987 resultados para AK4-274
Introdução: O acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) é uma importante e frequente condição de saúde que se repercute na funcionalidade do indivíduo. No sentido de reabilitar a função perdida, é comum o recurso a intervenções de fisioterapia baseado o conceito de Bobath. Como tal, importa verificar, as modificações no âmbito do controlo postural, através da migração do centro de pressão na base de suporte, face à aplicação de uma intervenção segundo abordagem baseada no conceito de Bobath em dois indivíduos com AVE. Métodos e participantes: Foram recrutados dois indivíduos com diagnóstico de AVE num hospital da zona do grande Porto. Dados referentes ao equilíbrio estático na condição de medição “olhos abertos ou fechados” e “calçado ou descalço” foram obtidos através de plataforma de forças, antes e após uma intervenção baseado no conceito de Bobath durante 13 semanas (M0 e M1). Nestes dois momentos foram ainda avaliados a mobilidade, função cognitiva, participação, equilíbrio através do teste Timed Up & Go (TUG) e Timed Up & Go Modificado (TUGM), e das escalas Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Postural Assessment for Stroke Scale (PASS), Escala de Berg (EB) e Índice de Barthel Modificado (IBM). Resultados: Os participantes obtiveram em ambos os momentos pontuação máxima no MMSE. Ambos os indivíduos atingiram o valor máximo no IBM em M1 (Mo: A: 78; B: 65). Ambos os indivíduos aumentaram o score entre M0 e M1, relativamente ao PASS (A: M0:21; M1:33; B: M0: 26; M1:34) e EB (A: M0:48; M1:54; B: M0: 30; M1:50). O tempo de realização do TUG e do TUGM diminuíram entre momentos em ambos os indivíduos (respectivamente: A: 15''13'' a 13''27''; B: 24''13'' a 13''88'' e A: 19''08''' a 13''27''; B: 29''60''' a 17''64'''). A área de deslocação do centro de pressão (CP) variou entre momentos em todas as condições de avaliação, sendo menor na condição “olhos abertos e descalço” em ambos os participantes (“olhos abertos e calçado”: A: M0= 1,364, M1=2,796; B: M0=1,892, M1=2,979; “olhos abertos e descalço”: A: M0= 0,758, M1=0,727; B: M0=3,064, M1=1,952; “olhos fechados e calçado”: A: M0= 2,360, M1=2,998; B: M0=2,232, M1= 4,392; “olhos fechados e descalço”: A: M0= 1,347, M1=2,388; B: M0=1,652, M1= 1,016). O desvio padrão das deslocações anteroposteriores variou entre momentos, sendo tendencialmente maior em M1 e na condição “descalço e olhos abertos”(“olhos abertos e calçado”: A: M0= 0,201, M1=0,500; B: M0=0,252, M1=0,310; “olhos abertos e descalço”: A: M0= 0,118, M1=0,165; B: M0=0,282, M1=0,276; “olhos fechados e calçado”: A: M0= 0,308, M1=0,398; B: M0=0,274, M1= 0,471; “olhos fechados e descalço”: A: M0= 0,158 , M1=0,373; B: M0=0,230, M1= 0,172), o desvio padrão das deslocações médio-lateral seguem a mesma tendência (“olhos abertos e calçado”: A: M0= 0,370 , M1=0,473; B: M0=0,454, M1=0,517; “olhos abertos e descalço”: A: M0= 0,354, M1=0,236 ; B: M0=0,584, M1=0,381; “olhos fechados e calçado”: A: M0= 0,425, M1=0,463; B: M0=0,462, M1= 0,583; “olhos fechados e descalço”: A: M0= 0,475, M1=0,416; B: M0=0,389, M1= 0,342). A velocidade de oscilação na direcção antero – posterior variou entre momentos, sendo tendencialmente menor em M1, em ambos os participantes e em todas as condições de avaliação: “olhos abertos e calçado”: A: M0= 0,886 , M1=0,532; B: M0=2,507, M1=01,072; “olhos abertos e descalço”: A: M0= 2,562, M1=3,815 ; B: M0=4,367, M1=0,262; “olhos fechados e calçado”: A: M0= 2,689, M1=1,757; B: M0=2,821, M1= 0,769; “olhos fechados e descalço”: A: M0= 2,984, M1=2,525; B: M0=4,100, M1= 0,265), a velocidade de oscilação na direcção médio – lateral seguem a mesma tendência para as condições de “olhos abertos e calçado”: A: M0= 6,524 , M1=6,218; B: M0=0,467, M1=0,404; “olhos fechados e calçado”: A: M0= 6,387, M1=1,927; B: M0=0,351, M1= 0,505; mas a velocidade de oscilação aumenta para as condições de “olhos abertos e descalço”: A: M0= 3,108, M1=7,806 ; B: M0=1,150, M1=8,054; “olhos fechados e descalço”: A: M0= 3,444, M1=3,839; B: M0=1,434, M1= 7,891). Conclusão: Entre os dois momentos os indivíduos melhoraram a sua mobilidade, equilíbrio, participação e actividades, potencialmente devido à intervenção baseado no conceito de Bobath.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Vulcanologia e Riscos Geológicos, 10 de Janeiro de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.
A produção de vinho é uma actividade de elevada importância ao nível económico, ambiental e social. Como tal, a protecção da vinha e/ou da uva através da utilização de pesticidas assume um papel fundamental nesta actividade, permitindo um aumento no rendimento da produção. No entanto, a transferência destes compostos da uva para o vinho é inevitável, ocorrendo, na maioria dos casos, em quantidades reduzidas. Apesar de, geralmente, a quantidade de pesticidas que pode ser transferida para o vinho não apresentar problemas relevantes para a saúde pública, o desenvolvimento de metodologias que permitam garantir um controlo rigoroso da qualidade do vinho é de elevada importância. O controlo deste produto, assim como de qualquer produto alimentar, não deve ser de certa forma virtual, levando a uma desconfiança crescente do consumidor. Ao longo deste trabalho foram desenvolvidos dois métodos para a determinação de pesticidas em diferentes tipos de vinhos, por SPME-GC-MS/MS. O primeiro método desenvolvido visa a determinação de 8 pesticidas organofosforados e o segundo método permite a determinação de 7 pesticidas, 4 organoclorados e 3 dicarboximidas. Foram estudadas quatro matrizes diferentes: vinho branco do Douro, vinho tinto do Douro, vinho branco do Porto e vinho tinto do Porto. As metodologias adoptadas permitiram a obtenção de bons resultados, apesar das condições adoptadas não serem as mais vantajosas para alguns dos compostos estudados. Dada a complexidade das matrizes, a detecção por espectrometria de massa mostrou ser fundamental para a identificação inequívoca de cada um dos pesticidas. Verificaram-se, de um modo geral, bons resultados ao nível da linearidade, para as gamas de concentrações escolhidas, para os dois métodos. Obtiveram-se também bons resultados para os limites de detecção e quantificação, cujos valores se situam abaixo dos limites máximos de resíduos para as uvas, impostos pela regulamentação europeia, para a maioria dos compostos. No caso dos organofosforados, os limites de detecção variam entre 0,05 μg/L e 13,00 μg/L para os pesticidas clorpirifos-metilo e metidatião, respectivamente. Os limites de quantificação variam entre 0,18 μg/L e 43,32 μg/L, também para os pesticidas clorpirifos-metilo e metidatião. No que se refere ao método para os pesticidas organoclorados e dicarboximidas, foram calculados vários limites de detecção para cada composto, em cada matriz estudada, a partir das rectas de calibração diárias, resultando num conjunto de valores com variações significativas entre cada um, para o mesmo pesticida e na mesma matriz. No entanto, apenas os limites de quantificação foram validados, recorrendo-se aos estudos de repetibilidade e precisão intermédia. Obtiveram-se os seguintes limites de quantificação: captana 52,10 μg/L; clortalonil 20,95 μg/L; dicofol 4,37 μg/L; folpete 93,60 μg/L; iprodiona 274,70 μg/L; procimidona 76,04 μg/L e vinclozolina 10,03 μg/L. Os pesticidas metidatião e captana apresentam-se como os compostos mais problemáticos, uma vez que os limites de quantificação obtidos não permitem a garantia do cumprimento dos limites máximos de resíduos regulamentados. Demonstra-se também que, apesar do efeito de matriz ser significativo na determinação de todos os compostos analisados, o mesmo pode ser atenuado, procedendo-se às calibrações nas respectivas matrizes. Observaram-se variações significativas ao nível da resposta do equipamento ao longo do tempo, quer pela alteração das condições operatórias, quer pela decomposição de alguns compostos ao longo do tempo. Este efeito, evidenciado nos estudos das precisões intermédias e repetibilidades, levou à adopção de um método de validação diferente para a determinação de pesticidas organoclorados e dicarboximidas, recorrendo-se então a calibrações diárias e sequências de trabalho mais pequenas.
Background: Addition of energy supplements to preterm formulas is an optional strategy to increase the energy intake in infants requiring fluid restriction, in conditions like bronchopulmonary dysplasia. This strategy may lead to an undesirable increase in osmolality of feeds, the maximum recommended safe limit being 400 mOsm/kg. The aim of the study was to measure the changes in osmolality of several commercialized preterm formulas after addition of glucose polymers and medium-chain triglycerides. Methods: Osmolality was measured by the freezing point depression method. Six powdered formulas with concentrations of 14 g/100 ml and 16 g/100 ml, and five ready-to-feed liquid formulas were analyzed. All formulas, were supplemented with 10% (low supplementation) or 20% (high supplementation) of additional calories, respectively, in the form of glucose polymers and medium chain triglycerides, maintaining a 1:1 glucose:lipid calorie ratio. Inter-analysis and intra-analysis coefficients of variation of the measurements were always < 3.9%. Results: The mean osmolality (mOsm/kg) of the non-supplemented formulas varied between 268.5 and 315.3 mOsm/kg, increasing by 3–5% in low supplemented formulas, and by 6–10% in high supplemented formulas. None of the formulas analyzed exceeded 352.8 mOsm/kg. Conclusion: The supplementation of preterm formulas with nonprotein energy supplements with up to 20% additional calories did not exceed the maximum recommended osmolality for neonatal feedings.
Trabalho apresentado em XIII Congreso Internacional Galego-Portugués de Psicopedagoxía, Área 5 Familia, Escuela y Comunidad. Universidad da Coruña, 2 de Setembro de 2015.
The nearly ubiquitous consumption of cereals all over the world renders them an important position in international nutrition, but concurrently allocates exposure to possible contained contaminants. Mycotoxins are natural food contaminants, difficult to predict, evade, and reduce, so it is important to establish the real contribution of each contaminated food product, with the aim to evaluate mycotoxin exposure. This was the key objective of this survey and analysis for ochratoxin A content on 274 samples of commercialized bread in the Portuguese market, during the winter 2007. Different bread products were analyzed through an HPLC-FD method, including traditional types, novel segments, and different grain based bread products. A wide-ranging low level contamination was observed in all regions and types of bread products analyzed, especially in the Porto and Coimbra regions, and in the maize and whole-grain or fiber-enriched bread. Nevertheless, the exposure through contaminated wheat bread continues to be the most significant, given its high consumption and dominance in relation to the other types of bread.
Atualmente a Tomografia Computorizada (TC) é o método de imagem que mais contribui para a dose coletiva resultante de exposições médicas. Este estudo pretende determinar os valores de Índice de Dose de TC (CTDI) e produto dose-comprimento (DLP) para os exames de crânio e tórax em adultos num equipamento de TC multidetetores; e efetuar uma análise objetiva e subjetiva da qualidade da imagem. Determinaram-se os valores de CTDI e DLP utilizando uma câmara de ionização e fantomas de crânio e tórax. Efetuou-se ainda uma análise objetiva e subjetiva da qualidade da imagem com o fantoma Catphan® 500 e observadores, respetivamente. Os resultados obtidos foram superiores relativamente às Guidelines europeias no protocolo de crânio (CTDIvol = 80,13 mGy e DLP = 1209,22 mGy.cm) e inferiores no protocolo de tórax (CTDIvol = 8,37 mGy e DLP = 274,71 mGy.cm). Na análise objetiva da qualidade da imagem, à exceção da resolução de baixo contraste no protocolo de crânio, todos os outros critérios analisados estavam em conformidade com a legislação. Na análise subjetiva da qualidade da imagem existiu uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as classificações atribuídas pelos observadores às imagens nos parâmetros avaliados (p = 0,000-0,005).
OBJECTIVE To estimate rates of non-adherence to telemedicine strategies aimed at treating drug addiction. METHODS A systematic review was conducted of randomized controlled trials investigating different telemedicine treatment methods for drug addiction. The following databases were consulted between May 18, 2012 and June 21, 2012: PubMed, PsycINFO, SciELO, Wiley (The Cochrane Library), Embase, Clinical trials and Google Scholar. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation was used to evaluate the quality of the studies. The criteria evaluated were: appropriate sequence of data generation, allocation concealment, blinding, description of losses and exclusions and analysis by intention to treat. There were 274 studies selected, of which 20 were analyzed. RESULTS Non-adherence rates varied between 15.0% and 70.0%. The interventions evaluated were of at least three months duration and, although they all used telemedicine as support, treatment methods differed. Regarding the quality of the studies, the values also varied from very poor to high quality. High quality studies showed better adherence rates, as did those using more than one technique of intervention and a limited treatment time. Mono-user studies showed better adherence rates than poly-user studies. CONCLUSIONS Rates of non-adherence to treatment involving telemedicine on the part of users of psycho-active substances differed considerably, depending on the country, the intervention method, follow-up time and substances used. Using more than one technique of intervention, short duration of treatment and the type of substance used by patients appear to facilitate adherence.
Introduction: University students are frequently exposed to events that can cause stress and anxiety, producing elevated cardiovascular responses. Repeated exposure to academic stress has implications to students’ success and well-being and may contribute to the development of long-term health problems. Objective: To identify stress levels and coping strategies in university students and assess the impact of stress experience in heart rate variability (HRV). Methods: 17 university students, 19-23 years, completed the University Students Stress Inventory, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire. Two 24h-Holter recordings were performed, on academic activity days, including one of them an exam situation. Results: Students tend to present moderate stress levels, and prefer problem-focused coping strategies in order to manage stress. Exam situations are perceived as significant stressors. Although we found no significant differences in HRV (SDNN), between days with and without an exam, we registered a lower SDNN score and a variation in heart rate (HR) related to exam situation (maximum HR peak at 10 minutes before the exam, and total HR recovery 20 minutes after the exam), reflecting sympathetic activation due to stress. Conclusions: These results suggest that academic events, especially those related to exam situations, are the cause of stress in university students, with implications at cardiovascular level, underlying the importance of interventions that help these students improve their coping skills and optimize stress management, in order to improve academic achievement and promote well-being and quality of life.
274 pág.
pp. 247-274
INTRODUCTION: The significant risk of sudden arrhythmic death in patients with congestive heart failure and electromechanical ventricular dyssynchrony has led to increased use of combined cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) devices. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the echocardiographic variables in patients undergoing CRT-D that predict the occurrence of appropriate therapies (AT) for ventricular tachyarrhythmia. METHODS: We analyzed 38 consecutive patients (mean age 60 +/- 12 years, 63% male) with echocardiographic evaluation before and 6 months after CRT-D implantation. Patients with AT were identified in a mean follow-up of 471 +/- 323 days. A standard echocardiographic study was performed including tissue Doppler imaging (TDI). Responders were defined as patients with improvement in NYHA class of < or = 1 in the first six months, and reverse remodeling as a decrease in left ventricular end-systolic volume of < or = 15% and/or an increase in left ventricular ejection fraction of > 25%. RESULTS: The responder rate was 74%, and the reverse remodeling rate was 55%. AT occurred in 21% of patients, who presented with greater left ventricular end-diastolic internal diameter (LVEDD) before implantation (86 +/- 8 vs. 76 +/- 11 mm, p = 0.03) and at 6 months (81 +/- 8 vs. 72 +/- 14 mm, p = 0.08), and increased left ventricular end-systolic internal diameter (66 +/- 14 vs. 56 +/- 14 mm, p = 0.03) and lower ejection fraction (24 +/- 6 vs. 34 +/- 14%, p = 0.08) at 6 months. In the group with AT, the responder rate was lower (38 vs. 83%, p = 0.03), without significant differences in reverse remodeling (38% for the AT group vs. 60%, p = 0.426) or in the other variables. By univariate analysis, predictors of AT were LVEDD before implantation and E' after implantation. Age, gender, ischemic etiology, use of antiarrhythmic drugs, reverse remodeling and the other echocardiographic parameters did not predict AT. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, both LVEDD before implantation (OR 1.24, 95% CI 1.04-1.48, p = 0.019) and postimplantation E' (OR 0.27, 95% CI 0.09-0.76, p = 0.014) remained as independent predictors of AT. CONCLUSIONS: In patients undergoing CRT-D, episodes of ventricular tachyarrhythmia occur with high incidence, independently of echocardiographic response, with LVEDD before implantation and E' after implantation as the only independent predictors of AT in the medium-term. These results highlight the importance of combined devices with defibrillation capability.
As técnicas de avaliação e de melhoria de qualidade não são um conceito recente no mundo empresarial. A sua aplicação à Medicina tem, no entanto, sido feita com algum atraso e amadorismo por parte dos profissionais e das estruturas envolvidas. A avaliação das nossas atitudes, processos e resultados, quando visamos obter uma melhor qualidade dos cuidados que prestamos, tem sido muitas vezes imprecisa, pontual e intuitiva. Ela pode e deve ser exacta, sistemática e rigorosa. Para tal é necessária a utilização de uma terminologia comum, que pressupõe o conhecimento profundo de um conjunto de definições ligadas a este tema. Os autores apresentam a terminologia mais utilizada neste contexto, reflectindo sobre os processos de avaliação e melhoria da qualidade em Medicina, salientando os seus alvos e atributos. Finalmente, discutem a aplicabilidade desta abordagem global ao contexto da Medicina Intensiva nos anos 90.
Objective: To define the pattern of disease expression and to gain better understanding in patients with juvenile onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Portugal. Methods: The features of unselected patients with systemic lupus erythematosus who had disease onset before the age of 18 years were retrospectively analysed in three Portuguese centres with Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic over a 24-year period (1987-2011). Demographic, clinical and laboratory manifestations, therapy and outcome were assessed. Results: A cohort of 56 patients with a mean age at disease onset of 12.6±4.04 years (mean±1SD) (range, 1.0-17.0 years) and a mean period of follow-up of 5.5±5.4 years. Forty six (82.1%) patients were female. The most common disease manifestations were musculoskeletal (87.5%), mucocutaneous (80.3%) and haematological abnormalities (75%). Lupus nephritis was diagnosed in 46.4% of patients and consisted of glomerular ne - phritis in all cases. Neuropsychiatric manifestations occurred in 21.4% but severe central nervous system complications were uncommon, as brain infarcts and organic brain syndrome in 4 (7.1%) patients. Antinuclear antibodies and anti-double stranded DNA were positive in most patients in (98.2% and 71.4% respectively), as well as low C3 and/or C4 were observed frequently (85.7%). Generally, most patients had a good response to therapy as demonstrated by a significant decreasing of SLEDAI score from disease presentation to the last evaluation. The SLEDAI at diagnosis, the maximum SLEDAI and the incidence of complications were significantly higher in patients with neurolupus and/or lupus nephritis. Therapy included oral steroids (87.5%), hydroxychloroquine (85.7%), azathioprine (55.4%), IV cyclophosphamide (28.6%) along with other drugs. Six (10.7%) patients were treated with rituximab. Long-term remission was achieved in 32%, disease was active in 68%, adverse reactions to therapy occurred in 53.6% and complications/severe manifestations in 23.2%. Two patients died, being active disease and severe infection the causes of death. Conclusions: This study suggests that in our patients the clinical and laboratory features observed were similar to juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients from other series. Clinical outcome was favourable in the present study. Complications from therapy were frequent. Objective: To define the pattern of disease expression and to gain better understanding in patients with juvenile onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Portugal. Methods: The features of unselected patients with systemic lupus erythematosus who had disease onset before the age of 18 years were retrospectively analysed in three Portuguese centres with Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic over a 24-year period (1987-2011). Demographic,clinical and laboratory manifestations, therapy and outcome were assessed. Results: A cohort of 56 patients with a mean age at disease onset of 12.6±4.04 years (mean±1SD) (range, 1.0-17.0 years) and a mean period of follow-up of 5.5±5.4 years. Forty six (82.1%) patients were female. The most common disease manifestations were musculoskeletal (87.5%), mucocutaneous (80.3%) and haematological abnormalities (75%). Lupus nephritis was diagnosed in 46.4% of patients and consisted of glomerular ne - phritis in all cases. Neuropsychiatric manifestations occurred in 21.4% but severe central nervous system complications were uncommon, as brain infarcts and organic brain syndrome in 4 (7.1%) patients. Antinuclear antibodies and anti-double stranded DNA were positive in most patients in (98.2% and 71.4% respectively), as well as low C3 and/or C4 were observed frequently (85.7%). Generally, most patients had a good response to therapy as demonstrated by a significant decreasing of SLEDAI score from disease presentation to the last evaluation. The SLEDAI at diagnosis, the maximum SLEDAI and the incidence of complications were significantly higher in patients with neurolupus and/or lupus nephritis. Therapy included oral steroids (87.5%), hydroxychloroquine (85.7%), azathioprine (55.4%), IV cyclophosphamide (28.6%) along with other drugs. Six (10.7%) patients were treated with rituximab. Long-term remission was achieved in 32%, disease was active in 68%, adverse reactions to therapy occurred in 53.6% and complications/severe manifestations in 23.2%. Two patients died, being active disease and severe infection the causes of death. Conclusions: This study suggests that in our patients the clinical and laboratory features observed were similar to juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients from other series. Clinical outcome was favourable in the present study. Complications from therapy were frequent.
OBJECTIVE: Although evidence has shown that ischemic heart disease (IHD) in vascular surgery patients has a negative impact on the prognosis after surgery, it is unclear whether directed treatment of IHD may influence cause-specific and overall mortality. The objective of this study was to determine the prognostic implication of coronary revascularization (CR) on overall and cause-specific mortality in vascular surgery patients. METHODS: Patients undergoing surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm, carotid artery stenosis, or peripheral artery disease in a university hospital in The Netherlands between January 2003 and December 2011 were retrospectively included. Survival estimates were obtained by Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 1104 patients were included. Adjusted survival analyses showed that IHD significantly increased the risk of overall mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 1.50; 95% confidence interval, 1.21-1.87) and cardiovascular death (HR, 1.93; 95% confidence interval, 1.35-2.76). Compared with those without CR, patients previously undergoing CR had similar overall mortality (HR, 1.38 vs 1.62; P = .274) and cardiovascular mortality (HR, 1.83 vs 2.02; P = .656). Nonrevascularized IHD patients were more likely to die of IHD (6.9% vs 35.7%), whereas revascularized IHD patients more frequently died of cardiovascular causes unrelated to IHD (39.1% vs 64.3%; P = .018). CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the significance of IHD for postoperative survival of vascular surgery patients. CR was associated with lower IHD-related death rates. However, it failed to provide an overall survival benefit because of an increased rate of cardiovascular mortality unrelated to IHD. Intensification of secondary prevention regimens may be required to prevent this shift toward non-IHD-related death and thereby improve life expectancy.