392 resultados para wings


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Syftet var att undersöka i vilken grad munhälsan förbättrades hos patienter med tandlossning efter tandhygienistbehandling. Populationen bestod av samtliga patienter, som remitterats till studiens författare för behandling av tandlossning under perioden november 2000 till december 2004 och som uppfyllde vissa inklusions- och exklusionskriterier (n=38 efter bortfall). Tandköttsfickor som var fem millimeter eller djupare fanns initialt på minst tio procent av tandytorna hos samtliga deltagare. Gemensamt för deltagarna var att de tidigare ej behandlats av tandhygienist eller på specialistavdelning för parodontologi. Populationens medelålder var 61 år vid det första tandhygienistbesöket. Studiens resultat visade ett statistiskt säkerställt samband för minskad förekomst av fem till sex millimeter djupa tandköttsfickor, blödning vid sondering och tandsten synlig på bite-wings (p=0,000). Vidare visade studiens resultat ett statistiskt säkerställt samband för minskad förekomst av sju till åtta millimeter djupa tandköttsfickor, nio millimeter eller djupare tandköttsfickor och karies (p=0,003 respektive 0,042 och 0,050). Trots att andelen individer som använde approximala hjälpmedel dagligen ökade med 13,1 procentenheter och andelen individer som var rökfria ökade med 8,6 procentenheter saknade resultaten statistisk signifikans. Studiens resultat visade att tandhygienistbehandling leder till förbättrad munhälsa hos patienter med parodontit, trots att beteendeförändringen ej var statistiskt säkerställd.


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Este trabalho estuda inovação nas organizações sob uma perspectiva da dinâmica da cultura e utiliza como base conceitual o modelo de dinâmica da cultura da professora americana Mary Jo Hatch. Esta perspectiva parece facilitar a compreensão de inovação nas dimensões subjetiva e objetiva da organização, através dos quatro processos propostos pelo modelo, os quais são: manifestação, realização, simbolização e interpretação. A inovação pode ser inserida nestes quatro processos, da seguinte forma: modela-se influenciada pelos pressupostos e valores da cultura, transforma-se em realidade material como artefato, o qual passa a ser simbolizado e interpretado de acordo com os pressupostos e valores, fechando-se assim um círculo. Este processo dinâmico foi objeto de pesquisa de campo em três organizações tidas como inovadoras, utilizando-se grounded research como metodologia. Buscou-se identificar os fatores que estão presentes em organizações que inovam sistematicamente, bem como a inter-relação entre estes fatores. Criouse a metáfora “raízes e asas”, no sentido de que as organizações pesquisadas apresentaram, por um lado, fatores de base e amálgama, como “raízes”, e por outro lado, fatores de mobilidade, como “asas”.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Tropical environments often face strong seasonal variations in climate, such as alternate periods of dry and rain, that may often be important influence in the annual X the organisms lives. Here we assess how population dynamics of two butterfly species (Heliconius erato and Heliconius mepomene) respond to environmental and seasonal variations. A mark-release-recapture study carried out in an Atlantic forest reserve, 15 Km from Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, for 3 years, during the dry and rainy season, with three visits weekly done. Information such as species, wing lenght, site of capture, pollen load and phenotype (number of spots) (in H. erato only) were noted for each capture. Seasonal variation exists in capture rates of the two species, with great capture rates during the rainy season. Despite finding differences in the mean density of individuals of the two species among the different collection areas, this difference was only significant between floodplain and central areas, and no influence of seasonality was observed in the mean density between the areas. Seasonality in wing size was only observed for H. erato, with larger wings during the rainy season. Females carried larger pollen loads than males both species, but species were similar. Only males differed seasonally, with larger pollen loads during the rainy season. The distribution of the number of wing spots did not vary between the dry and rainy seasons, and the number of spots in males and females was similar. Therefore, we conclude that there was a strong influence of seasonal variation in the population dynamic of the two Heliconius species, as well as in several aspects of their biology


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This trial was conducted to evaluate the utilization of low-protein diets formulated based on the ideal protein concept for broiler chickens from 7 to 21 days of age reared at different environmental temperatures. Nine hundred male Cobb-500® chickens were used. At day seven chicks were distributed according to a completely randomized design in a 3 x 3 factorial with four replications of 25 birds each. It was used three crude protein levels in the diet (21.5; 20.0 and 18.5%) and three environmental temperatures (low, thermoneutral and high). The performance, carcass characteristics (yield and chemical composition), and nitrogen ingestion and excretion were assessed. There was no significant interaction among the factors for the evaluated variables. Environmental temperatures affected differently chicken performance. High environmental temperature resulted in lower weight gain and higher wing fat percentage, whereas cold temperature resulted in higher feed conversion. on the other hand, low-protein diets decreased weight gain, breast yield, nitrogen excretion and influenced breast and wings chemical composition. Birds reared at high environmental temperature showed lower nitrogen intake and excretion. The results showed that the decrease in protein levels from 7 to 21 days of age contributed to lower nitrogen excretion in broiler chickens, but impaired performance and carcass characteristics independent of rearing temperature.


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An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance and carcass yield of broilers at 55 days of age fed diets with different levels of metabolizable energy and lysine. Evaluated data of performance were weight gain, feed intake, energy intake, lysine intake, caloric conversion and feed conversion. Carcass assessment was performed based on data from carcass yield, breast weight, whole wings, whole legs, back, head + neck, feet and abdominal fat. A 3 x 3 factorial arrangement was used, with 3 levels of metabolizable energy (3,200; 3,400 and 3,600 kcal ME/kg) and 3 lysine levels (0.95%; 1.05% and 1.15%). There was no interaction between the two factors. Nevertheless, increasing levels of metabolizable energy improved weight gain (745 g; 841 g and 910 g, respectively) and feed intake was higher in broilers receiving the diets with 3,200 and 3,600 kcal ME/kg. Overall performance was not affected by lysine levels. Feed conversion values were 2.69, 2.42 and 2.14 for birds fed diets with 3,200; 3,400 and 3,600 kcal ME/kg, respectively. Carcass yield and breast weight increased with higher levels of energy and lysine in the diets.


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In this paper by using the Poincare compactification in R(3) make a global analysis of the Rabinovich system(x) over dot = hy - v(1)x + yz, (y) over dot = hx - v(2)y - xz, (z) over dot = -v(3)z + xy,with (x, y, z) is an element of R(3) and ( h, v(1), v(2), v(3)) is an element of R(4). We give the complete description of its dynamics on the sphere at infinity. For ten sets of the parameter values the system has either first integrals or invariants. For these ten sets we provide the global phase portrait of the Rabinovich system in the Poincare ball (i.e. in the compactification of R(3) with the sphere S(2) of the infinity). We prove that for convenient values of the parameters the system has two families of singularly degenerate heteroclinic cycles. Then changing slightly the parameters we numerically found a four wings butterfly shaped strange attractor.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The knowledge of Anastrepha zenildae behavioral aspects combined with the biology of Tephritidae may contribute to monitoring and control programs of this fruit fly that is considered as economically important to the Rio Grande do Norte state. In order to characterize the daily activity profile of this species, we studied the behaviors of resting, locomotion, feeding, cleaning, courtship, copulation and oviposition of animals submitted to an artificial 12:12h light-dark cycle (750:1lux) with controlled temperature (26±2 °C). The observations were made with groups of 16 males and 16 females during 3 consecutive days each generation from parental to F5. Resting, locomotion, feeding and cleaning data were recorded as frequency and time of occurrence by scanning technique in 15 minutes windows per hour, with a record each minute. Courtship, copulation and oviposition were recorded as frequency, time of occurrence and duration by al occurrences technique. Resting was the most frequent behavior with males resting more than females. Locomotion was more evident in the first half of the ligh phase with higher values in females. Cleaning and feeding behaviors were more frequent in the second half of the light phase for both sexes with females eating more frequently than males. During the courtship, males were grouped in lek formations showing wings vibration and pheromone liberation. Courtship occurred more frequently 4 to 7 h after lights on (81,9%) with copulations being more frequent 6 h after lights on with a mean duration of 58,1±40,4 min. Copulation attempts were observed in males inside and outside the lek with aggressive behavior being observed only between males in the lek. Oviposition behavior was similar to that described for other species of the genus with a peak of this activity 2-3 h after the lights on, mean duration of 43, 7±34, 8 sec and 2 to 5 eggs by event. According to the results, sexual behavior of A. zenildae is temporally different of other sympatric species of the genus, being favorable to the reproductive isolation as well as the use of resources as oviposition substrate.


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Leguminosae is the third largest family of angiosperms with about 19.325 species and 727 genera, and it is pantropically distributed. Papilionoideae is the most diverse of the three legume subfamilies, with around 13.800 species (71%), 478 genera, and 28 tribes. Papilionoid legumes include herbs, shrubs, lianas or trees with pinnate, trifoliolate, unifoliolate or simple leaves, flowers frequently papilionate with descending imbricate petal aestivation, the petals highly differentiated into standard, keel, and wings, androecium usually diplostemous, and seeds without pleurogram, with conspicuous hilum, and the embryo radicle usually curved. The current study aims to carry out a taxonomic account of the Papilionoideae from Atlantic Forest remnants in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, across the herbaria data surveys, collections of field samples and morphological analysis of the collected specimens and/or herbaria materials. Identification key, descriptions, diagnostic characters, illustrations, and geographic distribution of the 68 species and 32 genera within the following tribes Phaseoleae (11 genera/24 species), Dalbergieae (9/20), Swartzieae (3/3), Millettieae (2/4), Sophoreae (2/2), Abreae (1/1), Crotalarieae (1/3), Desmodieae (1/7), Indigofereae (1/3), and Sesbanieae (1/1). The most species-rich genera were Desmodium Desv. (7 species), Centrosema (DC.) Benth. (5), Stylosanthes Sw. (5), Aeschynomene L. (4) and Macroptilium (Benth.) Urb. (4). Concerning to the habit, the herbaceous and shrubby has predominated with 60% (41 spp.), following by the vine and lianas with 28% (19 spp.) and the woody with only 12% (8 spp.). Thirty two species and the following genera are newly recorded for the flora of Rio Grande do Norte: Chaetocalyx, Cochliasanthus, Crotalaria, Galactia, Geoffroea, Macroptilium, Rhynchosia, Swartzia, Trischidium, and Vigna


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Dois mil e quatrocentos pintos de corte foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 2 (sexo, com e sem probiótico, com e sem antibiótico), totalizando oito tratamentos e seis repetições com 50 aves cada uma. Independente da suplementação recebida, os machos sempre foram mais pesados que as fêmeas. Entretanto, a análise de desempenho apresentou maiores peso corporal e ganho de peso para os machos que receberam suplementação de antibiótico, quando comparados aos não-suplementados. Até 42 dias de idade, o uso do antibiótico determinou aumento do consumo de ração, mas não influiu nas demais características de desempenho. No período de 1 a 21 dias e 1 a 42 dias de idade, a suplementação com probiótico influenciou negativamente o peso corporal, ganho de peso e consumo de ração das aves. Houve interação probiótico x antibiótico para rendimento de carcaça das aves, obtendo-se maior rendimento de carcaça com o uso da associação dos produtos na ração. Nenhum dos produtos afetou o rendimento de partes (cabeça, pés, asas, perna, peito e dorso), o rendimento de vísceras (coração, fígado e vísceras não-comestíveis), gordura abdominal e características sensoriais (intensidade de aroma, aroma estranho, sabor, sabor estranho, maciez, suculência, preferência, cor característica e aparência geral) da carne de peito e pernas. No presente estudo, não foram encontrados efeitos benéficos da suplementação de probiótico para frangos de corte.


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Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do nível de energia da dieta sobre desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e porcentagem de gordura abdominal de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 2400 pintos de um dia da linhagem Ross 308, criados em boxes até 42 dias de idade. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 6 x 2 (energia x sexo). Os tratamentos consistiram de combinações de seis níveis de energia (2.900, 2.960, 3.020, 3.080, 3.140 e 3.200 kcal EM/kg) e dos sexos, com quatro repetições de 50 aves cada. No período de 1 a 42 dias de idade, houve redução no consumo de ração e melhora na conversão alimentar à medida que se aumentou o nível de energia da ração. Os machos apresentaram melhores resultados de desempenho que as fêmeas, exceto para mortalidade. À medida que se acrescentou energia na dieta, houve efeito linear na porcentagem de gordura abdominal e no rendimento de asas, mas não houve efeito sobre o rendimento de carcaça e das demais partes. Os machos apresentaram maiores porcentagens de pernas e de carne de pernas e menores de carne de peito e de gordura abdominal que as fêmeas.


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O trabalho foi realizado objetivando-se avaliar o efeito da densidade populacional e da linhagem sobre as características de desempenho, o rendimento de carcaça e a qualidade da carne de peito (perda de peso por cozimento, força de cizalhamento e pH) em frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 2.925 pintos de um dia, sexados, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em fatorial 3x3x2, sendo três linhagens (Ross 308, Cobb 500 e Hybro PG), três densidades (10, 13 e 16 aves/m²) e dois sexos, com duas repetições com número variável de aves em função da densidade. A densidade afetou o ganho de peso nas fases inicial e final e no período total, sendo que a densidade de 10 aves/m² apresentou o melhor ganho de peso, porém, as densidades de 13 e 16 aves/m² não diferiram entre si. O aumento da densidade promoveu maior produção de peso vivo/m² de galpão, além de incrementar a renda bruta. No entanto, não afetou o rendimento de carcaça e das partes, bem como as características de qualidade da carne. As linhagens diferiram para ganho de peso em todas as fases e para o consumo de ração na fase final e no período total de criação, porém não diferiram para o rendimento de carcaça, apesar de diferirem para o rendimento de peito, pernas, asas, dorso e gordura abdominal, sendo que para o rendimento de pernas houve diferenças apenas entre os machos e para gordura abdominal apenas entre as fêmeas. As linhagens diferiram para perda de peso da carne de peito por cozimento, mas não para maciez e pH. O sexo das aves influenciou as características de desempenho e rendimento de carcaça, mas não a qualidade da carne do peito.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)