382 resultados para Amblyomma parvum
A doença diarreica constitui uma das principais causas de morte em crianças menores de cinco anos em Angola. O presente estudo assume como principal objectivo identificar os agentes patogénicos causadores de diarreia, entre eles vírus, parasitas e bactérias, das crianças admitidas no Hospital Geral do Bengo. Material de estudo - O estudo iniciou-se em Setembro de 2012, tendo sido incluídas crianças menores de 5 anos admitidas no Hospital Geral do Bengo por diarreia (serviço de urgência e consulta externa) até Outubro de 2013, sem história de antibioterapia.
É descrito um caso fatal de adiaspiromicose pulmonar, em paciente do sexo masculino, lavrador, que vivia em Planaltina-DF, para onde se mudara, vindo do Nordeste, cerca de um ano antes do aparecimento da enfermidade. As manifestações principais consistiram em febre, calafrios, mialgias, tosse seca e dispnéia. Após cinco semanas, o paciente faleceu, devido a insuficiência respiratória. Na autópsia, lesões nodulares incontáveis, medindo alguns milímetros de diâmetro, apareciam disseminadas por todos os lobos de ambos os pulmões. O exame microscópico revelou a existência, dentro dos nódulos, de estruturas redondas, volumosas (atingiam até 600 /tm de diâmetro), providas de membrana espessa, e identificadas como adiaconídios de Chrysosporium parvum var. crescens. Esses adiaconídios eram sempre encontrados no interior de microabscessos ou de áreas de necrose tissular, ambos cercados por reação granulomatosa. Os alvéolos pulmonares, não comprometidos pelos nódulos, apresentavam-se cheios de células da inflamação, principalmente macrófagos e neutrófilos. O achado de outros casos, não fatais, da doença, nos arredores de Brasília, indica que a adiaspiromicose deve ser endêmica na região do Planalto Central brasileiro, lugar onde o clima, principalmente nos meses de agosto a outubro, é quente e seco, com ventos fortes, fatores que devem contribuir para a disseminação dos conídios de C. parvum.
Se refieren 3 casos autóctonos de rickettsiosis cutáneo ganglionar trasmitidos por garrapatas de perros (Amblyomma maculatum, en uno de ellos) en el Uruguay. Dos de los 3 casos fueron seguramente provocados por Rickettsia conorii de acuerdo a los resultados de la reacción específica de inmunofluorescencia indirecta - IgM, anti R. conorii. Se incluye un tercer paciente no estudiado con tal técnica, por la similitud clínico-epidemiológica, la reactividad del suero frente al Proteus OX 19 y la rápida respuesta a la tetraciclina. La no descripción previa de la rickettsiosis por R. conorii en forma autóctona en el área de las Américas confiere especial interés a la comunicación, recomendándose la búsqueda de la afección en otros países de la región.
Cryptosporidium was detected in 21 (3.8%) individual stool samples collected from 553 pediatric patients hospitalized in our center employing a Telemann concentration technique (formalinethercentrifugation) and stained with the modified Kinyoun method. The mean age of populations with Cryptosporidiosis (16 boys and 5 girls) was 11 months; 15 months for girls and 6.5 for boys. Ages of 81% of them were less than 19 months. Seventysix per cent of patients lived on the outskirts of Buenos Aires and 71% lacked pretreated running water at home. In 62% of the cases parasitological diagnoses coincided with warm seasons. At diagnosis mucous (63%) or watery (36%) diarrhea was presented in 90% of the patients with a median of 5 (38) bowel movements per day. Fever was presented in 66% of patients while abdominal pain and vomits in 60% and 52%, respectively. The median time from hospitalization up to parasitologic diagnosis was 20 days. Concomitant diseases observed were malnutrition, acute leukemia, bronchiolitis, HIV infection, anemia, celiac disease, myelofibrosis, vitelline sac tumor, neutropenia, osteosarcoma and dehydration. Cryptosporidiosis in our environment seems to occur more frequently in children younger than 18 months of age; who present diarrhea; are immunodeficient; come from a low socioeconomical background; and who live in poor sanitary conditions with no potable running water.
Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia duodenalis are waterborne parasites that have caused several outbreaks of gastrointestinal disease associated with drinking water. Due to the lack of studies about the occurrence of these protozoa in water in the Southeast of Brazil, an investigation was conducted to verify the presence of cysts and oocysts in superficial raw water of the Atibaia River. The water samples were submitted to membrane filtration (3.0 mum) and elution was processed by (1) scraping and rinsing of membrane (RM method) and (2) acetone-dissolution (ADM method). Microbiologic and chemical parameters were analyzed. Aliquots of the pellets were examined by immunofluorescence (Merifluor, Meridian Diagnostics, Cincinnati, Ohio). All water samples were positive for Cryptosporidium and Giardia, in spite of the high turbidity. Higher recovery rates occurred in samples treated by the RM method than by the ADM technique. The goal for future work is the assessment of viability of cysts and oocysts to determine the public health significance of this finding.
Ticks were obtained from dogs from February to September of 1999 at weekly intervals, in the County of Piraí, State of Rio de Janeiro. Four hundred seventy four ixodids were taxonomically identified, 103 Amblyomma cajennense, seven Amblyomma ovale, 209 Rhipicephalus sanguineus, and 155 Amblyomma sp. An hemolymph test associated with Giemsa's stain revealed two specimens in 163 ticks tested (R. sanguineus and Amblyomma sp), containing rickettsia-like organisms. Direct immunofluorescence verified the presence of spotted fever group rickettsia in one specimen of R. sanguineus. Considering the limited information on rickettsiosis in Brazil, principally in relation to the vectors involved in perpetuating it in foci, these preliminary results give us an idea on the importance of infection in ticks, allowing to expand our knowledge on this zoonosis.
Cryptosporidium isolates identified in fourteen stool samples, collected from five HIV-infected patients and nine immunocompetent children, living in the Sate of São Paulo, Brazil, were submitted to a molecular analysis using a nested PCR followed of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), for genetic characterization. The analysis was based on digestion with RsaI restriction enzyme of a DNA fragment amplified from the Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein (COWP) gene. Based on this analysis, four samples were identified as Cryptosporidium parvum, eight as Cryptosporidium hominis and two presented a profile that correspondedto Cryptosporidium meleagridis when compared to the standards used in the analysis. The use of molecular methods can be helpful to identify source of infections and risk factors related to Cryptosporidium infection in our communities.
The present study investigated the infection by spotted fever rickettsia in an endemic area for Brazilian spotted fever (BSF; caused by Rickettsia rickettsii) in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Human, canine and equine sera samples, and Amblyomma cajennense adult ticks collected in a rural area of Itabira City, Minas Gerais State were tested for rickettsial infection. Through Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) we demonstrated the presence of antibodies anti-R. rickettsii in 8.2%, 81.3% and 100% of the human, canine and equine sera, respectively. None of the 356 tick specimens analyzed were positive for Rickettsia by the hemolymph test or Polymerase Chain Reaction technique (PCR) for the htrA and the gltA genes. Our serological results on horses and dogs (sentinels for BSF) appoint for the circulation of a SFG Rickettsia in the study area, however in a very low infection rate among the A. cajennense tick population.
Cryptosporidium spp. are important cause of enteric disease in humans, but may also infect animals. This study describes the relative frequency of several Cryptosporidium species found in human specimens from HIV infected patients in the São Paulo municipality obtained from January to July 2007. Sequence analysis of the products of nested-PCR based on small subunit rRNA and Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein coding genes revealed 17 (63.0%) isolates of C. hominis, four (14.8%) C. parvum, five (18.5%) C. felis and one (3.7%) C. canis. These findings suggest that, in urban environments of Brazil, the cat adapted C. felis may play a potential role in the zoonotic transmission of cryptosporidiosis whereas the anthroponotic transmission of cryptosporidiosis caused by C. hominis seems to predominate.
At first Rickettsia conorii was implicated as the causative agent of spotted fever in Uruguay diagnosed by serological assays. Later Rickettsia parkeri was detected in human-biting Amblyomma triste ticks using molecular tests. The natural vector of R. conorii, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, has not been studied for the presence of rickettsial organisms in Uruguay. To address this question, 180 R. sanguineus from dogs and 245 A. triste from vegetation (flagging) collected in three endemic localities were screened for spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiosis in southern Uruguay. Tick extracted DNA pools were subjected to PCR using primers which amplify a fragment of the rickettsial gltA gene. Positive tick DNA pools with these primers were subjected to a second PCR round with primers targeting a fragment of the ompA gene, which is only present in SFG rickettsiae. No rickettsial DNA was detected in R. sanguineus. However, DNA pools of A. triste were found to be positive for a rickettsial organism in two of the three localities, with prevalences of 11.8% to 37.5% positive pools. DNA sequences generated from these PCR-positive ticks corresponded to R. parkeri. These findings, joint with the aggressiveness shown by A. triste towards humans, support previous data on the involvement of A. triste as vector of human infections caused by R. parkeri in Uruguay.
Cryptosporidium spp. and Cystoisospora belli are monoxenic protozoa that have been recognized as the causative agents of chronic diarrhea in immunocompromised individuals, especially HIV-infected subjects. The objective of this study was to evaluate the frequency of these intestinal protozoa in HIV-positive patients in the Triângulo Mineiro region of Brazil and to correlate the presence of these infections with clinical, epidemiological and laboratory data of the patients. Oocysts were detected in stool samples of 10 (16.9%) of the 59 patients studied, while Cryptosporidium spp. were present in 10.1% (6/59) and C. belli in 6.7% (4/59). The frequency of these parasites was higher among patients with diarrheic syndrome and CD4+ T lymphocyte counts < 200 cells/mm 3 , demonstrating the opportunistic characteristic of these infections. A significant association was observed between the lack of adherence to antiretroviral therapy and the presence of Cryptosporidium spp. and/or C. belli. Parasitism with Cryptosporidium spp. was more frequent in February and April, the months following the period of high rainfall. The same was not observed for C. belli. Genetic characterization of two isolates led to the identification of Cryptosporidium parvum, one of the main species associated with the zoonotic transmission of cryptosporidiosis.
SUMMARY The aims of this study were to determine the seroprevalence of Ehrlichia spp. and risk factors for exposure in a restricted population of dogs, horses, and humans highly exposed to tick bites in a Brazilian rural settlement using a commercial ELISA rapid test and two indirect immunofluorescent assays (IFA) with E. canis and E. chaffeensis crude antigens. Serum samples from 132 dogs, 16 horses and 100 humans were used. Fifty-six out of 132 (42.4%) dogs were seropositive for E. canis. Dogs > one year were more likely to be seropositive for E. canis than dogs ≤ one year (p = 0.0051). Ten/16 (62.5%) and 8/16 (50%) horses were seropositive by the commercial ELISA and IFA, respectively. Five out of 100 (5%) humans were seropositive for E. canis and E. chaffeensis. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (n = 291, 97.98%) on dogs and Amblyomma cajennense (n = 25, 96.15%) on horses were the most common ticks found. In conclusion, anti-Ehrlichia spp. antibodies were found in horses; however, the lack of a molecular characterization precludes any conclusion regarding the agent involved. Additionally, the higher seroprevalence of E. canis in dogs and the evidence of anti-Ehrlichia spp. antibodies in humans suggest that human cases of ehrlichiosis in Brazil might be caused by E. canis, or other closely related species.
E apresentado um caso de adiaspiromícose pulmonar disseminada, em paciente oriundo de Corrente, Estado do Piauí. Trata-se do segundo caso dessa forma clínica diagnosticado no Distrito Federal. As manifestações principais consistiram em febre, calafrios, tosse e dispnéia. Com dez meses da doença, veio o paciente à consulta, motivado por exacerbação dos sintomas ocorrida cerca de dois meses antes. Após toracotomia direita, numerosas lesões nodulares, brancas, miiiares, aparecem disseminadas por toda a superfície exposta do órgão. O exame microscópico de um fragmento do pulmão permitiu reconhecer-se a presença de microabscessos e granulomas, alguns contendo no seu interior estruturas redondas, queforam identificadas como adiaconidios de Chrysosporium parvum var. crescens. O aspecto variado das lesões foi considerado por representar estádios evolutivos diferentes do processo inflamatório, estando a variação ligada a inóculos diversos do fungo, separados no tempo. Admite-se que a exacerbação, referida pelo paciente, resultou de uma nova exposição ao fungo, sugerida pela existência de lesões recentes, de natureza supurativa, entre outras, de aspecto granulomatoso, tidas como mais antigas.
Estudou-se as prevalências de Gíardia duodenalís e Cryptosporidium parvum, conforme sexo e faixa etária. em crianças de 2-60 meses (n = 310), atendidas em 8 creches. Giardiose ocoireu em 42 (13,5%) das crianças e foi mais freqüente na faixa etãria de 19-24 meses, embora crianças nos primeiros seis meses de vida apresentassem amostras fecais positivas. Teste estatístico não revelou associação entre sexo e parasitismo (p > 0,05). C. parvum foi encontrado em 20 crianças (6,4%) com maior frequência no grupo de 7-12 meses. Crianças entre 25-30 meses e acima de 36 meses não apresentaram oocistos nas fezes. Oocistos foram detectados em 4 crianças na faixa etãria de 0-6 meses. Não houve significância estatística entre criptosporidiose e sexo (p = 0,09) e, entre creches (p = 0,068). Ocorreu associação entre idade e a presença do coccídio (p = 0,004). Abordou-se os aspectos epidemiológicos por meio de inquérito familiar, exames parasitolõgicos entre contatos dos casos-índices e dos animais presentes no domicílio. Prevalência de C. parvum foi maior quando pelo menos um dos pais era profissional da Área de Saúde (73,6% positivas), hai:ia relato de doença concomitante (52,6%) positivas) e diairéia era o principal sintoma por ocasião de exame fecal (78,9%) positivas). Exames de fezes dos animais domésticos foram negativos para estes dois parasitos.