898 resultados para (-0.02)-0.08 phi
No presente trabalho, objetivou-se caracterizar a estratégia reprodutiva, enfatizando o investimento energético, de duas espécies de peixe do rio Ubatiba, Maricá, Rio de Janeiro: Parotocinclus maculicauda (K-estrategista) e Astyanax hastatus (r-estrategista). Foram realizadas coletas bimestrais de Junho de 2010 a Abril de 2011 totalizando 236 exemplares amostrados de A. hastatus e 234 de P. maculicauda. Para cada exemplar foram registrados os dados de comprimento padrão (Cp, cm), peso total (Pt, g), peso gonadal (Pg, g), sexo e estádio de maturação. Através da estrutura de tamanho, observamos que as fêmeas atingem maior comprimento, em relação aos machos, para as duas espécies. A relação peso/ comprimento evidenciou para ambas as espécies, crescimento alométrico negativo (inferior a 3), demonstrando crescimento mais longelíneo. Para a proporção sexual, o teste χ2 foi aplicado e indicou que, para as duas espécies, há significativamente mais fêmeas. A distribuição sexual no ano mostrou que as fêmeas se mantêm em maioria durante todo o ano para P. maculicauda. Para A. hastatus este padrão também se mantém, porém com exceção do bimestre Novembro/Dezembro, quando o número de machos torna-se um pouco maior. O tamanho de primeira maturação mostrou-se o mesmo para ambas as espécies (2,5 a 3,0 cm). A variação temporal da freqüência de indivíduos reprodutivos e não reprodutivos juntamente com a distribuição temporal dos valores individuais de IGS mostrou que P. maculicauda se reproduz com maior intensidade nas estações chuvosas (Setembro a Abril), reduzindo sua atividade reprodutiva de maneira significativa nas estações secas (Maio a Agosto). Já A. hastatus demonstrou regular atividade reprodutiva durante todo o ano com pequeno pico no bimestre Novembro/ Dezembro. Desova do tipo total foi registrada para Astyanax, enquanto que para Parotocinclus registrou-se desova parcelada em três lotes. Em ambas as espécies foi observada relação inversa entre volume e a quantidade de ovócitos produzidos, com A. hastatus produzindo muitos ovócitos (fecundidade: 463 + 213 ovócitos/grama de peixe) de reduzido volume (diâmetro = 800 μm e volume = 0,26 mm3) e P. maculicauda produzindo número bem inferior (fecundidade: 47 + 13 ovócitos/grama de peixe), porém com volume superior (diâmetro = 1.600 μm e volume = 2,14 mm3). Com isso o valor energético relativo também se mostrou superior, com A. hastaus produzindo ovócitos vitelogênicos com 0,4+ 0,08 cal/unidade e P. maculicauda produzindo os mesmos ovócitos com 1,8+ 1,1 cal/unidade. Para a produção energética total investida na produção de gametas, foi considerado o tipo de desova de cada espécie, com Astyanax investindo 50,5 + 24 calorias/grama/grama de peixe e Parotocinclus investindo 88,4 + 72,46 cal/grama/grama de peixe, porém sem diferenças significativas (Mann-Whitney; U =235,0, p=0,08), indicando, portanto que independente da estratégia adotada (r ou K), o gasto energético na produção de ovócitos é a mesma.
Neste trabalho, foram empregadas duas resinas comerciais de caráter fortemente básico. Ambas tendo como base copolímeros de estireno e divinilbenzeno (DVB), sendo que a VPOC 1950 contém em sua composição grupos quaternários de amônio do tipo 1, que apresentam três grupos metila e a VPOC 1960 grupos quaternários de amônio do tipo 2, que apresentam um grupo etanoíla e dois grupos metila. As resinas comerciais citadas foram escolhidas por apresentarem grande capacidade de troca iônica, estabilidade e grupos funcionais de interesse para a impregnação com iodo. As resinas foram impregnadas com iodo por meio de três metodologias distintas, uma solução metanólica de iodo 0,08 mol/L com e sem iodeto de potássio 0,14 mol/L, e iodo 0,08 mol/L em heptano. As resinas foram caracterizadas por área específica, volume do poro, grau de inchamento, microscopia ótica, espectrometria de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), análise elementar, termogravimetria, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e determinação do iodo fixado por iodometria. A avaliação da atividade biocida foi realizada através do método da contagem em placas, utilizando-se uma cepa de Escherichia coli ATCC11775 em concentrações de 103 a 107 células/mL. Todas as resinas impregnadas mostraram atividade bactericida significante devido à presença de iodo correlacionada às características da resina, tais como: grupos funcionais, tamanho e formato dos poros. Para efeito de comparação, foram realizados ensaios bactericidas com as resinas de partida para comprovação ou não da ação bactericida ser atribuída somente ao iodo
Metabólitos ativos da cafeína apresentam toxicidade, podendo causar efeitos deletérios em muitos órgãos no período fetal pelo consumo materno. O estudo objetivou avaliar o papel da administração de cafeína durante a gestação em vários parâmetros importantes para a função testicular em camundongos adultos C57BL/6. Fêmeas grávidas foram divididas em: grupo controle (C), que receberam injeções de sol. salina (0,9% NaCl) e grupo cafeína (CF), que receberam diariamente injeções subcutâneas de 20 mg / kg de cafeína. Filhotes tiveram livre acesso à ração padrão desde o desmame até três meses de idade, quando foram mortos. O grupo CF apresentou uma redução no consumo alimentar (C = 4,36 0,14; CF = 3,79 0,05/g, p<0,05) e ganho de massa corporal (C = 25,73 0,14; CF = 21,08 0,41/g, p=0,0001). Ainda este grupo, apresentou alterações estruturais nos testículos da prole, como redução no peso relativo (C = 0,078 0,003; CF = 0,063 0,002/g, p=0,002), diâmetro tubular (C = 455,4 2,7; CF = 393,5 3,1/m, p=0,0001), lume tubular (C = 310,6 2,5; CF = 254,8 2,9/m, p=0.0001) e altura do epitélio seminífero (C = 144,8 0,9; CF = 138,7 1,3/m, p=0,0005) observados pela técnica de morfometria. Testosterona sérica avaliada por quimioluminescência foi reduzida (C = 6,6 2,8; CF = 0,5 0,2/ng/ml, p=0.04). Western Blotting foi utilizado para análise de expressão protéica. Houve aumento do receptor de leptina (C = 0,81 0,04; CF = 1,28 0,15/g, p=0,01), do receptor para o hormônio leteinizante (C = 0,92 0,05; CF = 0,74 0,05/g, p=0,01),da aromatase (C = 0,32 0,03; CF = 0,48 0,05/g, p=0,03) e do regulador pró apoptose (C = 0,27 0,02; CF = 0,42 0,03/g, p=0,01) enquanto o receptor para hormônio folículo estimulante (FSHR) (C = 0,76 0,06; CF = 0,56 0,04/g, p=0,02), o receptor para proteína reguladora da esteroidogênese (C = 1,009 0,065; CF = 0,584 0,060/g, p=0,0007), a proteína do fator de crescimento vascular endotelial (C = 0,33 0,08; CF = 0,05 0,01/g, p=0,009), o receptor de androgênio (C = 0,97 0,11; CF = 0,59 0,07/g, p=0,02) e o antígeno nuclear de proliferação celular (C = 0,93 0,11; CF = 0,48 0,07/g, p=0,01) foram reduzidos. Este estudo sugere que o consumo de cafeína durante a gravidez parece ser nocivo à fertilidade de animais machos, caracterizando o fenômeno de programação, o que gera alterações funcionais e estruturais nos testículos da prole adulta.
O objetivo desse estudo, in vitro, foi avaliar através de testes mecânicos e tribológicos, a aplicação de dois glazeadores disponíveis comercialmente e uma composição experimental como material de cobertura em restaurações de resina composta com relação à rugosidade superficial, à dureza e à resistência ao desgaste. Foram confeccionados 24 corpos de prova (CP) do compósito Z350XT (3M/ESPE) e divididos em 4 grupos. O grupo controle (GC) não recebeu selamento, o grupo Biscover LV (GB) recebeu aplicação do Biscover LV (Bisco), o grupo Natural Glaze (GN) recebeu aplicação do Natural Glaze (Nova DFL) e o grupo Experimental (GE) recebeu aplicação de um glazeador experimental contendo nanopartículas (1% em peso). Posteriormente, os CP foram submetidos à análise da rugosidade superficial utilizando um perfilômetro e avaliação da dureza através de um nanoindentador, que fornece também o módulo elástico do material. Em seguida, os CP foram submetidos ao teste de desgaste linear alternado, durante 15.000 ciclos, com carga de 5N, em água destilada. A profundidade máxima de desgaste foi avaliada através de um perfilômetro. A análise dos dados relativos à rugosidade superficial (m) foi realizada utilizando ANOVA/Duncan (p-valor = 0,000). As médias e desvio padrão foram: GC-0,12(0,01); GB-0,06(0,01); GN-0,13(0,02); GE-0,13(0,01). A análise da dureza (GPa) e módulo elástico (GPa) foram avaliados aplicando o teste não-paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis. As médias e desvio padrão para dureza foram: GC-1,10(0,24); GB-0,31(0,004); GN-0,08(0,004); GE-0,12(0,008) para carga de 1,25mN; GC-1,08(0,139); GB-0,32(0,004); GN-0,08(0,003); GE-0,13(0,006) para carga de 2,5mN; GC-1,10(0,101); GB-0,33(0,003); GN-0,09(0,002); GE-0,13(0,056) para carga de 5,0mN. As médias e desvio padrão para módulo elástico foram: GC-17,71(1,666); GB-5,44(0,084); GN-3,484(0,114); GE-4,55(0,178) para carga de 1,25mN; GC-17,5(1,449); GB-5,18(0,065); GN-3,38(0,078); GE-4,55(0,12) para carga de 2,5mN; GC-17,69(1,793); GB-5,04(0,041); GN-3,63(0,066); GE-4,85(0,104) para carga de 5,0mN. A análise dos dados relativos à profundidade de desgaste (m) foi realizada utilizando ANOVA/Dunnett (p-valor = 0,000). As médias e desvio padrão foram: GC-12,51(0,89); GB-0,59(0,07); GN-1,41(0,12); GE-1,84(0,18). A partir dos resultados apresentados pode-se concluir que apenas o Biscover LV foi capaz de reduzir a rugosidade superficial da resina composta testada. Os demais, Natural Glaze e Experimental, não alteraram a rugosidade superficial e foram estatisticamente semelhantes entre si e com o grupo controle. Todos os glazeadores testados reduziram a dureza e o módulo elástico da resina composta quando comparados com o grupo controle, diferindo entre si, apresentando uma ordem crescente de dureza e módulo elástico (Natural Glaze < Experimental < Biscover < Controle). Todos os glazeadores testados foram capazes de reduzir o desgaste da resina composta, quando comparados com o grupo controle, diferindo entre si, apresentado uma ordem crescente de desgaste (Biscover < Natural Glaze < Experimental < Controle).
The estimated regression equation for total length and mouth gape computed were Log TL = Log 0.23 + 0.663 log MG (vertically) (r = 0.960) and Log TL = Log 0.08 + 0.686 log MG (horizontally) (r = 0.949). In case of rohu average total length from 11350 mm to 23775 mm and mouth gape 805 um to 1225 um (vertically) and 700 um to 1110 um (horizontally) between the first day of mouth opening up to 15 days. The regression equation for total length and mouth gap were Log TL = Log 0.20 + 0.660 log MG (vertically) (r = 0.935) and Log TL = Log 0.02 + 0698 log MG (horizontally) ( r = 0.907). In case of silver carp average total length from 12800 ,urn to 33555 um and mouth gape 690 um to 1210 um (vertically) and 615 um to 1115 um (horizontally) between the first day of mouth opening up to 15 days. The regression equation for total length and mouth gape were Log TL = Log 0.36 + 0.596 log MG (vertically) (r = 0.936) and Log TL = Log 0.26 + 0.607 log MG (horizontally) (r = 0.891). The relationship between total length and mouth gape (vertically and horizontally) of the studied fry were found to be linear and highly significant.
To investigate the effect of protein restriction with subsequent re-alimentation on nutrient utilization, hematological and biochemical changes of Indian major carp, Rohu (Labeo rohita H.), 150 acclimatized Rohu fingerlings (average 20.74 ± 0.13 g) divided into five experimental groups (30 fingerlings in each groups with three replications with 10 fingerlings in each) for experimental trial of 90 days using completely randomized design. Control group (T sub(CPR)) was fed with feed having 30% crude protein at 3% of body weight for 90 days trial period. Other experimental groups T sub(1PR) was alternatively 3 days fed with feed having 20% CP and 30% CP at 3% of body weight, T sub(2PR) was alternatively 7 days fed with feed having 20% CP and 30% CP at 3% of body weight, T sub(3PR) was alternatively 15 days fed with feed having 20% CP and 30% CP at 3% of body weight and T sub(4PR) was alternatively 25 days fed with feed having 20% CP and 30% CP at 3% of body weight during 90 days trial period with daily ration in two equal halves at morning and afternoon. It was noticed that retention of different nutrients was almost similar among all treatment groups indicated improvement of digestibility of nutrients might not be the mechanisms for recovery growth in carps. Increased percent feed intake of body weight (hyperphagia) (4.14 ± 0.30 or 4.94 ± 0.46 and 3.33 ± 0.29), improved specific growth rate (1.86 ± 0.09 or 2.26 ± 0.05 and 1.43 ± 0.01), absolute growth rate (1.57 ± 0.08 or 1.84 ± 0.18 and 1.36 ± 0.12), protein efficiency ratio (1.19 ± 0.11 or1.16 ± 0.12 and 1.05 ± 0.09) were the important mechanism showing better performance index (21.60 ± 1.09 or 23.80 ± 0.21 and 19.45 ± 0.37) through which the experimental groups which were protein restricted and re-alimented at 3 or 7 days alternatively during 90 days trial period could able to compensate the growth retardation and to catch up the final body weight of control (128.68 ± 11.53 g/f) but other experimental groups failed to compensate during 90 days trial period. Result of the present study indicated that deprived fish i.e., fish received alternate 3 or 7 days protein restriction and re-alimentation showed recovery growth had still lower values of Hb (10.21 ± 0.02, and 9.88 ± 0.04 g/dl), hematocrit value (30.62 ± 0.05 and 26.64 ± 0.11%), total erythrocytic count (3.40 ± 0.01 and 3.29 ± 0.01 X10super(6) mm³), plasma glucose (126.93 ± 0.20 and 126.67 ± 0.05 mg/dl), total plasma lipid (1.04 ± 0.01 and 1.02 ± 0.01 g/dl) and liver glycogen (290.10 ± 0.80 and 288.99 ± 0.95 mg/kg) in comparison to control (10.56 ± 0.08 g/dl, 31.68 ± 0.24%, 3.52 ± 0.03 X10super(6) mm³, 128.23 ± 0.25 mg/dl, 1.07 ± 0.01g/dl and 292.00 ± 0.23 mg/kg) at the end of 90 days trial but total plasma protein in deprived group was compensated with advancement of trial period. All hematological and biochemical parameters studied were proportionately lowered in the experimental group got higher degree of deprivation. These findings suggested that with the increase of trial length complete compensation of hematological and biochemical profiles of rohu might be achieved. The results indicated that the implementation of alternative 7 days low and high protein diet feeding during aquaculture of carps could make economize the operation through minimizing the feed input cost.
Lar lake, with the international UTM specification of 39S 579680 3976567 & 39S 589930 3976184 is Situated in Lar national Park with an aerial distance of 55 Km of Tehran along Haraz road. The present research is carried out as part of a comprehensives Plan for assessment of bioresearches of Lar lake & the rivers flowing into it. This research includes examination of there benthic Samplings performed in Lar lake and each of the related rivers including Delichaee, Ab-e-sefid , Alarm & Lar (Kamardasht).Tubifex and Chironomus genus were found to have the highest frequencies of occurrence in the lake with %77.117 & %21.823 respectively followed by Chironomidae and Simulidae from the Diptera order which accounted for %72.328 and %13.812 occurrences in four rivers examined in the Study. The benthic biomass at various examined Sites and the average wet weight of the benthic biomass in station No one in the lake Was 17.397g and the figure for the examined site in Alarm was 20.242 g which were the highest level among Other examination stations the index for the abundance of species in Alarm river was greater than the rest of the examined rivers with 12.57. A sum of 354 Pieces of brown trouts was caught in the course of sampling which were closely investigated in terms of their digestive tract Content. It was identified that Daphniidae and Chironomus constituted the bulk of eaten items from the lake with %17.985 and %63.973 respectively. Meanwhile, Chironomidae and Simuladae were the most frequently eanten benthos by the fish with %81.47 and %7.93 respectively.The index for the relative length of gut was recorded at 0.49± 0.08 which is well indicative of the carnivorous diet of the fish.The index for the feeding intensity amounted to 138 83 showing that the one year old fish were of more feeding intensity.The coefficient of condition (K) was estimated at 1.02 0.142 for all the caught fish. The average wet weight of the benthos was 10.348 g per square meter which if extended to 700ha surface area of the lake, the total macrobenthic production in the lake would amount to 72730Kg of wet weight or 6510 Kg of dry weight. Since the Secondary Production of macrobenthos have always been double that of their biomass, it is reasonable to assume that the Secondary Production of macrobenthos amount to 145640 Kg by their wet weight and Since the energy transfer in the food chain of the lake from benthos to fish is 10 percent, the fish production Capacity Coming from benthic resources of the lake (Lar) would be 14.5 MT, half of which (7000-8000MT) could annually be harvested. Further more, the actual fish Production Capacity might exceed the projected level Since Daphnia, Rotifers and Ostracoda which belong to Zooplanktons, play a part in the natural diet of trout. Meanwhile, rivers Play a major role in fish nutrition and the annual fish production in Delichaee river is about 4481.8Kg while the figures for Ab-e-sefid, Alerm and Lar rivers are 2370.7 4848.7 and 2586.2 Kg respectively, that further increase fish Production in the area and every year half of these resources can be exploitable from the river & the lake.Nevertheless, due to ecological & biological importance of rivers and the probability of environmental Pollution, devastation of natural fish habitats & their nursery grounds, Sport fishing is not recommended at all.
This survay has been done from Januray 2000 till May 2002 in Khouzestan costal waters. Four species of grouper were identified from which orange spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) was the dominant species. For studing environmental parameters and reproductive biology, age, growth parameters and mortality rate samples were collected by fishing ship. Samples were taken montly in 4 days by fishing traps and trawls. In addition, some samples were obtained from Khozestan fish landing centres. Environmental factors such as PH, 02, salinity, water temperature and depth of traping areas, were measured. To identify species, morphometric characteries of 452 individal fishes were measured. Stomach contents of 394 fish were has survaid, from which stomach of 226 fish, and 168 fish had empty stomachs. Percentage of empty stomachs (cv) in males was more than females. Food items found in 73 percent of stomach were crab (11%), shrimps (8.8%) , squids (3.9%), gastropods (17%) and bivalves (0.4%). Feeding intensity in year classes did not obay logic trends The importance relatively indicator (I.R.I) were 81, 9.9, 4, 1.5 and 0.3 percent for fish, crab, shrimp, squid, gastropod and bivalve respectively. For age determination, sagita otoliths of 450 fish were taken and countable sections were obtained from 425 specimens. Relative frequency distribution of opaque and transparent rings showed that each opaque growth ring generates once a year from November to September. It seemed that generation of opaque rings is affected by temperature and photoperiod changes. Correlation between length and age was calculated using Von Bertalanffy's least square method. Following equasion was obtaind: L(t) : 122.27 (1 e 0.146 (t+0.482)) Growth parameters were determined through by Ford Walford equasion and Response Surface and Shepherd subcommands in Elefan program and L00 and K amounts were have determined. Correlation between length and age of 635 fish was determined by gender . Length and age correlation was calculated by exponential model and between total length and standard length by straghit line model. Correlation between age and weight of sagita was calculated by total length and age. The most Correlation was between sagita weight and fish age (r=0.876). Total mortality rate (z) was estimated by Length Converthed Method , Jones and Vanzaling and Powel Wetherall. Total mortality rate was z=0.39. Natural mortality rate, using Pauly method was calculated M=0.32. Fishing mortality (F) was 0.08. Gonads of 425 fishes were surveid within 18 month, from which 363 were female, 46 were male and 16 were sex reversing individuals .Total length of females varied from 26 to 95.5 centimeters while males length varied from 56.5 to 107 centimeters. Sex reversing individuals had a length of 47.5 centimeters, when two years old and 62.5 centimeters at age of 3 years. From the mentioned 425 fish, 401 individuals were matured, containing 339 females and 62 males, 5.47 females against each male. Montly changes of Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) by total body weight and standard length and total body length showed that this index increases from march to May and maximum increase was in May . This experiment was adapted in spawning season. Potential, relative, and absoulate fecundity was estimated by counting eggs in three samples. Total amount of traped fish using special traps was 16182.18 kg from which Epinephelus coioides provided catching 15353.43 kg of it (91.27 %) and By catch was 141.18 kg (8.24 %). Total average CPUE for whole catch was 123.33 kg/day/vessel. Total amount of catch was estimated 232.04 tons, considering CPUE of total catch and total Khuzestan trap ships effort.
The water and bottom sediments of Lake Victoria (Kenya) were analysed for A1, Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr and Cd. The total metal concentrations were determined and their mean variations and distributions discussed. The bottom lake waters showed higher concentration levels than the surface waters. The range of values (in mg/l) in the bottom and surface lake waters were as follows: Surface Waters: A1(0.08 - 3.98), Fe(0.09 - 4.01), Mn(0.02 - 0.10). Zn(0.01 -0.07), Pb(0.001- 0.007), Cu(not detected - 0.006), Cr(not detected - 0.004). Bottom Waters: A1(0.1 0 - 6.59), Fe(0.23 - 9.64), Mn(0.04 - 0.39), Zn(0.01- 0.08), Pb(0.002 - 0.009), Cu(not detected - 0.03). Cr(not detected -0.002). River mouths and shallow areas in the lake showed higher total metal concentrations than offshore deeper areas. Apart from natural metal levels, varied urban activities and wastes greatly contribute to the lake metal pollution as shown by high Pb and Zn levels in sediments, around Kisumu and Homa Bay areas. Other comparatively high values and variations could be attributed to the varied geological characteristics of the lake and its sediments. Compared to the established W.H.O (1984) drinking water standards manganese, aluminium and iron levels were above these limits whereas zinc, lead, chromium, copper and cadmium were below.
Although studies on carbon burial in lake sediments have shown that lakes are disproportionately important carbon sinks, many studies on gaseous carbon exchange across the water-air interface have demonstrated that lakes are supersaturated with CO2 and CH4 causing a net release of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere. In order to more accurately estimate the net carbon source/sink function of lake ecosystems, a more comprehensive carbon budget is needed, especially for gaseous carbon exchange across the water-air interface. Using two methods, overall mass balance and gas exchange and carbon burial balance, we assessed the carbon source/sink function of Lake Donghu, a subtropical, eutrophic take, from April 2003 to March 2004. With the overall mass balance calculations, total carbon input was 14 905 t, total carbon output was 4950 1, and net carbon budget was +9955 t, suggesting that Lake Donghu was a great carbon sink. For the gas exchange and carbon burial balance, gaseous carbon (CO2 and CH4) emission across the water-air interface totaled 752 t while carbon burial in the lake sediment was 9477 t. The ratio of carbon emission into the atmosphere to carbon burial into the sediment was only 0.08. This low ratio indicates that Lake Donghu is a great carbon sink. Results showed good agreement between the two methods with both showing Lake Donghu to be a great carbon sink. This results from the high primary production of Lake Donghu, substantive allochthonous carbon inputs and intensive anthropogenic activity. Gaseous carbon emission accounted for about 15% of the total carbon output, indicating that the total output would be underestimated without including gaseous carbon exchange. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Three large fish pens (0.36 km(2) of each) stocked with silver and bighead carp were set up in Meiliang Bay for controlling toxic Microcystis blooms. The responses of plankton communities and food consumption of silver and bighead carp were studied. Crustacean zooplankton were significantly suppressed in the fish pens. Total phytoplankton biomass, Microcystis biomass and microcystin concentration were lower in the fish pens than in the surrounding lake water, but the difference was not statistically significant. The present stocking density of silver plus bighead carp (about 40 g/m(3) in July) was likely too low to achieve an adequate control of Microcystis. Silver carp fed mainly on phytoplankton but bighead carp mainly on zooplankton: mean zooplankton contribution in the gut was 31.5% for silver carp and 64.7% for bighead carp. Compared with previous studies, both carp species preyed upon more zooplankton because of the abundant food resource. Daily rations of silver and bighead carp were estimated by Egger's model in the main growing season. Filtration rate was calculated from the daily ration and the density of plankton in the lake. During May-October, filtration rates of silver and bighead carp for phytoplankton were 0.22-1.53 L g(-1) h(-1) and 0.02-0.68 L g(-1) h(-1), respectively, and filtration rates for zooplankton were 0.24-0.44 L g(-1) h(-1) and 0.08-1.41 L g(-1) h(-1), respectively. Silver carp had a stronger ability of eliminating phytoplankton than bighead carp. To achieve a successful bioniampulation with a minimum effect of ichthyoeutrophication, the stocking proportion of bighead carp should be controlled in the future practice. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
This study investigated non-specific immune functions of the F-2 generation of "all-fish" growth hormone transgenic carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Lysozyme activity was 145.0 (+/- 30.7) U ml(-1) in the transgenic fish serum and 105.0 (+/- 38.7) U ml(-1) in age-matched non-transgenic control fish serum, a significant difference (P < 0.01). The serum bactericidal activity in the transgenics was significantly higher than that in the controls (P < 0.05), with the percentage serum killing of 59.5% (6.83%) and 50.8% (8.67%), respectively. Values for leukocrit and phagocytic percent of macrophages in head kidney were higher in transgenics than controls (P < 0.05). However, the phagocytic indices in the transgenics and the controls were not different. In addition, the mean body weight of the transgenics was 63.4 (6.65) g, much higher than that of the controls [39.2 (+/- 3.30) g, P < 0.01]. The absolute weight of spleen of the transgenics [0.13 (+/- 0.03) g] was higher than that of the controls [0.08 (+/- 0.02) g, P < 0.01]. However, there was no difference in the relative weight of spleen between the transgenics and the controls, with the spleen mass index being 0.21% (+/- 0.02%) and 0.20% (+/- 0.03%), respectively. This study suggests that the "all-fish" growth hormone transgene expression could stimulate not only the growth but also the non-specific immune functions of carp. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
High quality YSi1.7 layers (chi(min) of Y is 3.5%) have been formed by 60 keV Y ion implantation in Si (111) substrates to a dose of 1.0 x 10(17)/cm(2) at 450 degrees C using channeled ion beam synthesis (CIBS). It shows that, compared to the conventional nonchanneled ion beam synthesis, CIBS is beneficial in forming YSi1.7 layers with better quality due to the lower defect density created in the implanted layer. Rutherford backscattering/channeling and x-ray diffraction have been used to study the structure and the strain of the YSi1.7 layers. The perpendicular and parallel elastic strains of the YSi1.7 epilayer are e(perpendicular to) = -0.67% +/- 0.02% and e(parallel to) = +1.04% +/- 0.08%. The phenomenon that a nearly zero mismatch of the YSi1.7/Si (111) system results in a nonpseudomorphic epilayer with a rather large parallel strain relative to the Si substrate (epsilon(parallel to) = +1.09%) is explained, and the model is further used to explain the elastic strain of epitaxial ErSi1.7 and GdSi1.7 rare-earth silicides. (C) 1998 American Vacuum Society.
[I] 等离子体聚四氟乙烯的ESCA表征 本研究采用外部电容耦合式聚合装置,频率为13.56MHz,合成了等离子体聚四氟乙烯(PPTFE)。应用ESCA表征了辉光压和非辉光压产物的结构,同时应用CNDO进到了理论计算。结果表明,在辉光压上非辉光压中制得的PPTFE结构差别很大。非辉光内淀积物结构亦现差异。辉光压内的PPTFE是高度支化交联的,在本实验的典型反应条件下,PPTFE的F/C比为1.42,Gs区五个峰确定归属后,各主要对应基团的相对组成约为:CF_3-21%、CF_2-32%、CF-22%、-C from | to | of — 20%,其余为少量的CFH、CH_2(II)、CH_2(I)。在非辉光压内可得到近於线线型的PPTFE,其F/C为2.08,端基CF_3约占15%,CF_2占78%,代表支化交联的基团CF、-C from | to | of -皆为零,另外应用X射线衍射法证实,在非辉光压中形成的PPTFE具有类似于聚四氟乙烯的(PTFE)结晶,这一实验结果至今未见文献报导。深入分析这一结果,并运用ESR、MS、~(19)F-NMR等表征手段,进一步提出四氟乙烯等离子体聚合反应机理。这方面在[II]中论述。本工作提出五类十三种模型化合物,并运用Siegbahn的电荷电位模型同时结合使用CNDO/2电子计算机程序;还运用Pauling价键模型,分别应用这两种理论方法,计算了PPTFE中ClS结合能位移(ΔEi),所得结果相近,从而为ClS区五个峰的归属提供理论依据。五个峰归属为:(1) 284.7(ev) - CH_2(I),(2) 287.0(ev) - -C from | to | of -、CH_2(II),(3) 289.0(ev) -CF、CFH,(4) 291.5(ev) - CF_2,(5) 293.6(ev) - CF_3。通过对模型化合物中ClS的ΔEi计算结果,推导出F作为α、β、γ位碳上的取代基对α位碳上IS电子结合能位移影响所产生的效应值,并初步总结出表达这种效应的经验式:ΔEi = aα + bβ + cγ式中α、β、γ分别为2.23 ± 0.08(ev)、0.27 ± 0.02(ev)、0.20 ± 0.02(ev),a、b、c为取代基F的个数。实验结果还证明,淀积位置、功率、压力、等离子气体如Ar、He、N_2等反应条件对PPTFE膜结构有影响,并应用能量梯度解释这种影响;另外发现,同功率、同压力但不同淀积位置上以及同淀积位置但不同功率或不同压力时的PPTFE膜结构所受能量梯度的影响。本工作根据等离子体聚四氟工烯结构的表征结果,并结合ESR、MS等有关分析数据,提出了PPTFE的结构模型。[II] 等郭子体聚四氟乙烯的反应机理 鉴于等离子体聚合反应的复杂性,目前对等离子体聚合反应机理争论较大,其焦点是:反应的活性中心是离子还是自由基;反应地点是在气相还是在反应体系的固体表面。本工作通过对等离子体聚四氟乙烯气相产物的研究证实:等离子体聚合反就是通过自由基历程,引发和初级链增长主要在气相,脱F和支化交联反应在表面上进行。聚合反应装置同[I]中所述,聚合条件是功率60瓦,压力1 * 10~(-1)乇。通过液氟冷阱收集气相生成物,然后制备成有机溶液和本体溶液。气相生成物的ESR分析结果表明,PPTFE膜中存在自由基浓度约在10~(18)自旋数/克,峰形为一条反对称吸收线,宽为175G,g值是2.005。气相生成物的丙酮、苯、环已烷、已烷等有机溶液的ESR谱相同,皆为20条精细结构分裂谱线。另外,通过一系列实验,检测了桔黄色本体溶液的ESR谱,终于得到具有160条超精细结构的分裂谱线,自由基浓度高达10~(20)自旋数/克。初步认为是几种自由基的混合物,固谱图十分复杂,目前解谱尚有困难,需进一步研究。等高子体气相生成物中有大量自由基并且得到其精细和超精细分裂谱线,这一实验结果至今未见文献报导。这个结果进一步证实了聚合反应的活性中心主要是自由基。考察了PPTFE膜的自由基在90 ℃时随时间变化的ESR谱,发现一开始衰减很快;研究了PPTFE膜的自由基在不同气氛下常温衰减情况,结果指出:辉光压和非辉光压的PPTFE膜中自由基在空气中衰减快,辉光压的PPTFE膜中自由基在真空中及单体气氛中衰减缓慢。气相生成物的有机溶液在90 ℃时随时间变化的ESR谱表明,各峰衰减速率不同,证实并非一种自由基,溶液的自由基能与吡啶反应生成棕红色物质,可能是吡啶盐。本实验用GC-MS联用对气相冷凝物本体溶液进行了分析,比文献上只用MS与聚合反应体系联用分析气相混合物的方法,对分析反应机理提供更为有说服力的实验结果。结果表明,四氟乙烯等离子体聚合的气相生成物是直链的全氟烷烃(分子中碳原子数为C_3-C_8),还有含碳原子数为C_4、C_5、C_6、C_8全氟环烷烃,也可能是括分子链两端是自由基的直链全氟烷烃,还有二氟卡宾。从TFE等离子体聚合的气相中产生齐聚物及其结构特征,可以推断气相中发生了链引发反应和初级增长反应,引发反应的历程首先是TFE单体分子中π键断裂,其次是C~σ-C的σ键均裂,然后通过自由基的复合或诱导反应进行链的初级增长反应。还进行了气相生成物有机溶液的~(19)F-NMR分析,其结果初步看来与GC-MS的结果相一致。还探索了不同条件下在非辉光压内得到的PPTFE膜,进一步表明,在顺着气流方向的淀积位置上的膜结构是接近线型的。这个结果与用质谱、核磁的表征结果相符:从不用方面证实了上述反应历程。此外,通过对PPTFE及PTFE在Ar等离子体系中的刻蚀实验,表明了聚合膜上发生六量脱F反应。由这个结果并结合PPTFE膜及气相产物的结构表征,可以推测到PPTFE膜的支化,交联是通过表面反应进行的。综合四氟乙烯等离子体聚合反应机理的讨论,本论文建议了TFE的等离子体聚合反应历程模型。