202 resultados para Apologetics.
Greek and Latin on opposite pages.
Includes bibliographical references.
Pagination: Vol. 1: xx, 432 p. -- Vol. 2: vii, [1], 457, [1] p.
Police is Dead is an historiographic analysis whose objective is to change the terms by which contemporary humanist scholarship assesses the phenomenon currently termed neoliberalism. It proceeds by building an archeology of legal thought in the United States that spans the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. My approach assumes that the decline of certain paradigms of political consciousness set historical conditions that enable the emergence of what is to follow. The particular historical form of political consciousness I seek to reintroduce to the present is what I call “police:” a counter-liberal way of understanding social relations that I claim has particular visibility within a legal archive, but that has been largely ignored by humanist theory on account of two tendencies: first, an over-valuation of liberalism as Western history’s master signifier; and second, inconsistent and selective attention to law as a cultural artifact. The first part of my dissertation reconstructs an anatomy of police through close studies of court opinions, legal treatises, and legal scholarship. I focus in particular on juridical descriptions of intimate relationality—which police configured as a public phenomenon—and slave society apologetics, which projected the notion of community as an affective and embodied structure. The second part of this dissertation demonstrates that the dissolution of police was critical to emergence of a paradigm I call economism: an originally progressive economic framework for understanding social relations that I argue developed at the nexus of law and economics at the turn of the twentieth century. Economism is a way of understanding sociality that collapses ontological distinctions between formally distinct political subjects—i.e., the state, the individual, the collective—by reducing them to the perspective of economic force. Insofar as it was taken up and reoriented by neoliberal theory, this paradigm has become a hegemonic form of political consciousness. This project concludes by encouraging a disarticulation of economism—insofar as it is a form of knowledge—from neoliberalism as its contemporary doctrinal manifestation. I suggest that this is one way progressive scholarship can think about moving forward in the development of economic knowledge, rather than desiring to move backwards to a time before the rise of neoliberalism. Disciplinarily, I aim to show that understanding the legal historiography informing our present moment is crucial to this task.
Mode of access: Internet.
Además del “texto mozárabe de historia universal” dado a conocer por G. Levi Della Vida, el manuscrito de origen andalusí Raqqāda 2003/2 (olim Gran Mezquita de Qayrawān 120/829) contiene tres textos cristianos de naturaleza polémico-apologética: una versión árabe del diálogo entre el patriarca nestoriano Timoteo I y el califa abasí al-Mahdī, un debate entre dos interlocutores a los que se menciona como al-kaṯūliqī y al-a‘rābī, y una colección de testimonia. En este artículo se examina la influencia que sobre estos tres textos ejercieron las obras teológicas elaboradas por los cristianos orientales, influencia que se observa en los argumentos utilizados, en las citas bíblicas aducidas y en el léxico teológico empleado.
El presente trabajo ofrece el texto griego del Dialogo de un Sarraceno y un cristiano con una traducción española. En la introducción tratamos de los autores posibles, los contenidos y los principales asuntos en discusión en el seno del Islam, así como generalidades sobre el género literario y el griego del escrito. Por último se ensaya una posible explicación del desorden temporal (que oscila sin aparente sentido entre el aoristo y el presente), partiendo de la moderna teoría lingüística conocida como teoría de la perfectividad.