991 resultados para Bible. N.T. Romans X, 1-13


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OBJETIVO: Descrever as características clínicas e terapêuticas de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) secundária a miocardiopatia chagásica crônica, bem como avaliar se estas são diferentes nas demais etiologias. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados prospectivamente pacientes atendidos no período de agosto de 2003 a junho de 2004, em um ambulatório de referência para IC. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 356 pacientes com o diagnóstico de IC. Miocardiopatia chagásica foi a etiologia mais freqüente, (48% dos casos). Outras etiologias foram miocardiopatia hipertensiva em 19%, dilatada idiopática em 11%, e isquêmica em 9%. Pacientes com IC secundária a miocardiopatia chagásica tinham com maior freqüência etnia não-branca (88 x 75%; p = 0,002), história familiar de doença de Chagas (57 x 21%; p = 0,001), maior tempo de doença (71 x 56 meses; p = 0,034), menor escolaridade (4,4 ± 4,1 x 5,7 ± 4,2 anos de estudo; p = 0,004), menor freqüência cardíaca (69 ± 12 x 73 ± 13; p = 0,03) e pressão arterial sistólica (121 ± 25 x 129 ± 28 mmHg; p = 0,006). Utilizavam com maior freqüência amiodarona (22 x 13%; p = 0,036) marcapassos artificiais (15 x 1%; p = 0,001) e com menor freqüência drogas betabloqueadoras (39 x 59%; p = 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Nessa amostra de pacientes ambulatoriais com IC, em um estado com alta prevalência de doença de Chagas, miocardiopatia chagásica foi a etiologia mais freqüente, apresentando algumas características clínicas e terapêuticas diferentes dos demais pacientes.


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I-II+1r-163v 2 წიგნი; I წიგნი I + I + 1r-80v Inc. თარგმანებაი წთა სახარებათა წთა მოძღოჳართანი ფარისეველისაჲ და დედაკაცისა მის ცოდვილისაჲ Des. თაყოჳანის ვსცე სიტკბოვებათა მისთა მიოჳწდომელსა მას ვარქჳა აოჳრაცხელად მდაბალსა მას; II წიგნი 80r-163v Inc. მამაო ვცოდე ცად მიმართ და წე შნსა Des. აღვასროჳლოთ შემოსროჳლიცა ესე შოჳდეოჳლი წჲ ამის კოჳრიაკისაჲ და ჩნ ყლნი მივიწივნეთ მკრთ აღდგომასა მას ოისა ჩნისა იჳ ქჱსსა და ყლნი ერთობით და სიხაროჳლით ვდღსასწაოჳლობდეთ და ერთობით ვდბთ მმსა...


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FUNDAMENTO: Em pacientes com diabetes tipo 2, a presença de retinopatia está associada a doença cardiovascular aumentada, independentemente dos fatores de risco conhecidos para a doença vascular. OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação da retinopatia diabética (RD) e seus graus com a presença de aterosclerose coronariana subclínica em pacientes com diabetes tipo 1. MÉTODOS: Um estudo transversal foi conduzido com 150 pacientes com diabetes tipo 1, assintomáticos para doença arterial coronariana. Foram submetidos à avaliação clínica para verificar complicações microvasculares e avaliação para a presença de calcificação arterial coronariana (CAC). RESULTADOS: Formas graves de RD (RD grave não proliferativa - RDNP - e RD proliferativa - RDP) foram associadas à CAC (RC: 3,98; IC de 95%; 1,13-13,9, p = 0,03), de maneira independente dos fatores de risco conhecidos para a doença cardiovascular (idade, A1C, hipertensão, dislipidemia e sexo masculino). CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes com formas graves de RD estão em risco de presença de doença arterial coronariana, de maneira independente dos tradicionais fatores de risco cardiovascular.


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FUNDAMENTO: O tecido adiposo representa não somente uma fonte de energia estocável, mas principalmente um órgão endócrino que secreta várias citoquinas. A adiponectina, uma nova proteína semelhante ao colágeno, foi descoberta como uma citoquina específica do adipócito e um promissor marcador de risco cardiovascular. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre os níveis séricos da adiponectina e o risco para a ocorrência de eventos cardiovasculares, em pacientes com síndromes coronarianas agudas (SCA), e as correlações entre adiponectina e os biomarcadores metabólicos, inflamatórios e miocárdicos. MÉTODOS: Foram recrutados 114 pacientes com SCA, com seguimento médio de 1,13 ano para avaliação de desfechos clínicos. Modelos de regressão de risco proporcional de Cox com penalização de Firth foram construídos para determinar a associação independente entre adiponectina e o risco subsequente dos desfechos primário (composto de óbito cardiovascular/IAM não fatal/AVE não fatal) e coprimário (composto de óbito cardiovascular/ IAM não fatal/AVE não fatal/re-hospitalização requerendo revascularização). RESULTADOS: Houve correlações diretas e significantes entre adiponectina e idade, HDL-colesterol e BNP, e inversas e significantes entre adiponectina e circunferência abdominal, peso corporal, índice de massa corporal, índice HOMA, triglicerídeos e insulina. A adiponectina foi associada a maior risco para os desfechos primário e coprimário (HR ajustado 1,08 e 1,07/incremento de 1.000, respectivamente, p = 0,01 e p = 0,02). CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com SCA, a adiponectina sérica foi preditor de risco independente para eventos cardiovasculares. De modo adicional às correlações antropométricas e metabólicas, a adiponectina mostrou correlação significante com BNP.


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This paper deals with the estimation of milk production by means of weekly, biweekly, bimonthly observations and also by method known as 6-5-8, where one observation is taken at the 6th week of lactation, another at 5th month and a third one at the 8th month. The data studied were obtained from 72 lactations of the Holstein Friesian breed of the "Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" (Piracicaba), S. Paulo, Brazil), being 6 calvings on each month of year and also 12 first calvings, 12 second calvings, and so on, up to the sixth. The authors criticize the use of "maximum error" to be found in papers dealing with this subject, and also the use of mean deviation. The former is completely supersed and unadvisable and latter, although equivalent, to a certain extent, to the usual standard deviation, has only 87,6% of its efficiency, according to KENDALL (9, pp. 130-131, 10, pp. 6-7). The data obtained were compared with the actual production, obtained by daily control and the deviations observed were studied. Their means and standard deviations are given on the table IV. Inspite of BOX's recent results (11) showing that with equal numbers in all classes a certain inequality of varinces is not important, the autors separated the methods, before carrying out the analysis of variance, thus avoiding to put together methods with too different standard deviations. We compared the three first methods, to begin with (Table VI). Then we carried out the analysis with the four first methods. (Table VII). Finally we compared the two last methods. (Table VIII). These analysis of variance compare the arithmetic means of the deviations by the methods studied, and this is equivalent to compare their biases. So we conclude tht season of calving and order of calving do not effect the biases, and the methods themselves do not differ from this view point, with the exception of method 6-5-8. Another method of attack, maybe preferrable, would be to compare the estimates of the biases with their expected mean under the null hypothesis (zero) by the t-test. We have: 1) Weekley control: t = x - 0/c(x) = 8,59 - 0/ = 1,56 2) Biweekly control: t = 11,20 - 0/6,21= 1,80 3) Monthly control: t = 7,17 - 0/9,48 = 0,76 4) Bimonthly control: t = - 4,66 - 0/17,56 = -0,26 5) Method 6-5-8 t = 144,89 - 0/22,41 = 6,46*** We denote above by three asterisks, significance the 0,1% level of probability. In this way we should conclude that the weekly, biweekly, monthly and bimonthly methods of control may be assumed to be unbiased. The 6-5-8 method is proved to be positively biased, and here the bias equals 5,9% of the mean milk production. The precision of the methods studied may be judged by their standard deviations, or by intervals covering, with a certain probability (95% for example), the deviation x corresponding to an estimate obtained by cne of the methods studied. Since the difference x - x, where x is the mean of the 72 deviations obtained for each method, has a t distribution with mean zero and estimate of standard deviation. s(x - x) = √1+ 1/72 . s = 1.007. s , and the limit of t for the 5% probability, level with 71 degrees of freedom is 1.99, then the interval to be considered is given by x ± 1.99 x 1.007 s = x ± 2.00. s The intervals thus calculated are given on the table IX.


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Com o fim de produzir o fenômeno de KOCH, os A. A. inocularam em 30 leprosos da Colônia Mirueira (Recife), de várias idades e formas clínicas, emulsões vivas de três culturas de bacilos ácido-álcool resistentes isolados de leprosos pro um dêles (S.A.). As doses inoculadas foram de 0,2 cc., por via intradérmica, em cada doente, das amostras "CII", "E" e "H" e mais da Leprolina S.A. (antígeno morto). No 10º dia da inoculação verificou-se que 24 dos 30 pacientes tiveram reação geral intensa; 2, reação moderada e 4, nenhuma reação geral. 16 dos 30 tiveram reação leprótica, sendo 10 em casos ativos (lepromatosos) e 6 em inativos, e 17 dos 30 tiveram adenopatias inguinais. O inóculo "CII" produziu escaras de 1 x 1 e 2 x 2 cm. de diâmetro, com destruição total da pele, nos 30 pacientes (o total dêles); o inóculo "E" produziu escaras de igual intensidade em 29, o inóculo "H", escaras muitos mais benignas em 23, e a Leprolina em 10, naturalmente por ação concomitante de um dos outros três inóculos. No 10º dia foram semeadas em meio de LOEWENSTEIN secreções das escaras de sete dos 30 doentes, num total de 20 tubos, dos quais 19 produziram retroculuras, a amioria contaminada por fungos ou por bactérias cianófilas. De um doente foi obtido retrocultura cromogênica da escara produzida na intradérmoreação pela "Leprolina S. A.", macro e microscòpricamente indiferencável das amostras "CII" e "E". Aliás, pela extensiva experimentação feita com estas duas amostras, estamos nos inclinando por considerá-las como idênticas. No 18º dia da inoculação foram feitos 30 esfregaços de secreções de lesões experimentais de 13 doentes, com 15 resultados positivos (50%), apesar do exame tardio. As morfologias macro e microscópica das retroculturas obtidas em Recife confirmam os caracteres descritos nas culturas originais. Dêste rápido ensaio se conclui que a maioria dos pacientes apresentou o fenômeno de KOCH parcial ou integral, com as clássicas reações gerais, focais e locais. A falta de recursos de laboratório na Colônia não permitiu melhor aproveitamento de tão precioso material experimental, e por isso êste trabalho apresenta várias lacunas.


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Oxygen uptake was studied during the establishment of cephalocaudal polarity in the very early chick embryo, i.e., 10 hr before (stage VI) and at laying (stage X). Oxygen fluxes in minute regions of the intact blastoderms were measured in vitro by scanning microspectrophotometry in the presence or absence of glucose. The oxygen consumption of the whole blastoderm remained constant (6 nmol O2 X hr-1) throughout the period studied, although the number of cells increased more than twofold. The regional oxygen fluxes varied from 0.41 to 1.13 nmol O2 X hr-1 X mm-2 at stage VI and from 0.42 to 0.70 nmol O2 X hr-1 X mm-2 at stage X. At stage VI, the oxygen flux in the center of the blastoderm was significantly higher than that in its periphery. This pattern remained evident when the values were corrected for cell number or for cytoplasmic volume. At stage X, there was a tendency for the oxygen fluxes to decrease from the posterior to the anterior regions of the area pellucida. Thus the pattern of oxidative metabolism in the late uterine embryos seems to change from radial to bilateral. This change of symmetry probably reflects the process of formation of the embryonic axis. In addition, the fact that the oxygen uptake was similar in the presence or absence of glucose suggests that early chick embryos metabolize essentially intracellular stores.


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We sought to provide a contemporary picture of the presentation, etiology, and outcome of infective endocarditis (IE) in a large patient cohort from multiple locations worldwide. Prospective cohort study of 2781 adults with definite IE who were admitted to 58 hospitals in 25 countries from June 1, 2000, through September 1, 2005. The median age of the cohort was 57.9 (interquartile range, 43.2-71.8) years, and 72.1% had native valve IE. Most patients (77.0%) presented early in the disease (<30 days) with few of the classic clinical hallmarks of IE. Recent health care exposure was found in one-quarter of patients. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common pathogen (31.2%). The mitral (41.1%) and aortic (37.6%) valves were infected most commonly. The following complications were common: stroke (16.9%), embolization other than stroke (22.6%), heart failure (32.3%), and intracardiac abscess (14.4%). Surgical therapy was common (48.2%), and in-hospital mortality remained high (17.7%). Prosthetic valve involvement (odds ratio, 1.47; 95% confidence interval, 1.13-1.90), increasing age (1.30; 1.17-1.46 per 10-year interval), pulmonary edema (1.79; 1.39-2.30), S aureus infection (1.54; 1.14-2.08), coagulase-negative staphylococcal infection (1.50; 1.07-2.10), mitral valve vegetation (1.34; 1.06-1.68), and paravalvular complications (2.25; 1.64-3.09) were associated with an increased risk of in-hospital death, whereas viridans streptococcal infection (0.52; 0.33-0.81) and surgery (0.61; 0.44-0.83) were associated with a decreased risk. In the early 21st century, IE is more often an acute disease, characterized by a high rate of S aureus infection. Mortality remains relatively high.


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A new species of Tyzzeria is described from the kidney of the snake Boa constrictor constrictor Linnaeus, from the State of Pará, north Brazil. Oocysts from the coacal contents matured in eight days, at approximately 24°C. They measured 19.0 x 18.0 (15.0 x 15.0 - 22.5 x 21.5) µm, shape-index (length/width) 1.0 (1.0 - 1.1). The oocyst wall is of an extremely delicate single, colourless layer, with no micropyle. Division of the oocyst contents into the 8 naked sporozoites leaves a bulky, spherical oocyst residuum averaging 15.5 x 14.8 (13.5 x 13.5 - 18.5 x 17.5) µm; the sporozoites measure an average of 11.0 x 1.8 (8.5 x 1.25 - 12.5 x 2.0) µm, and possess both anterior and posterior refractile bodies. Tyzzeria boae n.sp. is unique among the recorded species of the genus by virtue of its development in the epithelial cells of the distal convoluted tubules and collecting tubules of the kidney: stages in the merogony and gametogony of the parasite are described and figured.


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La adrenoleucodistrofia ligada al X (X-ALD) es un enfermedad neurometabólica fatal caracterizada por una desmielinización cerebral progresiva infantil (CCALD) o por una neurodegeneración de la médula espinal (adrenomieloneuropatía, AMN), insuficiencia adrenal y acumulación de ácidos grasos de cadena muy larga (AGCML) como el ácido hexacosanoico (C26:0) en tejidos. La enfermedad está causada por mutaciones en el gen ABCD1 el cual codifica para un transportador peroxisomoal que importa AGCML. El ratón knockout para Abcd1 (Abcd1-) desarrolla alteraciones en la médula espinal que mimetizan el modelo de enfermedad AMN con inicio de los síntomas a los 20 meses. Previamente, nuestro grupo evidenció mediante análisis de transcriptómica, una desregulación mitocondrial en el modelo murino Abcd1- . En este trabajo demostramos que tanto en el ratón Abcd1- como en la sustancia blanca afectada de pacientes X-ALD hay una depleción mitocondrial. Para poder explicar esta depleción, estudiamos los niveles de un repressor de la biogenesis mitocondrial, RIP140. En cultivo organotpico de cortes de médula espinal observamos un aumento de los niveles proteicos de RIP140 en el ratón Abcd1- y también un aumento mediado por C26:0. Estos resultados indican que la sobreexpresión de RIP140 puede ser la responsable de la depleción mitocondrial presente en el ratón Abcd1- y una posible nueva diana terapèutica para la X-ALD.


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Aim and purpose: Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with lower risk of diabetes mellitus, but few data exist on the metabolic syndrome and on the metabolic impact of heavy drinking. The aim of our study was to investigate the complex relationship between alcohol and the metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus in a population-based study in Switzerland with high mean alcohol consumption. Design and methods: In 6188 adults aged 35 to 75, alcohol consumption was categorized as 0, 1-6, 7-13, 14-20, 21-27, 28-34 and >= 35 drinks/week or as nondrinkers, moderate (1-13 drinks), high (14-34 drinks) and very high (>= 35 drinks) alcohol consumption. The metabolic syndrome was defined according to the ATP-III criteria and diabetes mellitus as fasting glycemia >= 7 mmol/l or self-reported medication.We used multivariate analysis adjusted for age, gender, smoking status, physical activity and education level to determine the prevalence of the conditions according to drinking categories. Results: 73% (n = 4502) of the participants consumed alcohol, 16% (n = 993) were high drinkers and 2% (n = 126) very high drinkers. In multivariate analysis, alcohol consumption had a U-shaped relationship with the metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome significantly differed between nondrinkers (24%), moderate (19%), high (20%) and very high drinkers (29%) (P<= 0.005). The prevalence of diabetes mellitus also significantly differed between nondrinkers (6.0%), moderate (3.6%), high (3.8%) and very high drinkers (6.7%) (P<= 0.05). These relationships did not differ according to beverage types. Conclusions: The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus decrease with moderate alcohol consumption and increase with heavy drinking, without differences according to beverage types. Recommending to limit alcohol consumption to 1-2 drinks/day might help prevent these conditions in primary care Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus.


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Objective:We investigated to what extent changes in metabolic rate and composition of weight loss explained the less-than-expected weight loss in obese men and women during a diet-plus-exercise intervention.Design:In all, 16 obese men and women (41±9 years; body mass index (BMI) 39±6 kg m(-2)) were investigated in energy balance before, after and twice during a 12-week very-low-energy diet(565-650 kcal per day) plus exercise (aerobic plus resistance training) intervention. The relative energy deficit (EDef) from baseline requirements was severe (74%-87%). Body composition was measured by deuterium dilution and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, and resting metabolic rate (RMR) was measured by indirect calorimetry. Fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) were converted into energy equivalents using constants 9.45 kcal per g FM and 1.13 kcal per g FFM. Predicted weight loss was calculated from the EDef using the '7700 kcal kg(-1) rule'.Results:Changes in weight (-18.6±5.0 kg), FM (-15.5±4.3 kg) and FFM (-3.1±1.9 kg) did not differ between genders. Measured weight loss was on average 67% of the predicted value, but ranged from 39% to 94%. Relative EDef was correlated with the decrease in RMR (R=0.70, P<0.01), and the decrease in RMR correlated with the difference between actual and expected weight loss (R=0.51, P<0.01). Changes in metabolic rate explained on average 67% of the less-than-expected weight loss, and variability in the proportion of weight lost as FM accounted for a further 5%. On average, after adjustment for changes in metabolic rate and body composition of weight lost, actual weight loss reached 90% of the predicted values.Conclusion:Although weight loss was 33% lower than predicted at baseline from standard energy equivalents, the majority of this differential was explained by physiological variables. Although lower-than-expected weight loss is often attributed to incomplete adherence to prescribed interventions, the influence of baseline calculation errors and metabolic downregulation should not be discounted.


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BACKGROUND: Prospective assessment of pedicled extrathoracic muscle flaps for the closure of large intrathoracic airway defects after noncircumferential resection in situations where an end-to-end reconstruction seemed risky (defects of > 4-cm length, desmoplastic reactions after previous infection or radiochemotherapy). METHODS: From 1996 to 2001, 13 intrathoracic muscle transpositions (6 latissimus dorsi and 7 serratus anterior muscle flaps) were performed to close defects of the intrathoracic airways after noncircumferential resection for tumor (n = 5), large tracheoesophageal fistula (n = 2), delayed tracheal injury (n = 1) and bronchopleural fistula (n = 5). In 2 patients, the extent of the tracheal defect required reinforcement of the reconstruction by use of a rib segment embedded into the muscle flap followed by temporary tracheal stenting. Patient follow-up was by clinical examination bronchoscopy and biopsy, pulmonary function tests, and dynamic virtual bronchoscopy by computed tomographic (CT) scan during inspiration and expiration. RESULTS: The airway defects ranged from 2 x 1 cm to 8 x 4 cm and involved up to 50% of the airway circumference. They were all successfully closed using muscle flaps with no mortality and all patients were extubated within 24 hours. Bronchoscopy revealed epithelialization of the reconstructions without dehiscence, stenosis, or recurrence of fistulas. The flow-volume loop was preserved in all patients and dynamic virtual bronchoscopy revealed no significant difference in the endoluminal cross surface areas of the airway between inspiration and expiration above (45 +/- 21 mm(2)), at the site (76 +/- 23 mm(2)) and below the reconstruction (65 +/- 40 mm(2)). CONCLUSIONS: Intrathoracic airway defects of up to 50% of the circumference may be repaired using extrathoracic muscle flaps when an end-to-end reconstruction is not feasible.


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Objectifs: Etudier l'utilité de DWI dans l'échinococcose alveolaire (EA) hépatique. Matériels et méthodes: Dix-sept patients (10 hommes, âge moyen 64.3) avec 55 lésions hépatiques ont été examinés par IRM. La sémiologie des lésions a été étudiée après classification selon Kodama. Les coefficients apparent de diffusion (ADCmax, ADCmin, ADCtot) ont été mesurés. Résultats: Trois lésions de Kodama de type 1, 13 de type 2, 15 de type 3, 3 de type 4, et 21 de type 5. L'ADCtot des lésions mesurait 1.23±0.18 x 10-3 mm2/s. L'ADCtot de Kodama type 1, 2, 3, 4 et 5 mesuraient 1.97±0.27, 1.66±0.13, 1.73±0.12, 1.15±0.27 et 1.76±0.10 x 10-3 mm2/s, respectivement. Il n'y avait pas de différence significative de l'ADCtot entre les types (p=0.25) hormis le type 4 qui représente une lésion solide (p=0.035). Conclusion: Les valeurs d'ADC des lésions d'EA ne se révèlent pas utiles pour différencier les différents types selon Kodama, hormis pour le type 4 ce qui suggère la présence d'une composante solide. Celles-ci sont relativement basses comparées à d'autres lésions kystiques hépatiques, ce qui peut aider à suggérer le diagnostic.


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BACKGROUND: Acetate metabolism in skeletal muscle is regulated by acetylCoA synthetase (ACS). The main function of ACS is to provide cells with acetylCoA, a key molecule for numerous metabolic pathways including fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis and the Krebs cycle. METHODS: Hyperpolarized [1-(13)C]acetate prepared via dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization was injected intravenously at different concentrations into rats. The (13)C magnetic resonance signals of [1-(13)C]acetate and [1-(13)C]acetylcarnitine were recorded in vivo for 1min. The kinetic rate constants related to the transformation of acetate into acetylcarnitine were deduced from the 3s time resolution measurements using two approaches, either mathematical modeling or relative metabolite ratios. RESULTS: Although separated by two biochemical transformations, a kinetic analysis of the (13)C label flow from [1-(13)C]acetate to [1-(13)C]acetylcarnitine led to a unique determination of the activity of ACS. The in vivo Michaelis constants for ACS were KM=0.35±0.13mM and Vmax=0.199±0.031μmol/g/min. CONCLUSIONS: The conversion rates from hyperpolarized acetate into acetylcarnitine were quantified in vivo and, although separated by two enzymatic reactions, these rates uniquely defined the activity of ACS. The conversion rates associated with ACS were obtained using two analytical approaches, both methods yielding similar results. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: This study demonstrates the feasibility of directly measuring ACS activity in vivo and, since the activity of ACS can be affected by various pathological states such as cancer or diabetes, the proposed method could be used to non-invasively probe metabolic signatures of ACS in diseased tissue.