999 resultados para Bard, Alphonse


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The possibility of establishing an accurate relative chronology of the early solar system events based on the decay of short-lived Al-26 to Mg-26 (half-life of 0.72 Myr) depends on the level of homogeneity (or heterogeneity) of Al-26 and Mg isotopes. However, this level is difficult. to constrain precisely because of the very high precision needed for the determination of isotopic ratios, typically of +/- 5 ppm. In this study, we report for the first time a detailed analytical protocol developed for high precision in situ Mg isotopic measurements ((25)mg/(24)mg and (26)mg/Mg-24 ratios, as well as Mg-26 excess) by MC-SIMS. As the data reduction process is critical for both accuracy and precision of the final isotopic results, factors such as the Faraday cup (FC) background drift and matrix effects on instrumental fractionation have been investigated. Indeed these instrumental effects impacting the measured Mg-isotope ratios can be as large or larger than the variations we are looking for to constrain the initial distribution of Al-26 and Mg isotopes in the early solar system. Our results show that they definitely are limiting factors regarding the precision of Mg isotopic compositions, and that an under- or over-correction of both FC background instabilities and instrumental isotopic fractionation leads to important bias on delta Mg-25, delta(26)mg and Delta Mg-26 values (for example, olivines not corrected for FC background drifts display Delta Mg-26 values that can differ by as much as 10 ppm from the truly corrected value). The new data reduction process described here can then be applied to meteoritic samples (components of chondritic meteorites for instance) to accurately establish their relative chronology of formation.


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Alphonse de Beauchamp, historiador francês, nasceu em Mônaco, em 1767, e morreu em Paris, em 1832. Trabalhou no Departamento de Polícia como censor de imprensa. Organizou e publicou várias obras históricas.


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Alphonse de Beauchamp, historiador francês, nasceu em Mônaco, em 1767, e morreu em Paris, em 1832. Trabalhou no Departamento de Polícia como censor de imprensa. Organizou e publicou várias obras históricas.


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Species composition, biomass, density, and diversity of benthic invertebrates from six bard-bottom areas were evaluated. Seasonal collections using a dredge, trawl, and suction and grab samplers yielded 432, 525, and 845 taxa, respectively. Based on collections wltb the different gear types, species composition of invertebrates was found to change bathymetrically. Inner- and mlddle-shelf sites were more similar to each other in terms of invertebrate species composition than they were to outer-shelf sites, regardless of season. Sites on the inner and outer shelf were grouped according to latitude; however, results suggest that depth is apparently a more important determinant of invertebrate species composition than either season or latitude. Sponges generally dominated dredge and trawl collections in terms of biomass. Generally, cnidarians, bryozoans, and sponges dominated at sites In terms of number of taxa collected. The most abundant smaller macrofauna collected in suction and grab samples were polychaetes, amphipods, and mollusks. Densities of the numerically dominant species changed botb seasonally and bathymetrically, with very few of these species restricted to a specific bathymetrlc zone. The high diversity of invertebrates from hard-bottom sites is attributed to the large number of rare species. No consistent seasonal changes in diversity or number of species were noted for individual stations or depth zones. In addition, H and its components showed no definite patterns related to depth or latitude. However, more species were collected at middle-shelf sites than at inner- or outer-shelf sites, which may be related to more stable bottom temperature or greater habitat complexity in that area. (PDF file contains 110 pages.)


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This work summarizes the present knowledge on biology and fisheries of Atlantic tuna such as yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and to a lesser extent, bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and albacore (Thunnus alalunga). Current appraisal of these stocks


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The present document represents a synthesis of the scientific knowledge gathered by the CRO in the years 1985-1990, and related to the proliferation of aquatic macrophytes, commonly called floating aquatic weeds, in the Ebrié lagoon.


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A questão dos resíduos sólidos tornou-se um tema preocupante uma vez que os mesmos têm sido gerados em grande quantidade na sociedade capitalista do consumo com a substituição dos produtos e criação de complexas embalagens. Esse fator reflete no meio ambiente, pois há uma dificuldade de gestão adequada desses resíduos sem que os mesmos causem impactos ambientais negativos devido à sua demora em degradar-se e aos elementos contaminantes que podem conter. Alternativas de tratamento e destinação final vêm sendo incentivadas para atenuar os malefícios gerados pelos resíduos sólidos. A reciclagem está se destacando como mecanismo de utilização dos resíduos sólidos como matéria prima. A coleta seletiva é uma ferramenta fundamental para viabilizar o processo de reciclagem. Dessa forma a participação popular se faz necessária visto que os consumidores são fonte geradora dos resíduos e efetuando uma separação logo após o consumo facilita e qualifica todo o procedimento. Contudo os municípios brasileiros vêm apresentados baixos índices de reciclagem e coleta seletiva. Uma revisão bibliográfica foi feita acerca de casos de sucesso no Brasil e no mundo em ambas as práticas. Questões pertinentes à compreensão de todas as vertentes envolvidas também serão abordadas através de fundamento teórico. Os prédios residenciais representam grande contribuição nesse processo de geração de resíduos uma vez que concentram elevado contingente populacional em pequena área. Niterói é um município urbano localizado na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, com uma população considerável possuindo diversos prédios e condomínios residenciais de grande porte. Existe um programa de coleta seletiva municipal, promovido pela Companhia de Limpeza Urbana de Niterói (CLIN) que está em vigor há mais de quinze anos que direciona os recicláveis a duas cooperativas de catadores no município (COOPCANIT e Morro do Céu). Esse estudo busca identificar todos os atores envolvidos no programa de coleta seletiva da CLIN (moradores, CLIN, COOPCANIT) assim como avaliar o desempenho do programa e sugerir formas de melhoria do mesmo baseado no referencial teórico. A partir de visitas técnicas, entrevistas com os responsáveis e a aplicação de questionários de avaliação da consciência ambiental de moradores de condomínios residenciais com e sem oferta do serviço de coleta seletiva. Foram verificadas falhas no programa como a pouca divulgação do mesmo e ausência de programa de educação ambiental aos moradores dos condomínios, refletindo na baixa adesão popular. Assim como foi possível identificar aspectos positivos como a busca por parcerias, representada pela atuação da empresa AMPLA que oferece desconto na conta de luz aos moradores que entregam seus resíduos nos postos de entrega voluntários. Algumas recomendações e sugestões são feitas aos gestores locais assim como propostas de futuros trabalhos e estudos relevantes ao problema.


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Jones, David. 'Iolo Morganwg and the Welsh rural landscape', In: A rattleskull genius: the many faces of Iolo Morganwg (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2005), pp.227-250 RAE2008


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New radiocarbon calibration curves, IntCal04 and Marine04, have been constructed and internationally ratified to replace the terrestrial and marine components of IntCal98. The new calibration data sets extend an additional 2000 yr, from 0–26 cal kyr BP (Before Present, 0 cal BP = AD 1950), and provide much higher resolution, greater precision, and more detailed structure than IntCal98. For the Marine04 curve, dendrochronologically-dated tree-ring samples, converted with a box diffusion model to marine mixed-layer ages, cover the period from 0–10.5 cal kyr BP. Beyond 10.5 cal kyr BP, high-resolution marine data become available from foraminifera in varved sediments and U/Th-dated corals. The marine records are corrected with site-specific 14C reservoir age information to provide a single global marine mixed-layer calibration from 10.5–26.0 cal kyr BP. A substantial enhancement relative to IntCal98 is the introduction of a random walk model, which takes into account the uncertainty in both the calendar age and the 14C age to calculate the underlying calibration curve (Buck and Blackwell, this issue). The marine data sets and calibration curve for marine samples from the surface mixed layer (Marine04) are discussed here. The tree-ring data sets, sources of uncertainty, and regional offsets are presented in detail in a companion paper by Reimer et al. (this issue).


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A new calibration curve for the conversion of radiocarbon ages to calibrated (cal) ages has been constructed and internationally ratified to replace IntCal98, which extended from 0-24 cal kyr BP (Before Present, 0 cal BP = AD 1950). The new calibration data set for terrestrial samples extends from 0-26 cal kyr BP, but with much higher resolution beyond 11.4 cal kyr BP than IntCal98. Dendrochronologically-dated tree-ring samples cover the period from 0-12.4 cal kyr BP. Beyond the end of the tree rings, data from marine records (corals and foraminifera) are converted to the atmospheric equivalent with a site-specific marine reservoir correction to provide terrestrial calibration from 12.4-26.0 cal kyr BP. A substantial enhancement relative to IntCal98 is the introduction of a coherent statistical approach based on a random walk model, which takes into account the uncertainty in both the calendar age and the (super 14) C age to calculate the underlying calibration curve (Buck and Blackwell, this issue). The tree-ring data sets, sources of uncertainty, and regional offsets are discussed here. The marine data sets and calibration curve for marine samples from the surface mixed layer (Marine04) are discussed in brief, but details are presented in Hughen et al. (this issue a). We do not make a recommendation for calibration beyond 26 cal kyr BP at this time; however, potential calibration data sets are compared in another paper (van der Plicht et al., this issue).