899 resultados para BPC. Social assistance. Humam needs. Aged. Handicapped


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La desnutrición infantil y la pobreza se encuentran asociadas y estas a su vez con el progreso de los países. Conocer las determinantes sociales y económicas de la niñez que padece de bajo peso es necesario para crear escenarios propicios para el adecuado desarrollo de la primera infancia y de esta manera contribuir con la superación de la pobreza en el marco de sistemas sanitarios equitativos. Se realiza una descripción de las características socio-económicas y un análisis de posibles asociaciones entre estas y el bajo peso infantil de una muestra de infantes de uno de los sectores de mayor vulnerabilidad y pobreza de Bogotá (Colombia). La tasa del bajo peso infantil en la muestra del estudio en más alta a la presentada en Bogotá y Colombia (8.5%, 2.9% y 3.4% respectivamente). Al realizar el análisis de las posibles asociaciones entre el bajo peso y las variables de estudio, se evidencia que las relaciones son débiles entre la primera y las segundas, siendo la condición de desplazamiento la que mayor asociación positiva presenta con la deficiencia nutricional seguido del rango de edad entre los 25 y 36 meses. La situación que presenta mayor independencia con respecto al bajo peso infantil es contar con vivienda propia seguida del sexo. La desnutrición infantil se presenta en niveles importantes en sectores de mayor vulnerabilidad con implicaciones para el adecuado desarrollo de los infantes y para las intenciones de reducción de los índices de pobreza en el país. El fortalecimiento de las políticas públicas que favorezca el desarrollo infantil, la superación de la pobreza y las inequidades en los sistemas de salud deben contemplar acciones integrales dirigidas a los más vulnerables, con la participación de la sociedad civil y los sectores públicos y privados, el compromiso político y económico de los gobiernos y reglas claras que contribuyan a la solución estructural de la pobreza y que promueva el adecuado desarrollo infantil.


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Los adultos mayores tienen derecho a tener una vida segura emocional y económicamente que genere tranquilidad en ellos. Para esto, presentamos una propuesta llamativa para el cuidado de la población mayor con un enfoque de aventura en sus vidas, mediante el modelo de negocio Entorno de Alegría como centro de asistencia social para beneficiar la salud y estado emocional de ellos. Queremos que los adultos mayores vuelvan a ser niños, que sientan la inocencia, alegría y diversión en cada actividad que realizan y que por sobre todas las cosas irradien felicidad en cada una de sus acciones. Entorno de Alegría nace con el fin de dar solución a las condiciones que son generadas por la vejez mediante una propuesta impactante de diseño, ambientación, espacio, filosofía y portafolio; a través de un centro de recreación, entretenimiento y diversión para personas de la tercera edad por medio de actividades especialmente diseñadas para promover su bienestar y condición de vida digna que les permita disfrutar plenamente la nueva etapa que empiezan a vivir. Se desarrollarán actividades físicas, de entretenimiento, belleza entre otras, en donde el mayor beneficio será el dinamismo y la compañía que se proporcionan por medio de la recreación.


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Background Little is known about the relative effects of exposure to postnatal depression and parental conflict on the social functioning of school-aged children. This is, in part, because of a lack of specificity in the measurement of child and parental behaviour and a reliance on children's reports of their hypothetical responses to conflict in play. Methods In the course of a prospective longitudinal study of children of postnatally depressed and well women, 5-year-old children were videotaped at home with a friend in a naturalistic dressing-up play setting. As well as examining possible associations between the occurrence of postnatal depression and the quality of the children's interactions, we investigated the influence of parental conflict and co-operation, and the continuity of maternal depression. The quality of the current mother-child relationship was considered as a possible mediating factor. Results Exposure to postnatal depression was associated with increased likelihood, among boys, of displaying physical aggression in play with their friend. However, parental conflict mediated the effects of postnatal depression on active aggression during play, and was also associated with displays of autonomy and intense conflict. While there were no gender effects in terms of the degree or intensity of aggressive behaviours, girls were more likely to express aggression verbally using denigration and gloating whereas boys were more likely to display physical aggression via interpersonal and object struggles. Conclusions The study provided evidence for the specificity of effects, with strong links between parental and child peer conflict. These effects appear to arise from direct exposure to parental conflict, rather than indirectly, through mother-child interactions.


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Tourism is the worlds largest employer, accounting for 10% of jobs worldwide (WTO, 1999). There are over 30,000 protected areas around the world, covering about 10% of the land surface(IUCN, 2002). Protected area management is moving towards a more integrated form of management, which recognises the social and economic needs of the worlds finest areas and seeks to provide long term income streams and support social cohesion through active but sustainable use of resources. Ecotourism - 'responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well- being of local people' (The Ecotourism Society, 1991) - is often cited as a panacea for incorporating the principles of sustainable development in protected area management. However, few examples exist worldwide to substantiate this claim. In reality, ecotourism struggles to provide social and economic empowerment locally and fails to secure proper protection of the local and global environment. Current analysis of ecotourism provides a useful checklist of interconnected principles for more successful initiatives, but no overall framework of analysis or theory. This paper argues that applying common property theory to the application of ecotourism can help to establish more rigorous, multi-layered analysis that identifies the institutional demands of community based ecotourism (CBE). The paper draws on existing literature on ecotourism and several new case studies from developed and developing countries around the world. It focuses on the governance of CBE initiatives, particularly the interaction between local stakeholders and government and the role that third party non-governmental organisations can play in brokering appropriate institutional arrangements. The paper concludes by offering future research directions."


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Unemployment as an unintended consequence of social assistance recipiency: results from a time-series analysis of aggregated population data Does the frequency of unemployment have a tendency to increase the number of social assistance recipients, or does the relationship work the other way around? This article utilizes Swedish annual data on aggregated unemployment and means-tested social assistance recipiency in the period 1946–1990 and proposes a multiple time-series approach based on vector error-correction modelling to establish the direction of influence. First, we show that rates of unemployment and receipt of social assistance is co-integrated. Second, we demonstrate that adjustments to the long-run equilibrium are made through adjustments of the unemployment. This indicates that the level of unemployment reacts to changes in rates of social assistance recipiency rather than vice versa. It is also shown that lagged changes in the level of unemployment do not predict changes in rates of social assistance recipients in short-term. Together these findings demonstrate that the number of social assistance recipients does increase the number of unemployed in a period characterized by low unemployment and high employment.


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The phenomenon of product piracy, when examined against different cultural, social and developmental needs, may result in a moderation of traditional moral judgments that have tended to deprecate piracy at every conceivable opportunity. Outlines the magnitude of product piracy, notably in the Asian region, presents a delineation of the relevant terminology, discusses strategies used in preventing product piracy and examines alternative views on the ethics of the practice.


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This research investigated attraction among individuals with autism. We found that those with autism prefer partners who assist them to meet their social and cognitive needs. Partners of those with autism chose to trade-off emotional and social skills for other traits. Lastly, those with autism had lower self-perceived mate value.


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The design of housing is one of the most difficult tasks in the field of architecture. Housing meets people’s functional, social and spiritual needs. The fundamental task of this study has been to investigate the features of traditional and contemporary housing making it possible to describe them and then use this comparison to understand the differences between them


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Este estudo sobre a contribuição das políticas SOClaIS para o processo de democratização do Estado em sua relação com a Sociedade, pretende demonstrar a importância da instituição e evolução de mecanismos institucionais nas políticas da área da educação informal da infância e da adolescência, para que elas possam caracterizar-se como políticas sociais de cunho emancipatório e, assim, contribuir para a construção de um espaço social politizado. Intencionamos a análise dos mecanismos que tenham sido institucionalizados na cidade de Curitiba durante o período de 1983 a 1996, a fim de verificarmos o grau de democratização destas políticas. Para a realização deste estudo, desenvolvemos uma metodologia baseando-nos em nossa prática na área estudada, no objetivo de nossa pesquisa e em bibliografia que fundamenta a diferenciação entre políticas sociais e políticas assistenciais. Examinamos o processo de instituição de mecanismos institucionais durante as quatro diferentes gestões que comportam o período investigado, verificando as continuidades e descontinuidades existentes, os fatores intervenientes e o grau de participação e autonomia dos diversos sujeitos - crianças e adolescentes, seua pais, funcionários responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento das políticas, comunidade e entidades organizadas. A conclusão que esta pesquisa nos permite é a de que as políticas as políticas assistenciais somente conseguem alçar ao patamar de políticas sociais se mecanismos institucionais forem instituídos, tanto ao nível do Estado como também em sua relação com a Sociedade, isto é, se procedimentos políticos de participação e controle por parte da população forem institucionalizados.


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O presente estudo é um ensaio avaliatório sobre a contribuição do educador Anísio Teixeira à educação brasileira de 1924 até nossos dias, no plano das idéias e das realizações práticas. A identificação das idéias foi produto de exaustiva pesquisa das fontes bibliográficas primárias de duzentos e trinta e seis títulos e três inquéritos, resultando em dez conceitos, liderados por democracia. As realizações práticas, além das obras literárias consistem em planos, criação, instalação, reforma de estabelecimento de ensino, de primeiro, segundo e terceiro graus ou universidades, órgãos de apoio ao ensino e à pesquisa e assistenciais, através de cargos e encargos públicos, oficiais, normativos, executivos e docentes, no âmbito de Estados e Federal. Tendo em vista acervo incomum de suas realizações, Anísio Teixera deve ser considerado a mais expressiva personalidade educativa da pedagogia brasileira, para além da qual, em comissões, representações e participação pessoal, em conferências e cursos na Europa e nas Américas, projetou o vigor de sua inteligência e o apreço à pedagogia do seu país.


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O Brasil praticamente alcançou a provisão universal dos serviços públicos de educação, saúde e assistência social nos últimos anos, mas a qualidade desses serviços ainda está bem atrás da maioria dos países desenvolvidos. As instituições de controle são atores relevantes nesse contexto, pois é seu dever avaliar a efetividade e a eficiência da provisão desses serviços públicos. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre a efetividade dessas instituições, especialmente no Brasil. Os artigos de Olken (2007), Reinikka e Svensson (2004) e Di Tella & Schargrodsky (2000) trazem alguns elementos para essa discussão, ao mostrar como e onde políticas de boas práticas podem funcionar em outros países. No Brasil, estudos empíricos sobre essas políticas são escassos. Nesta tese, meu principal objetivo é trazer evidências sobre a efetividade da auditoria pública no Brasil. Utilizando um experimento de campo, eu avalio a efetividade do trabalho de auditoria da Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU) no âmbito do Programa de Fiscalização a partir de Sorteios Públicos. Os principais tópicos discutidos aqui são relativos à gestão de programas em nível local e aos processos licitatórios a eles associados. Os municípios no grupo de tratamento são submetidos a um aumento na probabilidade de receber uma auditoria, enquanto os de controle permanecem com probabilidade inalterada. Os resultados sugerem que os gestores locais são sensíveis ao tratamento quando focamos as licitações, mas não quando a questão é a gestão de programas. Em seguida ao experimento, utilizo um modelo "Fora da Amostra" para sugerir um mecanismo de alocação de recursos financeiros e humanos, para melhorar os níveis de eficiência do trabalho de campo da CGU


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A prestação do serviço de acolhimento institucional para crianças e adolescentes ainda é um grande desafio para as organizações que realizam este trabalho, não só pelas atuais mudanças do perfil dos abrigados, que passa a exigir novas respostas institucionais, com pela fragilidade da estrutura de financiamento público. Desse modo, o presente trabalho tem como propósito identificar as principais fragilidades da estrutura de financiamento público desse serviço, a partir do estudo de caso do Programa Abrigos Solidárias da Liga Solidária, organização social sem fins lucrativos que mantém três abrigos via convênio firmado com a Secretaria Municipal de Assistência e Desenvolvimento Social de São Paulo (SMADS). Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa baseada em entrevistas semi estruturadas junto a gestores e técnicos da Liga Solidária, bem como uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os principais marcos da Política Nacional de Assistência Social, referências sobre a Reforma Gerencial do Estado e o funcionamento básico do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Com base nos dados encontrados na pesquisa, foi possível realizar um diagnóstico da atual estrutura de financiamento público e complementar que subsidiou a elaboração de uma proposta integrada de aperfeiçoamento da estrutura de financiamento desse serviço respaldado por uma análise comparativa com o SUS e resgatando as propostas de contratualização previstas na Reforma Gerencial do Estado de 1995.


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In this work we have analyzed the political commitment of the social assistance sponsored by the Bradesco Foundation in João Pessoa. This Foundation is a private institution of public interest that provides social assistance to low income populations all over Brazil. This kind of work is one of the oldest management initiatives in what is actually referred to as managers` social responsibility. This thesis assumes that managers who are in fact socially responsible should guide their actions by the principles of social democracy, so that everyone can enjoy citizens` social freedom, and guarantee their rights as well as the political awareness of social actors. Analysis of documents and a qualitative approach have been applied to the pedagogical Project of the Foundation, as well as phenomenology to study the social profile of their students. The analysis of the pedagogical project as well as the students` standpoint towards life reveals that the Bradesco Foundation is indeed committed to the social efficacy of its students. The educational proposal of the organization includes those elements that are required for teenagers` education envisaging participative citizenship. The teenagers` speech reveals that they have developed the project identity, being therefore able to take part in the process of political transformation of our time. The results indicate that the Bradesco Foundation not only guarantees some of the basic social rights for the healthy development of those who attend their courses, but also sponsors a high level education providing both a technical and a political formation


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The aging population and individual have been the subject of a multitude of studies nowadays. This is probably due to the impact of this phenomenon in various sectors of society, like social security, social assistance and public health. The process of aging of the individual imply the demand for specific services, considering the limitations and vulnerabilities of the individual at that stage of life cycle. The growth of the elderly contingent in the last decades raises challenges for policymakers, the family and also for the society at large. In this scenario, long-stay institutions for the elderly (LSIEs) appear as an option to aid and support the elderly and their family, assisting in all or part in the activities of daily living and self-care. Inside these LSIEs we find the professional responsible for the direct care of the elderly, the formal caregiver. In this context, this dissertation presents two main objectives: an analysis of the phenomenon of population aging in a given brazilian municipality Natal / RN, based on the Demographic Censuses of 2000 e 2010; and a social, demographic and economic characterization of the Formal caregiver for the institutionalized elderly in the municipality, evaluating aspects of his quality of life and also analyzing the institutions where they are inserted. Furthermore, we intend to identify demographic, socioeconomic and quality of life factors that are correlated with caregivers quitting the job. The data used in the second part of this work comes from the research project named Long-Stay Institutions for Elderly: abandonment or a family need? . This survey interviewed 92 caregivers in eleven LSIEs in Natal/RN. In the data treatment logistic regressions, cluster analysis and statistical tests were used. The survey revealed that aging in Natal is more pronounced in the older, more traditional districts: Petrópolis, Lagoa Seca and Tirol. It also allowed a broad characterization of the formal caregivers in LSIEs. Most of these professionals are female. The educational level is predominantly complete high school and more. Most caregivers reported being married or in union, or have ever been in a union. Family monthly income is under three times the minimum wage. The mean age is of 37.4 years. The mean time of work as a caregiver was 5.93 years. The associations showed that being woman, not being single, having caregiving training and physical limitations (regarding quality of life) are related to wanting to quit the caregiving job. As for the characterization of the LSIEs, it was found that the philanthropic ones are older and have most (62.5%) of the institutionalized elderly. The institutions managers gave social interaction and affinity with the elderly as the main criteria with which to evaluate and hire caregivers. It is intended with this study to contribute to improving the quality of life of the elderly and their caregiver, providing information on aspects of institutionalization of elderly both in the philanthropic and particular institutions, in Natal/RN; this dissertation may also be used as a starting point for later works


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The right to housing is included in several international human rights instruments and in Brazilian legal system integrates the constitutional catalog of fundamental social rights (art. 6) and urban development policy (art. 182 and 183). Besides, it is for all federative governments its effectiveness by building programs and improvement of housing conditions and sanitation (art. 23, IX), which justifies the investment in urban planning and public policy of housing affordability because they are tools for achieving this right. Newer strategies in this area have been based on tax incentives, combined with the mortgage as a way to induce the construction of new housing units or reform those in a precarious situation. However, there is still a deficit households and environmental soundness, compounded with the formation of informal settlements. Consequently, we need constant reflections on the issue, in order to identify parameters that actually guide their housing policies in order to meet the constitutional social functions of the city and ensure well-begins of its citizens (art. 182). On the other hand, the intervention of the government in this segment can not only see the availability of the home itself, but also the quality of your extension or surroundings, observing aspects related to environmental sanitation, urban mobility, leisure and services essential health, education and social assistance. It appears that the smoothness and efficiency of a housing policy condition to the concept of adequate housing, in other words, structurally safe, comfortable and environmentally legally legitimate, viable from the extensive coordination with other public policies. Only to compliance with this guideline, it is possible to realize the right to housing in sustainable cities