1000 resultados para Brand DNA


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Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is the most fundamental aspect of life but present day scientific knowledge has merely scratched the surface of the problem posed by its decoding. While experimental methods provide insightful clues, the adoption of analysis tools supported by the formalism of mathematics will lead to a systematic and solid build-up of knowledge. This paper studies human DNA from the perspective of system dynamics. By associating entropy and the Fourier transform, several global properties of the code are revealed. The fractional order characteristics emerge as a natural consequence of the information content. These properties constitute a small piece of scientific knowledge that will support further efforts towards the final aim of establishing a comprehensive theory of the phenomena involved in life.


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This paper analyzes DNA information using entropy and phase plane concepts. First, the DNA code is converted into a numerical format by means of histograms that capture DNA sequence length ranging from one up to ten bases. This strategy measures dynamical evolutions from 4 up to 410 signal states. The resulting histograms are analyzed using three distinct entropy formulations namely the Shannon, Rényie and Tsallis definitions. Charts of entropy versus sequence length are applied to a set of twenty four species, characterizing 486 chromosomes. The information is synthesized and visualized by adapting phase plane concepts leading to a categorical representation of chromosomes and species.


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This paper addresses the DNA code analysis in the perspective of dynamics and fractional calculus. Several mathematical tools are selected to establish a quantitative method without distorting the alphabet represented by the sequence of DNA bases. The association of Gray code, Fourier transform and fractional calculus leads to a categorical representation of species and chromosomes.


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This paper studies the human DNA in the perspective of signal processing. Six wavelets are tested for analyzing the information content of the human DNA. By adopting real Shannon wavelet several fundamental properties of the code are revealed. A quantitative comparison of the chromosomes and visualization through multidimensional and dendograms is developed.


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We describe a novel approach to explore DNA nucleotide sequence data, aiming to produce high-level categorical and structural information about the underlying chromosomes, genomes and species. The article starts by analyzing chromosomal data through histograms using fixed length DNA sequences. After creating the DNA-related histograms, a correlation between pairs of histograms is computed, producing a global correlation matrix. These data are then used as input to several data processing methods for information extraction and tabular/graphical output generation. A set of 18 species is processed and the extensive results reveal that the proposed method is able to generate significant and diversified outputs, in good accordance with current scientific knowledge in domains such as genomics and phylogenetics.


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This paper studies the DNA code of eleven mammals from the perspective of fractional dynamics. The application of Fourier transform and power law trendlines leads to a categorical representation of species and chromosomes. The DNA information reveals long range memory characteristics.


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This paper aims to study the relationships between chromosomal DNA sequences of twenty species. We propose a methodology combining DNA-based word frequency histograms, correlation methods, and an MDS technique to visualize structural information underlying chromosomes (CRs) and species. Four statistical measures are tested (Minkowski, Cosine, Pearson product-moment, and Kendall τ rank correlations) to analyze the information content of 421 nuclear CRs from twenty species. The proposed methodology is built on mathematical tools and allows the analysis and visualization of very large amounts of stream data, like DNA sequences, with almost no assumptions other than the predefined DNA “word length.” This methodology is able to produce comprehensible three-dimensional visualizations of CR clustering and related spatial and structural patterns. The results of the four test correlation scenarios show that the high-level information clusterings produced by the MDS tool are qualitatively similar, with small variations due to each correlation method characteristics, and that the clusterings are a consequence of the input data and not method’s artifacts.


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There is a wide agreement that identity is a multidisciplinary concept. Branding is an identity expression. Although there are some frameworks to assess brand identity there isn’t an accepted definition. The authors consider this a gap in literature and investigate the components to assess brand identity under a holistic approach. Literature was reviewed and reinterpreted under an integrated perspective evolving corporate and brand identity studies. The authors propose a definition and nine componentscharacterizing corporate brand identity: reputation, culture, positioning, personality, relationships network, presentation style, communication, environmental influences and mission. Some are related with internal and others to external facets. The authorsare strongly encouraged to test these results empirically towards validity and reliability of the proposed construct.


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There is a wide agreement that identity is a multidisciplinary concept. The authors consider this an opportunity do develop a framework to assess identity. In a marketing context, literature reveals two approaches on identity: one focus on corporate identity and the other focus on branding. The aim of this paper is to integrate these two approaches to develop a synthesis framework to assess brand identity. Based on literature on identity the authors found nine components related to brand identity. Those components are described in this paper as well as the relation they have with brand identity. The authors hope that this synthesis approach contributes to a better understanding of the brand identity, and are very encouraging for refining this framework in the future.


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The term “corporate brand” has been widely used in literature since the eighties. According to Balmer (1998) this concept tends to be used as an alternative to the concept of corporate identity. The author argues that the use of branding principles to discuss corporate identity has tended to align the area more closely with marketing. However, the literature on brand management (Aaker, 1991; Kapferer, 1991 and de Chernatony and McDonald, 1992), gives little attention to the corporate brand” (p. 985). Based on the concepts of corporate brand, brand identity and B2B relationship, the authors are interested in eliminating this gap in literature by designing a framework of corporate brand identity management. The aim of this investigation is to investigate the impact of B2B relationships in corporate brand identity management. The methodology used is quantitative analysis of surveys and scale development. The originality of this paper is to investigate the influence of the relationship between brands in corporate brand identity. This investigation is very important to help the decisions of the corporate brand managers and academics. According to literature, namely on corporate brands (Balmer 2002b, Hatch and Schultz, 2001, 2003) and on brand identity (Kapferer, 1991, 2008, Aaker, 1996, de Chernatony, 1999) the authors developed a corporate brand identity management framework considering relationships between brands a context variable with definite impact on identity management as stated by Hakansson and Snehota (1989, 1995). These authors consider that organisations´ identity management is pursued under a relational perspective with impact on identity management. Most researchers on identity and corporate brand emphasise the importance of external influences (Kennedy, 1977; King, 1991; de Chernatony, 1999; Balmer and Gray, 2000; Balmer, 2002a). Those influences concern legislation, concurrence, political issues... and stakeholders’ perceptions and reputations (due to the holistic approach demanded by corporate brands). In this context the authors claim the importance of another influence: B2B relationships. This decision is inspired in sociological studies (Mannheim, 1950; and Tajfel and Turner, 1979) regarding individual identity. These authors claim that individuals form their personality by interacting in the social field. The authors argue that corporate brand identity also develops itself under a relational approach. The relationships selected to pursue this investigation are the ones that are developed by Portuguese universities and investigation centres that cooperate by developing investigation. Those centres are administrative and financially autonomous


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Identity is traditionally defined as an emission concept [1]. Yet, some research points out that there are external factors that can influence it [2]; [3]; [4]. This subject is even more relevant if one considers corporate brands. According to Aaker [5] the number, the power and the credibility of corporate associations are bigger in the case of corporate brands. Literature recognizes the influence of relationships between companies in identity management. Yet, given the increasingly important role of corporate brands, it is surprising that to date no attempt to evaluate that influence has been made in the management of corporate brand identity. Also Keller and Lehman [6] highlight relationships and costumer experience as two areas requiring more investigation. In line with this, the authors intend to develop an empirical research in order to evaluate the influence of relationships between brands in the identity of corporate brand from an internal perspective by interviewing internal stakeholders (brand managers and internal clients). This paper is organized by main contents: theoretical background, research methodology, data analysis and conclusions and finally cues to future investigation.


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Identity is traditionally defined as an emission concept (Kapferer, 2008). Yet, some research points out that there are external factors that that can influence it (Kennedy, 1975; Markwick e Fill, 1997; Balmer e Gray, 2000). This subject is even more interesting if one considers corporate brands. According to Aaker (2004) the number, the power and the credibility of corporate associations are bigger in the case corporate brands. Literature recognizes the influence of relationships between companies in identity management (Hakansson and Snehota, 1989, 1995; Hakansson and Ford, 2002). Yet, given the increasingly important role of corporate brands, it is surprising that to date no attempt to evaluate that influence has been made in corporate brand´s identity management and reputation. Also Keller and Lehman (2006) highlight relationships and costumer experience as two areas requiring more investigation. The authors argue that corporate brand´s identity can be developed under a relational perspective using relationships with other recognised brands in order to generate positive reputations in stakeholders. Based in relationship and corporate brand identity management, a framework is developed to identify how corporate brands select, develop and invest in relationships with other brands. The context of the proposed relationship concept is the services area (Dwyer et al, 1987; Moorman et al, 1992; Rauyruen et al, 2005 and Hennig-Thurau and Klee, 1997). An empirical qualitative research is designed using two reputational technological higher education institutions (two corporate brands) acting in Portuguese public higher education market.


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10th International Phycological Congress, Orlando, Florida, USA, 4-10 de agosto 2013.


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XIX Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 24-28 de junio de 2013.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, 5 de Outubro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.