916 resultados para Arcade games in art
Aufgrund der breiten aktuellen Verwendung des Mythen-Begriffs in Kunst und Werbung, aber darüber hinaus auch in nahezu allen Bereichen gesellschaftlichen Lebens und vor allem in der Philosophie ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit, einen erweiterten Mythos-Begriff über das Historisch-Authentische hinaus zu verfolgen. Ausgehend von einer strukturalen Annäherung an den Mythos-Begriff im Sinne des von Roland Barthes vorgeschlagenen sekundären semiologischen Systems, d.h. einer semiologischen Sinnverschiebung zur Schaffung einer neuen – mythischen – Bedeutung, fordert diese neue Bedeutung eine Analyse, eine Mythenanalyse heraus. Dies ist deshalb so entscheidend, weil eben diese neue Bedeutung ihr mythisches Profil im Sinne von Hans Blumenberg durch forcierte Bedeutsamkeit für Individuen oder für bestimmte gesellschaftliche Gruppierungen unterlegt, z.B. durch bewusst intensive Wiederholung eines Themas oder durch unerwartete Koinzidenzen von Ereignissen oder durch Steigerung bzw. Depotenzierung von Fakten. Der erweiterte Mythen-Begriff verlangt nach einer Strukturierung und führt dabei zu unterschiedlichen Mythen-Ansätzen: zum Ursprungsstoff des authentischen Mythos und darauf basierender Geisteslage, zum Erkennen eines reflektierten Mythos, wenn es um das Verhältnis Mythos/Aufklärung geht, zum Zeitgeist-Mythos mit seinen umfangreichen Ausprägungen ideologischer, affirmativer und kritischer Art oder zu Alltagsmythen, die sich auf Persönlichkeitskulte und Sachverherrlichungen beziehen. Gerade der letztere Typus ist das Terrain der Werbung, die über den Gebrauchswert eines Produktes hinaus Wert steigernde Tauschwerte durch symbolische Zusatzattribute erarbeiten möchte. Hierbei können Markenmythen unterschiedlichster Prägung entstehen, denen wir täglich im Fernsehen oder im Supermarkt begegnen. Die Manifestation des Mythos in der Kunst ist einerseits eine unendliche Transformationsgeschichte mythischer Substanzen und andererseits ein überhöhender Bezug auf Zeitgeisterscheinungen, etwa bei dem Mythos des Künstlers selbst oder der durch ihn vorgenommenen „Verklärung des Gewöhnlichen“. Die Transformationsprozesse können u.a . prototypisch an zwei Beispielketten erläutert werden, die für den Kunst/Werbung-Komplex besonders interessant sind, weil ihr Charakter sich in einem Fall für die Werbung als äußerst Erfolg versprechend erwiesen hat und weil sich im zweiten Fall geradezu das Gegenteil abzeichnet: Zum einen ist es die Mythengestalt der Nymphe, jene jugendliche, erotisch-verführerische Frauengestalt, die über ihre antiken Wurzeln als Sinnbild der Lebensfreude und Fruchtbarkeit hinaus in und nach der Renaissance ihre Eignung als Verbildlichung der Wiederzulassung des Weiblichen in der Kunst beweist und schließlich der Instrumen-talisierung der Werbung dient. Im anderen Fall ist es die Geschichte der Medusa, die man idealtypisch als die andere Seite der Nympha bezeichnen kann. Hier hat Kunst Auf-klärungsarbeit geleistet, vor allem durch die Verschiebung des medusischen Schreckens von ihr weg zu einer allgemein-medusischen Realität, deren neue Träger nicht nur den Schrecken, sondern zugleich ihre Beteiligung an der Schaffung dieses Schreckens auf sich nehmen. Mythosanalyse ist erforderlich, um die Stellungnahmen der Künstler über alle Epochen hinweg und dabei vor allem diese Transformationsprozesse zu erkennen und im Sinne von Ent- oder Remythologisierung einzuordnen. Die hierarchische Zuordnung der dabei erkannten Bedeutungen kann zu einem Grundbestandteil einer praktischen Philosophie werden, wenn sie einen Diskurs durchläuft, der sich an Jürgen Habermas’ Aspekt der Richtigkeit für kommunikatives Handeln unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Toleranz orientiert. Dabei ist nicht nur zu beachten, dass eine verstärkte Mythenbildung in der Kunst zu einem erweiterten Mythen-begriff und damit zu dem erweiterten, heute dominierenden Kunstbegriff postmoderner Prägung geführt hat, sondern dass innerhalb des aktuellen Mythenpakets sich die Darstellungen von Zeitgeist- und Alltagsmythen zu Lasten des authentischen und des reflektierten Mythos entwickelt haben, wobei zusätzlich werbliche Markenmythen ihre Entstehung auf Verfahrensvorbildern der Kunst basieren. Die ökonomische Rationalität der aktuellen Gesellschaft hat die Mythenbildung keines-wegs abgebaut, sie hat sie im Gegenteil gefördert. Der neuerliche Mythenbedarf wurde stimuliert durch die Sinnentleerung der zweckrationalisierten Welt, die Ersatzbedarf anmeldete. Ihre Ordnungsprinzipien durchdringen nicht nur ihre Paradedisziplin, die Ökonomie, sondern Politik und Staat, Wissenschaft und Kunst. Das Umschlagen der Aufklärung wird nur zu vermeiden sein, wenn wir uns Schritt für Schritt durch Mythenanalyse unserer Unmündigkeit entledigen.
Practising Open Education : Developing the Potential of Open Educational Resources in Art, Design and Media. A collection of materials uploaded as part of the OER project.
El t??tulo aparece en espa??ol y, a continuaci??n, el t??tulo traducido al ingl??s: 'The Learner as Subject and the Place of Play and Games in the Educational Debate in North-America at the end of 19th Century'
L'estudi de les formes d'organització de l'activitat conjunta en l'ensenyament de la col·laboració tàctica en els esports col·lectius en l'àmbit escolar mostra com a punts de referència teòrica, per un costat aportacions provinents de la psicologia de la instrucció, i per un altre costat aportacions provinents de la didàctica de l' ensenyament de l' educació física i l' esport. Pel que fa al camp de la psicologia, cal situar l'estudi de l'activitat conjunta en una perspectiva constructivista dels processos d'ensenyament i aprenentatge. Aquesta pren com a referents Piaget, Ausubel, ... i molt especialment les aportacions fetes des de la teoria sociohistòrica i cultural per Vigotsky i també per Bruner. Així, conceptes com "mediació semiòtica", "internalització", "intersubjectivitat" i "zona de desenvolupament pròxim" tenen un paper molt rellevant. El que ens interessa en aquest treball és saber com s'ho fan el professor i els alumnes per aconseguir que aquests últims construeixin el seu propi coneixement al voltant del contingut proposat. En aquest sentit les idees de Vigotsky, així com la metàfora de "la bastida" de Bruner, són d'una gran importància. Des del camp de l'ensenyament dels esports col·lectius han pres com a referència bàsica el model d'ensenyament a partir de la tàctica provinent dels treballs de Bunker i Thorpe sobre l'ensenyament "per a la comprensió dels esports col·lectius". Així mateix ens hem guiat per aportacions d'autors com Bayer, Castejón, Riera o DevÍs. Pel que fa al camp de la didàctica, les recerques de Pieron han tingut una influència considerable. Es proposa l'estudi del procés d'ensenyament i aprenentatge esportiu des de l'anàlisi de la "interacció educativa" i de la "influència pedagògica", i molt especialment des de la "interactivitat". En aquest marc destaquen els "mecanismes d'influència educativa", que operen en l'àmbit de la interactivitat i que permeten comprendre com el professor ajusta l'ajuda per afavorir la construcció de coneixement dels alumnes. El nostre treball estudia un dels dos mecanismes descrits pels treballs de Coll i els seus col·laboradors de la Universitat de Barcelona i també corroborats pels treballs dirigits per Vila (Universitat de Girona). En concret, el treball se centra en l'anàlisi del procés de cessió i traspàs de la responsabilitat i del control de l' aprenentatge del professor envers els alumnes. Per això s'empren els nivells i les unitats d'anàlisi proposades per aquests treballs: la seqüència didàctica, la sessió, els segments d'interactivitat i les configuracions de segments d'interactivitat. Així mateix, s'incorpora l'anàlisi de les característiques del contingut, tant pel que fa a la tipologia de les tasques com pel que fa als criteris d' organització i seqüenciació. Es manté la idea que l'organització de l'activitat conjunta entre el professor i els alumnes esta fortament influenciada per les característiques del contingut. Per dur a terme el treball s'ha realitzat una seqüència didàctica de 4 sessions amb 10 alumnes de segon cicle d'ensenyament primari de l' escola "Annexa-Joan Puigbert" de la ciutat de Girona. S'ha enregistrat amb vídeo i amb micròfons sense fils tot el que deien i feien tant el professor com els alumnes durant la seqüència d'ensenyament. Posteriorment s'han transcrit les dades a un "full de transcripció" . Hem analitzat les característiques de la seqüència, de les sessions i del contingut: número de tasques, tipus de tasques, elements que intervenen en les tasques, etc., així com la millora en el comportament tàctic dels alumnes. Igualment s'ha analitzat l'activitat conjunta mitjançant segments d'interactivitat i configuracions de segments d'interactivitat. S'ha estudiat l'evolució dels diferents segments, tant en quantitat com en temps emprat durant la seqüència. I també l'evolució de l'activitat conjunta en diferents tipus de tasques: tasques repetides, tasques-base i les respectives modificacions, etc. Això ens ha permès veure el paper del contingut en l'organització de l' activitat conjunta. Les dades obtingudes permeten corroborar les hipòtesis plantejades en el treball i que tenen a veure amb que: 1. És possible obtenir indicadors sobre el procés de cessió i traspàs del control i de la responsabilitat en una situació d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de la col·laboració tàctica en atac en la iniciació als esports col·lectius. Aquest procés és temporal, gradual i discontinu i no es produeix ni de forma absoluta ni definitiva. 2. És necessari considerar aquest mecanisme en relació amb un segon mecanisme descrit: la construcció d'un sistema cada vegada més ampli i més ric de significats compartits entre el professor i els alumnes al voltant del contingut. Ambdós mecanismes estan interrelacionats i són irreductibles tot i que és possible estudiar-los focalitzant l'atenció en un d'ells. 3. Es constata el paper fonamental del contingut, tant la tipologia com els criteris d'organització i seqüenciació, en l'organització de l'activitat conjunta. Dels resultats obtinguts se'n desprenen algunes conclusions finals que van referides, d'una banda a aspectes d'interès per a futures recerques en aquest camp, i d'altra banda, a aspectes d'interès per a les pràctiques educatives.
Squirmish at the Oasis takes its name from Luigi Russolo's fourth noise network 'Skirmish at the Oasis' performed in Milan in 1913. 100 years on the Agency of Noise contemplate changes in technology and the culture industry that provoke new questions around the deliberate use of noise within music and art. Through live acts of enquiry and experimentation five artists unravel paradoxes associated with the use of noise in art, music and the gallery space. The works challenge tensions, contradictions and possible oxymorons that emerge through the use and acceptance of noise within an artistic framework. Featuring: DAISY DIXON / GRAHAM DUNNING / POLLYFIBRE / DANE SUTHERLAND / MARNIE WATTS
This paper describes an automatic device for in situ and continuous monitoring of the ageing process occurring in natural and synthetic resins widely used in art and in the conservation and restoration of cultural artefacts. The results of tests carried out under accelerated ageing conditions are also presented. This easy-to-assemble palm-top device, essentially consists of oscillators based on quartz crystal resonators coated with films of the organic materials whose response to environmental stress is to be addressed. The device contains a microcontroller which selects at pre-defined time intervals the oscillators and records and stores their oscillation frequency. The ageing of the coatings, caused by the environmental stress and resulting in a shift in the oscillation frequency of the modified crystals, can be straightforwardly monitored in this way. The kinetics of this process reflects the level of risk damage associated with a specific microenvironment. In this case, natural and artificial resins, broadly employed in art and restoration of artistic and archaeological artefacts (dammar and Paraloid B72), were applied onto the crystals. The environmental stress was represented by visible and UV radiation, since the chosen materials are known to be photochemically active, to different extents. In the case of dammar, the results obtained are consistent with previous data obtained using a bench-top equipment by impedance analysis through discrete measurements and confirm that the ageing of this material is reflected in the gravimetric response of the modified quartz crystals. As for Paraloid B72, the outcome of the assays indicates that the resin is resistant to visible light, but is very sensitive to UV irradiation. The use of a continuous monitoring system, apart from being obviously more practical, is essential to identify short-term (i.e. reversible) events, like water vapour adsorption/desorption processes, and to highlight ageing trends or sudden changes of such trends. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fan culture is a subculture that has developed explosively on the internet over the last decades. Fans are creating their own films, translations, fiction, fan art, blogs, role play and also various forms that are all based on familiar popular culture creations like TV-series, bestsellers, anime, manga stories and games. In our project, we analyze two of these subculture genres, fan fiction and scanlation. Amateurs, and sometimes professional writers, create new stories by adapting and developing existing storylines and characters from the original. In this way, a "network" of texts occurs, and writers step into an intertextual dialogue with established writers such as JK Rowling (Harry Potter) and Stephanie Meyer (Twilight). Literary reception and creation then merge into a rich reciprocal creative activity which includes comments and feedback from the participators in the community. The critical attitude of the fans regarding quality and the frustration at waiting for the official translation of manga books led to the development of scanlation, which is an amateur translation of manga distributed on the internet. Today, young internet users get involved in conceptual discussions of intertextuality and narrative structures through fan activity. In the case of scanlation, the scanlators practice the skills and techniques of translating in an informal environment. This phenomenon of participatory culture has been observed by scholars and it is concluded that they contribute to the development of a student’s literacy and foreign language skills. Furthermore, there is no doubt that the fandom related to Japanese cultural products such as manga, anime and videogames is one of the strong motives for foreign students to start learning Japanese. This is something to take into pedagogical consideration when we develop web-based courses. Fan fiction and fan culture make it possible to have an intensive transcultural dialogue between participators throughout the world and is of great interest when studying the interaction between formal and informal learning that puts the student in focus
A current topic in Swedish schools is the use of computer games and gaming. One reason is because computers are becoming more and more integrated into the schools, and the technology plays a large role in the everyday lives of the pupils. Since teachers should integrate pupils’ interests in the formal teaching, it is of interest to know what attitudes teachers have towards gaming. Therefore the aim of this empirical study is to gain an insight into the attitudes Swedish primary teachers have towards online and offline computer games in the EFL classroom. An additional aim is to investigate to what extent teachers use games. Five interviews were conducted with teachers in different Swedish schools in a small to medium-sized municipality. After the interviews were transcribed, the results were analyzed and discussed in relation to relevant research and the sociocultural theory. The results show that teachers are positive towards games and gaming, mostly because gaming often contains interaction with others and learning from peers is a main component in sociocultural theory. However, only one out of the five participants had at some point used games. The conclusion is that teachers are unsure about how to use games in their teaching and that training and courses in this area would be valuable. More research is needed within this area, and it would be of value to investigate what suggested courses would contain and also to investigate exactly how games can be used in teaching.
Research objectives Poker and responsible gambling both entail the use of the executive functions (EF), which are higher-level cognitive abilities. The main objective of this work was to assess if online poker players of different ability show different performances in their EF and if so, which functions are the most discriminating ones. The secondary objective was to assess if the EF performance can predict the quality of gambling, according to the Gambling Related Cognition Scale (GRCS), the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) and the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI). Sample and methods The study design consisted of two stages: 46 Italian active players (41m, 5f; age 32±7,1ys; education 14,8±3ys) fulfilled the PGSI in a secure IT web system and uploaded their own hand history files, which were anonymized and then evaluated by two poker experts. 36 of these players (31m, 5f; age 33±7,3ys; education 15±3ys) accepted to take part in the second stage: the administration of an extensive neuropsychological test battery by a blinded trained professional. To answer the main research question we collected all final and intermediate scores of the EF tests on each player together with the scoring on the playing ability. To answer the secondary research question, we referred to GRCS, PGSI and SOGS scores. We determined which variables that are good predictors of the playing ability score using statistical techniques able to deal with many regressors and few observations (LASSO, best subset algorithms and CART). In this context information criteria and cross-validation errors play a key role for the selection of the relevant regressors, while significance testing and goodness-of-fit measures can lead to wrong conclusions. Preliminary findings We found significant predictors of the poker ability score in various tests. In particular, there are good predictors 1) in some Wisconsin Card Sorting Test items that measure flexibility in choosing strategy of problem-solving, strategic planning, modulating impulsive responding, goal setting and self-monitoring, 2) in those Cognitive Estimates Test variables related to deductive reasoning, problem solving, development of an appropriate strategy and self-monitoring, 3) in the Emotional Quotient Inventory Short (EQ-i:S) Stress Management score, composed by the Stress Tolerance and Impulse Control scores, and in the Interpersonal score (Empathy, Social Responsibility, Interpersonal Relationship). As for the quality of gambling, some EQ-i:S scales scores provide the best predictors: General Mood for the PGSI; Intrapersonal (Self-Regard; Emotional Self-Awareness, Assertiveness, Independence, Self-Actualization) and Adaptability (Reality Testing, Flexibility, Problem Solving) for the SOGS, Adaptability for the GRCS. Implications for the field Through PokerMapper we gathered knowledge and evaluated the feasibility of the construction of short tasks/card games in online poker environments for profiling users’ executive functions. These card games will be part of an IT system able to dynamically profile EF and provide players with a feedback on their expected performance and ability to gamble responsibly in that particular moment. The implementation of such system in existing gambling platforms could lead to an effective proactive tool for supporting responsible gambling.
The exploration of the idea of the horse is a very complex and open quest. Primarily it entails some conception of what the idea of the horse is. In choosing to title the project as such, I was attempting to indicate that what was of major interest to me was the representation of those qualities of the horse which are abstract and intangible as well as the physical qualities of the horse. Because of this interest, much of my work is concerned with movement, gesture, and the effects of structure, or lack thereof, on movement and gesture.
This study aims to demonstrate that data from business games can be an important resource for improving efficiency and effectiveness of learning. The proposal presented here was developed from preliminary studies of data from Virtual Market games that pointed the possibility of identifying gaps in learning by analyzing the decisions of students. This proposal helps students to refine their learning processes and equips tutors with strategies for teaching and student assessment. The proposal also complements the group discussion and/or debriefing, which are widely used to enhance learning mediated by games. However, from a management perspective the model has the potential to be erroneous and miss opportunities, which cannot be detected because of the dependence on the characteristics of the individual, such as ability to communicate and work together. To illustrate the proposed technique, data sets from two business games were analyzed with the focus on managing working capital and it was found that students had difficulties managing this task. Similar trends were observed in all categories of students in the study-undergraduate, postgraduate and specialization. This discovery led us to the analysis of data for decisions made in the performance of the games, and it was determined that indicators could be developed that were capable of indentifying inconsistencies in the decisions. It was decided to apply some basic concepts of the finance management, such as management of the operational and non-operational expenditures, as well as production management concepts, such as the use of the production capacity. By analyzing the data from the Virtual Market games using the indicator concept, it was possible to detect the lack of domain knowledge of the students. Therefore, these indicators can be used to analyze the decisions of the players and guide them during the game, increasing their effectiveness and efficiency. As these indicators were developed from specific content, they can also be used to develop teaching materials to support learning. Viewed in this light, the proposal adds new possibilities for using business games in learning. In addition to the intrinsic learning that is achieved through playing the games, they also assist in driving the learning process. This study considers the applications and the methodology used.
Introduction: Studies on education in health are important for the concretion of action of promotion of the health. Objective: To verify the changes of theoretical knowledge on sitting posture, evaluated at two moments (initial and final,) considering two programs of education (expositive lesson and operative groups). Methods: 75 pupils had been citizens, of both the sexes, three 4as series of a public school, evaluated previously (A1) on seated position; group 1 was submitted to a procedure of expositive education, the 2 educative games in the 2 and, the 3 to no intervention. After one week they had been reevaluated (A2). For the moments the test of Wilcoxon was applied and between the Kruskal groups Wallis. Results: In the comparison inside of the groups, of 2 and 3 they had presented increase in the number of rightness on position seated in the after-test, with statistical significant difference, whereas in the group has controlled, such fact did not occur. In the comparison between groups, at the first moment (A1), 2 groups e 3 had not presented significant difference statistical (p > 0,05), however, in as moment notices that it had difference statistics between the three groups (p < 0,01), being that the G3 presented minor frequency of errors (md = 5) in relation to the g2 (md = 8) and g1 (md = 10). Conclusions: It can be affirmed that educative techniques that supply information and promote debates and exchanges of experiences between the participants increase the possibilities of incorporation of the contents related to the sitting posture.