924 resultados para Aggressive behavior in animals
The nonequilibrium phase transitions occurring in a fast-ionic-conductor model and in a reaction-diffusion Ising model are studied by Monte Carlo finite-size scaling to reveal nonclassical critical behavior; our results are compared with those in related models.
The aim of this study is to investigate the consumer search behavior in high involvement purchases. The results of this research provide the descriptive analysis of the information search phase which is a part of the decision-making process. The study focuses on customer’s choice of the information sources, motivation behind it and different factors that influence the search behavior. Particular attention is paid to the purchase categorization and the differences in information search between products and services. The qualitative research method is chosen for this study. The data is gathered through ten theme interviews. Each participant of the interview describes his/her own search behavior in a product and a service case. The results indicate that consumer search behavior vary according to the purchase categorization, demographic, individual and situational factors. Moreover, the above-mentioned factors influence the purpose and position of the information search phase in a five-step decision making model.
Alkoholberusning är en av de starkaste riskfaktorerna för aggressivt beteende. Alla individer blir dock inte aggressiva under alkoholberusning. I sin doktorsavhandling undersökte Johansson ifall individens genetiska uppsättning kan förklara skillnader i vem som reagerar på alkohol med ökat aggressivt beteende och ilska och vem som inte gör det. Resultaten visade att individer som är bärare av en viss variant av genen som kodar för oxytocinets receptorer är i högre grad benägna att uppvisa aggressivt beteende än andra när de är alkoholberusade. Sambandet mellan alkohol och ilska påverkades även av individens genetiska uppsättning av två oxytocinreceptorgenvarianter, vilket antyder att dessa genvarianter även påverkar benägenheten att känna ilska under alkoholberusning. Oxytocinet, som fungerar både som ett hormon och en neurotransmittor, har i tidigare studier visats ha breda effekter på sociala förmågor hos människan, såsom förmåga till igenkännande av andras känslouttryck. Resultaten är de första att hos människan experimentellt påvisa att vissa individer beter sig mer aggressivt än andra när de är berusade, beroende på individens genetiska uppsättning. ”Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att genens effekt i det här fallet inte är av en sådan natur att den direkt och ofrånkomligen orsakar aggressivt beteende. Med andra ord är det orimligt i detta fall att tänka att en individ skulle tillmätas ansvarsfrihet i exempelvis ett våldsbrottmål om hon bär på en viss variant av denna gen”, påpekar Johansson. Oxytocinreceptorgenens effekter analyserades i två olika urval. I ett experimentellt upplägg indelades 116 män slumpässigt i två grupper: en grupp som tilldelades alkoholhaltiga drycker, och en kontrollgrupp som tilldelades alkoholfria drycker. Aggressivt beteende mättes med ett laboratorietest där försökspersonerna fick bestraffa en fiktiv motspelare genom att spela upp motbjudande ljud för denne. Resultaten replikerades i ett populationsbaserat urval av män och kvinnor (n = 3755) vilka besvarat frågor om deras aggressiva beteenden, ilska, och alkoholanvändning.
In order to encourage children and adolescents to defend and support their victimized peers, it is important to identify factors that either maximize or minimize the probability that students will engage in such behaviors. This thesis is composed of four studies designed to elucidate how a variety of factors work in conjunction to explain why some children defend their victimized classmates, whereas others remain passive or reinforce the bully. The conceptual framework of this thesis is drawn from several theoretical considerations, including social cognitive learning theory, the expectancy-value framework as well as the literature emphasizing the importance of empathy in motivating behaviors. Also the child-by-environment perspective and the socialecological perspective influenced this research. Accordingly, several intra- and interpersonal characteristics (e.g., social cognitions, empathy, and social status) as well as group-level factors (e.g., norms) that may either enhance or reduce the probability that students defend their victimized peers are investigated. In Studies I and II, the focus is on social cognitions, and special attention is paid to take into account the domain-specificity of cognition-behavior processes. Self-efficacy for defending is still an interest of study III, but the role of affective empathy on defending is also investigated. Also social status variables (preference and perceived popularity) are evaluated as possible moderators of links between intrapersonal factors and defending. In Study IV, the focus is expanded further by concentrating on characteristics of children’s proximal environments (i.e., classroom). Bullying norms and collective perceptions (i.e., connectedness among the students and the teachers’ ability to deal with bullying situations) are examined. Data are drawn from two research projects: the Kaarina Cohort Study (consisting of fourth and eighth graders) and the randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluating the effects of the KiVa antibullying program (consisting of third to fifth graders). The results of the thesis suggest that defending the victims of bullying is influenced by a variety of individual level motivational characteristics, such as social cognitions and affective empathy. Also, both perceived popularity and social preference play a role in defending, and the findings support the conceptualization that behavior results from the interplay between the characteristics of an individual child and their social-relational environment. Classroom context further influences students’ defending behavior. Thus, antibullying efforts targeting peer bystanders should aim to influence intra- and interpersonal characteristics of children and adolescents as well as their social environment.
The purpose of this master’s thesis was to investigate the effects which benefits obtained from reading a newspaper and using its website have on behavioral outcomes such as word-of-mouth behavior and willingness to pay. Several other antecedents of willingness to pay have been used as the control variables. However, their interrelations haven’t been hypothesized. The empirical part focused on a case company – Finnish regional newspaper. Empirical research has been conducted using a quantitative method and data was collected via online survey placed on newspaper’s website during 2010. 1001 responses have been collected. The results showed that benefits obtained both from traditional printed newspaper and from online one have positive effects on the word-of-mouth about this newspaper and its website. However, it has been revealed that benefits obtained from reading the newspaper don’t have effect on the willingness to pay for this newspaper. Additionally, only interpersonal and convenience benefits obtained from using the newspaper’s website influence on the willingness to pay for it. Finally, willingness to pay for the bundle of printed newspaper and its website access is affected positively only by the information/learning benefits obtained from reading the newspaper and by the interpersonal benefits obtained from using the newspaper’s website.
In this thesis, two negatively valenced emotions are approached as reflecting children’s self-consciousness, namely guilt and shame. Despite the notable role of emotions in the psychological research, empirical research findings on the links between guilt, shame, and children’s social behavior – and particularly aggression – have been modest, inconsistent, and sometimes contradictory. This thesis contains four studies on the associations of guilt, shame, emotion regulation, and social cognitions with children’s social behavior. The longitudinal material of the thesis was collected as a survey among a relatively large amount of Finnish preadolescents. In Study I, the distinctiveness of guilt and shame in children’s social behavior were investigated. The more specific links of emotions and aggressive behavior were explored in Study II, in which emotion regulation and negative emotionality were treated as the moderators between guilt, shame, and children’s aggressive behavior. The role of emotion management was further evaluated in Study III, in which effortful control and anger were treated as the moderators between domain-specific aggressive cognitions and children’s aggressive behavior. In the light of the results from the Studies II and III, it seems that for children with poor emotion management the effects of emotions and social cognitions on aggressive behavior are straight-forward, whereas effective emotion management allows for reframing the situation. Finally, in Study IV, context effects on children’s anticipated emotions were evaluated, such that children were presented a series of hypothetical vignettes, in which the child was acting as the aggressor. Furthermore, the identity of the witnesses and victim’s reactions were systematically manipulated. Children anticipated the most shame in situations, in which all of the class was witnessing the aggressive act, whereas both guilt and shame were anticipated the most in the situations, in which the victim was reacting with sadness. Girls and low-aggressive children were more sensitive to contextual cues than boys and high-aggressive children. Overall, the results of this thesis suggest that the influences of guilt, shame, and social cognition on preadolescents’ aggressive behavior depend significantly on the nature of individual emotion regulation, as well as situational contexts. Both theoretical and practical implications of this study highlight a need to acknowledge effective emotion management as enabling the justification of one’s own immoral behavior.
The meiotic behavior of fourteen Passiflora taxa was analyzed. The species were grouped according to the n value (6, 9 and 12) for statistical studies. Some species presented tetravalent associations or univalent chromosomes in diakinesis, bivalent formation prevailing. The qui-square test revealed significant differences in the chiasma frequency among species for n = 9 and n = 6 groups. There was predominance of interstitial chiasmata in almost all studied species. The n = 12 group was the only one whose meiotic behavior was considered similar due to the quantity of chiasmata per cell, tendency of interstitial chiasma localization. Some species presented meiotic irregularities, such as laggard and precocious chromosomes in meiosis I. In telophase II the percentages of meiotic irregularities was low. Irregularities in the spindle orientation were presented in higher percentages in the end of meiosis II, and were also responsible for post-meiotic abnormal products. The irregularities observed during meiosis can have influence on the percentage of sterile pollen grains and success of interspecific crossings in Passiflora species.
Variations in egg length were observed for two populations of cryptic species of Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann). The eggs of type I flies were smaller than those of type II individuals. For both types, in regard to yolk mass extrusion, four classes of embryos were detected. Class 1: embryos that extrude masses at both extremities; class 2: embryos in which extrusion occurs only at the anterior pole; class 3: embryos that eliminate mass only at the posterior pole, and class 4: embryos that do not extrude any mass. Embryo class frequencies were similar for populations belonging to the same type, but different between types. Individual females may produce eggs from different embryo classes, but for any given female the pattern remains constant during a long period of oviposition. Variation in size of the extruded masses was similar for both populations. Individual females produced embryos with a small range of mass diameters, and different females produced masses of different mean size. However, individual mass size remained constant during oviposition. The results suggest the existence of genetic components involved in the control of this unusual process. Larvae of both types presented, just before eclosion, similar unusual behaviors: they ingest the anterior extruded mass, rotate 180°, absorb the posterior mass and eclose near the posterior pole. Data show that cryptic A. fraterculus type I and type II differs in regard to egg size as well as to the phenomenon of yolk mass extrusion
Albino rats were submitted to a 24-h period of social isolation (individual housing) combined with 0, 1, 2 or 3 twenty-four-hour periods of exposure to different vivaria (novelty) and tested in the elevated plus-maze. Results, reported as mean ± SEM for N = 12, show that the time (in seconds) spent in the open arms by rats exposed to novelty for 0, 1, 2 and 3 days was 28.3 ± 4.4, 31.6 ± 3.2, 29.1 ± 3.5 and 25.0 ± 3.3, respectively, when grouped in the same vivarium; 29.6 ± 2.7, 7.6 ± 2.1, 9.6 ± 4.4 and 28.5 ± 3.7 when grouped in different vivaria; 2.9 ± 1.1, 1.8 ± 1.0, 2.7 ± 1.1 and 0 ± 0 when isolated in the same vivarium, and 2.6 ± 1.1, 31.5 ± 8.2, 24.8 ± 4.2 and 0 ± 0 when isolated in different vivaria. The number of entries into the open and closed arms followed a similar trend. This indicates that, separately, both exposure to novelty and isolation are aversive manipulations. Paradoxically, when novelty was combined with a concomitant 24-h period of social isolation prior to testing, the decrease in exploratory behavior caused by either of the two aversive manipulations alone was reverted. These results are indicative that less intense anxiety triggers mechanisms mediating less energetic behavior such as freezing, while higher levels trigger mechanisms mediating more vigorous action, such as flight/fight behavior, since the combination of two aversive situations resulted in more exploratory behavior than with either alone. They are also suggestive of habituation to the effects of novelty, since exposure to it for 3 days produced exploratory behavior similar to that of controls
This thesis examines whether or not Finnish stock markets has herding behavior. Sample data is from 2004 to 2013. Including total of 2516 market days. Market wide herding, up and down market herding, extreme price movement herding and turnover volume herding are measured in this thesis. Methods used in this thesis are cross-sectional absolute dispersion and cross-sectional standard deviation. This thesis found no signs of herding in the Finnish stock market.
Apoptosis is the most common phenotype observed when cells die through programmed cell death. The morphologic and biochemical changes that characterize apoptotic cells depend on the activation of a diverse set of genes. Apoptosis is essential for multicellular organisms since their development and homeostasis are dependent on extensive cell renewal. In fact, there is strong evidence for the correlation between the emergence of multicellular organisms and apoptosis during evolution. On the other hand, no obvious advantages can be envisaged for unicellular organisms to carry the complex machinery required for programmed cell death. However, accumulating evidence shows that free-living and parasitic protozoa as well as yeasts display apoptotic markers. This phenomenon has been related to altruistic behavior, when a subpopulation of protozoa or yeasts dies by apoptosis, with clear benefits for the entire population. Recently, phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure and its recognition by a specific receptor (PSR) were implicated in the infectivity of amastigote forms of Leishmania, an obligatory vertebrate intramacrophagic parasite, showing for the first time that unicellular organisms use apoptotic features for the establishment and/or maintenance of infection. Here we focus on PS exposure in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane - an early hallmark of apoptosis - and how it modulates the inflammatory activity of phagocytic cells. We also discuss the possible mechanisms by which PS exposure can define Leishmania survival inside host cells and the evolutionary implications of apoptosis at the unicellular level.
Serotonin (5-HT1B) receptors play an essential role in the inhibition of aggressive behavior in rodents. CP-94,253, a 5-HT1B receptor agonist, can reduce aggression in male mice when administered directly into the ventro-orbitofrontal (VO) prefrontal cortex (PFC). The objective of the current study was to assess the effects of two selective 5-HT1B receptor agonists (CP-94,253 and CP-93,129), microinjected into the VO PFC, on maternal aggressive behavior after social instigation in rats. CP-94,253 (0.56 µg/0.2 µL, N = 8, and 1.0 µg/0.2 µL, N = 8) or CP-93,129 (1.0 µg/0.2 µL, N = 9) was microinjected into the VO PFC of Wistar rats on the 9th day postpartum and 15 min thereafter the aggressive behavior by the resident female against a male intruder was recorded for 10 min. The frequency and duration of aggressive and non-aggressive behaviors were analyzed using ANOVA and post hoc tests. CP-93,129 significantly decreased maternal aggression. The frequency of lateral attacks, bites and pinnings was reduced compared to control, while the non-aggressive behaviors and maternal care were largely unaffected by this treatment. CP-94,253 had no significant effects on aggressive or non-aggressive behaviors when microinjected into the same area of female rats. CP-93,129, a specific 5-HT1B receptor agonist, administered into the VO PFC reduced maternal aggressive behavior, while the CP-94,253 agonist did not significantly affect this behavior after social instigation in female rats. We conclude that only the 5-HT1B receptor agonist CP-93,129 administered into the VO PFC decreased aggression in female rats postpartum after social instigation.
Neonatal Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into normal control, mild hypoxia-ischemia (HI), and severe HI groups (N = 10 in each group at each time) on postnatal day 7 (P7) to study the effect of mild and severe HI on anxiety-like behavior and the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in the substantia nigra (SN). The mild and severe HI groups were exposed to hypoxia (8% O2/92% N2) for 90 and 150 min, respectively. The elevated plus-maze (EPM) test was performed to assess anxiety-like behavior by measuring time spent in the open arms (OAT) and OAT%, and immunohistochemistry was used to determine the expression of TH in the SN at P14, P21, and P28. OAT and OAT% in the EPM were significantly increased in both the mild (1.88-, 1.99-, and 2.04-fold, and 1.94-, 1.51-, and 1.46-fold) and severe HI groups (1.69-, 1.68-, and 1.87-fold, and 1.83-, 1.43-, and 1.39-fold, respectively; P < 0.05). The percent of TH-positive cells occupying the SN area was significantly and similarly decreased in both the mild (17.7, 40.2, and 47.2%) and severe HI groups (16.3, 32.2, and 43.8%, respectively; P < 0.05). The decrease in the number of TH-positive cells in the SN and the level of protein expression were closely associated (Pearson correlation analysis: r = 0.991, P = 0.000 in the mild HI group and r = 0.974, P = 0.000 in the severe HI group) with the impaired anxiety-like behaviors. We conclude that neonatal HI results in decreased anxiety-like behavior during the juvenile period of Sprague-Dawley rats, which is associated with the decreased activity of TH in the SN. The impairment of anxiety and the expression of TH are not likely to be dependent on the severity of HI.
In the present review, the phenomenon of ultrasonic vocalization in rats will be outlined, including the three classes of vocalizations, namely 40-kHz calls of pups, and 22- and 50-kHz calls of juvenile and adult rats, their general relevance to behavioral neuroscience, and their special relevance to research on anxiety, fear, and defense mechanisms. Here, the emphasis will be placed on 40- and 22-kHz calls, since they are typical for various situations with aversive properties. Among other topics, we will discuss whether such behavioral signals can index a certain affective state, and how these signals can be used in social neuroscience, especially with respect to communication. Furthermore, we will address the phenomenon of inter-individual variability in ultrasonic calling and what we currently know about the mechanisms, which may determine such variability. Finally, we will address the current knowledge on the neural and pharmacological mechanisms underlying 22-kHz ultrasonic vocalization, which show a substantial overlap with mechanisms known from other research on fear and anxiety, such as those involving the periaqueductal gray or the amygdala.
This study discusses the pronounced importance of corporate entrepreneurial behavior, CEB, facilitation and enablement as a key dimension in the rapidly changing business environment within companies. The research target is a large finance company in Finland, where regulations, compliance and processes restrict and refine extensively business approach. The purpose of this study is to foster the understanding of corporate entrepreneurial behavior and requirements and identify the supporters and inhibitors of facilitation of it. Furthermore, this study examines who should be driving the implementation and offer concrete outcome for the company to get the facilitation started and berth it as part of the organizational culture and values. The theoretical background is constructed from literature related to concept of corporate entrepreneurial behavior, factors supporting and hindering the facilitation based on previous studies and innovation management. Furthermore theoretical framework of middle managers entrepreneurial behavior in facilitation process was researched. Additionally top down and bottom up approach of conversational space building within the organization in order to foster innovation and involving mindset and behavior was in the core literature. The empirical research conducted for the study consists three parts; innovation audit questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and secondary data from previously made research within the case company. Questionnaire and interviews were targeted to eight middle managers within the company, the head of branch regions in corporate segment. The secondary data was collected from over 300 employees in the case company by an external company. Research results were analyzed mainly by themes and source division in adaption with the theoretical framework. The study finds that facilitation of CEB should be a strategic choice and requires strong management support and examples. Behavior should be involved with organizational culture, values, structures and processes. The companies´ willingness to take risks and encourage employees at all levels to participate and be involved by taking ownership and responsibility is in the core. CEB is found to be a key dimension in increasing employee satisfaction and engagement, competitive advantages and economic growth of companies. There is increased interest towards CEB in the case company but there is lack in the mutual consensus of it. CEB is not in the strategy although the mindset and support from management is in place. There is no concrete enablement and space for innovation and CEB although the platform would be receptive. Further research is needed to build shared vision of CEB and how to make it a part of the organizational culture and values in addition to building the conversational space.