1000 resultados para 13077-047


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A novel organotin complex, EtPhSnCl(2) . 2HOC(10)H(6)CH = NC6H1OCH3 was synthesized, and its crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction method. The crystal is triclinic, belonging to space group, with unit cell parameters a = 1.150 8(5) nm, b = 1. 153 1(5) gm, c = 1. 004 6 (3) nm, alpha = 94. 15 (3)degrees, beta = 115.47 (3)degrees, r = 85. 94 (4)degrees, V = 1199 7(1) nm(3), Z=2, D-c=1.68 g/cm(3), mu=13. 20 cm(-1), F(000)=618 for 4 131 reflections tions. R=0. 047, R(w)=0. 047. The ligand coordinates to tin atom via phenolic oxygen atom. The complex has a distored trigonal bipyramidal structure, the phenolic oxygen atom of the ligand and one of two chlorine atoms occupy the axial position. The distance between noncoodinated nitrogen atom with phenolic oxygen atom is 0. 257 4 nm, which indicates that the intramolecular hydrogen bond of Schiff base ligand is retained in the complex.


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本文报导了(Cp_2ErCl(THF)]_2的晶体结构,晶体属单斜晶系,P2_1/c空间群。晶胞参数为a=8.141(2),b=21.218(6),c=8.597(2),β=107.77(2)°;V=1414.1(6) ~3;Z=2,D_c=1.90g/cm~3,F(000)=780,μ_c=66.3cm~(-1)(MoK_a)。最终的偏离因子R=0.047,R_(to)=0.048。结构分析表明,该配合物是以两个氯离子与金属离子桥联的二聚体形式存在。四氢呋喃中的氧原子同金属离子键合,Er—O键长为2.490(6),两个环戊二烯中的所有碳原子同金属离子间的平均键长为2.649,Er-Cl=2.666(3),Er—Cl-a=2.797(3),Er-Er_a=4.42,Cl-Er-Cl_a键角为72.2°。


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The reaction of GdCl3 with 1 equiv of NaC5Me5 generates a neutral complex C5Me5GdCl2(THF)3 and a novel complex {Na(mu-2-THF)[(C5Me5)Gd(THF)]2(mu-2-Cl)3(mu-3-Cl)2}2.6THF whixh recrystallizes from THF in triclinic, the space group P1BAR with unit cell dimentions of a 12.183(4), b 13.638(6), c 17.883(7) angstrom, alpha-110.38(3), beta-94.04(3), gamma-99.44(3)-degrees, V 2721.20 angstrom-3 and D(calc) 1.43 g cm-3 for Z = 1. Least-squares refinement of 2170 observed reflections led to a final R value of 0.047. The title complex consists of two Na(mu-2-THF)[(C5Me5)Gd(THF)]2(mu-3-Cl)3(mu-3-Cl)2 units bridged together via two mu-2-THF to Na coordination. Each Gd ion is surrounded by one C5Me5 ligand, two mu-3-Cl, two mu-2-Cl and one THF in a distorted octahedral arrangement with average Gd-C(ring) 2.686(33), Gd-mu-2-Cl 2.724(7), Gd-mu-3-Cl 2.832(8) and Gd-O 2.407(11) angstrom. The sodium ion coordinates to two bridging THF, two mu-2-Cl and two mu-3-Cl to form a distorted octahedron with average Na-mu-2-O, Na-mu-2-Cl and Na-mu-3-Cl of 2.411(21), 2.807(15) and 2.845(12) angstrom, respectively.


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Heat shock protein 22 (HSP22) is an important member of small heat shock protein (sHSP) subfamily which plays a key role in the process of protecting cells, facilitating the folding of nascent peptides, and responding to stress. In the present study, the cDNA of HSP22 was cloned from Argopecten irradians (designated as AiHSP22) by rapid amplification cDNA end (RACE) based on the expressed sequence tags (ESTs). The full-length cDNA of AiHSP22 was of 1,112 bp, with an open reading frame of 588 bp encoding a polypeptide of 195 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of AiHSP22 showed high similarity to previously identified HSP22s. The expression patterns of AiHSP22 mRNA in different tissues and in haemocytes of scallops exposed to Cd2+, Pb2+ or Cu2+ were investigated by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. The mRNA of AiHSP22 was constitutively expressed in all examined tissues, including haemocyte, muscle, kidney, gonad, gill and heart. The expression level in heart and muscle was higher than that in other tissues. The mRNA level of AiHSP22 in haemocytes was up-regulated after a 10 days exposure of scallops to Cu2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+. However, the expression of AiHSP22 did not increase linearly along with the rise of heavy metal concentration. Different concentrations of the same metal resulted in different effects on AiHSP22 expression. The sensitive response of AiHSP22 to Cu2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+ stress indicated that it could be developed as an indicator of exposure to heavy metals for the pollution monitoring programs in aquatic environment.


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本文研究了三种大型藻及五种微藻的死藻体对水体中重金属离子的吸附。从藻细胞的形态学和光谱学以及咐附动力学和热力学等角度,探讨了海藻对金属离子的吸附机理。获得了吸附的适宜条件,为生物吸附剂在实际生产中的开发利用提供了生理基础。实验主要结果为:通过藻体死细胞与活细胞吸附研究比较,得出:藻体细胞的死亡不但不影响其吸附能力,而且可以解决用活体细胞作生物吸附剂进行工业废水处理的许多困难(如藻的营养问题、藻细胞对金属的耐受力等问题)。以死亡藻细胞作为生物吸附剂的细胞固定化技术有很大的工业应用前景。从藻细胞形态学和荧光发射光谱的研究得出,海藻对重金属的吸附不仅靠细胞壁成分对金属离子进行作用,细胞的内部物质也积极地参与吸附。吸附前后的细胞不仅表面强烈变形(变得凹凸不平),而且细胞的深层结构也发生了变化,使细胞的荧光发射光谱发生改变;未经吸附的藻细胞在紫光外激发下发出清晰的荧光,吸附之后荧光削弱甚至消失。吸附的热力学研究得出,吸附过程符合Freundlich吸附等温方程q = kc~b,可以认为该方程是少洋藻类-尤其是单胞藻吸咐金属的普遍模式。海藻对金属离子的吸附过程是多个一级反应并行的反应。藻体细胞存在着多个吸附官能团,这些官能团大致可以总括为快速吸附位点、中速吸附位点和慢速吸附位点三大类,实验模拟得出藻细胞吸附金属离子的动力学公式:C_e = Σ_(c_i) = C_(01)e~(-k1t) + C_(02)e~(-k2t) + C_(03)e~(-k3t), 式中 k_1,k_2及k_3 代表三类吸附位点的反应速率常数。吸附的条件研究表明,吸附反应有一个最佳吸附温度和酸度,温度和酸度值过高或过低都不利于反应的进行;对于所实验的藻种,最佳吸附温度约为40 ℃,最佳吸附pH值在6.4左右。离子强度低利于吸附的进行。离子强度越高,藻对金属子的吸附量越低。当其它条件相同、离子强度由0.0016增至0.047,吸附容量减小了9倍。原因是各离子之间对吸附位点的竞争吸附,这种竞争关系决定了离子强度高时吸附空量较低。藻类对金属的吸附能力和金属离子的化学本质有密切的关系。各官能团对离子进行选择吸附,多种离子共存时,相互之间是竞争关系,这种竞争关系从侧面解释了低离子强度利于吸附进行的现象。各共存离子的吸附量及优先选择性主要决定于离子的软硬酸度。


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自20世纪60年代以来,探索全球性气候变化规律和环境变迁史的研究工作在世界各国广泛开展。大规模的深海岩芯的研究、中国北方黄土的系统研究、大型湖泊沉积岩芯的研究及对树木年轮、泥炭、珊瑚、冰芯等“自然环境历史档案”开展的研究工作,都为重建古气候和古生态环境提供了大量的资料。洞穴化学沉积物(石笋)由于其特有的微层结构及其内的稳定氧、碳同位素和微量元素所蕴含的古气候与古生态环境信息,并且具有分布广、时间长、信息保存完整等特点,因此,它是研究地球环境变化很好的自然环境历史档案。本论文通过对凉风洞洞穴体系的综合研究和对凉风洞石笋(微层)生长特征及石笋的碳、氧稳定同位素组成的研究,系统探讨了贵州凉风洞石笋的古气候记录和古生态环境意义,得出以下主要结论:1,地表植被的类型及生物量等信息可综合反映于洞穴体系的不同组.分(气样、土样、水样)中。而洞穴的水动力条件也能很好的被洞穴滴水中所含微量(常量)元素记录。根据分析,洞穴综合体系对外界气候与生态环境的响应关系存在一定规律性。通过对比说明,我们所选的凉风洞基岩的溶蚀和缓冲对水体中的信息影响不大,即洞穴滴水较好的继承了土壤水所携带的地表气候与生态环境信息,是理想的研究对象。2.凉风洞石笋具有多个沉积旋回,不同沉积旋回的纹层组合及纹层结构存在一定的差异,指示不同的沉积环境。根据年龄数据判断,旋回①至旋回⑧之间年龄跨度为1570-8000 aBP,以呈缓平顶(柱)对称叠复状的沉积形态组合为主,示洞顶滴水量较大,滴水点相对稳定,且均匀,与全新世较为稳定的气候与环境变化的主旋律相一致。旋回⑧以下至底部石葡萄状沉积物之上部分之间年龄跨度为8000-14220 aBP,期间经历末次冰期晚期向全新世大暖期过渡,受诸如新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas)等的影响,气候变化幅度大,且经历多次反复,石笋生长的沉积学特征表现为斜锥(柱)、尖顶锥不对称叠复纹层组合,示洞顶滴水水量较小但变化较大,且洞穴滴水不稳(固)定。与此时间段内不稳定的气候与环境变化的主旋律也相一致。3.凉风洞石笋上段微层具有典型南方石笋微层发育的特性:微层发育较差,层面多弯曲,层间界面模糊等。下段因为沉积间断较多、风化层面厚及受到若干时段内碳酸钙重结晶而导致晶体穿插层位生长的影响,尽管在某些层位有微层发育,但无法对石笋微层作连续观察记录。根据高精度的石笋TIMS、ICP-MS测年数据和在显微镜下所数石笋微层数量的对比,扣除若干个沉积间断及风化层导致的微层缺失,以及显微镜下肉眼对细小微层计数的误差,我们认为,凉风洞石笋微层是年生长层的可能性较大。4,由于部分测年数据仍在测试中,目前无法精确控制石笋中沉积间断的存在导致的信息缺失,因此,我们仅仅根据部分石笋测年数据,建立了凉风洞石笋在不同时段的生长速率。全新世以来石笋的生长速率在22μm/yr-51μm/yr之间,明显高于末次冰期晚期向全新世过渡这一时间段内的石笋生长速率(16μm/yr)。这些数据间接印证了石笋生长响应于外界气候,尤其是降雨的变化。5.通过对洞穴体系的综合分析对比,我们判断凉风洞洞穴综合体系相对完整,洞穴化学沉积物的6先值较为直接的响应了土壤c压的61t值变化,即反映了地表的植被(c3植物和c;植物)的组成状况。贵州地区降雨80%集中在5-10月份,在此期间,基本受西南季风和东亚季风所控制。西南季风盛行时贵州各地的降雨频繁,是一年中雨量最集中的时期,在东亚季风影响时期,贵州多晴少雨,往往形成干早的天气。又西南季风控制区大气降雨创的值的加权平均值明显低于东亚季风控制区大气降雨δ18O值的加权平均值。因此,贵州地区年均降雨量和年均降雨δ18O值主要取决于西南(印度洋)季风的强弱:西南季风加强,降雨量增加,年均降雨剐、值偏负;西南季风减弱,降雨量减少,年均降雨δ18O值偏正。洞穴滴水的6旧O值变化基本继承了大气降水的别勿值变化。因此,对地处我国西南地区贵州南部的凉风洞,源于洞穴滴水的凉风洞石笋的别勺值变化直接响应了外界的大气降雨量的变化和西南季风与东亚季风相互的强弱交替。6.对凉风洞石笋碳、氧同位素组成的时间序列曲线作20点移动平均,发现,特别是进入全新世后,石笋的引3c值和扩、值几乎具有完全一致的同步变化,只是在变化幅度上在某些时段存在差异。说明在凉风洞石笋反映的14220-1570 aBP时间段内,尤其是10500-1570 aBP期间,本区域气候具有雨热(或干冷)同期的气候特征:在气温较高时间段,西南季风增强,气候湿润多雨,更有利于地表。植物的生长。气温降低时,随着东亚季风增强,西南季风减弱,气候干旱少雨,地表C;植物的生长占有一定的比例。据此重建和恢复了本地区14220-1570 aBP期间的古气候和古生态环境:(1).14220-10500aBP,处于末次冰期晚期,气温较低。凉风洞石笋此时段的司、值都大于-9.8‰,最小值为-9.31‰,最大值达-7.290‰,平均值为-8.552‰。说明凉风洞洞穴地表的生长植被。植物占有一定的组分,石笋的δ18C值受C3植物和C4植物的共同影响。此时段内石笋6、值也存在一定的波动(-5.651‰-6.942‰),考虑到末次冰期晚期先全新世过渡期间气温变幅较大,O'Neil等(1969)所建立的氧同位素平衡分馏方程中的温度变化已不能忽略,并且大气降雨的温度效应作用也比较明显,因此我们对此时段的季风和大气降雨量的变化不作讨论。(2). 10500-9300 aBP,新仙女木事件结束,进入全新世,气温逐渐回升。凉风洞石笋此时段的扩3c值大都小于-9.8‰,最小值为-10.377‰,最大值为-9.267‰,平均值为-9.910‰。凉风洞洞穴地表植被已逐渐由C3植物占主导。此时段石笋δ18C值明显卜降,最小值为-7.420‰,最大值为-6.077‰,平均值为-6.854‰。反映在全新世早期夏季风盛行,降雨量较大,西南季风对本地区全年降雨贡献率大。(3).9300-8300 aBP,经历一段明显温度波动变化。仟3c值在-9.8‰上下波动,最小值为-10.155‰,最大值为-9.096‰,平均值为-9.712‰。凉风洞洞穴地表植被C4植物所占比例存在反复。此时段石笋岁a0值变化幅度不是很大,最小值为-6.796‰,最大值为-6.260‰,平均值为-6.490‰。受冬季风影响,夏季风有一定的减弱,总体降雨量一般,东亚季风对本地区全年降雨贡献率比全新世初期有所增大。(4).8300-3l000BP,俗称全新世大暖期,此时段全球气温明显回升,石笋δ18C值总体逐渐降低,最小值为-n.926编,平均值为-10.496‰。凉风洞洞穴地表植被基本由C3植物所控制。但在扩飞值总体逐渐降低的趋势一F,也存在若干扩3c值明显增大时段,如7700-6700 aBP时段,61七值最大值达-8.110‰,地表C4植物所占比例已不能忽略。此时段石笋6150值变化幅度较大,最小值为-7.373‰,最大值为-5.047‰,平均值为-6.261‰。反映在全新世大暖期的大背景下西南季风和东亚季风的交替以及大气降雨量的变化存在较大的波动,说明了季风气候的不稳定性。(5).3100-1570 aBP,在3100aBP前后,凉风洞石笋的δ18C值和δ18O值均急剧上升,标志进入晚全新世。此时段气温变幅很大,δ18C值总体虽然仍偏低,平均值为-10.275‰,但刻畜介于-6.495-12.097‰之间;δ18C值平均值为-6.184‰,变幅介于-4.677-8.65‰之间,均超过以往任何时段。此时段凉风洞洞穴地表植被基本上仍然由C。植物所控制,始于3100 aBP的急速降温事件使得在全新世晚期开始时段C4植物所占比例有一定的上升。此时段内西南季风和东亚季风反复多次交替,大气降雨量存在较大幅度的变化,说明了季风气候在此时段的很不稳定性。对于169于巧70 oBP百年时间段内石笋的δ18C值和司、值巨大幅度的急剧升高,有待进一步研究,也不排除石笋表层长期裸露受外界污染所致。


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The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of short-term resistance training on the body composition profile and muscle function in a group of Anorexia Nervosa restricting type (AN-R) patients. The sample consisted of AN-R female adolescents (12.8 ± 0.6 years) allocated into the control and intervention groups (n¼18 each). Body composition and relative strength were assessed at baseline, after 8 weeks and 4 weeks following the intervention. Body mass index (BMI) increased throughout the study (p = 0.011). Significant skeletal muscle mass (SMM) gains were found in the intervention group (p = 0.045, d = 0.6) that correlated to the change in BMI (r = 0.51, p < 0.031). Meanwhile, fat mass (FM) gains were significant in the control group (p = 0.047, d = 0.6) and correlated (r > 0.60) with change in BMI in both the groups. Significant relative strength increases (p < 0.001) were found in the intervention group and were sustained over time.


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Wilkinson, Jane, Performing the Local and the Global: The Theatre Festivals of Lake Constance (Peter Lang, 2007), pp.286 RAE2008


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An incremental, nonparametric probability estimation procedure using the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network is introduced. In slow-learning mode, fuzzy ARTMAP searches for patterns of data on which to build ever more accurate estimates. In max-nodes mode, the network initially learns a fixed number of categories, and weights are then adjusted gradually.


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Introduction: Worldwide, governments are striving to keep people in work to an older age. However, little is known about the effects of work on an older workforce. This thesis aims to investigate the importance of job characteristics to the antecedents and evolution of cardiovascular disease and functional limitations for the older worker (50+ years). Methods: Three studies were used in this thesis. The 5C (Cork Coronary Care Case- Control) Study investigated the association between job strain and a coronary event in males (n=208) 35-74 years old. The Mitchelstown Study examined the association between job characteristics and positive lifestyle behaviours and further, job characteristics and blood pressure for males and females 50-69 years (n=2,047). Finally, the Cork & Kerry Study investigated the physical effects of manual work and reported functional limitations/disabilities in a sample of 60-80 year olds (n=362). Results: Results from the 5C Study show a clear difference between younger (<50 years) and older (≥50 years) workers, with older workers who had a coronary event more likely to have high job strain and low job control. Data from the Mitchelstown Study showed workers with intermediate possibility for development or high quantitative demands (versus low) at work significantly more likely to have co-occurrence of positive lifestyle behaviours. Further, those who had high possibility for development were more likely to have high systolic blood pressure with no indication of recovery from this activation at night. Physically demanding work as reported by the participants of the Cork & Kerry Study was associated with functional limitations and activities of daily living disability for both the paid and unpaid worker. Discussion: The findings from this piece of work highlight the necessity to examine job characteristics and health outcomes in isolation for the over fifties. The challenge is to get this information into the workplace.


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Novel, achiral 1H-1,3,5-benzotriazepine-2,4(3H,5H)-diones have been prepared and structurally characterized. These compounds are potent CCK2 receptor antagonists that display a high degree of selectivity over CCK1 receptors.


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This paper reviews the literature on fluoride-releasing composite resins. These materials have been available for several years, with fluoride release being achieved by adding soluble or sparingly soluble fluoride salts to the formulation. However, this has been shown to lead to a gradual reduction in the mechanical properties. These materials are also unable to undergo "fluoride recharge". Experimental fluoride-releasing composites have been prepared which supply fluoride by alternative mechanisms that do have the potential for fluoride recharge but, so far, these materials have not been made available for use in patients. Fluoride-releasing composite resins have been shown to be effective in preventing secondary caries in vitro. They have also been shown to reduce the size and depth of carious lesions. However, information on their clinical effectiveness is limited and the paper concludes that there is an urgent need for research on this topic.


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Components of partial disease resistance (PDR) to fusarium head blight (FHB), detected in a seed-germination assay, were compared with whole-plant FHB resistance of 30 USA soft red winter wheat entries in the 2002 Uniform Southern FHB Nursery. Highly significant (P <0·001) differences between cultivars in the in vitro seed-germination assay inoculated with Microdochium majus were correlated to FHB disease incidence (r = -0·41; P <0·05), severity (r = -0·47; P <0·01), FHB index (r = -0·46; P <0·01), damaged kernels (r = -0·52; P <0·01), grain deoxynivalenol (DON) concentration (r = -0·40; P <0·05) and incidence/severity/kernel-damage index (ISK) (r = -0·45; P <0·01) caused by Fusarium graminearum. Multiple linear regression analysis explained a greater percentage of variation in FHB resistance using the seed-germination assay and the previously reported detached-leaf assay PDR components as explanatory factors. Shorter incubation periods, longer latent periods, shorter lesion lengths in the detached-leaf assay and higher germination rates in the seed-germination assay were related to greater FHB resistance across all disease variables, collectively explaining 62% of variation for incidence, 49% for severity, 56% for F. graminearum-damaged kernels (FDK), 39% for DON and 59% for ISK index. Incubation period was most strongly related to disease incidence and the early stages of infection, while resistance detected in the seed germination assay and latent period were more strongly related to FHB disease severity. Resistance detected using the seed-germination assay was notable as it related to greater decline in the level of FDK and a smaller reduction in DON than would have been expected from the reduction in FHB disease assessed by visual symptoms.


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Cyclin-dependent kinase 11 (CDK11; also named PITSLRE) is part of the large family of p34(cdc2)-related kinases whose functions appear to be linked with cell cycle progression, tumorigenesis, and apoptotic signaling. The mechanism that CDK11(p58) induces apoptosis is not clear. Some evidences suggested beta1,4-galactosyltransferase 1 (beta1,4-GT 1) might participate in apoptosis induced by CDK11(p58). In this study, we demonstrated that ectopically expressed beta1,4-GT 1 increased CDK11(p58)-mediated apoptosis induced by cycloheximide (CHX). In contrast, RNAi-mediated knockdown of beta1,4-GT 1 effectively inhibited apoptosis induced by CHX in CDK11(p58)-overexpressing cells. For example, the cell morphological and nuclear changes were reduced; the loss of cell viability was prevented and the number of cells in sub-G1 phase was decreased. Knock down of beta1,4-GT 1 also inhibited the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria and caspase-3 processing. Therefore, the cleavage of CDK11(p58) by caspase-3 was reduced. We proposed that beta1,4-GT 1 might contribute to the pro-apoptotic effect of CDK11(p58). This may represent a new mechanism of beta1,4-GT 1 in CHX-induced apoptosis of CDK11(p58)-overexpressing cells.