798 resultados para Adipose Tissue, White


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Receptores ativadores de proliferação perixossomal(PPARs) são fatores de transcrição envolvidos com a oxidação dos ácidos graxos e proliferação celular, mediando diversas vias, o que representa uma estratégia promissora para enfrentar as características da síndrome metabólica. Existem três isoformas de PPARs(PPARalfa, beta/delta e gama), que são diferencialmente expressos em diferentes tecidos.No presente estudo, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos pleiotrópicos da telmisartana, um anti-hipertensivo, bloqueador do receptor AT1 da angiotensina e agonista parcial PPAR gama, no tecido adiposo branco (TAB) e marrom (TAM) em camundongos obesos induzido por dieta.Camundongos machos, da linhagem C57BL/6 foram alimentados com uma dieta padrão (standard-chow, 10% da energia proveniente de lipídios) ou com uma dieta com alto teor lipídico (high fat, 49% de energia proveniente de lipídios) durante 10 semanas. Em seguida, os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos: SC, SC-T, HF e HF-T (n=10). O fármaco foi administrado (10mg/kg de dieta) durante 4 semanas para os grupos SC-T e HF-T.O grupo HF apresentou sobrepeso, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, perfil de adipocinas pró-inflamatórias, resistência insulínica, diminuição do gasto energético, comprometimento do metabolismo da glicose e distribuição anormal da massa adiposa. Além disso, a obesidade ocasionou diminuição da expressão de PPARalfa, beta/delta e gama noTAB e TAM, resultando na inadequação da captação de glicose e termogênese insuficiente. Por outro lado,a ativação das três isoformas de PPARs, a melhora do perfil inflamatório das adipocinas, o aumento da sensibilidade à insulina e a melhora da captação de glicose, foi vistaapós o tratamento com telmisartana. A ativação dos PPARs no TAB trouxe muitos benefícios. No TAM, resultados surpreendentes foram que a telmisartana provocou o aumento da expressão do recepetor adrenérgico beta 3 (RAβ3), induzido pela ativação de PPARbeta/delta e maior termogênese comaumento da expressão da proteína desacopladora1 (UCP1). Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que telmisartanaaumenta a expressão gênica e proteica PAN-PPAR no TAB e TAM em camundongos obesos induzidos por dieta. Nossas observações mostram que, apesar do grupo HF-T ter reduzido a ingestão energética, os efeitossão explicados pela ativação PAN-PPAR da telmisartana, causando a ativação da termogênese e resultando num balanço energético negativo.


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O atual quadro de obesidade instalado no mundo estimula o estudo em busca de seu tratamento. O fenofibrato, um agonista PPAR-α, é usado atualmente para tratar a dislipidemia. No entanto, efeitos pleiotrópicos sobre a perda de massa corporal (MC) e redução nos depósitos de gordura necessitam de maiores estudos. O objetivo do trabalho foi examinar os efeitos do agonista PPAR-α fenofibrato sobre o gasto energético, MC, metabolismo de carboidratos, perfil secretor de adipocinas, plasticidade e termogênese do tecido adiposo branco subcutâneo (TABs) em camundongos com obesidade induzida por dieta. Este experimento foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética para Experimentação Animal local sob o protocolo CEUA/032/2013. Camundongos machos C57BL/6 de 3 meses foram divididos em dois grupos: dieta padrão (SC, 10% lipídios) e dieta hiperlipídica (HF, 50% de lipídios), as quais foram administradas durante 10 semanas para induzir o sobrepeso. Em seguida, foi iniciado o tratamento com fenofibrato (100 mg/kg MC, adicionado à dieta), formando quatro grupos: SC, SC-F, HF, HF-F. O tratamento teve duração de cinco semanas, com o total de 15 semanas de experimento. A análise estatística utilizou teste t de student no pré-tratamento e one way ANOVA seguida pelo pós-teste de Holm-Sidak durante o tratamento. O two way ANOVA foi utilizado para testar possíveis interações entre dieta e tratamento. O nível de significância P<0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. O grupo HF apresentou sobrepeso, resistência à insulina, além de remodelamento do tecido adiposo branco subcutâneo (TABs). O fenofibrato atenuou significativamente estes parâmetros (P<0,05). Os grupos tratados apresentaram formação de células beges no TABs, confirmado através de maior expressão gênica do PPAR-α, PPAR-β, PGC1-α, BMP8, UCP-1, PRDM16 e FNDC5/Irisina nos grupos tratados do que em suas contrapartes (P<0,05). O tratamento com fenofibrato também foi capaz de aumentar os niveis plasmáticos de FNDC5/Irisina em ambos os grupos tratados (P<0,005). Os grupos SC-F e HF-F apresentaram aumento do gasto energético, a produção de CO2 e consumo de O2 após o tratamento com fenofibrato (P<0,05). A ativação do PPAR-α parece ser fundamental para provocar browning através da indução da irisina e da transcrição de UCP-1. O fenofibrato restaurou a MC, a sensibilidade à insulina e a morfometria do TABs. Relevantemente, o fenofibrato aumentou a expressão de genes tipicamente expressos no tecido adiposo marrom no TABs, evidenciando a plasticidade do TABs em células beges com capacidade termogênica, caracterizando o browning.


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A modulação do tecido adiposo marrom (TAM) e do tecido adiposo branco (TAB) está associada à prevenção ou redução do ganho de massa corporal. O óleo de peixe possui diversos efeitos benéficos que podem estar relacionados a esses tecidos. Dessa forma, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos antiobesogênicos de diferentes dietas hiperlipídicas com óleo de peixe na termogênese do TAM e na lipogênese e beta-oxidação do TAB. Para isso, foram utilizados camundongos machos C57BL/6, com três meses de idade, que foram divididos em quatro grupos experimentais: um que recebeu dieta standard-chow (SC, 10% kcal de lipídios) e outros três que receberam dieta hiperlipídica (HL, 50% kcal de lipídios). Obtivemos os grupos HL com banha de porco (HL-B), HL com banha de porco mais óleo de peixe (HL-B+Px) e HL com óleo de peixe (HL-Px). As dietas foram administradas por um período de oito semanas, sendo que a ingestão alimentar foi avaliada diariamente e a massa corporal, semanalmente. Na última semana de experimento, realizou-se a calorimetria indireta e o teste oral de tolerância à glicose. No sacrifício, a glicemia foi aferida, o sangue foi puncionado para obtenção do plasma e o TAM interescapular e o TAB epididimário foram dissecados e armazenados. A leptina, os triglicerídeos e a insulina foram mensurados no plasma. O índice de adiposidade e o HOMA-IR foram calculados. O TAM e o TAB foram avaliados por microscopia confocal e de luz. Realizou-se RT-qPCR e Western blot para avaliação de marcadores termogênicos, da captação e oxidação de ácidos graxos e glicose e de PPAR no TAM, e para a avaliação da lipogênese e beta-oxidação e de PPAR no TAB. Com relação aos resultados, o grupo HL-B apresentou ganho de massa corporal e elevação da adiposidade, associado com hipertrofia dos adipócitos, hiperleptinemia, hipertrigliceridemia, intolerância à glicose e resistência à insulina, reproduzindo um quadro de obesidade e síndrome metabólica. Por outro lado, a ingestão de óleo de peixe nos dois grupos (HL-B+Px e HL-Px) foi capaz de reduzir o ganho de massa corporal e a adiposidade, sem alterar a ingestão alimentar. Essa ingestão também aumentou o gasto energético dos animais, regularizou a leptina e os triglicerídeos plasmáticos, bem como a tolerância à glicose e a resistência à insulina. Esses efeitos foram associados ao aumento de marcadores termogênicos no TAM, bem como da captação e oxidação de ácidos graxos e glicose e da expressão de PPAR nesse tecido. No TAB, houve redução de marcadores da lipogênese e aumento de marcadores da beta-oxidação, juntamente com elevação na expressão de PPAR. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que a ingestão de óleo de peixe tem efeitos antiobesogênicos em camundongos através da modulação benéfica do TAM e do TAB e pode, portanto, representar uma terapia auxiliar alternativa contra a obesidade e suas comorbidades.


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A superativação do eixo ECA/AT1r está intimamente relacionada à síndrome metabólica e no organismo tem grande relação com o quadro de inflamação. A administração de frutose, seja por dieta ou pela água, tem sido usada como um modelo para a indução da superatividade desse eixo e para o estudo das vias inflamatórias relacionadas ao AT1r. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a administração de GW510156 poderia diminuir a superativação do eixo ECA/AT1r e consequentemente diminuir os danos causados pela dieta rica em frutose. Para isso foram utilizados camundongos machos C57Bl/6 que receberam uma dieta contendo 47% de frutose durante oito semanas ou uma dieta controle. Após oito semanas, os grupos foram redivididos aleatoriamente para o início da administração do GW501516 durante três semanas, totalizando quatro grupos experimentais. Os animais tratados apresentaram uma melhora da pressão arterial sistólica e também dos parâmetros urinários como proteinúria e ácido úrico. Houve ainda uma melhora dos triglicerídeo e ácido úrico plasmáticos. No tecido adiposo branco, o GW501516 foi capaz de diminuir a expressão dos componentes do eixo ECA/AT1r e também amenizou a inflamação causada pela dieta rica em frutose. No fígado, não houve alterações significativa do eixo, porém a fosforilação de JAK2 dependente de AT1r foi diminuída e consequentemente houve uma menor ativação das células estreladas no grupo que recebeu o GW501516. Além disso, as proteínas e genes relacionados à β-oxidação foram aumentados com o tratamento e aqueles relacionados à lipogênese de novo, diminuídos o que resultou em menor esteatose no parênquima hepático. Os rins apresentaram uma melhora da inflamação induzida pelo eixo, apesar de o eixo também não ter apresentado diferenças significativas com o tratamento. Também não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na expressão proteica e gênica das proteínas antioxidantes. Com esses resultados podemos concluir que a curta administração do GW501516 pôde aliviar os efeitos inflamatórios e a esteatose hepática causada pela dieta rica em frutose, podendo ser pensado como uma nova ferramenta terapêutica no tratamento da superativação do eixo ECA/AT1r.


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Human adipose stem cells (hASCs) can differentiate into a variety of phenotypes. Native extracellular matrix (e.g., demineralized bone matrix or small intestinal submucosa) can influence the growth and differentiation of stem cells. The hypothesis of this study was that a novel ligament-derived matrix (LDM) would enhance expression of a ligamentous phenotype in hASCs compared to collagen gel alone. LDM prepared using phosphate-buffered saline or 0.1% peracetic acid was mixed with collagen gel (COL) and was evaluated for its ability to induce proliferation, differentiation, and extracellular matrix synthesis in hASCs over 28 days in culture at different seeding densities (0, 0.25 x 10(6), 1 x 10(6), or 2 x 10(6) hASC/mL). Biochemical and gene expression data were analyzed using analysis of variance. Fisher's least significant difference test was used to determine differences between treatments following analysis of variance. hASCs in either LDM or COL demonstrated changes in gene expression consistent with ligament development. hASCs cultured with LDM demonstrated more dsDNA content, sulfated-glycosaminoglycan accumulation, and type I and III collagen synthesis, and released more sulfated-glycosaminoglycan and collagen into the medium compared to hASCs in COL (p


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Despite attempts to identify the mechanisms by which obesity leads to the development of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), it remains unclear why some but not all adults with obesity develop T2D. Given the established associations between visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and liver fat with insulin resistance, we hypothesized that compared to age and obesity matched adults who were non-diabetic (NT2D), adults with T2D would have greater amounts of VAT and liver fat. The International Study of Prediction of Intra-Abdominal Adiposity and Its Relationship with Cardiometabolic Risk/Intra-Abdominal Adiposity (INSPIRE ME IAA) aims to study the associations between VAT and liver fat and risk of developing T2D and cardiovascular disease. Four thousand, five hundred and four participants were initially recruited; from this, 2383 White and Asian adults were selected for this ancillary analysis. The NT2D and T2D groups were matched for age, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). The T2D and NT2D groups were also compared to participants with either impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT; IFG/IGT)). Abdominal adipose tissue was measured by computed tomography; liver fat was estimated using computed tomography-derived mean attenuation. Secondary analysis determined whether differences existed between NT2D and T2D groups in VAT and liver fat accumulation within selected BMI categories for Whites and Asians. We report across sex and race, T2D and IFG/IGT groups had elevated VAT and liver fat compared to the NT2D group (p<0.05). VAT was not different between IFG/IGT and T2D groups (p>0.05), however liver fat was greater in the T2D group compared to the IFG/IGT group in both Whites and Asians (p<0.05). Within each BMI category, the T2D group had elevated VAT and liver fat compared to the age and anthropometrically matched NT2D group in both Whites and Asians (p<0.05). With few exceptions, abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue was not different in the T2D or IFG/IGT groups compared to the NT2D group independent of sex and race. Compared to age and obesity-matched adults who are NT2D, we observe that White and Asian adults with T2D, and those with IFG/IGT, present with greater levels of both VAT and liver fat.


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Obestatin (OB(1-23) is a 23 amino acid peptide encoded on the preproghrelin gene, originally reported to have metabolic actions related to food intake, gastric emptying and body weight. The biological instability of OB(1-23) has recently been highlighted by studies demonstrating its rapid enzymatic cleavage in a number of biological matrices. We assessed the stability of both OB(1-23) and an N-terminally PEGylated analogue (PEG-OB(1-23)) before conducting chronic in vivo studies. Peptides were incubated in rat liver homogenate and degradation monitored by LC-MS. PEG-OB(1-23) was approximately 3-times more stable than OB(1-23). Following a 14 day infusion of Sprague Dawley rats with 50 mol/kg/day of OB(1-23) or a N-terminally PEGylated analogue (PEG-OB(1-23)), we found no changes in food/fluid intake, body weight and plasma glucose or cholesterol between groups. Furthermore, morphometric liver, muscle and white adipose tissue (WAT) weights and tissue triglyceride concentrations remained unaltered between groups. However, with stabilised PEG-OB(1-23) we observed a 40% reduction in plasma triglycerides. These findings indicate that PEG-OB(1-23) is an OB(1-23) analogue with significantly enhanced stability and suggest that obestatin could play a role in modulating physiological lipid metabolism, although it does not appear to be involved in regulation of food/fluid intake, body weight or fat deposition.


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Obese AT (adipose tissue) exhibits increased macrophage number. Pro-inflammatory CD16+ peripheral monocyte numbers are also reported to increase with obesity. The present study was undertaken to simultaneously investigate obesity-associated changes in CD16+ monocytes and ATMs (AT macrophages). In addition, a pilot randomized placebo controlled trial using the PPAR (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor) agonists, pioglitazone and fenofibrate was performed to determine their effects on CD14+/CD16+ monocytes, ATM and cardiometabolic and adipose dysfunction indices. Obese glucose-tolerant men (n=28) were randomized to placebo, pioglitazone (30 mg/day) and fenofibrate (160 mg/day) for 12 weeks. A blood sample was taken to assess levels of serum inflammatory markers and circulating CD14+/CD16+ monocyte levels via flow cytometry. A subcutaneous AT biopsy was performed to determine adipocyte cell surface and ATM number, the latter was determined via assessment of CD68 expression by IHC (immunohistochemistry) and real-time PCR. Subcutaneous AT mRNA expression of CEBPß (CCAAT enhancer-binding protein ß), SREBP1c (sterol-regulatory-element-binding protein 1c), PPAR?2, IRS-1 (insulin receptor substrate-1), GLUT4 (glucose transporter type 4) and TNFa (tumour necrosis factor a) were also assessed. Comparisons were made between obese and lean controls (n=16) at baseline, and pre- and post-PPAR agonist treatment. Obese individuals had significantly increased adipocyte cell surface, percentage CD14+/CD16+ monocyte numbers and ATM number (all P=0.0001). Additionally, serum TNF-a levels were significantly elevated (P=0.017) and adiponectin levels reduced (total: P=0.0001; high: P=0.022) with obesity. ATM number and percentage of CD14+/CD16+ monocytes correlated significantly (P=0.05). Pioglitazone improved adiponectin levels significantly (P=0.0001), and resulted in the further significant enlargement of adipocytes (P=0.05), without effect on the percentage CD14+/CD16+ or ATM number. Pioglitazone treatment also significantly increased subcutaneous AT expression of CEBPß mRNA. The finding that improvements in obesity-associated insulin resistance following pioglitazone were associated with increased adipocyte cell surface and systemic adiponectin levels, supports the centrality of AT to the cardiometabolic derangement underlying the development of T2D (Type 2 diabetes) and CVD (cardiovascular disease).


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Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Ciências Funcionais), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) plays a major role in fat tissue development and physiology. Mutations in the gene encoding this receptor have been associated to disorders in lipid metabolism. A thorough investigation of mice in which one PPARgamma allele has been mutated reveals that male PPARgamma heterozygous (PPARgamma +/-) mice exhibit a reduced body size associated with decreased body weight, reflecting lean mass reduction. This phenotype is reproduced when treating the mice with a PPARgamma- specific antagonist. Monosodium glutamate treatment, which induces weight gain and alters body growth in wild-type mice, further aggravates the growth defect of PPARgamma +/- mice. The levels of circulating GH and that of its downstream effector, IGF-I, are not altered in mutant mice. However, the IGF-I mRNA level is decreased in white adipose tissue (WAT) of PPARgamma +/- mice and is not changed by acute administration of recombinant human GH, suggesting an altered GH action in the mutant animals. Importantly, expression of the gene encoding the suppressor of cytokine signaling-2, which is an essential negative regulator of GH signaling, is strongly increased in the WAT of PPARgamma +/- mice. Although the relationship between the altered GH signaling in WAT and reduced body size remains unclear, our results suggest a novel role of PPARgamma in GH signaling, which might contribute to the metabolic disorder affecting insulin signaling in PPARgamma mutant mice.


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PPARs (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors) alpha, beta/delta and gamma are a group of transcription factors that are involved in numerous processes, including lipid metabolism and adipogenesis. By comparing liver mRNAs of wild-type and PPARalpha-null mice using microarrays, a novel putative target gene of PPARalpha, G0S2 (G0/G1 switch gene 2), was identified. Hepatic expression of G0S2 was up-regulated by fasting and by the PPARalpha agonist Wy14643 in a PPARalpha-dependent manner. Surprisingly, the G0S2 mRNA level was highest in brown and white adipose tissue and was greatly up-regulated during mouse 3T3-L1 and human SGBS (Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome) adipogenesis. Transactivation, gel shift and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicated that G0S2 is a direct PPARgamma and probable PPARalpha target gene with a functional PPRE (PPAR-responsive element) in its promoter. Up-regulation of G0S2 mRNA seemed to be specific for adipogenesis, and was not observed during osteogenesis or myogenesis. In 3T3-L1 fibroblasts, expression of G0S2 was associated with growth arrest, which is required for 3T3-L1 adipogenesis. Together, these data indicate that G0S2 is a novel target gene of PPARs that may be involved in adipocyte differentiation.


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We studied whether PPARβ/δ deficiency modifies the effects of high fructose intake (30% fructose in drinking water) on glucose tolerance and adipose tissue dysfunction, focusing on the CD36-dependent pathway that enhances adipose tissue inflammation and impairs insulin signaling. Fructose intake for 8weeks significantly increased body and liver weight, and hepatic triglyceride accumulation in PPARβ/δ-deficient mice but not in wild-type mice. Feeding PPARβ/δ-deficient mice with fructose exacerbated glucose intolerance and led to macrophage infiltration, inflammation, enhanced mRNA and protein levels of CD36, and activation of the JNK pathway in white adipose tissue compared to those of water-fed PPARβ/δ-deficient mice. Cultured adipocytes exposed to fructose also exhibited increased CD36 protein levels and this increase was prevented by the PPARβ/δ activator GW501516. Interestingly, the levels of the nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), a transcription factor reported to up-regulate Cd36 expression and to impair insulin signaling, were increased in fructose-exposed adipocytes whereas co-incubation with GW501516 abolished this increase. In agreement with Nrf2 playing a role in the fructose-induced CD36 protein level increases, the Nrf2 inhibitor trigonelline prevented the increase and the reduction in insulin-stimulated AKT phosphorylation caused by fructose in adipocytes. Protein levels of the well-known Nrf2 target gene NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase 1 (Nqo1) were increased in water-fed PPARβ/δ-null mice, suggesting that PPARβ/δ deficiency increases Nrf2 activity; and this increase was exacerbated in fructose-fed PPARβ/δ-deficient mice. These findings indicate that the combination of high fructose intake and PPARβ/δ deficiency increases CD36 protein levels via Nrf2, a process that promotes chronic inflammation and insulin resistance in adipose tissue.


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L’obésité provient d’un déséquilibre de l’homéostasie énergétique, c’est-à-dire une augmentation des apports caloriques et/ou une diminution des dépenses énergétiques. Plusieurs données, autant anatomiques que physiologiques, démontrent que l’hypothalamus est un régulateur critique de l’appétit et des dépenses énergétiques. En particulier, le noyau paraventriculaire (noyau PV) de l’hypothalamus intègre plusieurs signaux provenant du système nerveux central (SNC) et/ou de la périphérie, afin de contrôler l’homéostasie énergétique via des projections axonales sur les neurones pré-ganglionnaires du système autonome situé dans le troc cérébral et la moelle épinière. Plusieurs facteurs de transcription, impliqués dans le développement du noyau PV, ont été identifiés. Le facteur de transcription SIM1, qui est produit par virtuellement tous les neurones du noyau PV, est requis pour le développement du noyau PV. En effet, lors d’une étude antérieure, nous avons montré que le noyau PV ne se développe pas chez les souris homozygotes pour un allèle nul de Sim1. Ces souris meurent à la naissance, probablement à cause des anomalies du noyau PV. Par contre, les souris hétérozygotes survivent, mais développent une obésité précoce. De façon intéressante, le noyau PV des souris Sim1+/- est hypodéveloppé, contenant 24% moins de cellules. Ces données suggèrent fortement que ces anomalies du développement pourraient perturber le fonctionnement du noyau PV et contribuer au développement du phénotype d’obésité. Dans ce contexte, nous avons entrepris des travaux expérimentaux ayant pour but d’étudier l’impact de l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 sur : 1) le développement du noyau PV et de ses projections neuronales efférentes; 2) l’homéostasie énergétique; et 3) les voies neuronales physiologiques contrôlant l’homéostasie énergétique chez les souris Sim1+/-. A cette fin, nous avons utilisé : 1) des injections stéréotaxiques combinées à des techniques d’immunohistochimie afin de déterminer l’impact de l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 sur le développement du noyau PV et de ses projections neuronales efférentes; 2) le paradigme des apports caloriques pairés, afin de déterminer l’impact de l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 sur l’homéostasie énergétique; et 3) une approche pharmacologique, c’est-à-dire l’administration intra- cérébroventriculaire (i.c.v.) et/ou intra-péritonéale (i.p.) de peptides anorexigènes, la mélanotane II (MTII), la leptine et la cholécystokinine (CCK), afin de déterminer l’impact de l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 sur les voies neuronales contrôlant l’homéostasie énergétique. Dans un premier temps, nous avons constaté une diminution de 61% et de 65% de l’expression de l’ARN messager (ARNm) de l’ocytocine (Ot) et de l’arginine-vasopressine (Vp), respectivement, chez les embryons Sim1+/- de 18.5 jours (E18.5). De plus, le nombre de cellules produisant l’OT et la VP est apparu diminué de 84% et 41%, respectivement, chez les souris Sim1+/- adultes. L’analyse du marquage axonal rétrograde des efférences du noyau PV vers le tronc cérébral, en particulier ses projections sur le noyau tractus solitaire (NTS) aussi que le noyau dorsal moteur du nerf vague (X) (DMV), a permis de démontrer une diminution de 74% de ces efférences. Cependant, la composition moléculaire de ces projections neuronales reste inconnue. Nos résultats indiquent que l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 : i) perturbe spécifiquement le développement des cellules produisant l’OT et la VP; et ii) abolit le développement d’une portion importante des projections du noyau PV sur le tronc cérébral, et notamment ses projections sur le NTS et le DMV. Ces observations soulèvent donc la possibilité que ces anomalies du développement du noyau PV contribuent au phénotype d’hyperphagie des souris Sim1+/-. En second lieu, nous avons observé que la croissance pondérale des souris Sim1+/- et des souris Sim1+/+ n’était pas significativement différente lorsque la quantité de calories présentée aux souris Sim1+/- était la même que celle consommée par les souris Sim1+/+. De plus, l’analyse qualitative et quantitative des tissus adipeux blancs et des tissus adipeux bruns n’a démontré aucune différence significative en ce qui a trait à la taille et à la masse de ces tissus chez les deux groupes. Finalement, au terme de ces expériences, les souris Sim1+/--pairées n’étaient pas différentes des souris Sim1+/+ en ce qui a trait à leur insulinémie et leur contenu en triglycérides du foie et des masses adipeuses, alors que tous ces paramètres étaient augmentés chez les souris Sim1+/- nourries ad libitum. Ces résultats laissent croire que l’hyperphagie, et non une diminution des dépenses énergétiques, est la cause principale de l’obésité des souris Sim1+/-. Par conséquent, ces résultats suggèrent que : i) l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 est associée à une augmentation de l’apport calorique sans toutefois moduler les dépenses énergétiques; ii) l’existence d’au moins deux voies neuronales issues du noyau PV : l’une qui régule la prise alimentaire et l’autre la thermogénèse; et iii) l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 affecte spécifiquement la voie neuronale qui régule la prise alimentaire. En dernier lieu, nous avons montré que l’injection de MTII, de leptine ainsi que de CCK induit une diminution significative de la consommation calorique des souris des deux génotypes, Sim1+/+ et Sim1+/-. De fait, la consommation calorique cumulative des souris Sim1+/- et Sim1+/+ est diminuée de 37% et de 51%, respectivement, durant les 4 heures suivant l’administration i.p. de MTII comparativement à l’administration d’une solution saline. Lors de l’administration i.c.v. de la leptine, la consommation calorique cumulative des souris Sim1+/- et Sim1+/+ est diminuée de 47% et de 32%, respectivement. Finalement, l’injection i.p. de CCK diminue la consommation calorique des souris Sim1+/- et Sim1+/+ de 52% et de 36%, respectivement. L’ensemble des résultats suggère ici que l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 diminue l’activité de certaines voies neuronales régulant l’homéostasie énergétique, et particulièrement de celles qui contrôlent la prise alimentaire. En résumé, ces travaux ont montré que l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 affecte plusieurs processus du développement au sein du noyau PV. Ces anomalies du développement peuvent conduire à des dysfonctions de certains processus physiologiques distincts régulés par le noyau PV, et notamment de la prise alimentaire, et contribuer ainsi au phénotype d’obésité. Les souris hétérozygotes pour le gène Sim1 représentent donc un modèle animal unique, où l’hyperphagie, et non les dépenses énergétiques, est la principale cause de l’obésité. En conséquence, ces souris pourraient représenter un modèle expérimental intéressant pour l’étude des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires en contrôle de la prise alimentaire.


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CONTEXTE: L'inefficacité de captation des acides gras libres (AGL) par le tissu adipeux blanc (TAB) est connue pour favoriser la résistance à l'insuline (RI) dans les tissus périphériques, mais dans le foie, elle favorise également la production accrue de lipoprotéines contenant l'apolipoprotéine B100 (lipoprotéines apoB). Nous avons récemment démontré que les femmes post-ménopausées obèses avec un nombre élevé de lipoprotéines apoB à jeun (apoB plasmatique > 1,2 g/L) avaient plus de RI que les femmes avec un taux d’apoB normal. Notre objectif était donc d'examiner si l'inefficacité de captation des AGL pourrait être un mécanisme expliquant la RI, in vivo dans cette population. HYPOTHÈSES: Les femmes ménopausées en surpoids/obèses avec un taux d’apoB élevé ont moins d'efficacité à capter les AGL par le TAB que les femmes avec un taux d’apoB faible. MÉTHODES/RÉSULTATS: L'efficacité de captation des AGL a été examinée dans 22 femmes non diabétiques en surpoids/obèses. La population a été séparée selon la médiane d’apoB (0.9 g/L) en 2 groupes; les femmes ayant un taux d’apoB inférieur vs supérieur à la médiane (N=11/groupe). L'efficacité de captation des AGL par le TAB a été indirectement évaluée en suivant le sort d'un repas riche en gras (0.0162g 13C-trioléine/g de matières grasses, 66% de gras, 47g gras/m2 surface corporelle) marqué au 13C-trioléine, sur 6h en circulation ([13C]TG et [13C]AGL plasmatiques) et en oxydation (13CO2 dans l’air expiré [AE]). L’enrichissement en 13C des échantillons d’AE et du plasma a été mesuré par spectrométrie de masse pour ratio isotopique. Les femmes ayant un apoB élevé avaient une clairance plasmatique totale postprandiale des TG (p <0,05) réduite sans diminuer de la clairance plasmatique totale des AGL, par rapport aux femmes ayant un faible taux d’apoB. Cependant, en examinant le sort du 13C-trioléine, les femmes ayant un apoB élevé avait une réduction de la clairance des [13C]TG plasmatiques (44,78 μM vs 7,81 μM; p <0,05) et des [13C]AGL plasmatiques (2,64 uM vs 0,06 uM; p <0,05) à 6h, sans aucune différence en % récupéré de 13C-trioléine dans le CO2 de l’AE. Ces données suggèrent que les femmes ayant un taux d’apoB élevé ont une réduction postprandiale de la clairance et de la captation de 13Ctrioléine par le TAB. CONCLUSION: La captation inefficace des AGL par le TAB des femmes post-ménopausées en surpoids et obèses avec un surplus d’apoB peut être un mécanisme sousjacent à la RI chez ces sujets.