232 resultados para Chemoenzymatic Epoxidation
Il progetto di ricerca di questa tesi è stato focalizzato sulla sintesi di tre classi di molecole: β-lattami, Profeni e α-amminonitrili, utilizzando moderne tecniche di sintesi organica, metodologie ecosostenibili e strategie biocatalitiche. I profeni sono una categoria di antiinfiammatori molto diffusa e in particolare abbiamo sviluppato e ottimizzato una procedura in due step per ottenere (S)-Profeni da 2-arilpropanali raceme. Il primo step consiste in una bioriduzione delle aldeidi per dare i relativi (S)-2-Aril Propanoli tramite un processo DKR mediato dall’enzima Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase. Il secondo, l’ossidazione a (S)-Profeni, è promossa da NaClO2 e TEMPO come catalizzatore. Con lo scopo di migliorare il processo, in collaborazione con il gruppo di ricerca di Francesca Paradisi all’University College Dublino abbiamo immobilizzato l’enzima HLADH, ottenendo buone rese e una migliore enantioselettività. Abbiamo inoltre proposto un interessante approccio enzimatico per l’ossidazione degli (S)-2-Aril Propanoli utilizzando una laccasi da Trametes Versicolor. L’anello β-lattamico è un eterociclo molto importante, noto per essere un interessante farmacoforo. Abbiamo sintetizzato nuovi N-metiltio beta-lattami, che hanno mostrato un’attività antibatterica molto interessante contro ceppi resistenti di Staphilococcus Aureus prelevati da pazienti affetti da fibrosis cistica. Abbiamo poi coniugato gruppi polifenolici a questi nuovi β-lattami ottenendo molecule antiossidanti e antibatteriche, cioè con attività duale. Abbiamo poi sintetizzato un nuovo ibrido retinoide-betalattame che ha indotto differenziazione si cellule di neuroblastoma. Abbiamo poi sfruttato la reazione di aperture dell’anello monobattamico tramite enzimi idrolitici, con lo scopo di ottenere β-amminoacidi chirali desimmetrizzati come il monoestere dell’acido β–amminoglutammico. Per quando riguarda gli α-amminonitrili, è stato sviluppato un protocollo di Strecker. Le reazioni sono state molto efficienti utilizzando come fonte di cianuro l’acetone cianidrina in acqua, utilizzando differenti aldeidi e chetoni, ammine primarie e secondarie. Per mettere a punto una versione asimmetrica del protocollo, abbiamo usato ammine chirali con lo scopo di ottenere nuovi α-amminonitrili chirali.
Kohlenhydrate wurden bislang nur selten zur Darstellung chiraler Liganden verwendet. Sie gelten als zu polyfunktionell und konformativ zu flexibel, um daraus mit vertretbarem Aufwand Liganden zu synthetisieren, die die Anforderungen an ein leistungsfähiges Katalysatorsystem - die spezifische Komplexierung des Metalls in einer konformativ möglichst rigiden Umgebung - erfüllen.rnDas Element der planaren Chiralität erwies sich in vielen asymmetrischen, katalytischen Prozessen als entscheidend für die Erzielung hoher Enantioselektivitäten.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit baut auf den Kohlenhydratliganden-Synthesen mit Glycosylaminen auf, die über geeignete komplexierende Zentren verfügen, um damit andere als die bisher mit Kohlenhydraten bekannten enantioselektiven Katalysen durchführen zu können. Zur Synthese stickstoffhaltiger chiraler Verbindungen haben sich besonders perpivaloylierte Glycosylamine vom Typ des 2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-pivaloyl-β-D-galactopyranosylamins bewährt. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurden Schiff-Basen aus pivaloyliertem Galactosylamin bzw. verschiedenen anderen Galactosylamin-Bausteinen als chiralem Rückgrat, und einem Aldehyd auf der Basis von planar chiralem [2.2]Paracyclophan dargestellt. Die neuen N-Galactosylimine wurden außerdem in asymmetrischen Ugi-Reaktionen und in Tandem Mannich-Michael-Reaktionen zu N-Galactosyl-dehydropiperidinonen untersucht. Bei der Spaltung der dargestellten N-Galactosylimine von Paracyclophan-aldehyden unter mineralsauren Bedingungen sollten die entsprechenden mono- und di-substituierten Formyl- [2.2]paracyclophane in enantiomerenreiner Form erhalten werden. Die erhaltenen Verbindungen wurden als potentielle N,O-Liganden in der asymmetrischen Strecker Reaktion, in die enantioselektiven Epoxidierungen und in der Addition von Diethylzink an aromatische und aliphatische Aldehyde untersucht.rn
La sostituzione di materie prime provenienti da risorse fossili con biomasse rinnovabili, utilizzando un processo a basso impatto ambientale, è una delle più importanti sfide della "Green Chemistry". Allo stesso tempo, la sintesi di resine epossidiche fornisce la chiave per la realizzazione di materiali ad alto valore aggiunto. Tuttavia, ad oggi, il 90% della produzione di resine epossidiche è basato sull'uso di bisfenolo A, che ha effetti di xenoestrogeno, ed epicloridrina, tossica e cancerogena. Su queste basi, è stata individuata una strategia sintetica per la sintesi di prepolimeri innovativi per resine epossidiche, che utilizza come substrato di reazione diidrossibenzeni di origine naturale ed evita l'uso di epicloridrina e altri reagenti tossici o pericolosi. La suddetta strategia sintetica è basata sulla sequenza: allilazione dei diidrossibenzeni - epossidazione dei doppi legami ottenuti. In questa procedura non vengono utilizzati drastiche condizioni di reazione e il solvente è acqua, con una catalisi di trasferimento di fase o, in aggiunte di acetonitrile, in un sistema bifasico. La resa complessiva dei due “step” dipende dalla posizione dei due ossidrili nei diidrossibenzeni. Il reagente che porta la resa massima è l’idrochinone (1,4 diidrossibenzene), che, come riportato in letteratura, permette la formazione di resine epossidiche con proprietà simili alle resine di epicloridrina e bisfenolo A. The substitution of raw materials from fossil fuels with renewable biomass using a low environmental impact process is one of the greatest challenges of the "Green Chemistry". At the same time, the synthesis of epoxy resins provides the key to the realization of high added value materials. However, 90% of the production of epoxy resins is based on the use of bisphenol A, a xenoestrogen, and epichlorohydrin, that is toxic and carcinogenic. On these bases, a synthetic strategy for the synthesis of innovative prepolymers of epoxy resins, that uses dihydroxybenzenes of natural origin as reaction substrates and avoids the use of epichlorohydrin and other toxic or dangerous reagents has been identified. The above synthetic strategy is based on the sequence: allylation of dihydroxybenzenes - epoxidation of the double bonds obtained. In this procedure, drastic reaction conditions are dismissed and the solvent used is water with a phase transfer catalysis or, in addition, acetonitrile in a biphasic system. The overall yield of the two steps depends on the position of the two hydroxyls of the dihydroxybenzenes. The reagent that leads to the highest yield is hydroquinone (1,4 dihydroxybenzene), which, as reported in literature, allows the formation of epoxy resins with similar properties to the resins from bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit mit dem Titel „Enantioselektive Organokatalyse in Epoxidierungen und Cyanhydrinbildungen“ wurde die Synthese zweier Cyclophan-carbaldimine durchgeführt. Beide Verbindungen bestehen aus einem Glykosyl-Baustein und einem Paracyclophan-Baustein, die über eine Imin-Bindung verbrückt sind. Die Cyclophan-carbaldimine wurden dann als Katalysatoren in einer Reihe von enantioselektiven Reaktionen verwendet. Enantioselektive Reaktionen bilden von zwei spiegelbildlichen Produkten stets eines im Überschuss. Zu diesen Reaktionen zählen die in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten enantioselektiven Epoxidierungen und enantioselektiven Cyanhydrinsynthesen. Die enantioselektiven Epoxidierungen waren dabei als Teil der Totalsynthesen der Naturstoffe Dasyscyphin D und Caripyrin geplant. Diese beiden Naturstoffe zeigten in biologischen Tests am Institut für Biotechnologie und Wirkstoffforschung (IBWF) in Kaiserslautern Aktivität gegen den Reisbrand-Pilz Magnaporthe grisea, der für Ernteverluste in beträchtlichem Ausmaß verantwortlich ist. Das Caripyrin selbst beinhaltet eine Epoxidstruktur. Mittels der oben angeführten Katalysatoren wurde versucht, diese Epoxidstruktur selektiv einzuführen. Dies gelang nicht, aber der Naturstoff konnte mittels Epoxidierung durch m-Chlorperbenzoesäure erstmals dargestellt werden. In mehreren biologischen Vergleichstests am IBWF Kaiserslautern zeigte auch das synthetische Caripyrin mit dem natürlichen Caripyrin vergleichbare biologische Aktivität.rnDas Dasyscyphin D an sich trägt keine Epoxidfunktion. Dennoch spielt sie auch hier eine wichtige Rolle. Innerhalb der geplanten Totalsynthese von Dasyscyphin D sollte die Farnesylseitenkette eines aromatischen Ringes selektiv epoxidiert werden. Durch einen elektrophilen Angriff an dieses Epoxid sollte im Anschluss eine Cyclisierung zum Dasyscyphin-Grundgerüst eingeleitet werden, aus dem dann Dasyscyphin D dargestellt werden sollte. Im Gegensatz zur Caripyrin-Synthese, bei der die selektive Epoxidierung nicht gelang, scheint sie in der Synthese von Dasyscyphin D sattgefunden zu haben, allerdings ist eine Isolierung des Reaktionsproduktes noch nicht gelungen. Folglich konnte das Dasyscyphin D noch nicht erfolgreich synthetisiert werden.rnDie Versuche zur enantioselektiven Cyanhydrin-Synthese waren nicht Bestandteil einer Totalsynthese. Die Cyanhydrine wurden zuerst als Racemate synthetisiert und gaschromatographisch vermessen, um auf diese Weise die exakten Retentionszeiten der einzelnen Enantiomere zu ermitteln. Anschließend wurden die Cyanhydrine dann enantioselektiv dargestellt und ebenfalls gaschromatographisch vermessen. Durch den Vergleich mit den racemischen Cyanhydrinen konnte dabei direkt aus der Reaktionslösung gemessen werden, was erforderlich war, da eine Isolierung der Cyanhydrine unter den gewählten Reaktionsbedingen nicht gelang. Aus den gaschromatographischen Messungen konnten Enantiomerenüberschüsse von bis zu 95 % ermittelt werden. Weiterhin ergaben die Messungen, dass der Arabinosyl-Katalysator im Vergleich mit dem Galactosyl-Katalysator eine geringere Enantioselektivität induziert, was vermutlich auf leichte räumliche Differenzen der beiden Katalysatoren zurückzuführen ist. Ein weiteres wichtiges Ergebnis war, dass beide Katalysatoren, wie geplant, unterschiedliche Enantiomere im Überschuss bilden. Die Glykosyl- und Paracyclophan-Bausteine der beiden Katalysatoren waren so gewählt worden, dass beide Katalysatoren pseudo-Enantiomere bilden. Auf diese Weise sollte eine Einflussnahme auf das gebildete Enantiomer durch die Wahl des entsprechenden Cyclophan-carbaldimin-Katalysators möglich gemacht werden, was, wie bereits erwähnt, gelang.rn
This thesis work has been carried out during the Erasmus exchange period at the “Université Paris 6 – Pierre et Marie Curie”, in the “Edifices PolyMétalliques – EPOM” team, leaded by Prof. Anna Proust, belonging to the “Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire”, under the supervision of Dr. Guillaume Izzet and Dr. Geoffroy Guillemot. The redox properties of functionalized Keggin and Dawson POMs have been exploited in photochemical, catalytic and reactivity tests. For the photochemical purposes, the selected POMs have been functionalized with different photoactive FGs, and the resulting products have been characterized by CV analyses, luminescence tests and UV-Vis analyses. In future, these materials will be tested for hydrogen photoproduction and polymerization of photoactive films. For the catalytic purposes, POMs have been firstly functionalized with silanol moieties, to obtain original coordination sites, and then post-functionalized with TMs such as V, Ti and Zr in their highest oxidation states. In this way, the catalytic properties of TMs were coupled to the redox properties of POM frameworks. The redox behavior of some of these hybrids has been studied by spectro-electrochemical and EPR methods. Catalytic epoxidation tests have been carried out on allylic alcohols and n-olefins, employing different catalysts and variable amounts of them. The performances of POM-V hybrids have been compared to those of VO(iPrO)3. Finally, reactivity of POM-VIII hybrids has been studied, using styrene oxide and ethyl-2-diazoacetate as substrates. All the obtained products have been analyzed via NMR techniques. Cyclovoltammetric analyses have been carried out in order to determine the redox behavior of selected hybrids.
Epoxy resins are very diffused materials due to their high added value deriving from high mechanical proprieties and thermal resistance; for this reason they are widely used both as metallic coatings in aerospace and in food packaging. However, their preparation uses dangerous reagents like bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin respectively classified as suspected of causing damage to fertility and to be carcinogen. Therefore, to satisfy the ever-growing attention to environmental problems and human safeness, we are considering alternative “green” processes through the use of reagents obtained as by-products from other processes and mild experimental conditions, and also economically sustainable and attractive for industries. Following previous results, we carried out the reaction leading to the formation of diphenolic acid (DPA), its allylation and the following epoxidation of the double bonds, all in aqueous solvent. In a second step the obtained product were cross-linked at high temperature with and without the use of hardeners. Then, on the obtained resin, some tests were performed like release in aqueous solution, scratch test and DSC analysis.
Volatile amines are prominent indicators of food freshness, as they are produced during many microbiological food degradation processes. Monitoring and indicating the volatile amine concentration within the food package by intelligent packaging solutions might therefore be a simple yet powerful way to control food safety throughout the distribution chain.rnrnIn this context, this work aims to the formation of colourimetric amine sensing surfaces on different substrates, especially transparent PET packaging foil. The colour change of the deposited layers should ideally be discernible by the human eye to facilitate the determination by the end-user. rnrnDifferent tailored zinc(II) and chromium(III) metalloporphyrins have been used as chromophores for the colourimetric detection of volatile amines. A new concept to increase the porphyrins absorbance change upon exposure to amines is introduced. Moreover, the novel porphyrins’ processability during the deposition process is increased by their enhanced solubility in non-polar solvents.rnrnThe porphyrin chromophores have successfully been incorporated into polysiloxane matrices on different substrates via a dielectric barrier discharge enhanced chemical vapour deposition. This process allows the use of nitrogen as a cheap and abundant plasma gas, produces minor amounts of waste and by-products and can be easily introduced into (existing) roll-to-roll production lines. The formed hybrid sensing layers tightly incorporate the porphyrins and moreover form a porous structure to facilitate the amines diffusion to and interaction with the chromophores.rnrnThe work is completed with the thorough analysis of the porphyrins’ amine sensing performance in solution as well as in the hybrid coatings . To reveal the underlying interaction mechanisms, the experimental results are supported by DFT calculations. The deposited layers could be used for the detection of NEt3 concentrations below 10 ppm in the gas phase. Moreover, the coated foils have been tested in preliminary food storage experiments. rnrnThe mechanistic investigations on the interaction of amines with chromium(III) porphyrins revealed a novel pathway to the formation of chromium(IV) oxido porphyrins. This has been used for electrochemical epoxidation reactions with dioxygen as the formal terminal oxidant.rn
Mo(VI) oxo complexes have been persistently sought after as epoxidation catalysts. Further, Mo(V) oxo clusters of the form M4(µ3-X)4 (M = transition metal, X = O, S) have been rigorously studied due to their remarkable structures and also their usefulness as models for electronic studies. The syntheses and characterizations of new Mo(VI) and Mo(V) oxo complexes have been described in this dissertation. Two new complexes MoO2Cl2Ph2P(O)CH2COOH and MoO2Cl2Ph2P(O)C6H4tBuS(O) were synthesized from reactions of “MoO2Cl2” with ligands Ph2P(O)CH2COOH and Ph2P(O)C6H4tBuS(O). Tetrameric packing arrangements comprised of hydrogen bonds were obtained for the complex MoO2Cl2Ph2P(O)CH2COOH and the ligand Ph2P(O)CH2COOH. Further the stability of an Mo-O bond was preferred over the Mo-S bond even though this resulted in the formation of a more strained seven membered ring. Tetranuclear Mo(V) complexes of the form [Mo4(µ3-O)4(µ-O2PR2)4O4], (PR2 = PPh2, PMe2) were synthesized using reactions of MoO2(acac)2 with diphenyl and dimethyl phosphinic acids, in ethanol. In the crystal structure of these complexes four Mo=O units are interconnected by four triply bridging oxygen atoms and bridging phosphinate ligands. The complex exhibited fourfold symmetry as evidenced by a single 31P NMR peak for the P atoms in the coordinated ligands. Reaction of WO2(acac)2 with Ph2POOH in methanol resulted in a dimeric W(VI) complex [(CH3O)2(O)W(µ-O)( µ-O2PPh2)2W(O)(CH3O)2] which contained a packing disorder in its crystal structure. Similar reactions of MoO2(acac)2 with benzoic acid derivatives resulted in dimeric complexes of the form [Mo2O2(acac)2(µ-O)(µ-OC2H5)(µ-O2CR)] (R = C6H5, (o-OH)C6H4, (p-Cl)C6H4, (2,4-(OH)2)C6H3, (o-I)C6H4) and one tetrameric complex [Mo2O2(acac)2(µ-O)(µ-OC2H5)(µ-O2C)C6H4(p-µ-O2C)Mo2O2(acac)2(µ-O)(µ-OC2H5)] with terephthalic acid. 1H NMR proved very useful in the prediction of the formation of dimers with the substituted benzoic acids, which were also confirmed by elemental analyses. The reductive capability of ethanol proved instrumental in the syntheses of Mo(V) tetrameric and dimeric clusters. Synthetic details, IR, 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopy and elemental analyses are reported for all new complexes. Further, single crystal X-ray structures of MoO2Cl2Ph2P(O)CH2COOH, MoO2Cl2Ph2P(O)C6H4tBuS(O), [Mo4(µ3-O)4(µ-O2PR2)4O4], (PR2 = PPh2, PMe2), [(CH3O)2(O)W(µ-O)( µ-O2PPh2)2W(O)(CH3O)2] and [Mo2O2(acac)2(µ-O)(µ-OC2H5)(µ-O2CR)] (R = C6H5, (o-OH)C6H4) are also presented.
We are interested in the syntheses of new complexes and in their characterization by single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. Once we understand the structures, studies aimed at understanding uses of these complexes in the field of catalytic epoxidation using complexes soluble in water and syntheses of thin films (not assessed) were conducted. The syntheses, characterization and catalytic properties of a series of mononuclear, dinuclear and tetranuclear molybdenum and tungsten oxo complexes are described. The syntheses and structural characterization of two copper coordination polymers with 3,5-dihydroxylbenzoate ligand, and five paddlewheel shaped copper dendrimers coordinated with Fréchet-type dendrons are also detailed. The background of this dissertation is outlined in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 describes the syntheses, and characterization of two new mononuclear molybdenum(VI) and tungsten(VI) oxo complexes, MoO2Cl2(OPPh2CH2OH)2, and WO2Cl2(OPPh2CH2OH)2, bearing hydrophilic phosphine oxide ligand. The catalytic properties of these complexes for the epoxidation of cis-cyclooctene were also studied. Two new dinuclear molybdenum(VI) and tungsten(VI) oxo complexes Mo2O4Cl2[(HOCH2)PhPOO]2, and (CH3O)2(O)W(μ-O)(μ-O2PPh2)2W(O)(CH3O)2, bearing organophosphinate ligand are described in Chapter 3 and 4. Chapter 4 and 5 describes the syntheses and characterization of tetranuclear molybdenum(V) oxo complexes bearing various organophosphinate ligands. The catalytic abilities of these complexes for the epoxidation of cis-cyclooctene in the presence of hydrogen peroxide as oxidant were explored as well. Various spectroscopic methods, such as IR, UV-vis, and NMR are used to characterize the nature of these complexes. Crystal structures of compounds MoO2Cl2(OPPh2CH2OH)2, WO2Cl2(OPPh2CH2OH)2, Mo2O4Cl2[(HOCH2)PhPOO]2, (CH3O)2(O)W(μ-O)(μ-O2PPh2)2W(O)(CH3O)2, and Mo4(µ3-O)4(µ-O2PR2)4O4 (R=Ph, Me, ClCH2, o-C6H4(CH2)2) are also presented. The syntheses, and structural characterization of three copper(II) coordination polymers bearing 3,5-dihydroxybenzoate ligand are described in Chapter 6. Two copper(II) coordination polymers, [Cu2(3,5-dhb)2(pyridine)4]n, and [Cu2(3,5-dhb)4]n were afforded based on different amount of pyridine used in the reaction. The structures of these complexes are further built into 2D or 3D networks via inter or intra hydrogen bonds. The syntheses and structural characterization of the zinc(II) monomer, Zn(3,5-dhb)2(pyridine)2 is also described in this Chapter. Chapter 7 describes the syntheses, and characterization of five dendronized dicopper complexes bearing different generations of Fréchet-type dendrons. The structures of 3,5- bis(benzoyloxl)benzoic acid, 3,5-(PhCOO)2PhCOOH (G1), Cu2(3,5-dhb)4(THF)2, Cu2(G1)4(pyridine)2, and Cu2(G1)4(CH3OH)2 were characterized unambiguously by single X-ray diffraction. In addition, all compounds were characterized by FT-IR, UV-vis spectroscopy and elemental analyses.
We describe the synthesis of (5 S )-5- C -butylthymidine ( 5a ), of the (5 S )-5- C -butyl- and the (5 S )-5- C -isopentyl derivatives 16a and 16b of 2-deoxy-5-methylcytidine, as well as of the corresponding cyanoethyl phosphoramidites 9a , b and 14a , b , respectively. Starting from thymidin-5-al 1 , the alkyl chain at C(5) is introduced via Wittig chemistry to selectively yield the ( Z )-olefin derivatives 3a and 3b ( Scheme 2 ). The secondary OH function at C(5) is then introduced by epoxidation followed by regioselective reduction of the epoxy derivatives 4a and 4b with diisobutylaluminium hydride. In the latter step, a kinetic resolution of the diastereoisomer mixture 4a and 4b occurs, yielding the alkylated nucleoside 2a and 2b , respectively, with (5 S )-configuration in high diastereoisomer purity (de=94%). The corresponding 2-deoxy-5-methylcytidine derivatives are obtained from the protected 5-alkylated thymidine derivatives 7a and 7b via known base interconversion processes in excellent yields ( Scheme 3 ). Application of the same strategy to the purine nucleoside 2-deoxyadenine to obtain 5- C -butyl-2-deoxyadenosine 25 proved to be difficult due to the sensitivity of the purine base to hydride-based reducing agents ( Scheme 4 ).
A novel, chemically-modified partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (PHVO) is described. The PHVO is produced by a three-step reaction process that includes epoxidation, a ringopening reaction, followed by esterification. The modified PHVO has improved kneadability and, if mixed with fully hydrogenated fat(s ), hardness comparable to umnodified PHVO.
Background and Aims: Anthropogenic depletion of stratospheric ozone in Arctic latitudes has resulted in an increase of ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) reaching the biosphere. UV-B exposure is known to reduce aboveground biomass and plant height, to increase DNA damage and cause accumulation of UV-absorbing compounds in polar plants. However, many studies on Arctic mosses tended to be inconclusive. The importance of different water availability in influencing UV-B impacts on lower plants in the Arctic has been poorly explored and might partially explain the observed wide variation of responses, given the importance of water in controlling bryophyte physiology. This study aimed to assess the long-term responses of three common sub-Arctic bryophytes to enhanced UV-B radiation (+UV-B) and to elucidate the influence of water supply on those responses. Results: Responses were species specific: H. splendens responded most to +UV-B, with reduction in both annual growth (-22%) and sporophyte production (-44%), together with increased b-carotene, violaxanthin, total chlorophyll and NPQ, and decreased zeaxanthin and de-epoxidation of the xanthophyll cycle pool (DES). Barbilophozia lycopodioides responded less to +UV-B, showing increased b-carotene and sclerophylly and decreased UV-absorbing compounds. Polytrichum commune only showed small morphogenetic changes. No effect of UV-B on bryophyte cover was observed. Water availability had profound effects on bryophyte ecophysiology, and plants showed, in general, lower growth and ETR, together with a higher photoprotection in the drier site. Water availability also influenced bryophyte responses to +UV-B and, in particular, responses were less detectable in the drier site. Conclusions: Impacts of UV-B exposure on Arctic bryophytes were significant, in contrast to modest or absent UV-B effects measured in previous studies. The impacts were more easily detectable in species with high plasticity such as H. splendens and less obvious, or more subtle, under drier conditions. Species biology and water supply greatly influences the impact of UV-B on at least some Arctic bryophytes and could contribute to the wide variation of responses observed previously.
Ocean acidification is expected to lower the net accretion of coral reefs yet little is known about its effect on coral photophysiology. This study investigated the effect of increasing CO2 on photosynthetic capacity and photoprotection in Acropora formosa. The photoprotective role of photorespiration within dinoflagellates (genus Symbiodinium) has largely been overlooked due to focus on the presence of a carbon-concentrating mechanism despite the evolutionary persistence of a Form II Rubisco. The photorespiratory fixation of oxygen produces phosphoglycolate that would otherwise inhibit carbon fixation though the Calvin cycle if it were not converted to glycolate by phosphoglycolate phosphatase (PGPase). Glycolate is then either excreted or dealt with by enzymes in the photorespiratory glycolate and/or glycerate pathways adding to the pool of carbon fixed in photosynthesis. We found that CO2 enrichment led to enhanced photoacclimation (increased chlorophyll a per cell) to the subsaturating light levels. Light-enhanced dark respiration per cell and xanthophyll de-epoxidation increased, with resultant decreases in photosynthetic capacity (Pnmax) per chlorophyll. The conservative CO2 emission scenario (A1B; 600-790 ppm) led to a 38% increase in the Pnmax per cell whereas the 'business-as-usual' scenario (A1F1; 1160-1500 ppm) led to a 45% reduction in PGPase expression and no change in Pnmax per cell. These findings support an important functional role for PGPase in dinoflagellates that is potentially compromised under CO2 enrichment.
Chloroperoxidase is a versatile heme enzyme which can cross over the catalytic boundaries of other oxidative hemoproteins and perform multiple functions. Chloroperoxidase, in addition to catalyzing classical peroxidative reactions, also acts as a P450 cytochrome and a potent catalase. The multiple functions of chloroperoxidase must be derived from its unique active site structure. Chloroperoxidase possesses a proximal cysteine thiolate heme iron ligand analogous to the P450 cytochromes; however, unlike the P450 enzymes, chloroperoxidase possesses a very polar environment distal to its heme prosthetic group and contains a glutamic acid residue in close proximity to the heme iron. The presence of a thiolate ligand in chloroperoxidase has long been thought to play an essential role in its chlorination and epoxidation activities; however, the research reported in this paper proves that hypothesis to be invalid. To explore the role of Cys-29, the amino acid residue supplying the thiolate ligand in chloroperoxidase, Cys-29 has been replaced with a histidine residue. Mutant clones of the chloroperoxidase genome have been expressed in a Caldariomyces fumago expression system by using gene replacement rather than gene insertion technology. C. fumago produces wild-type chloroperoxidase, thus requiring gene replacement of the wild type by the mutant gene. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that gene replacement has been reported for this type of fungus. The recombinant histidine mutants retain most of their chlorination, peroxidation, epoxidation, and catalase activities. These results downplay the importance of a thiolate ligand in chloroperoxidase and suggest that the distal environment of the heme active site plays the major role in maintaining the diverse activities of this enzyme.
Squalene epoxidase, a membrane-associated enzyme that converts squalene to squalene 2,3-oxide, plays an important role in the maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis. In 1957, Bloch and colleagues identified a factor from rat liver cytosol termed “supernatant protein factor (SPF),” which promotes the squalene epoxidation catalyzed by rat liver microsomes with oxygen, NADPH, FAD, and phospholipid [Tchen, T. T. & Bloch, K. (1957) J. Biol. Chem. 226, 921–930]. Although purification of SPF by 11,000-fold was reported, no information is so far available on the primary structure or biological function of SPF. Here we report the cDNA cloning and expression of SPF from rat and human. The encoded protein of 403 amino acids belongs to a family of cytosolic lipid-binding/transfer proteins such as α-tocopherol transfer protein, cellular retinal binding protein, yeast phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (Sec14p), and squid retinal binding protein. Recombinant SPF produced in Escherichia coli enhances microsomal squalene epoxidase activity and promotes intermembrane transfer of squalene in vitro. SPF mRNA is expressed abundantly in the liver and small intestine, both of which are important sites of cholesterol biosynthesis. SPF is expressed significantly in isolated hepatocytes, but the expression level was markedly decreased after 48 h of in vitro culture. Moreover, SPF was not detectable in most of the cell lines tested, including HepG2 and McARH7777 hepatomas. Transfection of SPF cDNA in McARH7777 significantly stimulated de novo cholesterol biosynthesis. These data suggest that SPF is a cytosolic squalene transfer protein capable of regulating cholesterol biosynthesis.