929 resultados para signal jamming


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In vivo exposure to chronic hypoxia (CH) depresses myocardial performance and tolerance to ischemia, but daily reoxyenation during CH (CHR) confers cardioprotection. To elucidate the underlying mechanism, we tested the role of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase-protein kinase B (Akt) and p42/p44 extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2), which are known to be associated with protection against ischemia/reperfusion (I/R). Male Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained for two weeks under CH (10% O(2)) or CHR (as CH but with one-hour daily exposure to room air). Then, hearts were either frozen for biochemical analyses or Langendorff-perfused to determine performance (intraventricular balloon) and tolerance to 30-min global ischemia and 45-min reperfusion, assessed as recovery of performance after I/R and infarct size (tetrazolium staining). Additional hearts were perfused in the presence of 15 micromol/L LY-294002 (inhibitor of Akt), 10 micromol/L UO-126 (inhibitor of ERK1/2) or 10 micromol/L PD-98059 (less-specific inhibitor of ERK1/2) given 15 min before ischemia and throughout the first 20 min of reperfusion. Whereas total Akt and ERK1/2 were unaffected by CH and CHR in vivo, in CHR hearts the phosphorylation of both proteins was higher than in CH hearts. This was accompanied by better performance after I/R (heart rate x developed pressure), lower end-diastolic pressure and reduced infarct size. Whereas the treatment with LY-294002 decreased the phosphorylation of Akt only, the treatment with UO-126 decreased ERK1/2, and that with PD-98059 decreased both Akt and ERK1/2. In all cases, the cardioprotective effect led by CHR was lost. In conclusion, in vivo daily reoxygenation during CH enhances Akt and ERK1/2 signaling. This response was accompanied by a complex phenotype consisting in improved resistance to stress, better myocardial performance and lower infarct size after I/R. Selective inhibition of Akt and ERK1/2 phosphorylation abolishes the beneficial effects of the reoxygenation. Therefore, Akt and ERK1/2 have an important role to mediate cardioprotection by reoxygenation during CH in vivo.


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Tämän hetken trendit kuten globalisoituminen, ympäristömme turbulenttisuus, elintason nousu, turvallisuuden tarpeen kasvu ja teknologian kehitysnopeus korostavatmuutosten ennakoinnin tarpeellisuutta. Pysyäkseen kilpailukykyisenä yritysten tulee kerätä, analysoida ja hyödyntää liiketoimintatietoa, jokatukee niiden toimintaa viranomaisten, kilpailijoiden ja asiakkaiden toimenpiteiden ennakoinnissa. Innovoinnin ja uusien konseptien kehittäminen, kilpailijoiden toiminnan arviointi, asiakkaiden tarpeet muun muassa vaativatennakoivaa arviointia. Heikot signaalit ovat keskeisessä osassa organisaatioiden valmistautumisessa tulevaisuuden tapahtumiin. Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on luoda ja kehittää heikkojen signaalien ymmärrystä ja hallintaa sekäkehittää konseptuaalinen ja käytännöllinen lähestymistapa ennakoivan toiminnan edistämiselle. Heikkojen signaalien tyyppien luokittelu perustuu ominaisuuksiin ajan, voimakkuuden ja liiketoimintaan integroinnin suhteen. Erityyppiset heikot signaalit piirteineen luovat reunaehdot laatutekijöiden keräämiselle ja siitä edelleen laatujärjestelmän ja matemaattiseen malliin perustuvan työvälineen kehittämiselle. Heikkojen signaalien laatutekijät on kerätty yhteen kaikista heikkojen signaalien konseptin alueista. Analysoidut ja kohdistetut laatumuuttujat antavat mahdollisuuden kehittää esianalyysiä ja ICT - työvälineitä perustuen matemaattisen mallin käyttöön. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi tehtiin ensin Business Intelligence -kirjallisuustutkimus. Hiekkojen signaalien prosessi ja systeemi perustuvat koottuun Business Intelligence - systeemiin. Keskeisinä kehitysalueina tarkasteltiin liiketoiminnan integraatiota ja systemaattisen menetelmän kehitysaluetta. Heikkojen signaalien menetelmien ja määritelmien kerääminen sekä integrointi määriteltyyn prosessiin luovat uuden konseptin perustan, johon tyypitys ja laatutekijät kytkeytyvät. Käytännöllisen toiminnan tarkastelun ja käyttöönoton mahdollistamiseksi toteutettiin Business Intelligence markkinatutkimus (n=156) sekä yhteenveto muihin saatavilla oleviin markkinatutkimuksiin. Syvähaastatteluilla (n=21) varmennettiin laadullisen tarkastelun oikeellisuus. Lisäksi analysoitiin neljä käytännön projektia, joiden yhteenvedot kytkettiin uuden konseptin kehittämiseen. Prosessi voidaan jakaa kahteen luokkaan: yritysten markkinasignaalit vuoden ennakoinnilla ja julkisen sektorin verkostoprojektit kehittäen ennakoinnin struktuurin luonnin 7-15 vuoden ennakoivalle toiminnalle. Tutkimus rajattiin koskemaan pääasiassa ulkoisen tiedon aluetta. IT työvälineet ja lopullisen laatusysteemin kehittäminen jätettiin tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena ollut heikkojen signaalien konseptin kehittäminen toteutti sille asetetut odotusarvot. Heikkojen signaalien systemaattista tarkastelua ja kehittämistyötä on mahdollista edistää Business Intelligence - systematiikan hyödyntämisellä. Business Intelligence - systematiikkaa käytetään isojen yritysten liiketoiminnan suunnittelun tukena.Organisaatioiden toiminnassa ei ole kuitenkaan yleisesti hyödynnetty laadulliseen analyysiin tukeutuvaa ennakoinnin weak signals - toimintaa. Ulkoisenja sisäisen tiedon integroinnin ja systematiikan hyödyt PK -yritysten tukena vaativat merkittävää panostusta julkishallinnon rahoituksen ja kehitystoiminnan tukimuotoina. Ennakointi onkin tuottanut lukuisia julkishallinnon raportteja, mutta ei käytännön toteutuksia. Toisaalta analysoitujen case-tapausten tuloksena voidaan nähdä, ettei organisaatioissa välttämättä tarvita omaa projektipäällikköä liiketoiminnan tuen kehittämiseksi. Business vastuun ottamiseksi ja asiaan sitoutumiseen on kuitenkin löydyttävä oikea henkilö


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In peripheral tissues circadian gene expression can be driven either by local oscillators or by cyclic systemic cues controlled by the master clock in the brain's suprachiasmatic nucleus. In the latter case, systemic signals can activate immediate early transcription factors (IETFs) and thereby control rhythmic transcription. In order to identify IETFs induced by diurnal blood-borne signals, we developed an unbiased experimental strategy, dubbed Synthetic TAndem Repeat PROMoter (STAR-PROM) screening. This technique relies on the observation that most transcription factor binding sites exist at a relatively high frequency in random DNA sequences. Using STAR-PROM we identified serum response factor (SRF) as an IETF responding to oscillating signaling proteins present in human and rodent sera. Our data suggest that in mouse liver SRF is regulated via dramatic diurnal changes of actin dynamics, leading to the rhythmic translocation of the SRF coactivator Myocardin-related transcription factor-B (MRTF-B) into the nucleus.


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Résumé pour un large public: La vaccination a eu un impact énorme sur la santé mondiale. Mais, quel est le principe d'un vaccin? Il est basé sur la 'mémoire immunologique', qui est une particularité exclusive des systèmes immunitaires des organismes évolués. Suite à une infection par un pathogène, des cellules spécialisées de notre système immunitaire (les lymphocytes) le reconnaissent et initient une réaction immunitaire qui a pour but son élimination. Pendant cette réaction se développent aussi des cellules, appelées cellules lymphocytaires mémoire, qui persistent pour longue durée et qui ont la capacité de stimuler une réaction immunitaire très efficace immédiatement après une seconde exposition à ce même pathogène. Ce sont ces cellules mémoires (lymphocytes B et T) qui sont à la base de la 'mémoire immunologique' et qui sont stimulées lors de la vaccination. Chez l'homme, deux populations distinctes des lymphocytes T mémoires ont été identifiées: les cellules centrales (CM) et effectrices (EM) mémoires. Ces populations sont fonctionnellement hétérogènes et exercent des rôles distincts et essentiels dans l'immunité protectrice. Typiquement, les cellules effectrices mémoires sont capables de tuer immédiatement le pathogène tandis que les cellules centrales mémoires sont responsables d'initier une réponse immunitaire complète. Pourtant, les mécanismes biochimiques qui contrôlent les fonctions de ces cellules ont été jusqu'à présent peu étudiés à cause de la faible fréquence de ces cellules et de la quantité limitée de tissus humains disponibles pour les analyses. La compréhension de ces mécanismes est cruciale pour la réalisation de vaccins efficaces et pour le développement de nouveaux médicaments capables de moduler la réponse immunitaire lymphocytaire. Dans cette thèse, nous avons d'abord développé et amélioré une technologie appelée 'protéine array en phase inverse' qui possède un niveau de sensibilité beaucoup plus élevé par rapport aux technologies classiquement utilisées dans l'étude des protéines. Grâce à cette technique, nous avons pu comparer la composition protéique du système de transmission des signaux d'activation des cellules CM et EM humaines. L'analyse de 8 à 13 sujets sains a montré que ces populations des cellules mémoires possèdent un système de signalisation protéique différent. En effet, les cellules EM possèdent, par rapport aux cellules CM, des niveaux réduits d'une protéine régulatrice (appelée c-Cbl) que nous avons démontré comme étant responsable des fonctions spécifiques de ces cellules. En effet, en augmentant artificiellement l'expression de cette protéine régulatrice dans les cellules EM jusqu'au niveau de celui des cellules CM, nous avons induit dans les cellules EM des capacités fonctionnelles caractéristiques des cellules CM. En conclusion, notre étude a identifié, pour la première fois chez l'homme, un mécanisme biochimique qui contrôle les fonctions des populations des cellules mémoires. Résumé en Français: Les cellules mémoires persistent inertes dans l'organisme et produisent des réactions immunitaires rapides et robustes contre les pathogènes précédemment rencontrés. Deux populations distinctes des cellules mémoires ont été identifiées chez l'homme: les cellules centrales (CM) et effectrices (EM) mémoires. Ces populations sont fonctionnellement hétérogènes et exercent des rôles distincts et critiques dans l'immunité protectrice. Les mécanismes biochimiques qui contrôlent leurs fonctions ont été jusqu'à présent peu étudiés, bien que leur compréhension soit cruciale pour le développement des vaccins et des nouveaux traitements/médicaments. Les limites majeures à ces études sont la faible fréquence de ces populations et la quantité limitée de tissus humains disponibles. Dans cette thèse nous avons d'abord développé et amélioré la technologie de 'protéine array en phase inverse' afin d'analyser les molécules de signalisation des cellules mémoires CD4 et CD8 humaines isolées ex vivo. L'excellente sensibilité, la reproductibilité et la linéarité de la détection, ont permis de quantifier des variations d'expression protéiques supérieures à 20% dans un lysat équivalent à 20 cellules. Ensuite, grâce à l'analyse de 8 à 13 sujets sains, nous avons prouvé que les cellules mémoires CD8 ont une composition homogène de leur système de signalisation tandis que les cellules CD4 EM expriment significativement de plus grandes quantités de SLP-76 et des niveaux réduits de c-Cbl, Syk, Fyn et LAT par rapport aux cellules CM. En outre, l'expression réduite du régulateur négatif c-Cbl est corrélée avec l'expression des SLP-76, PI3K et LAT uniquement dans les cellules EM. L'évaluation des propriétés fonctionnelles des cellules mémoires a permis de démontrer que l'expression réduite du c-Cbl dans les cellules EM est associé à une diminution de leur seuil d'activation. En effet, grâce a la technique de transduction cytosolique, nous avons augmenté la quantité de c-Cbl des cellules EM à un niveau comparable à celui des cellules CM et constaté une réduction de la capacité des cellules EM à proliférer et sécréter des cytokines. Ce mécanisme de régulation dépend principalement de l'activité d'ubiquitine ligase de c-Cbl comme démontré par l'impact réduit du mutant enzymatiquement déficient de c-Cbl sur les fonctions de cellules EM. En conclusion, cette thèse identifie c-Cbl comme un régulateur critique des réponses fonctionnelles des populations de cellules T mémoires et fournit, pour la première fois chez l'homme, un mécanisme contrôlant l'hétérogénéité fonctionnelle des ces cellules. De plus, elle valide l'utilisation combinée des 'RPP arrays' et de la transduction cytosolique comme outil puissant d'analyse quantitative et fonctionnel des protéines de signalisation. Summary : Memory cells persist in a quiescent state in the body and mediate rapid and vigorous immune responses toward pathogens previously encountered. Two subsets of memory cells, namely central (CM) and effector (EM) memory cells, have been identified in humans. These subsets display high functional heterogeneity and assert critical and distinct roles in the control of protective immunity. The biochemical mechanisms controlling their functional properties remain so far poorly investigated, although their clarification is crucial for design of effective T-cell vaccine and drug development. Major limitations to these studies lie in the low frequency of memory T cell subsets and the limited amount of human specimen available. In this thesis we first implemented the innovative reverse phase protein array approach to profile 15 signalling components in human CD8 and CD4 memory T cells isolated ex vivo. The high degree of sensitivity, reproducibility and linearity achieved, allowed an excellent quantification of variations in protein expression higher than 20% in as few as 20-cell equivalent per spot. Based on the analysis of 8 to 13 healthy subjects, we showed that CD8 memory cells have a homogeneous composition of their signaling machinery while CD4 EM cells express statistically significant increased amounts of SLP-76 and reduced levels of c- Cbl, Syk, Fyn and LAT as compared to CM cells. Moreover, in EM but not CM cells, reduced expression of negative regulator c-Cbl correlated with the expression of SLP-76, PI3K and LAT. Subsequently, we demonstrated that the higher functional properties and the lower functional threshold of EM cells is associated with reduced expression of c-Cbl. Indeed, by increasing c-Cbl content of EM cells to the same level of CM cells using cytosolic transduction, we impaired their proliferation and cytokine production. This regulatory mechanism was primarily dependent on c-Cbl E3 ubiquitin ligase activity as evidenced by the weaker impact of enzymatically deficient c-Cbl C381A mutant on EM cell functions. Together, these results identify c-Cbl as a critical regulator of the functional responses of memory T cell subsets and provides, for the first time in humans, a mechanism controlling the functional heterogeneity of memory CD4 cells. Moreover it validates the combined use of RPP arrays and cytosolic transduction approaches as a powerful tool to quantitatively analyze signalling proteins and functionally assess their roles.


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Studies on the potential benefits of conveying biofeedback stimulus using a musical signal have appeared in recent years with the intent of harnessing the strong effects that music listening may have on subjects. While results are encouraging, the fundamental question has yet to be addressed, of how combined music and biofeedback compares to the already established use of either of these elements separately. This experiment, involving young adults (N = 24), compared the effectiveness at modulating participants' states of physiological arousal of each of the following conditions: A) listening to pre-recorded music, B) sonification biofeedback of the heart rate, and C) an algorithmically modulated musical feedback signal conveying the subject's heart rate. Our hypothesis was that each of the conditions (A), (B) and (C) would differ from the other two in the extent to which it enables participants to increase and decrease their state of physiological arousal, with (C) being more effective than (B), and both more than (A). Several physiological measures and qualitative responses were recorded and analyzed. Results show that using musical biofeedback allowed participants to modulate their state of physiological arousal at least equally well as sonification biofeedback, and much better than just listening to music, as reflected in their heart rate measurements, controlling for respiration-rate. Our findings indicate that the known effects of music in modulating arousal can therefore be beneficially harnessed when designing a biofeedback protocol.


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Myc controls the metabolic reprogramming that supports effector T cell differentiation. The expression of Myc is regulated by the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) and pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-2 (IL-2). We now show that the TCR is a digital switch for Myc mRNA and protein expression that allows the strength of the antigen stimulus to determine the frequency of T cells that express Myc. IL-2 signalling strength also directs Myc expression but in an analogue process that fine-tunes Myc quantity in individual cells via post-transcriptional control of Myc protein. Fine-tuning Myc matters and is possible as Myc protein has a very short half-life in T cells due to its constant phosphorylation by glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) and subsequent proteasomal degradation. We show that Myc only accumulates in T cells exhibiting high levels of amino acid uptake allowing T cells to match Myc expression to biosynthetic demands. The combination of digital and analogue processes allows tight control of Myc expression at the population and single cell level during immune responses.


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This thesis presents the design and implementation of a GPS-signal source suitable for receiver measurements. The developed signal source is based on direct digital synthesis which generates the intermediate frequency. The intermediate frequency is transfered to the final frequency with the aid of an Inphase/Quadrature modulator. The modulating GPS-data was generated with MATLAB. The signal source was duplicated to form a multi channel source. It was shown that, GPS-signals ment for civil navigation are easy to generate in the laboratory. The hardware does not need to be technically advanced if navigation with high level of accuracy is not needed. It was also shown that, the Inphase/Quadrature modulator can function as a single side band upconverter even with a high intermediate frequency. This concept reduces the demands required for output filtering.


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Directional cell growth requires that cells read and interpret shallow chemical gradients, but how the gradient directional information is identified remains elusive. We use single-cell analysis and mathematical modeling to define the cellular gradient decoding network in yeast. Our results demonstrate that the spatial information of the gradient signal is read locally within the polarity site complex using double-positive feedback between the GTPase Cdc42 and trafficking of the receptor Ste2. Spatial decoding critically depends on low Cdc42 activity, which is maintained by the MAPK Fus3 through sequestration of the Cdc42 activator Cdc24. Deregulated Cdc42 or Ste2 trafficking prevents gradient decoding and leads to mis-oriented growth. Our work discovers how a conserved set of components assembles a network integrating signal intensity and directionality to decode the spatial information contained in chemical gradients.


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The Cherenkov light flashes produced by Extensive Air Showers are very short in time. A high bandwidth and fast digitizing readout, therefore, can minimize the influence of the background from the light of the night sky, and improve the performance in Cherenkov telescopes. The time structure of the Cherenkov image can further be used in single-dish Cherenkov telescopes as an additional parameter to reduce the background from unwanted hadronic showers. A description of an analysis method which makes use of the time information and the subsequent improvement on the performance of the MAGIC telescope (especially after the upgrade with an ultra fast 2 GSamples/s digitization system in February 2007) will be presented. The use of timing information in the analysis of the new MAGIC data reduces the background by a factor two, which in turn results in an enhancement of about a factor 1.4 of the flux sensitivity to point-like sources, as tested on observations of the Crab Nebula.


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The response of shoots to phosphate (Pi) deficiency implicates long-distance communication between roots and shoots, but the participating components are poorly understood. We have studied the topology of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) PHOSPHATE1 (PHO1) Pi exporter and defined the functions of its different domains in Pi homeostasis and signaling. The results indicate that the amino and carboxyl termini of PHO1 are both oriented toward the cytosol and that the protein spans the membrane twice in the EXS domain, resulting in a total of six transmembrane α-helices. Using transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana leaf, we demonstrated that the EXS domain of PHO1 is essential for Pi export activity and proper localization to the Golgi and trans-Golgi network, although the EXS domain by itself cannot mediate Pi export. In contrast, removal of the amino-terminal hydrophilic SPX domain does not affect the Pi export capacity of the truncated PHO1 in N. benthamiana. While the Arabidopsis pho1 mutant has low shoot Pi and shows all the hallmarks associated with Pi deficiency, including poor shoot growth and overexpression of numerous Pi deficiency-responsive genes, expression of only the EXS domain of PHO1 in the roots of the pho1 mutant results in a remarkable improvement of shoot growth despite low shoot Pi. Transcriptomic analysis of pho1 expressing the EXS domain indicates an attenuation of the Pi signaling cascade and the up-regulation of genes involved in cell wall synthesis and the synthesis or response to several phytohormones in leaves as well as an altered expression of genes responsive to abscisic acid in roots.


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Objective:To investigate the effects of dilution of paramagnetic contrast agent with iodinated contrast and xylocaine on the signal intensity during magnetic resonance arthrography, and to improve the paramagnetic contrast agent concentration utilized in this imaging modality.Materials and Methods:Samples specially prepared for the study with three different concentrations of paramagnetic contrast agent diluted in saline, iodinated contrast agent and xylocaine were imaged with fast spin echo T1-weighted sequences with fat saturation. The samples were placed into flasks and graphical analysis of the signal intensity was performed as a function of the paramagnetic contrast concentration.Results:As compared with samples of equal concentrations diluted only with saline, the authors have observed an average signal intensity decrease of 20.67% for iodinated contrast agent, and of 28.34% for xylocaine. However, the increased gadolinium concentration in the samples caused decrease in signal intensity with all the dilutions.Conclusion:Minimizing the use of iodinated contrast media and xylocaine and/or the use of a gadolinium concentration of 2.5 mmol/L diluted in saline will improve the sensitivity of magnetic resonance arthrography.