980 resultados para Žerotína, Karel z, 1564-1636.
Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
Wydział Nauk Społecznych
According to epistemic theory of meaning the meaning is not understanding-transcendent – understanding is a kind of knowledge and the meaning is the content of this knowledge. The main problem of such a theory is to provide an adequate characteristic of the notion of knowledge. Dummett claims that understanding cannot be reduced neither to purely practical abilities, nor to explicit theoretical knowledge. In his opinion the most important part of the knowledge that constitutes understanding is a kind of implicit knowledge, something halfway between practical ability and theoretical knowledge. Unfortunately is not so simple to provide sufficiently clear characteristics of it. Moreover, because of implicitness of this knowledge, there is problem with manifestation of possession of such knowledge. Understanding should be related to the practice of making assertions. In the article I try to argue for soundness of thesis that important part of knowledge that constitutes understanding is a kind of procedural knowledge. This type of knowledge (called “knowledge-how”) cannot be reduced to propositional or conceptual knowledge (“knowledge-that”). Procedural knowledge has manifestation in activities doing in accordance with some set of the rules, but possession of this knowledge does not require explicit knowledge-that of the rules. Procedural knowledge is also located in the middle of the spectrum – between reflex actions and theoretical knowledge.
Adolecence is an extremely diffi cult time for young people. This is the period when they become adults. However, this transition is connected with lots of diffi culties in the area of peer contacts and the acceptance of their physicality. The Asperger syndrome fosters the diffi culties in building interpersonal relationships, their identity as well as in shaping personality itself. The article shows the problems of adolescence coupled with diffi culties arising from Asperger syndrome. It is important to consider if this time is similar for all teenagers, regardless of their developmental capabilities, or whether the diffi culties that result from Asperger syndrome are meaningful in their adolescence period.
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej
Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych: Zakład Edukacji Artystycznej
Artykuł zatytułowany „Sprzeczność z umową (statutem) spółki jako przesłanka uchylenia uchwały zgromadzenia spółki kapitałowej” dotyka jednego z najciekawszych zagadnień prawa handlowego, jakim niewątpliwie jest zaskarżanie uchwał zgromadzeń spółek kapitałowych. W niniejszym artykule autorzy skupili się na przedstawieniu jednej z przesłanek wniesienia powództwa o uchylenie sprzecznej z normami pozaustawowymi uchwały zgromadzenia spółki kapitałowej. W związku z lakonicznym brzmieniem art. 249 i 422 k.s.h. zagadnienie to wywołuje wiele kontrowersji interpretacyjnych, do których autorzy odnoszą się przywołując liczne orzeczenia sądów oraz głosy przedstawicieli doktryny. W szczególności rozważeniu podlega niesamoistny charakter przedmiotowej przesłanki, a także problemy związane z wpływem naruszeń formalnych na treść podejmowanej uchwały. Ponadto, postawione zostaje – aktualne w kontekście najnowszych wypowiedzi doktryny – pytanie o granicę pomiędzy naruszeniem postanowień konstytucji spółki a norm dyspozytywnych powszechnie obowiązującego prawa.
Wydział Biologii
Wydział Biologii
Wydział Historyczny
Wydział Fizyki
A study of proton-proton collisions in which two b hadrons are produced in association with a Z boson is reported. The collisions were recorded at a centre-of-mass energy of 7TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC, for an integrated luminosity of 5:2 fb-1. The b hadrons are identified by means of displaced secondary vertices, without the use of reconstructed jets, permitting the study of b-hadron pair production at small angular separation. Differential cross sections are presented as a function of the angular separation of the b hadrons and the Z boson. In addition, inclusive measurements are presented. For both the inclusive and differential studies, different ranges of Z boson momentum are considered, and each measurement is compared to the predictions from different event generators at leading-order and next-to-leading-order accuracy. Copyright CERN.
The effects of natural language comments, meaningful variable names, and structure on the comprehensibility of Z specifications are investigated through a designed experiment conducted with a range of undergraduate and post-graduate student subjects. The times taken on three assessment questions are analysed and related to the abilities of the students as indicated by their total score, with the result that stronger students need less time than weaker students to complete the assessment. Individual question scores, and total score, are then analysed and the influence of comments, naming, structure and level of student's class are determined. In the whole experimental group, only meaningful naming significantly enhances comprehension. In contrast, for those obtaining the best score of 3/3 the only significant factor is commenting. Finally, the subjects' ratings of the five specifications used in the study in terms of their perceived comprehensibility have been analysed. Comments, naming and structure are again found to be of importance in the group when analysed as a whole, but in the sub-group of best performing subjects only the comments had an effect on perceived comprehensibility.