939 resultados para Coloring books
This article presents data-rich findings of a comprehensive follow-up study on the patron-driven/demand-driven ebook acquisitions (DDA) plan chronicled in two prior articles from the DDA ebook plan's October 2011 inception. Into the third fiscal year, print vs. ebook usage preferences have begun to emerge, and the results broken out by discipline are presented.
This article explores libraries’ technical workflow design and strategic considerations as various e-books business models and mobile devices and their management become a growing part of the information landscape.
O problema de pesquisa da presente dissertação reside no questionamento sobre quais são os fatores de adoção e resistência ao consumo de e-books em plataformas digitais. Para analisá-lo foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória. Durante a coleta de dados, além da pesquisa bibliográfica realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo para obtenção de dados empíricos, com 12 entrevistas em profundidade, utilizando-se um roteiro semiestruturado. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por meio do método de análise de conteúdo. Ademais, este trabalho foi estruturado da seguinte forma: no capítulo 1 o problema de pesquisa é apresentando e contextualizado, bem como os objetivos e pressupostos desta dissertação; no capítulo 2 é abordado o referencial teórico pertinente, consistente no mercado de e-books, hábitos, atitudes e a relação entre hábitos e atitudes; no capítulo 3 é apresentada a metodologia de pesquisa utilizada; no capítulo 4 são apresentados e analisados os resultados da pesquisa de campo; no capítulo 5 apresentam-se as observações finais acerca deste trabalho. Assim, procurou-se por intermédio deste estudo articular a adoção do consumo de e-books com a teoria dos hábitos de consumo e das atitudes perante a tecnologia.
Complex electro-optical analysis is a very useful approach to separate different kinetic processes that occur during ionic insertion reactions in electrochromic oxide materials. In this paper, we use this type of combined technique to investigate ionic and optical changes in different oxide host systems, i.e., in two oxide hosts, specifically WO3 and Nb2O5. A comparison of their electro-optical responses revealed the presence of an ionic trapping contribution to the kinetics of the coloring sites, which was named here as coloring ionic trapping state. As expected, this coloring trapping process is slower in Nb2O5 since the reduction potential of Nb2O5 is more negative (more energy is needed for a higher degree of coloration). A phenomenological solid-state model that encompasses homogeneous charge transfer and valence trapping was proposed to explain the coloring ionic trapping process. Basically the model is able to explain how ionic dynamics at low frequency region, i.e., the slower kinetic step, controls the coloring kinetics, i.e., how it is capable to regulate the coloring rates.Optical transient analyses demonstrated the possibility of the presence of more than one coloring ionic trap, indicating the complexity of the processes involved in coloration phenomenon in metal oxide host systems. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This study evaluated the Influence of the coloring agent concentration on the temperature of the gel layer and pulp chamber during dental bleaching with an LED/laser light source. Ten human incisors and a digital thermometer with K-type thermocouples were used. Using a high-speed spherical diamond bur, endodontic access was gained through openings on the lingual faces until pulp chamber was exposed. One end of the thermocouple was placed on the labial surface (immersed in bleaching gel) and the other end in the pulp chamber. The same 10 specimens were used in the 12 groups, according to the type and concentration of bleaching gel. Each bleaching gel was used in four different concentrations: manipulated without coloring, with normal quantity recommended by the manufacturer, with double the recommended amount of coloring, and with triple the recommended amount of coloring. The temperature rise was measured every 30 seconds for three minutes with a K-type thermocouple. The data were analyzed by ANOVA to examine the concentration and type of bleaching gel. This test was followed by Tukey's test, which was performed Independently for the gel at the labial surface and the pulp chamber (a = 5%). For both surfaces, values of p = 0.00 were obtained for all factors and for the Interaction between them. The varying concentrations of coloring agent produced statistically significant differences in terms of temperature increase for both the gel layer and the pulp chamber during activation.
Sob a influência de seu predecessor mais forte, John Milton, o poeta, pintor e gravurista William Blake reage a essa influência incorporando-a dinamicamente à sua poesia. Porém, a reação à influência poética é mais abrangente que a incorporação do Paradise Lost, de John Milton, ao seu poema Milton: a Poem in Two Books e conduz o autor a criar uma linguagem poética na qual as referências extratextuais verbais e visuais são transferidas, por meio de metalinguagem, para o interior do próprio poema. Sem referências claras para ajudá-lo, o leitor é induzido a criar suas referências subjetivas e dar sentido ao texto, transformando-se, assim, de leitor passivo, em leitor/criador ativo. Palavras-chave: William Blake; iluminuras; John Milton; influência; reação; sistema verbal/visual.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)