937 resultados para tree size classes
A population of Loxopagurus loxochelis was studied in terms of seasonal abundance, size frequency distribution, sex ratio, and reproductive period (percentage of ovigerous females). Specimens were collected monthly over a period of two years (from September 1995 to August 1997) in the non-consolidated areas of the Ubatuba, Mar Virado, and Ubatumirim bays (northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil) with a double-rig trawl net. A total of 1,084 individuals were analysed. Animal size (minimum, maximum, and mean +/- SD shield length) was 2.8, 9.1, and 6.88 +/- 1.13 mm for 625 males; 2.8, 8.2, and 5.78 +/- 0.98 mm for 236 non-ovigerous females; and 4.6, 8.0, and 6.24 +/- 0.68 mm for 223 ovigerous females, respectively. Sexual dimorphism was recorded by the presence of males in the largest size classes. The sex ratio was 1.4 : 1 in favour of males. The highest incidence of ovigerous females occurred during winter and spring (June to October), with a low percentage in summer and fall (November to May), indicating continuity in the reproductive cycle. This strategy of reproduction is related to temperature. The occurrence of L. loxochelis in the Ubatuba region represents the final point of northern distribution of this species as a function of water mass influence, and could be its real limit on the Atlantic coast of South America.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A review of recent literature shows that most taphonomic studies of Holocene and fossil macrovertebrates are not methodologically standardized. Hence, results from distinct studies are not comparable, even among researches sharing virtually identical goals, targeting the same biological group of similar age and depositional environment. The effects of the shell size in the taphonomic analysis are still poorly understood. In order to study this issue, the taphonomic signatures (articulation, valve type, fragmentation, abrasion, corrosion, edge modification, color alteration, bioerosion and encrustation) of brachiopod shells (Bouchardia rosea (Mawe)), from Ubatuba Bay in the northern coast of São Paulo State, were investigated according to the sieve sizes. In the study area, 14 collecting stations were sampled via Van Veen grab sampler, along a bathymetric gradient, ranging from 0 to 35 m of depth. Bulk samples were sieved through 8 mm, 6 mm, and 2 mm mesh sizes, yielding a total of 5.204 shells. The results indicate that, when taphonomic signatures were independently analyzed per size classes (8 mm, 6 mm, and 2 mm), the taphonomic signatures are recorded in a complex and random way. Additionally, cluster analysis showed that the similarity among the clusters vary according to the considered sieve size. Thus, the sieve size plays an important role in the distribution of taphonomic signatures in shells of distinct sizes. These results suggest that the concentration of the taphonomic analysis on one class (e.g., the largest sieve size, 8 mm) is not always the best method. Rather, the total data (all sieves included) seems more accurate in recording the whole spectrum of taphonomic processes recorded in shells of a given assemblage.
Acanthonyx scutiformis, an endemic species in the Brazilian coast, is commonly found in intertidal rocky-shore algal communities. This study analyzes the population biology of A. scutiformis from Ubatuba region. A total of 371 specimens were collected over one year. Size range was 4.2[long dash]12.7 mm CW (carapace width) for females and 3.7[long dash]15.8 mm CW for males. Females predominated in intermediate size classes, whereas males prevailed in the largest ones. The estimated size when 50% crabs were mature was 10.7 mm CW for males and 8.9 mm CW for females. Sex ratio varied among the demographic groups. The processes that influence A. scutiformis population structure can be related to the different times males and females reach sexual maturity and probably to the distinct predation pressures on each sex during the adult phase.
This study analyses the ontogenetic diet shifts of a Neotropical catfish, Pimelodus maculatus ( Siluriformes, Pimelodidae), from an ecomorphological standpoint. We collected 241 individuals in the Piracicaba River ( Brazil) and, in the laboratory, seven morphometric variables were recorded from each specimen: standard length (SL), body depth, head length, snout length, eye diameter, mouth height and mouth width. After standardizing these measurements ( as a proportion of SL), linear regressions were run to determine whether their growth was isometric or allometric in relation to SL. The diet analysis shows that the main food item for fish in the smaller size classes is aquatic insects, while the largest individuals feed mainly on other fish. As the great majority of the morphometric variables analyzed showed isometric growth as a function of SL - which means that these fish do not change their shape significantly during their lives - the ontogenetic diet shifts may be seen as a consequence of the absolute size increment of their mouth gape, which allows individuals to maximize their energetic gain by ingesting larger prey with a higher caloric content.
The distribution, activity, diet, and reproduction of an undescribed catfish species of the genus Trichomycterus (Trichomycteridae) were studied in the Morro do Diabo State Park, an important conservation area in the Rio Paranapanema basin, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Trichomycterus sp. is a rheophilic species occurring solely in the riffle areas of the streams and hunts mostly immature aquatic insects during the day by picking them from the substrate. The population has a balanced sex ratio, but females were uncommon in the smallest and largest size classes suggesting that females demonstrate a more accelerated growth pattern. Presence of mature individuals throughout the year represents an opportunistic reproductive tactic for fishes living in fast flowing waters, where the clutches could be shifted by the current, but the high incidence of mature individuals in the wet season may be related to optimal environmental conditions for juveniles during that period. Because of the restriction of Trichomycterus sp. to riffle environments, the conservation of this species depends on the maintenance of the original characteristics of these headwaters. That demands protecting the riparian vegetation and consequently the stream from excessive siltation resulting from runoff and erosion.
Predação em capítulos de picão-preto e sua relação com o tamanho e o grau de agrupamento das plantas
Com o objetivo de verificar possíveis correlações entre níveis de predação de capítulos de B. pilosa e o tamanho das plantas, bem como com o seu grau de agrupamento, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido em áreas ruderais nos arredores da cidade de Botucatu, SP. em cada coleta, foram obtidos 15 indivíduos em fase reprodutiva, sendo dez deles provenientes de agrupamentos e cinco isolados, no período de março a setembro de 1993, totalizando seis coletas. Cada planta foi caracterizada quanto a parâmetros biométricos por meio de mensurações, contagens e determinação da biomassa das diferentes estruturas, avaliando-se também a ocorrência de predação nos capítulos. Nas duas condições de agrupamento, o tamanho das plantas foi altamente variável havendo, porém, maior freqüência nas menores classes de tamanho. de modo geral, não houve diferença significativa entre plantas agrupadas e isoladas no que se refere aos parâmetros biométricos analisados. Plantas maiores produziram maior número de capítulos e o nível de predação correlacionou-se positivamente com o tamanho das plantas, independentemente do grau de agrupamento das populações. A distribuição agrupada não condicionou, portanto, maiores níveis de predação, uma vez que plantas maiores dos dois grupos foram preferencialmente atacadas. Isto corrobora a Hipótese do Vigor proposta para explicar relações de preferência entre plantas e seus herbívoros.
Some individuals of the species Arenaeus cribrarius (Lamarck, 1818) bear a characteristic pink abdomen, which is notably different from the usual white coloration. The incidence of this chromatic alteration was determined for a single population and its relation with other individual variables were examined. The individuals were monthly collected from May, 1991 to April, 1993, in Ubatuba, São Paulo, with the aid of a shrimp fishery boat provided with double-rig trawling nets. All specimens were sexed, measured (CW = carapace width), distributed in 10-mm size classes and classified according to growth phase (juvenile and adult), molting condition and development stage of gonads. The occurrence of pink-colored morphs was also recorded. From a total of 2,096 collected individuals, only 60 females (nine of those ovigerous) presented a pink-colored abdomen, which represents 2.9% of the whole sample and 5.2% of the females. Almost all of them were intermolt individuals (96.6%) and 63.3% showed mature gonads. According to published data, size at the onset of functional maturity in A. cribrarius females is around 60 mm CW, from which the incidence of pink morphs and ovigerous crabs were recorded. The obtained results suggest that such a chromatic alteration is associated to sexual maturity in these females. This characteristic may enhance the attraction potential for mating, shortly after the puberty molt.
A biologia de caranguejos de água doce tem sido pouco enfocada na literatura carcinológica, especialmente em relação ao crescimento das espécies da família Trichodactylidae. Este estudo visa determinar as curvas de crescimento em tamanho e peso, bem como a longevidade e a idade na muda pubertária dos caranguejos de água doce Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861. As amostras foram obtidas mensalmente na Represa Municipal de São José do Rio Preto (São Paulo), de outubro/1994 a setembro/1996. Os indivíduos tiveram o sexo determinado, sendo também mensurados (LC = largura do cefalotórax) e pesados (PE = peso úmido). O crescimento dos indivíduos foi determinado pelo método de distribuição dos exemplares em classes de tamanho, sendo utilizado o programa FiSAT para a determinação das curvas através do ajuste não linear dos dados pelo modelo de Bertalanffy. Foram analisados 962 exemplares (534 machos e 428 fêmeas) e as curvas de crescimento em tamanho foram expressas pelas equações LC Machos = 61,7[1-e-0,97(t+0,041)] e LC Fêmeas = 57,1[1-e-1,41(t+0,031)], enquanto o crescimento em peso foi melhor representado por PE Machos = 65,2[1-e-0,97(t+0,041)]3,08 e PE Fêmeas = 44,9[1-e-1,41(t+0,031)]2,82. O tamanho assintótico dos machos (61,66 mm) foi pouco superior ao das fêmeas (57,09 mm), ocorrendo o inverso para a longevidade, estimada em 2,4 e 2,7 anos, respectivamente. O tamanho máximo estimado com base em 95% do tamanho assintótico foi de 58,6 mm para os machos e 54,2 mm para as fêmeas, valores muito próximos dos maiores tamanhos registrados na natureza para cada sexo (55,8 mm). A muda da puberdade dos machos ocorreu com idade superior à das fêmeas (tMachos = 1,2 anos e tFêmeas = 0,9 anos). Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho são inéditos na literatura carcinológica, sendo de grande valia no manejo populacional e preservação desta espécie, que vem sendo intensamente explorada e usada como isca na pesca esportiva.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The structure of two populations of the fiddler crab Uca rapax in two subtropical mangrove habitats near Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil were compared. The size - frequency distribution, sex ratio, and recruitment were evaluated. Sampling was performed monthly from April 2001 to March 2002 in the Itamambuca and Ubatumirim habitats. Crabs were caught manually for 15 min by two collectors during low tide. The carapace width of each crab was measured with a digital caliper, and the sex and ovigerous state were recorded. The median size of the carapace width of males was greater than that of females at both sites (P<0.05). The median size of the crabs from Itamambuca was larger than at Ubatumirim (P<0.05). Only 28 ovigerous females were obtained from both mangroves, which suggested that females might remain in their burrows during the incubation period. The highest recruitment pulse occurred in winter for both populations, probably as a consequence of high reproductive activity during summer. The sex ratio in the size classes showed an anomalous pattern, with a higher frequency of females in the intermediate size classes. This may be related to a greater energy requirement for reproduction in females, thus delaying growth. The variable environmental conditions to which Uca rapax populations are subject appear to act directly or indirectly on the population, causing variations in growth and reproductive processes in the different populations investigated here.
This work examines the population dynamics of Petrochirus diogenes in the Ubatuba region (São Paulo, Brazil), focusing on size frequency distribution, sex ratio, and reproductive and recruitment period. Collections were made with two double-rig nets in the years 1993-1996. The 799 individuals obtained were separated into 14 size classes based on the length of the cephalothoracic shield. The shield size varied from 5.4 to 40.0 mm in males and from 5.7 to 32.1 mm in females. The size frequency distribution was unimodal for both sexes. Only small oscillations occurred in the sex ratio until the seventh size class, followed by preponderance of males. This suggests a standard pattern for the sex ratio in P. diogenes. As males were found in the largest size classes, they present a clear sexual dimorphism. This characteristic can be considered as a selective advantage, mainly during the mating processes and in the agonistic behavior. Ovigerous females were recorded in the spring and summer, indicating seasonal reproduction.
The aim of the current study was to evaluate a population of Menippe nodiffons in a reef of sabellariid worms, Phragmatopoma lapidosa, with regard to recruitment, population structure and sex ratio. Sampling was carried out each other month from September 1994 up to and including July 1995, on the rocky shores of the Tenorio beach, São Paulo, Brazil. It resulted in 183 individuals, whose average carapace width in this biotope was 9.1 +/- 5.6 m. The animals were grouped in nine size classes and the frequency distribution showed that 80% occupied the three first classes. This means that the polychaete worm colonies are of great importance for the establishment of individuals in the first juvenile stages.
The gonad development of Uca rapax was studied to achieve the size at onset of its sexual maturity. Crabs were sampled from April/2001 to March/2002 in the Itamambuca and Ubatumirim mangroves in Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. The specimens were grouped in 10 size classes. Juveniles and adult crabs frequencies were assessed for each class. The size of carapace width in which 50% of males and females were considered mature was 14.8 and 12.1 mm (Itamambuca) and 13.6 and 11.4 mm (Ubatumirim), respectively for males and females. Males matured at higher sizes than females, probably due to a major investment in their somatic growth, while females spend their energy in the reproductive process, saving energy for eggs' production.