987 resultados para 175-1


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We analyzed hydrographic data from the northwestern Weddell Sea continental shelf of the three austral winters 1989, 1997, and 2006 and two summers following the last winter cruise. During summer a thermal front exists at ~64° S separating cold southern waters from warm northern waters that have similar characteristics as the deep waters of the central basin of the Bransfield Strait. In winter, the whole continental shelf exhibits southern characteristics with high Neon (Ne) concentrations, indicating a significant input of glacial melt water. The comparison of the winter data from the shallow shelf off the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, spanning a period of 17 yr, shows a salinity decrease of 0.09 for the whole water column, which has a residence time of <1 yr. We interpret this freshening as being caused by a combination of reduced salt input due to a southward sea ice retreat and higher precipitation during the late 20th century on the western Weddell Sea continental shelf. However, less salinification might also result from a delicate interplay between enhanced salt input due to sea ice formation in coastal areas formerly occupied by Larsen A and B ice shelves and increased Larsen C ice loss.


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We compare a compilation of 220 sediment core d13C data from the glacial Atlantic Ocean with three-dimensional ocean circulation simulations including a marine carbon cycle model. The carbon cycle model employs circulation fields which were derived from previous climate simulations. All sediment data have been thoroughly quality controlled, focusing on epibenthic foraminiferal species (such as Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi or Planulina ariminensis) to improve the comparability of model and sediment core carbon isotopes. The model captures the general d13C pattern indicated by present-day water column data and Late Holocene sediment cores but underestimates intermediate and deep water values in the South Atlantic. The best agreement with glacial reconstructions is obtained for a model scenario with an altered freshwater balance in the Southern Ocean that mimics enhanced northward sea ice export and melting away from the zone of sea ice production. This results in a shoaled and weakened North Atlantic Deep Water flow and intensified Antarctic Bottom Water export, hence confirming previous reconstructions from paleoproxy records. Moreover, the modeled abyssal ocean is very cold and very saline, which is in line with other proxy data evidence.


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We report relative paleointensity proxy records from four piston cores collected near the Agulhas Ridge and Meteor Rise (South Atlantic). The mean sedimentation rate of the cores varies from 24 cm/kyr to 11 cm/kyr. The two cores with mean sedimentation rates over 20 cm/kyr record positive remanence inclinations at 40-41 ka coeval with the Laschamp Event. Age models are based on oxygen isotope data from three of the cores, augmented by radiocarbon ages from nearby Core RC11-83, and by correlation of paleointensity records for the one core with no oxygen isotope data. The relative paleointensity proxy records are the first from the South Atlantic and from the high to mid-latitude southern hemisphere. Prominent paleointensity lows at ?40 ka and ?65 ka, as well as many other features, can be correlated to paleointensity records of comparable resolution from the northern hemisphere. The records are attributable, in large part, to the global-scale field, and therefore have potential for inter-hemispheric correlation at a resolution difficult to achieve with isotope data alone.


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The chemical composition of surface associated metabolites of two Fucus species (Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus) was analysed by means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to describe temporal patterns in chemical surface composition. Method: The two perennial brown macroalgae F. vesiculosus and F. serratus were sampled monthly at Bülk, outer Kiel Fjord, Germany (54°27'21 N / 10°11'57 E) over an entire year (August 2012 - July 2013). Per month and species six non-fertile Fucus individuals were collected from mixed stands at a depth of 0.5 m under mid water level. For surface extraction approx. 50 g of the upper 5-10 cm apical thalli tips were cut off per species. The surface extraction of Fucus was performed according to the protocol of de Nys and co-workers (1998) with minor modifications (see Rickert et al. 2015). GC/EI-MS measurements were performed with a Waters GCT premier (Waters, Manchester, UK) coupled to an Agilent 6890N GC equipped with a DB-5 ms 30 m column (0.25 mm internal diameter, 0.25 mM film thickness, Agilent, USA). The inlet temperature was maintained at 250°C and samples were injected in split 10 mode. He carrier gas flow was adjusted to 1 ml min-1. Alkanes were used for referencing of retention times. For further details (GC-MS sample preparation and analysis) see the related publication (Rickert et al. submitted to PLOS ONE).


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Las enfermedades raras o huérfano son una problemática que ha tomado mucha importancia en el contexto mundial del presente siglo, estas se han definido como crónicas, de difícil tratamiento de sus síntomas y con baja prevalencia en la población; muchas de estas enfermedades cursan con varios tipos de discapacidad, siendo el objetivo del presente trabajo el enfocarse en aquellas enfermedades raras que cursan con discapacidad intelectual. Para poder profundizar en estas enfermedades se realizó una revisión teórica sobre las enfermedades raras, así como de la discapacidad psíquica y su importancia a nivel mundial y nacional. A partir de estas definiciones, se revisaron en profundidad 3 enfermedades raras que cursan con discapacidad intelectual en el contexto colombiano, como son: el síndrome de Rett, el síndrome de Prader-Willi y el síndrome de X frágil. En cada una de estas enfermedades además se explicaron los tipos de diagnóstico, intervención, prevención, grupos de apoyo y tipos de evaluación que más se usan en el contexto nacional


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A partir de un trabajo mayor, denominado “Servicios públicos, políticas sociales y despoblamiento en poblaciones menores a 2000 habitantes del Sudeste Bonaerense”, se desarrolló un área de estudio inicial en dos pequeñas localidades que comprende entre 500 y 1100 habitantes. Las mismas son: San Agustín y Mechongué. El tema es desdoblado en el marco del Doctorado en Geografía de  la Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca. Argentina). Para realizar el trabajo se han realizado encuestas, entrevistas e indagado diferentes organismos de acción relacionados con la construcción del territorio. El Estado, agrupa una diversidad importante de entes, organizaciones, instituciones políticas y normas que inciden en la transformación territorial. En el presente trabajo se analizan normas, planes y políticas de Estado comprendidas entre 1960 y la actualidad, relacionadas con el despoblamiento rural y cambios socio-económicos locales.Palabras Claves:Territorio. Estado. Políticas Públicas. Transformaciones territoriales. Resumo: A  partir  de  um  trabalho maior,  denominado  “Serviços  públicos,  políticas  sociais e despovoamento em populações menores a 2000 habitantes do Sudeste Bonaerense”, desenvolveu-se uma área de estudo  inicial em duas pequenas  localidades que compreende entre 500 e 1,100 habitantes. As mesmas são: San Agustín e Mechongué. O tema é desdobrado no marco do Doutorado em Geografa da Universidade Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca. Argentina). Para realizar o trabalho se realizaram enquetes, entrevistas e indagados diferentes organismos de ação  relacionados com a construção do  território. O Estado concentra uma diversidade  importante de entes, organizações,  instituições políticas e normas que  incidem na transformação territorial. No presente trabalho se analisam normas, planos e políticas de Estado compreendidas entre o ano 1960 e a atualidade, relacionadas com o despovoamento rural e mudanças socioeconômicos locais. Palavras finques: Território. Estado. Políticas Públicas. Transformações territoriais.


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3 Briefe zwischen R. Imelmann und Max Horkheimer, 20.07.1934, 1934; 2 Briefe vom Institute of International Education New York an Max Horkheimer, 1939-1940; 1 Brief vom Instytut Spraw Spolecznych Warschau an Max Horkheimer, 28.12.1935; 2 Briefe vom International House New York an Max Horkheimer, 1939; 11 Briefe zwischen dem Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis Amsterdam, 1937-1938; 2 Rundschreiben der International Labour Office Genf, 1940; 2 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an die International Relief Association New York, 1940; 2 Briefe der International Science New York an Max Horkheimer, 1941-1942; 1 Rundbrief und Beilage des International Student Service Genf, 01.03.1934; 3 Briefe und Beilage zwischen Harry Isay und Max Horkheimer, 1941, 13.10.1941; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Elsa Hirschberg, 09.03.1942; 52 Briefe zwischen Gertrude Isch und Max Horkheimer, 1934-1946; 10 Briefe zwischen Karl Israelski und Max Horkheimer, 1937-1938;


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Briefwechsel zwischen Bertold Scheller und Max Horkheimer, 1955; Briefwechsel zwischen dem Diplom-Volkswirt Albert Schiefer und Max Horkheimer, 1957; Briefwechsel zwischen dem Bayerischer Schulbuch-Verlag und Max Horkheimer, 1954; Briefwechsel mit Beilagen zwischen der Deutschen Schlafwagen- und Speisewagen-Gesellschaft und Max Horkheimer, 1954; 1 Brief von Ludwig Benedict Schlesinger an Max Horkheimer, 1958; 1 Brief von dem Professor Alfred Schmidt an Max Horkheimer, 1957 und 1 Gutachten von Max Horkheimer, 1958; 1 Brief von Hermann Schweppenhäuser an Max Horkheimer, 1957; Briefwechsel zwischen W. Schmidt-Richberg und Max Horkheimer, 1957-1958; Briefwechsel zwischen Alfred Schmidweber und Max Horkheimer, 1956; 1 Brief von Katja Schmitz? an Max Horkheimer, 1955; Briefwechsel zwischen der Studentin Elsmarie Schmitz und Max Horkheimer, 1958; Briefwechsel zwischen dem Professor Günter Schmölders und Max Horkheimer, 1957-1958; 1 Brief an Diplom-Volkswirt Helmut Schneider von Max Horkheimer, 1955; Briefwechsel zwischen Marianne Schneider und Max Horkheimer, 1955-1956; Briefwechsel zwischen Georg von Schnitzler und Max Horkheimer, 1954; 1 Todenanzeige von Louis Schnürpel, 1956; Briefwechsel zwischen Roman Schnur und Max Horkheimer, 1955-1958; 1 Brief mit Anlagen an Günter P. Schölzel von Max Horkheimer, 1958; Briefwechsel zwischen Hans W. Schoenberg und Max Horkheimer, 1955; 1 Anzeige von Arnold Schoenberg, 1955; Briefwechsel zwischen der Studentin Annemarie Schöne und Max Horkheimer, 1956; Briefwechsel zwischen dem Professor Hans Joachim Schoeps und Max Horkheimer, 1955-1956; 1 Brief an den Professor Rudolf Schottlaender von Max Horkheimer, 1955; 1 Anzeige von Joachim Schroeter, 1955; Briefwechsel zwischen Karl Schück und Max Horkheimer, 1954; Briefwechsel zwischen Julia von der Schulenburg und Max Horkheimer, 1957; Briefwechsel zwischen dem Bankdirektor Felix W. Schulthess und Max Horkheimer, 1955; 1 Brief an den Privatdozent Walter Schulz von Max Horkheimer, 1954; Briefwechsel mit Beilagen zwischen dem Bürgermeister Wolfgang Schwabe und Max Horkheimer, 1954; Breifwechsel mit Beilagen zwischen Hans Schwalbach und Max Horkheimer, 1954; Briefwechsel mit Beilagen zwischen Poldi Schwalbach und Max Horkheimer, 1954; 1 Brief von Louis Daniel Schwallbach an Max Horkheimer, 1955; Briefwechsel zwischen Dorothea de Schweinitz und Max Horkheimer, 1958; 1 Aktennotiz von Hans Zulliger, 1956; Briefwechsel zwischen William Schwitzer und Max Horkheimer, 1954; Briefwechsel zwischen Karl von Stackelberg und Max Horkheimer, 1954; 1 Brief von Clemens Köttelwesch und Max Horkheimer, 1957; 1 Brief von dem Oberlandesgerichtspräsidenten Bruno Heusinger an Max Horkheimer, 1954; Briefwechsel zwischen dem Oberstadtdirektor Erich Walter Lotz und Max Horkheimer, 1953-1954; Briefwechsel zwischen der Stadtverwaltung Iserlohn und Max Horkheimer, 1954; Briefwechsel mit Beilagen zwischen dem Diplom Ingenieur und Oberbaurat Julius Schwalm und Max Horkheimer, 1954; 1 Brief an den Professor Herbert Plügge von Max Horkheimer, 1957; Briefwechsel zwischen den Professor und Oberlandesgerichtspräsidenten Curt Staffund Max Horkheimer, 1956-1957; 1 Brief von dem Professor B. M. Stanfield an Max Horkheimer, 1957; 1 Vermählungsanzeige von den Professor Dietrich Starck, 1956 und 1 Brief an den Professor Dietrich Starck von Max Horkheimer, 1958; Briefwechsel zwischen den Professor Werner Stark und Max Horkheimer, 1958; Briefwechsel mit Beilagen zwischen Rolf Stätter und Max Horkheimer, 1954; 1 Brief von Karl Staufen an Max Horkheimer, 1952; 1 Brief von Direktor Adolf Stauss an Max Horkheimer, 1954; Briefwechsel zwischen dem Bankier Alwin Steffan und Max Horkheimer, 1954-1957; 2 Briefe an den Professor Wolfgang Stegmüller von Max Horkheimer, 1957; Briefwechsel zwischen dem Professor und MinisterErwin Stein und Max Horkheimer, 1956-1957; 1 Brief an Lotte Steinberger von Max Horkheimer, 1954; 1 Brief von Ernst Steindorf an Max Horkheimer, ohne Jahr; Briefwechsel zwischen Helmut von den Steinen und Max Horkheimer, 1955 und 1 Brief an Helmut von den Steinen von Theodor W. Adorno, 1955; Briefwechsel zwischen den Professor Hans Erich Stier, 1958; Briefwechsel zwischen Elsbeth Stocker und Max Horkheimer, 1955; Briefwechsel zwischen Eric W. Stoetzner und Max Horkheimer, 1957-1958; Briefwechsel zwischen Gertrud Straulino und Max Horkheimer, 1957-1958; Briefwechsel zwischen den Professor Siegfried Strugger und Max Horkheimer, 1955; Briefwechsel mit Beilagen zwischen Willy Strzelewicz und Max Horkheimer, 1955-1957; Briefwechsel mit Beilagen zwischen der Studentenschaft der Universität Köln und Max Horkheimer, 1953;


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As a result of both culture and sediment core studies, the ratio of germanium (Ge) to silicon (Si) in diatom shells has been proposed as a proxy for monitoring whole-ocean changes in seawater Ge/Si, a ratio affected by changes in continental weathering. However, because of the difficulties of extracting and cleaning diatom frustules from deep-sea sediments, only samples from highly pure diatom oozes in the Antarctic region have been previously analyzed. Here we present data on diatom Ge/Si ratios, (Ge/Si)opal, for the time interval between 3.1 and 1.9 Ma from a mid-latitude, coastal upwelling area where significant terrigenous sediment input complicated the sample processing and analyses. In general, our (Ge/Si)opal values show the same decreasing trend after 2.6 Ma than previously measured in Antarctic sediments (Shemesh et al., 1989. Paleoceanography 4, 221-231), but with a noisier background that may reflect the local imprint of proximal continental input superimposed upon global changes in the ocean reservoir. The time of initiation of large-scale North Hemisphere glaciation at ~2.6 Ma is characterized by a declining pattern of diatom Ge/Si ratios, which could have resulted from a global increase in the input of riverine Si due to enhanced silica weathering and/or equatorward (northward) intrusions of subantarctic waters enriched in silica. High (Ge/Si)opal ratios are associated with high opal contents from the same sediment samples and with warm climate as indicated by depleted benthic foraminiferal d18O values from the North and Equatorial Atlantic. Cold periods signified by enriched benthic d18O values, on the contrary, are associated with lower (Ge/Si)opal ratios. We interpret diatom Ge/Si values to reflect the prevailing weathering state on the continents, with greater chemical weathering during warm and wet periods of the Pliocene and less during cooler and drier intervals.


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Palynological records from the Congo fan reveal environmental change in equatorial Africa occurring 1.05 Ma ago, 100 k.y. before the mid-Pleistocene climatic shift at 0.9 Ma. Prior to 1.05 Ma, a glacial-interglacial rhythm is not obvious in the African vegetation variation. Afterwards, Podocarpus spread in the mountains of central Africa mainly during glacials and Congo River discharge decreased. The sequence of vegetation variation associated with the mid-Pleistocene glacials and interglacials differed from that observed during the late Pleistocene. Between 0.9 and 0.6 Ma, interglacials were characterized by warm dry conditions and glacials were characterized by cool humid conditions, while during the past 0.2 Ma glacials were cold and dry and interglacials warm and humid. Our data indicate that before the Northern Hemisphere ice caps dramatically increased in size (0.9-0.6 Ma), low-latitude climate forcing and response in the tropics played an important role in the initiation of 100 k.y. ice-age cycles. During the mid to late Pleistocene, however, the climate conditions in the tropics were increasingly influenced by the glacial-interglacial variations of continental ice sheets.


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Variations in the strength of coastal upwelling in the South East Atlantic Ocean and summer monsoonal rains over South Africa are controlled by the regional atmospheric circulation regime. Although information about these parameters exists for the last glacial period, little detailed information exists for older time periods. New information from ODP Site 1085 for Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 12-10 shows that glacial-interglacial productivity trends linked to upwelling variability followed a pattern similar to the last glacial cycle, with maximums shortly before glacial maxima, and minimums shortly before glacial terminations. During the MIS-11/10 transition, several periodic oscillations in productivity and monsoonal proxies are best explained by southwards shifts in the southern sub-tropical high-pressure cells followed by abrupt northwards shifts. Comparison to coeval sea-surface temperature measurements suggests that these monsoonal cycles were tightly coupled to anti-phased hemispheric climate change, with an intensified summer monsoon during periods of Northern (Southern) Hemisphere cooling (warming). The timing of these events suggests a pacing by insolation over precession periods. A lack of similar regional circulation shifts during the MIS-13/12 transition is likely due to the large equatorwards shift in the tropical convection zone that occurred during this extreme glaciation.


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An important discovery during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175, when investigating the record of upwelling off Namibia, was the finding of a distinct Late Pliocene diatom maximum spanning the lower half of the Matuyama reversed polarity chron (MDM, Matuyama Diatom Maximum) and centered around 2.6-2.0 Ma. This maximum was observed at all sites off southwestern Africa between 20°S and 30°S, and is most strongly represented in sediments of Site 1084, off Lüderitz, Namibia. The MDM is characterized by high biogenic opal content, high numbers of diatom valves, and a diatom flora rich in Southern Ocean representatives (with Thalassiothrix antarctica forming diatom mats) as well as coastal upwelling components. Before MDM time, diatoms are rare until ca. 3.6 Ma. After the MDM, in the Pleistocene, the composition of the diatom flora points to increased importance of coastal upwelling toward the present, but is accompanied by a general decrease in opal and diatom deposition. Here we present a simple conceptual model as a first step in formalizing a possible forcing mechanism responsible for the record of opal deposition in the upwelling system off Namibia. The model takes into account Southern Ocean oceanography, and a link with deepwater circulation and deepwater nutrient chemistry which, in turn, are coupled to the evolution of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). The model proposes that between the MDM and the Mid-Pleistocene climate revolution, opal deposition off Namibia is not directly tied to glacial-interglacial fluctuations (as seen in the global d18O record), but that, instead, a strong deepwater link exists with increased NADW production (as seen in the deepwater d13C record) accounting for higher supply of silicate to the thermocline waters that feed the upwelling process. The opal record of Site 1084 shows affinity to eccentricity on the 400-kyr scale but not for the 100-kyr scale. This points toward long-term geologic processes for delivery of silica to the ocean.


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