gases fluorados, tais como equipamentos e instalações de aquecimento, ventilação, ar condicionado e refrigeração. Foi efetuada uma pesquisa aprofundada sobre os requisitos legais e técnicos necessários para a cerificação das empresas que atuam neste sector. Um caso de estudo foi realizado e os resultados apresentados sobre todo o processo de certificação de uma empresa do setor do ar condicionado e refrigeração, para poder prestar serviços em equipamentos ou sistemas que contenham gases fluorados com efeito de estufa.
The aim of this study was to undertake a comparative analysis of the practices and information behaviour of European information users who visit information units specialising in European information in Portugal and Spain. The study used a quantitative methodology based on a questionnaire containing closed questions and one open question. The questions covered the general sociological profile of the respondents and their use of European Document Centres, in addition to analysing aspects associated with information behaviour relating to European themes. The study therefore examined data on the preferred means and sources for accessing European information, types of documents and the subjects investigated most. The use of European databases and the Internet to access material on Europe was also studied, together with the reasons which users considered made it easy or difficult to access European information, and the aspects they valued most in accessing this information. The questionnaire was administered in European Document Centres in 2008 and 2010.
Because of the scientific evidence showing that arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and nickel (Ni) are human genotoxic carcinogens, the European Union (EU) recently set target values for metal concentration in ambient air (As: 6 ng/m3, Cd: 5 ng/m3, Ni: 20 ng/m3). The aim of our study was to determine the concentration levels of these trace elements in Porto Metropolitan Area (PMA) in order to assess whether compliance was occurring with these new EU air quality standards. Fine (PM2.5) and inhalable (PM10) air particles were collected from October 2011 to July 2012 at two different (urban and suburban) locations in PMA. Samples were analyzed for trace elements content by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The study focused on determination of differences in trace elements concentration between the two sites, and between PM2.5 and PM10, in order to gather information regarding emission sources. Except for chromium (Cr), the concentration of all trace elements was higher at the urban site. However, results for As, Cd, Ni, and lead (Pb) were well below the EU limit/target values (As: 1.49 ± 0.71 ng/m3; Cd: 1.67 ± 0.92 ng/m3; Ni: 3.43 ± 3.23 ng/m3; Pb: 17.1 ± 10.1 ng/m3) in the worst-case scenario. Arsenic, Cd, Ni, Pb, antimony (Sb), selenium (Se), vanadium (V), and zinc (Zn) were predominantly associated to PM2.5, indicating that anthropogenic sources such as industry and road traffic are the main source of these elements. High enrichment factors (EF > 100) were obtained for As, Cd, Pb, Sb, Se, and Zn, further confirming their anthropogenic origin.
The course of infection with a Peru strain of T. cruzi was studied in 3 rhesus monkeys. An unsuccessful attempt to vaccinate one monkey is described. The IaM leves rise during the course of infection in ali 3 animais. A lumnhocytosis and mild anaemia was noted in these acute infections. Orbital oedema occurred in all 3 animais following subcutaneous inoculation of the infection dose into the eyelid.
Introduction: In 2008, ESPGHAN published a position paper on complementary feeding providing recommendations to health care professionals. Cultural and socio-economic factors might affect the compliance to these orientations. Aim: To estimate the prevalence of inadequacies during complementary feeding (ESPGHAN, 2008) and its association with different ethnic backgrounds. Methods: Cross-sectional survey of a convenience sample of caretakers of children up to 24 months of age in a single community health centre in Greater Lisbon, through a volunteer, self-applied questionnaire. Results: From a sample of children with wide cultural diversity, 161 valid questionnaires were obtained (median child’s age 9 months, median mother’s age 32 years). The prevalence rate of at least one complementary feeding inadequacy was 46% (95%CI: 38.45-53.66). The commonest inadequacies were: avoiding lumpy solid foods after 10 months of age (66.7%), avoidance or delayed introduction of foods beyond 12 months (35.4%), introduction of gluten beyond 7 months (15.9%) or salt before 12 months (6.7%). For each increase of 1 month in the age of the child, the odds of inadequacies raised 36.7% (OR = 1.37; 95%CI: 1.20-1.56; p < 0.001). The odds for inadequacies in children of African or Brazilian offspring was three times higher that of Portuguese ancestry (OR = 3.31; 95%CI: 0.87-12.61; p = 0.079). The influence of grandparents was related to an increase in the odds of inadequacies (OR = 3.69; 95%CI: 0.96-14.18; p = 0.058).Conclusion: Inadequacies during complementary feeding are frequent and may be influenced by the cultural background.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics