285 resultados para COMMENSAL


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Regulatorische T-Zellen (Tregs) leisten durch ihre suppressiven Eigenschaften einen essenziellen Beitrag zur Aufrechterhaltung der immunologischen Toleranz. Sie verhindern schädliche Immunreaktionen gegen Autoantigene, kommensale Bakterien, sowie harmlose Nahrungsmittel-bestandteile. Gleichzeitig gewährleisten sie die Entwicklung effektiver Immunantworten gegen eindringende Pathogene, wie z.B. Parasiten, Bakterien und Viren. Damit haben Tregs direkten Einfluss auf das Gleichgewicht zwischen Immunität und Toleranz. Fehler in der suppressiven Funktionsweise von Tregs begünstigen daher auf der einen Seite die Entstehung zahlreicher autoimmuner Erkrankungen und Allergien. Auf der anderen Seite können Tregs Immunreaktionen bei chronischen Infektionen reduzieren, sowie die Entstehung effektiver Immunantworten gegen Tumore hemmen. Ihre Beteiligung an der Ätiologie all dieser Krankheiten macht Tregs zu einem bedeutenden potenziellen Zielobjekt, um diese Krankheiten effektiv zu therapieren. Die Erweiterung des Grundwissens um die molekularen Mechanismen der Treg-vermittelten Suppression ist daher ein notwendiger Schritt bei der Entwicklung Treg-basierter Theraphieansätze. 2003 konnte mit Foxp3 ein Transkriptionsfaktor identifiziert werden, der maßgeblich die suppressiven Funktionen von Tregs steuert. Um weiteren Einblick in die der Suppression zugrundeliegenden Signalwege zu erhalten, wurde im Institut für Immunologie ein komparativer Kinomarray durchgeführt, anhand dessen die Casein Kinase 2 (CK2) als eine der aktivsten Kinasen in Tregs identifiziert wurde (Daten freundlicherweise von Prof. Dr. Tobias Bopp bereitgestellt). rnBasierend auf den Ergebnissen des Kinomarrays wurde in dieser Arbeit die Funktion der CK2 in Tregs untersucht. Dabei konnte in in vitro Experimenten die Treg-vermittelte Suppression durch den pharmakologische CK2 Inhibitor DMAT aufgehoben werden. Weil derartige Inhibitoren jedoch nicht absolut spezifisch die Aktivität nur einer Kinase supprimieren, wurden außerdem Mäuse mit konditionalem „knockout“ der CK2β Untereinheit spezifisch in Tregs gekreuzt (CK2βTreg-/- Mäuse). Die Analyse dieser Tiere offenbarte eine essenzielle Beteiligung der CK2 an den suppressiven Funktionen von Tregs. So entwickeln CK2βTreg-/- Mäuse mit zunehmendem Alter Splenomegalien und Lymphadenopathien, von denen in besonderem Maße die Mukosa-assoziierten Lymphknoten betroffen sind. Eine Analyse des Aktivierungsstatus der T-Zellen in den Tieren konnte zudem einen erhöhten Anteil sogenannter Effektor-Gedächtnis T-Zellen aufdecken, die charakteristische Merkmale eines Th2 Phänotyps zeigten. Erhöhte Titer des Antikörperisotyps IgE in den Seren von CK2βTreg-/- Mäusen suggerieren zusätzlich eine fehlerhafte Suppression speziell Th2-vermittelter Immunantworten durch CK2β-defiziente Tregs. In Th2-vermittelten Asthma Experimenten in vivo konnte der Verdacht der fehlerhaften Kontrolle von Th2-Antwort bestätigt werden, wobei zusätzlich aufgedeckt wurde, dass bereits unbehandelte CK2βTreg-/- Mäuse Zeichen einer Entzündungsreaktion in der Lunge aufweisen. Bei der Suche nach den molekularen Ursachen der fehlerhaften Suppression Th2-vermittelter Immunantworten durch CK2β-defiziente Tregs konnten zwei mögliche Erklärungsansätze gefunden werden. Zum einen zeigen CK2β-defiziente Tregs eine verringerte Expression von Foxp3, was, in Analogie zu Ergebnissen der Gruppe von R. Flavell (Wang Y.Y. Nature. 445, 766-770 (2007)), zu einer Konversion von Tregs zu Th2 Zellen und damit zur Entstehung eines Th2-basierten, autoimmunen Phänotyps führt. Des Weiteren weisen CK2β-defiziente Tregs eine reduzierte Expression des Transkriptionsfaktors IRF4 auf, der in Tregs entscheidend für die Kontrolle Th2-basierter Immunreaktionen ist (Zheng Y. Nature. 19; 351-356 (2009)). Die dargelegten Ergebnisse identifizieren die CK2 damit als Kinase, die entscheidend an der Treg-vermittelten Suppression speziell Th2-basierter Immunantworten beteiligt ist. Demnach könnten pharmakologische CK2 Inhibitoren beispielsweise dazu eingesetzt werden, um die Treg-vermittelte Suppression im Rahmen chronischer Parasiten-Infektionen aufzuheben. Die in CK2βTreg-/- Mäusen beobachtete Prävalenz der Funktion der CK2 für Mukosa-assoziierte Organe stellt dabei einen zusätzlichen Vorteil dar, weil systemische Nebenwirkungen, die durch die Blockade der Treg-vermittelte Suppression entstehen, zumindest in nicht-Mukosa-assoziierten Geweben nicht zu erwarten sind.rn


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The lower intestine of adult mammals is densely colonized with nonpathogenic (commensal) microbes. Gut bacteria induce protective immune responses, which ensure host-microbial mutualism. The continuous presence of commensal intestinal bacteria has made it difficult to study mucosal immune dynamics. Here, we report a reversible germ-free colonization system in mice that is independent of diet or antibiotic manipulation. A slow (more than 14 days) onset of a long-lived (half-life over 16 weeks), highly specific anticommensal immunoglobulin A (IgA) response in germ-free mice was observed. Ongoing commensal exposure in colonized mice rapidly abrogated this response. Sequential doses lacked a classical prime-boost effect seen in systemic vaccination, but specific IgA induction occurred as a stepwise response to current bacterial exposure, such that the antibody repertoire matched the existing commensal content.


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How a mutualistic relationship between the intestinal microbiota and intestinal T cell compartments is established is important, as a breakdown of intestinal T cell homeostasis may cause inflammatory bowel diseases. A number of studies have shown that different bacterial species modulate the intestinal CD4+ T cell compartment in different ways. We performed mechanistic in vivo studies that demonstrated the crucial requirement for regulatory T cells (Treg) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) in the induction of intestinal T cell homeostasis even following colonization with a completely benign microbiota. In the absence of a functional Treg response or IL-10 receptor signaling, the same bacteria that induced a Treg response in wild-type animals now induced T helper type 17 responses, without intestinal inflammation. Therefore, Treg, IL-10 and Th17 are crucial regulatory mechanisms in the intestine not only for controlling inflammation, but also to establish a continuum of CD4+ T cell homeostasis upon commensal colonization.


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The review summarizes the recent progress that has been made in understanding the function of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in promoting a healthy mutualism with the commensal microbiota and protecting against pathogens. Although IgA is by far the most abundant antibody produced by mammals, direct experimental evidence for its function is still lacking.


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Mammals harbor a dense commensal microbiota in the colon. Regulatory T (Treg) cells are known to limit microbe-triggered intestinal inflammation and the CD4+ T cell compartment is shaped by the presence of particular microbes or bacterial compounds. It is, however, difficult to distinguish whether these effects reflect true mutualistic immune adaptation to intestinal colonization or rather idiosyncratic immune responses. To investigate truly mutualistic CD4+ T cell adaptation, we used the altered Schaedler flora (ASF). Intestinal colonization resulted in activation and de novo generation of colonic Treg cells. Failure to activate Treg cells resulted in the induction of T helper 17 (Th17) and Th1 cell responses, which was reversed by wild-type Treg cells. Efficient Treg cell induction was also required to maintain intestinal homeostasis upon dextran sulfate sodium-mediated damage in the colon. Thus, microbiota colonization-induced Treg cell responses are a fundamental intrinsic mechanism to induce and maintain host-intestinal microbial T cell mutualism.


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Background Inappropriate cross talk between mammals and their gut microbiota may trigger intestinal inflammation and drive extra-intestinal immune-mediated diseases. Epithelial cells constitute the interface between gut microbiota and host tissue, and may regulate host responses to commensal enteric bacteria. Gnotobiotic animals represent a powerful approach to study bacterial-host interaction but are not readily accessible to the wide scientific community. We aimed at refining a protocol that in a robust manner would deplete the cultivable intestinal microbiota of conventionally raised mice and that would prove to have significant biologic validity. Methodology/Principal Findings Previously published protocols for depleting mice of their intestinal microbiota by administering broad-spectrum antibiotics in drinking water were difficult to reproduce. We show that twice daily delivery of antibiotics by gavage depleted mice of their cultivable fecal microbiota and reduced the fecal bacterial DNA load by 400 fold while ensuring the animals' health. Mice subjected to the protocol for 17 days displayed enlarged ceca, reduced Peyer's patches and small spleens. Antibiotic treatment significantly reduced the expression of antimicrobial factors to a level similar to that of germ-free mice and altered the expression of 517 genes in total in the colonic epithelium. Genes involved in cell cycle were significantly altered concomitant with reduced epithelial proliferative activity in situ assessed by Ki-67 expression, suggesting that commensal microbiota drives cellular proliferation in colonic epithelium. Conclusion We present a robust protocol for depleting conventionally raised mice of their cultivatable intestinal microbiota with antibiotics by gavage and show that the biological effect of this depletion phenocopies physiological characteristics of germ-free mice.


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The large production of immunoglobulin (Ig)A is energetically costly. The fact that evolution retained this apparent luxury of intestinal class switch recombination to IgA within the human population strongly indicates that there must be a critical specific function of IgA for survival of the species. The function of IgA has been investigated in a series of different models that will be discussed here. While IgA has clear protective functions against toxins or in the context of intestinal viral infections, the function of IgA specific for non-pathogenic commensal bacteria remains unclear. In the context of the current literature we present a hypothesis where secretory IgA integrates as an additional layer of immune function into the continuum of intestinal CD4 T cell responses, to achieve a mutualistic relationship between the intestinal commensal microbiota and the host.


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Recently, the Centre for Immunity, Infection and Evolution sponsored a one-day symposium entitled "Wild Immunology." The CIIE is a new Wellcome Trust-funded initiative with the remit to connect evolutionary biology and ecology with research in immunology and infectious diseases in order to gain an interdisciplinary perspective on challenges to global health. The central question of the symposium was, "Why should we try to understand infection and immunity in wild systems?" Specifically, how does the immune response operate in the wild and how do multiple coinfections and commensalism affect immune responses and host health in these wild systems? The symposium brought together a broad program of speakers, ranging from laboratory immunologists to infectious disease ecologists, working on wild birds, unmanaged animals, wild and laboratory rodents, and on questions ranging from the dynamics of coinfection to how commensal bacteria affect the development of the immune system. The meeting on wild immunology, organized by Amy Pedersen, Simon Babayan, and Rick Maizels, was held at the University of Edinburgh on 30 June 2011.


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Proteases of Staphylococcus aureus have long been considered to function as important virulence factors, although direct evidence of the role of particular enzymes remains incomplete and elusive. Here, we sought to provide a collective view of the prevalence of extracellular protease genes in genomes of commensal and pathogenic strains of S. aureus and their expression in the course of human and mouse infection. Data on V8 protease, staphopains A and B, aureolysin, and the recently described and poorly characterized group of six Spl proteases are provided. A phylogenetically diverse collection of 167 clinical isolates was analyzed, resulting in the comprehensive genetic survey of the prevalence of protease-encoding genes. No correlation between identified gene patterns with specific infections was established. Humoral response against the proteases of interest was examined in the sera derived from human patients and from a model mouse infection. The analysis suggests that at least some, if not all, tested proteases are expressed and secreted during the course of infection. Overall, the results presented in this study support the hypothesis that the secretory proteases as a group may contribute to the virulence of S. aureus.


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Intestinal bacteria outnumber our own human cells in conditions of both health and disease. It has long been recognized that secretory antibody, particularly IgA, is produced in response to these microbes and hypothesized that this must play an important role in defining the relationship between a host and its intestinal microbes. However, the exact role of IgA and the mechanisms by which IgA can act are only beginning to be understood. In this review we attempt to unravel the complex interaction between so-called "natural," "primitive" (T-cell-independent), and "classical" IgA responses, the nature of the intestinal microbiota/intestinal pathogens and the highly flexible dynamic homeostasis of the mucosal immune system. Such an analysis reveals that low-affinity IgA is sufficient to protect the host from excess mucosal immune activation induced by harmless commensal microbes. However, affinity-maturation of "classical" IgA is essential to provide protection from more invasive commensal species such as segmented filamentous bacteria and from true pathogens such as Salmonellatyphimurium. Thus a correlation is revealed between "sophistication" of the IgA response and aggressiveness of the challenge. A second emerging theme is that more-invasive species take advantage of host inflammatory mechanisms to more successfully compete with the resident microbiota. In many cases, the function of IgA may be to limit such inflammatory responses, either directly by coagulating or inhibiting virulence of bacteria before they can interact with the host or by modulating immune signaling induced by host recognition. Therefore IgA appears to provide an added layer of robustness in the intestinal ecosystem, promoting "commensal-like" behavior of its residents.


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Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is the main secretory immunoglobulin of mucous membranes and is powerfully induced by the presence of commensal microbes in the intestine. B cells undergo class switch recombination to IgA in the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues, particularly mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) and Peyer's patches, through both T-dependent and T-independent pathways. IgA B cells primed in the mucosa traffic from the intestinal lymphoid structures, initially through the lymphatics and then join the bloodstream, to home back to the intestinal mucosa as IgA-secreting plasma cells. Once induced, anti-bacterial IgA can be extremely long-lived but is replaced if there is induction of additional IgA specificities by other microbes. The mucosal immune system is anatomically separated from the systemic immune system by the MLNs, which act as a firewall to prevent penetration of live intestinal bacteria to systemic sites. Dendritic cells sample intestinal bacteria and induce B cells to switch to IgA. In contrast, intestinal macrophages are adept at killing extracellular bacteria and are able to clear bacteria that have crossed the mucus and epithelial barriers. There is both a continuum between innate and adaptive immune mechanisms and compartmentalization of the mucosal immune system from systemic immunity that function to preserve host microbial mutualism.


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Moraxella catarrhalis (M. catarrhalis) is a human-restricted commensal of the normal bacterial flora in the upper respiratory tract of children, and - during the previous two decades - has been recognised as a true human pathogen. M. catarrhalis is the third most common pathogen causing acute otitis media in children, which is the most common reason to visit a paediatrician during childhood. Acute otitis media thus causes a high clinical and economical burden. With the introduction of the conjugate pneumococcal vaccines the microbiomic pattern in the nasopharyngeal flora of children has changed, and the frequency of isolation of M. catarrhalis has increased. Compared to adults, children are more often colonised with M. catarrhalis. Over the last three decades there has been a dramatic increase in the acquisition of β-lactam resistance in M. catarrhalis. Today 95-100% of clinically isolated M. catarrhalis produce β-lactamase. It is thus desirable to reduce the burden of M. catarrhalis disease by developing a vaccine. There are several potential vaccine antigen candidates in different stages of development, but none of them has entered clinical trials at the present time.


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With the advent of high through-put sequencing (HTS), the emerging science of metagenomics is transforming our understanding of the relationships of microbial communities with their environments. While metagenomics aims to catalogue the genes present in a sample through assessing which genes are actively expressed, metatranscriptomics can provide a mechanistic understanding of community inter-relationships. To achieve these goals, several challenges need to be addressed from sample preparation to sequence processing, statistical analysis and functional annotation. Here we use an inbred non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse model in which germ-free animals were colonized with a defined mixture of eight commensal bacteria, to explore methods of RNA extraction and to develop a pipeline for the generation and analysis of metatranscriptomic data. Applying the Illumina HTS platform, we sequenced 12 NOD cecal samples prepared using multiple RNA-extraction protocols. The absence of a complete set of reference genomes necessitated a peptide-based search strategy. Up to 16% of sequence reads could be matched to a known bacterial gene. Phylogenetic analysis of the mapped ORFs revealed a distribution consistent with ribosomal RNA, the majority from Bacteroides or Clostridium species. To place these HTS data within a systems context, we mapped the relative abundance of corresponding Escherichia coli homologs onto metabolic and protein-protein interaction networks. These maps identified bacterial processes with components that were well-represented in the datasets. In summary this study highlights the potential of exploiting the economy of HTS platforms for metatranscriptomics.


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IgA is the most abundant immunoglobulin produced in mammals, and is mostly secreted across mucous membranes. At these frontiers, which are constantly assaulted by pathogenic and commensal microbes, IgA provides part of a layered system of immune protection. In this review, we describe how IgA induction occurs through both T-dependent and T-independent mechanisms, and how IgA is generated against the prodigious load of commensal microbes after mucosal dendritic cells (DCs) have sampled a tiny fraction of the microbial consortia in the intestinal lumen. To function in this hostile environment, IgA must be induced behind the 'firewall' of the mesenteric lymph nodes to generate responses that integrate microbial stimuli, rather than the classical prime-boost effects characteristic of systemic immunity.


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Intestinal immunoglobulin A (IgA) ensures host defense and symbiosis with our commensal microbiota. Yet previous studies hint at a surprisingly low diversity of intestinal IgA, and it is unknown to what extent the diverse Ig arsenal generated by somatic recombination and diversification is actually used. In this study, we analyze more than one million mouse IgA sequences to describe the shaping of the intestinal IgA repertoire, its determinants, and stability over time. We show that expanded and infrequent clones combine to form highly diverse polyclonal IgA repertoires with very little overlap between individual mice. Selective homing allows expanded clones to evenly seed the small but not large intestine. Repertoire diversity increases during aging in a dual process. On the one hand, microbiota-, T cell-, and transcription factor RORγt-dependent but Peyer's patch-independent somatic mutations drive the diversification of expanded clones, and on the other hand, new clones are introduced into the repertoire of aged mice. An individual's IgA repertoire is stable and recalled after plasma cell depletion, which is indicative of functional memory. These data provide a conceptual framework to understand the dynamic changes in the IgA repertoires to match environmental and intrinsic stimuli.