1000 resultados para serveis gestionats


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Aquest article explora el disseny i l'ús dels portals en un entorn bibliotecari. Tracta les motivacions per construir portals, així com l'estructura i la tipologia d'aquests. A més, examina l'entorn de l'usuari en què es desenvolupen aquests portals. També argumenta que aporten serveis útils d'integració i presentació, però que s'han de considerar com a component d'un conjunt de serveis més ampli que la biblioteca està construint per tal d'introduir aquests recursos útils als usuaris. Així mateix, considera breument els serveis que els portals ofereixen: consulta distribuïda o metacerca, personalització, demandes, resolució OpenURL, avisos, etc. També considera l'emergent necessitat de serveis de directori o de registre per a coses com la descripció de col·leccions i serveis, dades de drets i polítiques, etc. Tracta l'impacte dels serveis web i el canvi en els models d'investigació i aprenentatge en relació al subministrament i ús d'informació en xarxa. Finalment, considera els serveis bibliotecaris com a part d'un entorn de sistemes, cada vegada més ric, que inclou els sistemes de gestió d'aprenentatge i de programari educatiu, portals de campus, serveis compartits com l'autenticació, i altres sistemes i serveis.


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Aquest informe, encarregat per la unitat de programes RLG (Research Libraries Group) de l'OCLC com a part del seu programa Shared Print Collections, examina el context i l'estat actual dels dipòsits d'emmagatzematge bibliotecari. S'analitzen els dissenys de dipòsits d'emmagatzematge i l'abast del seu ús; el context que dóna suport al desenvolupament i és de dipòsits d'emmagatzematge externs; les tendències clau pel que fa a arxius de revistes compartits, a serveis d'exemplar últim i d'exemplar únic, a l'"emmagatzematge virtual", a la digitalització massiva, i a la tecnologia d'escaneig local i d'impressió sota demanda; i té en consideració el futur de les col·leccions impreses de les biblioteques, així­ com el desenvolupament potencial d'una xarxa distribuïda de dipòsits de documents impresos.


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In the literature the outcome of contests is either interpreted as win probabilities or as shares of the prize. With this in mind, we examine two approaches to contest success functions. In the first we analyze the implications of contestants' incomplete information concerning the "type" of the contest administrator. While in the case of two contestants this approach can rationalize prominent contest success functions, we show that it runs into difficulties when there are more agents. Our second approach interprets contest success functions as sharing rules and establishes a connection to bargaining and claims problems which is independent of the number of contestants. Both approaches provide foundations for popular contest success functions and guidelines for the definition of new ones. Keywords: Endogenous Contests, Contest Success Function. JEL Classification: C72 (Noncooperative Games), D72 (Economic Models of Political Processes: Rent-Seeking, Elections), D74 (Conflict; Conflict Resolution; Alliances).


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iii. El proyecto se ha basado en el diseño, implementación y pruebas de funcionamiento para un visor de información geográfica en un entorno web relacionado con las actividades del Consorci Parc de Collserola, en concreto con la difusión de los servicios del Parque y los itinerarios de bicicleta en su ámbito territorial. El aplicativo se ha basado un el servidor de mapas de la Universidad de Minessota MapServer sobre un servidor de paginas web Apache. La aplicación corre de manera completa en el lado del servidor, sin necesidad de instalar ningún programa en el lado del usuario cliente. Para el entorno del visor se ha utilizado un desarrolllo de p.mapper. Todos los programas utilizados son de código abierto bajo licencia GNU General Public License de acuerdo con la Free Software Foundation.


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iii. El projecte final a consistit en la creació prototipus de SIG (Sistema d’informació Geogràfica) per l’empresa T-Systems. El sistema desenvolupat es troba format per un conjunt de serveis web 3D utilitzant ArcGIS Server 9.2, amb la informació de les parcel•les vitivinícoles del Priorat (Catalunya), i un client personalitzat a les necessitats de l’usuari final, utilitzant ArcGIS Explorer 410. Per programar les eines personalitzades s’ha utilitzat Visual Studio 2005 (Visual Basic .NET).


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Els refugis de muntanya es troben situats en zones d’interès natural, sovint protegides, com és el cas dels deu refugis del Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu. En els darrers anys s’ha observat una diversificació en l’ús dels refugis de muntanya, originalment construïts per donar aixopluc als excursionistes, degut a l’augment del turisme i la popularització dels esports de neu i d’aventura. Els refugis estudiats es poden agrupar en tres tipologies diferents: refugis guardats, refugis alberg i refugis associats a pistes d’esquí, cadascuna de les quals presenta una realitat i unes problemàtiques diferents. Mitjançant una metodologia pròpia, es pretén fer una anàlisi i una diagnosi ambiental de cada cas d’estudi i de les diferents tipologies a partir dels vectors que poden generar un major impacte en l’entorn immediat dels refugis: aspectes socioeconòmics, arquitectura, paisatge i impacte visual, energia elèctrica i tèrmica, aigua potable i residual i residus sòlids. La diagnosi permet identificar els aspectes de cada refugi i tipologia que requereixen propostes de millora. Finalment es fa una proposta d’ecoetiqueta de serveis per a refugis guardats basada en el Distintiu de Garantia de Qualitat Ambiental de la Generalitat de Catalunya, ja aplicat amb èxit a altres establiments de serveis.


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This paper empirically analyses the hypothesis of the existence of a dual market for contracts in local services. Large firms that operate on a national basis control the contracts for delivery in the most populated and/or urban municipalities, whereas small firms that operate at a local level have the contracts in the least populated and/or rural municipalities. The dual market implies the high concentration and dominance of major firms in large municipalities, and local monopolies in the smaller ones. This market structure is harmful to competition for the market as the effective number of competitors is low across all municipalities. Thus, it damages the likelihood of obtaining cost savings from privatization.


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This paper analyses the performance of companies’ R&D and innovation and the effects of intra- and inter-industry R&D spillover on firms’ productivity in Catalonia. The paper deals simultaneously with the performance of manufacturing and service firms, with the aim of highlighting the growing role of knowledge-intensive services in promoting innovation and productivity gains. We find that intra-industry R&D spillovers have an important effect on the productivity level of manufacturing firms, and the inter-industrial R&D spillovers related to computer and software services also play an important role, especially in high-tech manufacturing industries. The main conclusion is that the traditional classification of manufactured goods and services no longer makes sense in the ‘knowledge economy’ and in Catalonia the regional policy makers will have to design policies that favour inter-industrial R&D flows, especially from high-tech services.


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Recent concessions in France and in the US have resulted in a dramatic difference in the valuation placed on the toll roads; the price paid by the investors in France was twelve times current cash flow whereas investors paid sixty times current cash flow for the U.S. toll roads. In this paper we explore two questions: What accounts for the difference in these multiples, and what are the implications with respect to the public interest. Our analysis illustrates how structural and procedural decisions made by the public owner affect the concession price. Further, the terms of the concession have direct consequences that are enjoyed or borne by the various stakeholders of the toll road.


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Many regional governments in developed countries design programs to improve the competitiveness of local firms. In this paper, we evaluate the effectiveness of public programs whose aim is to enhance the performance of firms located in Catalonia (Spain). We compare the performance of publicly subsidised companies (treated) with that of similar, but unsubsidised companies (non-treated). We use the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) methodology to construct a control group which, with respect to its observable characteristics, is as similar as possible to the treated group, and that allows us to identify firms which retain the same propensity to receive public subsidies. Once a valid comparison group has been established, we compare the respective performance of each firm. As a result, we find that recipient firms, on average, change their business practices, improve their performance, and increase their value added as a direct result of public subsidy programs.


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Capital taxation is currently under debate, basically due to problems of administrative control and proper assessment of the levied assets. We analyze both problems focusing on a capital tax, the annual wealth tax (WT), which is only applied in five OECD countries, being Spain one of them. We concentrate our analysis on top 1% adult population, which permits us to describe the evolution of wealth concentration in Spain along 1983-2001. On average top 1% holds about 18% of total wealth, which rises to 19% when tax incompliance and under-assessment is corrected for housing, the main asset. The evolution suggests wealth concentration has risen. Regarding WT, we analyze whether it helps to reduce wealth inequality or, on the contrary, it reinforces vertical inequity (due to especial concessions) and horizontal inequity (due to the de iure and to de facto different treatment of assets). We analyze in detail housing and equity shares. By means of a time series analysis, we relate the reported values with reasonable price indicators and proxies of the propensity to save. We infer net tax compliance is extremely low, which includes both what we commonly understand by (gross) tax compliance and the degree of under-assessment due to fiscal legislation (for housing). That is especially true for housing, whose level of net tax compliance is well below 50%. Hence, we corroborate the difficulties in taxing capital, and so cast doubts on the current role of the WT in Spain in reducing wealth inequality.


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Road safety has become an increasing concern in developed countries due to the significant amount of mortal victims and the economic losses derived. Only in 2005 these losses rose to 200.000 million euros, a significant amount - approximately the 2% of its GDP- that easily justifies any public intervention. One tool used by governments to face this challenge is the enactment of stricter policies and regulations. Since drunk driving is one of the most important concerns of public authorities on this field, several European countries decided to lower their illegal Blood Alcohol Content levels to 0.5 mg/ml during the last decade. This study evaluates for the first time the effectiveness of this transition using European panel-based data (CARE) for the period 1991-2003 using the Differences-in-Differences method in a fixed effects estimation that allows for any pattern of correlation (Cluster-Robust). My results show the existence of positive impacts on certain groups of road users and for the whole population when the policy is accompanied by some enforcement interventions. Moreover, a time lag of more than two years is found in that effectiveness. Finally, I also assert the importance of controlling for serial correlation in the evaluation of this kind of policies.


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During the last two decades there has been an increase in using dynamic tariffs for billing household electricity consumption. This has questioned the suitability of traditional pricing schemes, such as two-part tariffs, since they contribute to create marked peak and offpeak demands. The aim of this paper is to assess if two-part tariffs are an efficient pricing scheme using Spanish household electricity microdata. An ordered probit model with instrumental variables on the determinants of power level choice and non-paramentric spline regressions on the electricity price distribution will allow us to distinguish between the tariff structure choice and the simultaneous demand decisions. We conclude that electricity consumption and dwellings’ and individuals’ characteristics are key determinants of the fixed charge paid by Spanish households Finally, the results point to the inefficiency of the two-part tariff as those consumers who consume more electricity pay a lower price than the others.


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Privatization of local public services has been implemented worldwide in the last decades. Why local governments privatize has been the subject of much discussion, and many empirical works have been devoted to analyzing the factors that explain local privatization. Such works have found a great diversity of motivations, and the variation among reported empirical results is large. To investigate this diversity we undertake a meta-regression analysis of the factors explaining the decision to privatize local services. Overall, our results indicate that significant relationships are very dependent upon the characteristics of the studies. Indeed, fiscal stress and political considerations have been found to contribute to local privatization specially in the studies of US cases published in the eighties that consider a broad range of services. Studies that focus on one service capture more accurately the influence of scale economies on privatization. Finally, governments of small towns are more affected by fiscal stress, political considerations and economic efficiency, while ideology seems to play a major role for large cities.


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Measuring productive efficiency provides information on the likely effects of regulatory reform. We present a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) of a sample of 38 vehicle inspection units under a concession regime, between the years 2000 and 2004. The differences in efficiency scores show the potential technical efficiency benefit of introducing some form of incentive regulation or of progressing towards liberalization. We also compute scale efficiency scores, showing that only units in territories with very low population density operate at a sub-optimal scale. Among those that operate at an optimal scale, there are significant differences in size; the largest ones operate in territories with the highest population density. This suggests that the introduction of new units in the most densely populated territories (a likely effect of some form of liberalization) would not be detrimental in terms of scale efficiency. We also find that inspection units belonging to a large, diversified firm show higher technical efficiency, reflecting economies of scale or scope at the firm level. Finally, we show that between 2002 and 2004, a period of high regulatory uncertainty in the sample’s region, technical change was almost zero. Regulatory reform should take due account of scale and diversification effects, while at the same time avoiding regulatory uncertainty.