616 resultados para symplectic manifold


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Kansainvälinen Eurooppalaisen maisemayleissopimuksen tavoitteiden saavuttamista edistävä konferenssi järjestettiin Inarissa 7.-9.9.2011. Konferenssissa käsiteltiin maisemasopimuksen tavoitteita, tarpeita ja mahdollisuuksia Pohjois-Kalotin alueella. Tähän raporttiin on koottu konferenssissa esiintyneiden asiantuntijoiden laatimat artikkelit aiheesta. Raportin toivotaan helpottavan alueiden käytön suunnittelijoita käytännön työssään ja rohkaisevan kuntia toteuttamaan tulevaisuuden suunnittelua Eurooppalaisen maisemayleissopimuksen tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Raportti on saatavissa viidellä eri kielellä: suomeksi, ruotsiksi, norjaksi, pohjoissaameksi ja englanniksi. Pohjois-Kalotin aluetta yhdistää yhteinen tunnusomainen maisema. Saamelaiskulttuurin sekä poronhoidon muovaamat tunturimaisemat ja upeat jokivarsimaisemat heijastuvat ympäristössä laaja-alaisesti. Alueen maisemalle haasteita tuovat sen moninaiset maankäyttömuodot ja elinkeinot, kuten matkailu, kaivosteollisuus ja energiantuotanto. Arvokkaiden maisemapiirteiden säilyttäminen vaatii erityistä tuntemusta ja tietämystä alueen kunnissa. Maisemansuojelua ja -hoitoa toteutetaan alueiden- ja maankäytön suunnittelun kautta, pääasiallisesti kaavoituksella ja maisemanhoitosuunnitelmilla. Pohjois-Kalotin alueen kunnissa on erilaiset osin toisistaan poikkeavat toimintatavat ja käytännöt maisemanhoidossa. Kuitenkin alueen asukkailla on yhtäläisiä intressejä elinympäristönsä suojeluun ja säilyttämiseen. Maisema nähdään vetovoimatekijänä, jota ei haluta menettää. Lisääntyvät maankäyttötarpeet kunnissa luovat tarpeen entistä moniulotteisemmalle suunnittelulle. Paikallisten tahojen osallistaminen suunnitteluprosesseihin aikaisessa vaiheessa ja monimuotoinen vuorovaikutus, niin toimijoiden, kansalaisten kuin viranomaisten välillä vähentää konfliktien muodostumista. Tutkimustiedon tehokkaampi hyödyntäminen ja valtiorajat ylittävä yhteistyö helpottaa päätöksentekoa ja luo yhteisiä linjoja maisemansuojelutyöhön. Yhteiset kokemukset, käytännöt ja tietotaidon jakaminen sekä laajemman maisemakokonaisuuden hahmottaminen parantaa eurooppalaisen maisemayleissopimuksen tavoitteiden toteutumista. Työn jatkuvuuden varmistamiseksi Pohjois-Kalotin alueelle suunnitellaan perustettavaksi maisemayhteistyöryhmä, jonka tehtävä on maisemapolitiikan kehittäminen ja eteenpäin vieminen.


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Kansainvälinen Eurooppalaisen maisemayleissopimuksen tavoitteiden saavuttamista edistävä konferenssi järjestettiin Inarissa 7.-9.9.2011. Konferenssissa käsiteltiin maisemasopimuksen tavoitteita, tarpeita ja mahdollisuuksia Pohjois-Kalotin alueella. Tähän raporttiin on koottu konferenssissa esiintyneiden asiantuntijoiden laatimat artikkelit aiheesta. Raportin toivotaan helpottavan alueiden käytön suunnittelijoita käytännön työssään ja rohkaisevan kuntia toteuttamaan tulevaisuuden suunnittelua Eurooppalaisen maisemayleissopimuksen tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Raportti on saatavissa viidellä eri kielellä: suomeksi, ruotsiksi, norjaksi, pohjoissaameksi ja englanniksi. Pohjois-Kalotin aluetta yhdistää yhteinen tunnusomainen maisema. Saamelaiskulttuurin sekä poronhoidon muovaamat tunturimaisemat ja upeat jokivarsimaisemat heijastuvat ympäristössä laaja-alaisesti. Alueen maisemalle haasteita tuovat sen moninaiset maankäyttömuodot ja elinkeinot, kuten matkailu, kaivosteollisuus ja energiantuotanto. Arvokkaiden maisemapiirteiden säilyttäminen vaatii erityistä tuntemusta ja tietämystä alueen kunnissa. Maisemansuojelua ja -hoitoa toteutetaan alueiden- ja maankäytön suunnittelun kautta, pääasiallisesti kaavoituksella ja maisemanhoitosuunnitelmilla. Pohjois-Kalotin alueen kunnissa on erilaiset osin toisistaan poikkeavat toimintatavat ja käytännöt maisemanhoidossa. Kuitenkin alueen asukkailla on yhtäläisiä intressejä elinympäristönsä suojeluun ja säilyttämiseen. Maisema nähdään vetovoimatekijänä, jota ei haluta menettää. Lisääntyvät maankäyttötarpeet kunnissa luovat tarpeen entistä moniulotteisemmalle suunnittelulle. Paikallisten tahojen osallistaminen suunnitteluprosesseihin aikaisessa vaiheessa ja monimuotoinen vuorovaikutus, niin toimijoiden, kansalaisten kuin viranomaisten välillä vähentää konfliktien muodostumista. Tutkimustiedon tehokkaampi hyödyntäminen ja valtiorajat ylittävä yhteistyö helpottaa päätöksentekoa ja luo yhteisiä linjoja maisemansuojelutyöhön. Yhteiset kokemukset, käytännöt ja tietotaidon jakaminen sekä laajemman maisemakokonaisuuden hahmottaminen parantaa eurooppalaisen maisemayleissopimuksen tavoitteiden toteutumista. Työn jatkuvuuden varmistamiseksi Pohjois-Kalotin alueelle suunnitellaan perustettavaksi maisemayhteistyöryhmä, jonka tehtävä on maisemapolitiikan kehittäminen ja eteenpäin vieminen.


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För att kunna nå de uppsatta målen för den europeiska landskapskonventionen anordnades en internationell europeisk konferens den 7–9 september 2011 i Enare. Konferensen var främst inriktad på att öka kunskapen om den europeiska landskapskonventionen och de möjligheter och behov den ger vad gäller det praktiska planeringsarbetet, särkilt på kommunnivå. Den här rapport är samlat artikel skrev av ledande expertes som var föreläsare i konferensen. Vi hoppas att den här rapport underlättar det praktiska arbetet för planerarna av de här områdena och inspirerar kommunerna att genomföra sina framtidsplaner enligt den europeiska landskapskonventionen. Publikationen finns tillgänglig på fem olika språk: finska, svenska, norska, nordsamiska och engelska. Naturen på Nordkalotten återspeglar på bred front de gemensamma karaktäristiska dragen, såsom de fantastiska älvlandskapen och de vackra fjälltrakterna formade av samekulturen och renskötseln. Turism, energiproduktion, gruvnäring och utbyggnad av infrastruktur leder till nya och mångfacetterade utmaningar för dem som är ansvariga för områdena. Kommunerna behöver kunskap och stöd för att kunna förverkliga de allt mer komplexa planerna i framtiden, så att de unika och värdefulla särdragen kan bevaras. Landskapsskyddet och -vården genomförs i landskapsområdena via områdesplanering och planering av markanvändning, i huvudsak genom planläggning och utarbetande av landskapsvårdsplaner. Kommunerna i Nordkalotten har egna, delvis olikartade metoder och praxis, på basis av vilka olika processer i anslutning till områdesanvändningen sköts. Kommunerna och kommuninvånarna har ett stort intresse att bevara och skydda den egna livsmiljön och att upprätthålla och öka områdets attraktionskraft. Landskapet ses ju i kommunerna som en av de viktigaste attraktionsfaktorerna som man inte vill förlora. Kommunernas ökade markanvändningsbehov med avseende på bland annat energiproduktionen, gruvindustrin och den växande turistnäringen skapar ett välgrundat behov av en planering med ännu fler dimensioner. Det är viktigt att lokala intressegrupper deltar i planeringen redan i början av processen. Mångsidigt samarbete mellan medborgare, aktörer och myndigheter kan minska eller hindra konflikter. En dialog mellan medborgare, organisationer och myndigheter har en stor inverkan på många projekts effekter på landskapet. Med hjälp av forskning får vi mer information om landskapen, deras betydelse och hur olika markanvändningsmetoder påverkar landskapen. Gemensamma erfarenheter och praktik, uppdelningen av kunnande (know-how) samt uppfattningen av bredare landkapshelheten dörbättrar tilsammans de möjligheterna att förverkliga målen som definierats i Europeiska landskapkonventionen.För att säkerställa att arbetet fortsätter upprättas en landskapssamarbetsgrupp på Nordkalottens område, som huvuduppgift är att utveckla landskapspolitiken och driva den framåt.


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Operating in business-to-business markets requires an in-depth understanding on business networks. Actions and reactions made to compete in markets are fundamentally based on managers‘ subjective perceptions of the network. However, an amalgamation of these individual perceptions, termed a network picture, to a common company level shared understanding on that network, known as network insight, is found to be a substantial challenge for companies. A company‘s capability to enhance common network insight is even argued to lead competitive advantage. Especially companies with value creating logics that require wide comprehension of and collaborating in networks, such as solution business, are necessitated to develop advanced network insight. According to the extant literature, dispersed pieces of atomized network pictures can be unified to a common network insight through a process of amalgamation that comprises barriers/drivers of multilateral exchange, manifold rationality, and recursive time. However, the extant body of literature appears to lack an understanding on the role of internal communication in the development of network insight. Nonetheless, the extant understanding on the amalgamation process indicates that internal communication plays a substantial role in the development of company level network insight. The purpose of the present thesis is to enhance understanding on internal communication in the amalgamation of network pictures to develop network insight in the solution business setting, which was chosen to represent business-to-business value creating logic that emphasizes the capability to understand and utilize networks. Thus, in solution business the role of succeeding in the amalgamation process is expected to emphasize. The study combines qualitative and quantitative research by means of various analytical methods including multiple case analysis, simulation, and social network analysis. Approaching the nascent research topic with differing perspectives and means provides a broader insight on the phenomenon. The study provides empirical evidence from Finnish business-to-business companies which operate globally. The empirical data comprise interviews (n=28) with managers of three case companies. In addition the data includes a questionnaire (n=23) collected mainly for the purpose of social network analysis. In addition, the thesis includes a simulation study more specifically achieved by means of agent based modeling. The findings of the thesis shed light on the role of internal communication in the amalgamation process, contributing to the emergent discussion of network insights and thus to the industrial marketing research. In addition, the thesis increases understanding on internal communication in the change process to solution business, a supplier‘s internal communication in its matrix organization structure during a project sales process, key barriers and drivers that influence internal communication in project sales networks, perceived power within industrial project sales, and the revisioning of network pictures. According to the findings, internal communication is found to play a substantial role in the amalgamation process. First, it is suggested that internal communication is a base of multilateral exchange. Second, it is suggested that internal communication intensifies and maintains manifold rationality. Third, internal communication is needed to explicate the usually differing time perspectives of others and thus it is suggested that internal communication has role as the explicator of recursive time. Furthermore, the role of an efficient amalgamation process is found to be emphasized in solutions business as it requires a more advanced network insight for cross-functional collaboration. Finally, the thesis offers several managerial implications for industrial suppliers to enhance the amalgamation process when operating in solution business.


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A web service is a software system that provides a machine-processable interface to the other machines over the network using different Internet protocols. They are being increasingly used in the industry in order to automate different tasks and offer services to a wider audience. The REST architectural style aims at producing scalable and extensible web services using technologies that play well with the existing tools and infrastructure of the web. It provides a uniform set of operation that can be used to invoke a CRUD interface (create, retrieve, update and delete) of a web service. The stateless behavior of the service interface requires that every request to a resource is independent of the previous ones facilitating scalability. Automated systems, e.g., hotel reservation systems, provide advanced scenarios for stateful services that require a certain sequence of requests that must be followed in order to fulfill the service goals. Designing and developing such services for advanced scenarios with REST constraints require rigorous approaches that are capable of creating web services that can be trusted for their behavior. Systems that can be trusted for their behavior can be termed as dependable systems. This thesis presents an integrated design, analysis and validation approach that facilitates the service developer to create dependable and stateful REST web services. The main contribution of this thesis is that we provide a novel model-driven methodology to design behavioral REST web service interfaces and their compositions. The behavioral interfaces provide information on what methods can be invoked on a service and the pre- and post-conditions of these methods. The methodology uses Unified Modeling Language (UML), as the modeling language, which has a wide user base and has mature tools that are continuously evolving. We have used UML class diagram and UML state machine diagram with additional design constraints to provide resource and behavioral models, respectively, for designing REST web service interfaces. These service design models serve as a specification document and the information presented in them have manifold applications. The service design models also contain information about the time and domain requirements of the service that can help in requirement traceability which is an important part of our approach. Requirement traceability helps in capturing faults in the design models and other elements of software development environment by tracing back and forth the unfulfilled requirements of the service. The information about service actors is also included in the design models which is required for authenticating the service requests by authorized actors since not all types of users have access to all the resources. In addition, following our design approach, the service developer can ensure that the designed web service interfaces will be REST compliant. The second contribution of this thesis is consistency analysis of the behavioral REST interfaces. To overcome the inconsistency problem and design errors in our service models, we have used semantic technologies. The REST interfaces are represented in web ontology language, OWL2, that can be part of the semantic web. These interfaces are used with OWL 2 reasoners to check unsatisfiable concepts which result in implementations that fail. This work is fully automated thanks to the implemented translation tool and the existing OWL 2 reasoners. The third contribution of this thesis is the verification and validation of REST web services. We have used model checking techniques with UPPAAL model checker for this purpose. The timed automata of UML based service design models are generated with our transformation tool that are verified for their basic characteristics like deadlock freedom, liveness, reachability and safety. The implementation of a web service is tested using a black-box testing approach. Test cases are generated from the UPPAAL timed automata and using the online testing tool, UPPAAL TRON, the service implementation is validated at runtime against its specifications. Requirement traceability is also addressed in our validation approach with which we can see what service goals are met and trace back the unfulfilled service goals to detect the faults in the design models. A final contribution of the thesis is an implementation of behavioral REST interfaces and service monitors from the service design models. The partial code generation tool creates code skeletons of REST web services with method pre and post-conditions. The preconditions of methods constrain the user to invoke the stateful REST service under the right conditions and the post condition constraint the service developer to implement the right functionality. The details of the methods can be manually inserted by the developer as required. We do not target complete automation because we focus only on the interface aspects of the web service. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated with a pedagogical example of a hotel room booking service and a relatively complex worked example of holiday booking service taken from the industrial context. The former example presents a simple explanation of the approach and the later worked example shows how stateful and timed web services offering complex scenarios and involving other web services can be constructed using our approach.


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Biofuels for transport are a renewable source of energy that were once heralded as a solution to multiple problems associated with poor urban air quality, the overproduction of agricultural commodities, the energy security of the European Union (EU) and climate change. It was only after the Union had implemented an incentivizing framework of legal and political instruments for the production, trade and consumption of biofuels that the problems of weakening food security, environmental degradation and increasing greenhouse gases through land-use changes began to unfold. In other words, the difference between political aims for why biofuels are promoted and their consequences has grown – which is also recognized by the EU policy-makers. Therefore, the global networks of producing, trading and consuming biofuels may face a complete restructure if the European Commission accomplishes its pursuit to sideline crop-based biofuels after 2020. My aim with this dissertation is not only to trace the manifold evolutions of the instruments used by the Union to govern biofuels but also to reveal how this evolution has influenced the dynamics of biofuel development. Therefore, I study the ways the EU’s legal and political instruments of steering biofuels are coconstitutive with the globalized spaces of biofuel development. My analytical strategy can be outlined through three concepts. I use the term ‘assemblage’ to approach the operations of the loose entity of actors and non-human elements that are the constituents of multi-scalar and -sectorial biofuel development. ‘Topology’ refers to the spatiality of this European biofuel assemblage and its parts whose evolving relations are treated as the active constituents of space, instead of simply being located in space. I apply the concept of ‘nomosphere’ to characterize the framework of policies, laws and other instruments that the EU applies and construes while attempting to govern biofuels. Even though both the materials and methods vary in the independent articles, these three concepts characterize my analytical strategy that allows me to study law, policy and space associated with each other. The results of my examinations underscore the importance of the instruments of governance of the EU constituting and stabilizing the spaces of producing and, on the other hand, how topological ruptures in biofuel development have enforced the need to reform policies. This analysis maps the vast scope of actors that are influenced by the mechanism of EU biofuel governance and, what is more, shows how they are actively engaging in the Union’s institutional policy formulation. By examining the consequences of fast biofuel development that are spatially dislocated from the established spaces of producing, trading and consuming biofuels such as indirect land use changes, I unfold the processes not tackled by the instruments of the EU. Indeed, it is these spatially dislocated processes that have pushed the Commission construing a new type of governing biofuels: transferring the instruments of climate change mitigation to land-use policies. Although efficient in mitigating these dislocated consequences, these instruments have also created peculiar ontological scaffolding for governing biofuels. According to this mode of governance, the spatiality of biofuel development appears to be already determined and the agency that could dampen the negative consequences originating from land-use practices is treated as irrelevant.


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Various researches in the field of econophysics has shown that fluid flow have analogous phenomena in financial market behavior, the typical parallelism being delivered between energy in fluids and information on markets. However, the geometry of the manifold on which market dynamics act out their dynamics (corporate space) is not yet known. In this thesis, utilizing a Seven year time series of prices of stocks used to compute S&P500 index on the New York Stock Exchange, we have created local chart to the corporate space with the goal of finding standing waves and other soliton like patterns in the behavior of stock price deviations from the S&P500 index. By first calculating the correlation matrix of normalized stock price deviations from the S&P500 index, we have performed a local singular value decomposition over a set of four different time windows as guides to the nature of patterns that may emerge. I turns out that in almost all cases, each singular vector is essentially determined by relatively small set of companies with big positive or negative weights on that singular vector. Over particular time windows, sometimes these weights are strongly correlated with at least one industrial sector and certain sectors are more prone to fast dynamics whereas others have longer standing waves.


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This paper examines the relation between intuition and concept in Kant in light of John McDowell's neo-Kantian position that intuitions are concept-laden.2 The focus is on Kant's twofold pronouncement that thoughts without content are empty and that intuitions without concepts are blind. I show that intuitions as singular representations are not instances of passive data intake but the result of synthetic unification of the given manifold of the senses by the power of the imagination under the guidance of the understanding. Against McDowell I argue that the amenability of intuitions to conceptual determination is not due some pre-existing, absolute conceptuality of the real but to the "work of the subject."3 On a more programmatic level, this paper seeks to demonstrate the limitations of a selective appropriation of Kant and the philosophical potential of a more comprehensive and thorough consideration of his work. Section 1 addresses the unique balance in Kant's philosophy between the work on particular problems and the orientation toward a systematic whole. Section 2 outlines McDowell's take on the Kantian distinction between intuition and concept in the context of the Kant readings by Sellars and Strawson. Section 3 exposes McDowell's relapse into the Myth of the Given. Section 4 proposes a reading of Kant's theoretical philosophy as an epistemology of metaphysical cognition. Section 5 details Kant's original account of sensible intuition in the Inaugural-Dissertation of 1770. Section 6 presents the transition from the manifold of the senses to the synthesis in the imagination and the unification through the categories in the Critique of pure reason (1781 and 1787). Section 7 addresses Kant's formalism in epistemology and metaphysics.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate Howard Gardner's (1983) Multiple Intelligences theory, which proposes that there are eight independent intelligences: Linguistic, Spatial, Logical/Mathematical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Bodily-Kinesthetic, and Musical. To explore Gardner's theory, two measures of each ability area were administered to 200 participants. Each participant also completed a measure of general cognitive ability, a personality inventory, an ability self-rating scale, and an ability self-report questionnaire. Nonverbal measures were included for most intelligence domains, and a wide range of content was sampled in Gardner's domains. Results showed that all tests of purely cognitive abilities were significantly correlated with the measure of general cognitive ability, whereas Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, and one of the Intrapersonal measures were not. Contrary to what Multiple Intelligences theory would seem to predict, correlations among the tests revealed a positive manifold and factor analysis indicated a large factor of general intelligence, with a mathematical reasoning test and a classification task from the Naturalistic domain having the highest ^- loadings. There were only minor sex differences in performance on the ability tests. Participants' self-estimates of ability were significantly and positively correlated with actual performance in some, but not all, intelligences. With regard to personality, a hypothesized association between Openness to Experience and crystallized intelligence was supported. The implications of the findings in regards to the nature of mental abilities were discussed, and recommendations for further research were made.


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For inviscid fluid flow in any n-dimensional Riemannian manifold, new conserved vorticity integrals generalizing helicity, enstrophy, and entropy circulation are derived for lower-dimensional surfaces that move along fluid streamlines. Conditions are determined for which the integrals yield constants of motion for the fluid. In the case when an inviscid fluid is isentropic, these new constants of motion generalize Kelvin’s circulation theorem from closed loops to closed surfaces of any dimension.


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Bien que la juridiction inhérente des cours superIeures constitue une notion souvent utilisée par les tribunaux au Canada, plusieurs facettes importantes de cette notion demeurent inconnues et incomprises. Le présent mémoire s'attarde à retracer l'origine et les fondements des pouvoirs inhérents afin d'en expliquer la constitutionnalisation dans l'ordre constitutionnel canadien contemporain. Pour ce faire, nous avons retracé l'essence des pouvoirs inhérents au moyen d'une démarche historique afin d'énoncer une théorie constitutionnelle cohérente des pouvoirs inhérents qui permettra de juger du bien-fondé de leurs nombreuses manifestations contemporaines. L'enchâssement de la juridiction inhérente dans la Constitution canadienne repose sur le statut, la nature et les caractéristiques uniques des cours supérieures. Plus particulièrement, le principe constitutionnel de l'indépendance judiciaire constitue le fondement contemporain de la constitutionnalisation de la juridiction inhérente. Cette constatation permet alors d'avancer l'idée selon laquelle les pouvoirs inhérents nécessaires au maintien de l'indépendance judiciaire des cours supérieures doivent être élevés au rang de normes constitutionnelles supralégislatives.


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Soit (M,ω) un variété symplectique fermée et connexe.On considère des sous-variétés lagrangiennes α : L → (M,ω). Si α est monotone, c.- à-d. s’il existe η > 0 tel que ημ = ω, Paul Biran et Octav Conea ont défini une version relative de l’homologie quantique. Dans ce contexte ils ont déformé l’opérateur de bord du complexe de Morse ainsi que le produit d’intersection à l’aide de disques pseudo-holomorphes. On note (QH(L), ∗), l’homologie quantique de L munie du produit quantique. Le principal objectif de cette dissertation est de généraliser leur construction à un classe plus large d’espaces. Plus précisément on considère soit des sous-variétés presque monotone, c.-à-d. α est C1-proche d’un plongement lagrangian monotone ; soit les fibres toriques de variétés toriques Fano. Dans ces cas non nécessairement monotones, QH(L) va dépendre de certains choix, mais cela sera irrelevant pour les applications présentées ici. Dans le cas presque monotone, on s’intéresse principalement à des questions de déplaçabilité, d’uniréglage et d’estimation d’énergie de difféomorphismes hamiltoniens. Enfin nous terminons par une application combinant les deux approches, concernant la dynamique d’un hamiltonien déplaçant toutes les fibres toriques non-monotones dans CPn.


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Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels et audiovisuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Travail réalisé en cotutelle avec l'université Paris-Diderot et le Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique sous la direction de John Harnad et Bertrand Eynard.


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L'éclatement est une transformation jouant un rôle important en géométrie, car il permet de résoudre des singularités, de relier des variétés birationnellement équivalentes, et de construire des variétés possédant des propriétés inédites. Ce mémoire présente d'abord l'éclatement tel que développé en géométrie algébrique classique. Nous l'étudierons pour le cas des variétés affines et (quasi-)projectives, en un point, et le long d'un idéal et d'une sous-variété. Nous poursuivrons en étudiant l'extension de cette construction à la catégorie différentiable, sur les corps réels et complexes, en un point et le long d'une sous-variété. Nous conclurons cette section en explorant un exemple de résolution de singularité. Ensuite nous passerons à la catégorie symplectique, où nous ferons la même chose que pour le cas différentiable complexe, en portant une attention particulière à la forme symplectique définie sur la variété. Nous terminerons en étudiant un théorème dû à François Lalonde, où l'éclatement joue un rôle clé dans la démonstration. Ce théorème affirme que toute 4-variété fibrée par des 2-sphères sur une surface de Riemann, et différente du produit cartésien de deux 2-sphères, peut être équipée d'une 2-forme qui lui confère une structure symplectique réglée par des courbes holomorphes par rapport à sa structure presque complexe, et telle que l'aire symplectique de la base est inférieure à la capacité de la variété. La preuve repose sur l'utilisation de l'éclatement symplectique. En effet, en éclatant symplectiquement une boule contenue dans la 4-variété, il est possible d'obtenir une fibration contenant deux sphères d'auto-intersection -1 distinctes: la pré-image du point où est fait l'éclatement complexe usuel, et la transformation propre de la fibre. Ces dernières sont dites exceptionnelles, et donc il est possible de procéder à l'inverse de l'éclatement - la contraction - sur chacune d'elles. En l'accomplissant sur la deuxième, nous obtenons une variété minimale, et en combinant les informations sur les aires symplectiques de ses classes d'homologies et de celles de la variété originale nous obtenons le résultat.