863 resultados para Chepstow Castle (Chepstow, Wales)
This paper is prompted by the widespread acceptance that the rates of inter-county and inter-state migration have been falling in the USA and sets itself the task of examining whether this decline in migration intensities is also the case in the UK. It uses annual inter-area migration matrices available for England and Wales since the 1970s by broad age group. The main methodological challenge, arising from changes in the geography of health areas for which the inter-area flows are given, is addressed by adopting the lowest common denominator of 80 areas. Care is also taken to allow for the effect of economic cycles in producing short-term fluctuations on migration rates and to isolate the effect of a sharp rise in rates for 16-24 year olds in the 1990s, which is presumed to be related to the expansion of higher education. The findings suggest that, unlike for the USA, there has not been a substantial decline in the intensity of internal migration between the first two decades of the study period and the second two. If there has been any major decline in the intensity of address changing in England and Wales, it can only be for the within-area moves that this time series does not cover. This latter possibility is examined in a companion paper using a very different data set (Champion and Shuttleworth, 2016).
Expectations of migration and mobility steadily increasing in the longer term, which have a long currency in migration theory and related social science, are at odds with the latest US research showing a marked decline in internal migration rates. This paper reports the results of research that investigates whether England and Wales have experienced any similar change in recent decades. Using the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study (ONS-LS) of linked census records, it examines the evidence provided by its 10-year migration indicator, with particular attention to a comparison of the first and latest decades available, 1971-1981 and 2001-2011. This suggests that, as in the USA, there has been a marked reduction in the level of shorter-distance (less than 10km) moving that has involved almost all types of people. In contrast to this and to US experience, however, the propensity of people to make longer-distance address changes between decennial censuses has declined much less, largely corroborating the results of a companion study tracking the annual trend in rates of between-area migration since the 1970s (Champion and Shuttleworth, 2016).
Detailing what the Prince had to say about his travels.
Abstract This seminar is a research discussion around a very interesting problem, which may be a good basis for a WAISfest theme. A little over a year ago Professor Alan Dix came to tell us of his plans for a magnificent adventure:to walk all of the way round Wales - 1000 miles 'Alan Walks Wales'. The walk was a personal journey, but also a technological and community one, exploring the needs of the walker and the people along the way. Whilst walking he recorded his thoughts in an audio diary, took lots of photos, wrote a blog and collected data from the tech instruments he was wearing. As a result Alan has extensive quantitative data (bio-sensing and location) and qualitative data (text, images and some audio). There are challenges in analysing individual kinds of data, including merging similar data streams, entity identification, time-series and textual data mining, dealing with provenance, ontologies for paths, and journeys. There are also challenges for author and third-party annotation, linking the data-sets and visualising the merged narrative or facets of it.
Resumen del autor. Este art??culo pertenece al monogr??fico 'John Elliott: su pensamiento y su influencia'
Pertenece a un amplio programa infantil de lectura que abarca distintos niveles de edad y, por tanto, de conocimientos. Se abordan las necesidades de lectura en los niños y la amplia variedad de habilidades que necesitan adquirir para su aprendizaje y, se destaca, también, la importancia de la narración en las historias. Aventuras de la abuela de Biff, Chip y Kipper en un castillo encantado, habitado por brujas.
Meg la bruja y sus amigos pasan la noche en un castillo en el que se reúnen los fantasmas de dos hostiles caballeros. Por la noche, se oyen ruidos extraños de cascos, escudos y lanzas, son los caballeros Blanco y Verde. El caballero Blanco da órdenes. Piedras, flechas, aceite y Meg hace un hechizo para resolver la situación.
Se repasa la historia de los castillos como fortificaciones medievales que cumplieron funciones militares, residenciales y penitenciarias, desde su origen en el imperio carolingio hasta su decadencia a fines del siglo XV. Se describen algunas de sus estancias y sus partes más características,así como su origen en distintos países.También se nos acerca a aspectos sociales,económicos y de la vida cotidiana de las gentes que vivían en ellos.
Unos niños acompañados de un perro se dirigen a un castillo donde hay un monstruo. Tienen miedo pero entran en el castillo y le descubren.